V. Oregon Daily Emerald VOLUME XXII. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1921. NO. 83. FROaH urf FOR TWO GAMES AT PORTUND WITH PREP WRITS Hard Contests To Be Played This Week-end; Easy Sail ing Is Not Expected. MEET FRANKLIN AND CLUB INTERMEDIATES Play High School Five To night; Have Already Beaten Same Quintet. Eight freshmen will leave with Coach “Shy” Huntington today to play the Franklin high school five of Portland there tonight. The freshmen will also play the Multnomah Club intermediates at the club on Saturday. The men who are going to make the trip are the same that went to Corvallis last week: Rockhey, Alstock, Wilsey, McMillan, Blackman, Chapman, Douglas and Goar. The starting line-up for to night’s game will be Rockhey and Al stock, forwards, McMillan, center, and Douglas and Chapman guards. Played Befote. The first game of the series with Franklin was played here during the first part of the season. The freshmen were able to take that game b,V a score of 28 to 9. At that time the Franklin team was not up to full strength how ever, as three of their first team men were unable to get into the game. These men arc in shape now and will be able to play tonight. Little is known of the strength of the club team,.but Hunting ton is not expecting an easy game there. The O. A. C. rooks handed the inter mediates a hard beating at the first of the season, but according to the “dope” received recently the team has im proved considerably since that time. “Shy” is not expecting to have easy sailing in either of the two Portland games. The •freshmen are looking a lot better than they did at the first of the season but the two Portland teams are also good. The frosli have not been go ing as well this week as they went last week end in the O. A. C. rook games, but Huntington says that they will be in good shape for the games. He attributes the let down of this week to the reaction after the two hard games at Corvallis last week end. Guards Strong. The guard combination has been one of the strong features of the frosh play ing all year and Huntington is depending on it to hold the opposing teams to low scores. Captain Hadden Rockhey and Francis Alstock, the forwards, are both good at dropping the ball through the hoop. In the second O. A. C. game Rock hey was going fine, and shot 10 out of 13 free throws. McMillan will start at center. He is a good man, and is going better than at the first of the year. The freshman team has had a fairly successful season so far. The first game of the season was with Eugene high school and the frosh won by a 30 to 12 srbre. The wreek end after, Roseburg played here and again the frosh won both games, the first by 24 to 8 and the second by 27 to 17. Franklin played the first game of the series here and lost. Lose to Rooks. The four game series with the O. A. C. rook^ was not so successful for the frosh. The first two games were played here and the rooks took both of them, winning by the same score each time. 2 to 9; Last week the frosh’went to Cor vallis and in the first game were beaten 31 to 21. In the second game they spilled the dope and won by 30 to 26. The win wrns due to the hard playing of the whole team. The games played on this trip will be about the last for the frosh this season. Washington high school of Portland, will play here next week end, and possibly the freshmen will make another trip to Portland later playing a return game with Washington, and possibly a game with St. Helens. GONZAGA HAS NEWSPAPER. Gonzaga University, of Spokane, Washington, now has a student news paper. the name of this publication be ing the Gonzaga Bulletin. The sheet, which has six pages, is to be published on ♦ he first and fifteenth of each month during the school year. WASHINGTON SOPHS WIN. The sophomore basketball team at the t Diversity of Washington won the in terclass championship last week. The second year men also won in the .inter* class wrestling meet. STUDENT BODY DANCE TONIGHT IS “SIX-BITS” Event Given by Letter Men Is Changed from “Jitney” Affair to One Admission Hop. "Six-bits a couple” is to be the price of admission to the all-University dance to be sponsored by the “Order of the ‘O’ ” at the Armory following the Califor nia game tonight. The original plan of a jitney dance with an extra admission price for everyone was voted down at a meeting of the organization of varsity letter-men in favor of the one admission prife for the whole evening. "The dance will be run in much the same manner as an ordinary student body dance,” said John Houston, secre tary of the order,” except that the letter men will provide some unusual features during the evening.” The decision reached by the “Order of the ‘O’ ” to have a one-admission dance was reached after the organization had sensed some (..opposition among the students to “jit ney” dance because of the expense in volved. “Plenty of dances, plenty of music, and plenty of fun,” is the way the lettermen sum up the dance. They still intend to abide by their decision not to allow “pig ging” during the basketball game, al though they arc anxious to have every one “dated up” after the game for the dance. HEilKSfFEIITS' M PHI. 33 TO 3 Tri Delta Wins From Kappa Alpha Theta, 14 to 4. L. 0 1 2 2 o 3 Tct. 1000 833 GOO 500 500 250 000 000 Team W. Gamma Phi.4 Hendricks.5 Zeta Rho .3 Oregon Club .2 Tri Delta .2 Thacher Cottage.1 Alpha Phi .0 Theta .0 The highest score of the doughnut se ries of ■women’s basketball ♦as made by Hendricks hall when she defeated Alpha Phi '33 to 3, Wednesday night. Delta Delta Delta ties with Oregon Club for fourth place, with two games lost and two won after defeating Kappa Alpha Theta 14 to 4. Gamma Phi still leads. withv^Tendrieks second, and rivalry is keen as the doughnut games approach the finals. Miss ‘Emma Waterman, basketball coach, is very well pleased with the in terest shown in basketball this year, and attributes much of it to the doughnut games. About 160 girls have signed up for basketball practice, and only four of these are taking it for credit. The wo men’s doughnut basketball cup has been given by Seth Caraway, the jeweler, and the series will be played annually in the future. The interclass contests will be more interesting this year, since they will not bj| preliminaries as they have been in the past. Many good players will be chosen from the doughnut teams, as well as from others in the basketba” classes. The tryouts for class teams will be held next Thursday afternoon. The line-ups for the games Wednes day afternoon were: Alpha Phi. Hendricks V C. Thompson.F.L. Quinlan M. Elrod.F.V. Quinlna M. Gillis.0.M. Meyers H. Carson.C.A. Christie W. Hopson.G.R. Wolff A. Mork.G...E. Perry Substitutions: H. Veazie for A. Christie, center. Hendricks hall. Kappa Alpha Theta. Delta Delta Delta J. Lewis. • •.F.TI. Gianz ■C. Cannon-•.F.B. Pride E. Torrey.O.E. Harris M. Phelps.C.A. Young jD. McGuire.G.T. Haynes C. Bain.G.51. Dunham Substitutions: M. Goodin for M. Dun ham, guard, Tri Delta. C. E. LUTTON TO VISIT. Charles E. Lutton. who is prominent in musical circles and a friend of Dr. John I.andsbury. will visit the campus | this week-end. Mr. Lutton is grand of ficer of rhi Mu Alpha, men’s honorary [musical fraternity and director of one of .the leading choirs of Chicago. He is al so connected with the concert depart ment of the Clark’s Teachers Agency. dean dyment ill. Colin V. Dyment. dean of the college of literature, science and the arts, is con fined to his home with an attack of the grip. Dean Dyment. who has not been able to meet any of his classes this week, expects to be back in his office by Mon day. Bonds Between Workers Are • Stronger Than College ; Friendships. ADDRESS IS BASED ON LINCOLN’S VIEWS Head of Four L’s Assembly Speaker, Declares That Labor Is Basic. “There is a stronger, warmer, more beautiful bond than college friendship; it is the bond that connects workers.” said Norman Coleman, president of the Loyal Legion of Lumbermen and Log gers, before the student assembly yes terday, in his address. “Lincoln and Labor.” The supremacy of labor, the solidarity of labor, and the mutual bene fit of capital and labor were the three points stressed by the speaker who based his talk on the views and utter ances of Lincoln concerning labor and capital. ( Lincoln's peculiar power did not de pend on the particular circumstances from which he came, or on the particular crisis into which he was thrust, but on the clearness with which he saw things. Out of his direct contact with real life said the speaker, Lincoln learned three things, got three ideas of labor, which he held through his career. The first of these ideas was that labor is prior to capital; capital is only the fruit of labor. Labor Is superior to capital, and is deserving of more con sideration. Labor Begins All. It requires some imagination to sec this, said Mr. Coleman. When we see expensive engines, railroads, and all sorts of machinery being used in logging camps and elsewhere, we are inclined to think the work depends on a large in vestment of capital, but it does not. All these things depend primarily on labor. Capital is absolutely paralyzed without 'labor, declared the speaker. Labor is at the beginning of everything. The ex pensive machines bought by capital, the expensive plants operated by capital are really the products of labor. “Students,” said Mr. Coleman, “be cause you buy things with money, don’t be deceived into thinking that money is everything. Labor, somewhere, produces everything.” ■Much of the stupid blindness of the present day about the relation of capital and labor was saved Lincoln, continued the speaker, because he lived in a time when he actually saw .things made by hand. Thus, he learned in the beginning that labor is the# foundation of every thing. Today, money is spent with no thought of the toil behind it, and much of the critical financial situation comes from this blindness. Workers’ Bonn Strongest. The strongest bond of sympathy, out side the family, is the one between fel low workers, declared Mr. Coleman, tak ing up the second of Lincoln’s ideas of labor. It is a stronger bond than your college fraternities exert. Working peo ple depend on the loyalty of their com rades, so it is time we stopped talking about the right to organize and began to (Continued on Page 4.) EVANS TO GIVE SERIES OF 5 ORGAN RECITALS Concerts to Begin February 27 at Math* odist Church, Soloists Will Assist. A series of five organ recitals begin ning Sunday, February 27 in the Metho dist church will bc'given by John Stark ‘Evans, assistant dean of the University (school of music, in the Methodist church jbeginning Sunday, February 27, and con ■ tinning through Lent. The concerts will be of a religious nature, according to Mr. Evans, but will be composed entirely of music. 1 A special soloist will be featured at each recital. Some of the solists will be •Madame Rose McGrew, Rex Underwood, George Hopkins, and Glen Morrow. The organ music will be of a special nature I each time. One concert is to be made tup of music by Alexander Guilmaunt, who was the world’s greatest organ com 1 poser and performer, according to Mr. Evans. Another will be a Russian con cert. * \ The recitals are to begin at five in the evening and to last 45 minutes. SKILLED GARDENER ARRIVES ON CAMPUS Donald F. Shepard, Scotchman, Already Getting Lawns and Shrubs In Shape. Donald F. Shepard, a gardener of n lifetime experience, has been appointed to the new position of head gardener on the campus. This position was made necessary because of the iucrease in the number of buildings on the campus, and according to W. K. Newell, superintend ent of properties, it was felt that, a man who was skilled in the work was needed. Shepard is already busy getting the lawns and shrubs in shape and he is much pleased with the condition of the campus. Shrubs and vines are to be planted around the new hall for women, the junior high school, and the new music building. As much planting will be done this spring as the University can afford. Shepard is now having the moss removed from the grass. This moss has grown on the campus because the soil has run out and it will have to be treated with lime and fertilizer before it will be in good condition. Shepard was born and raised in Scot land and it was there that he received his training in landscape gardening. Later he came to the United States and did landscape work on large estates in Minnesota and Massachusetts. He came to the west a few months ego. Shepard intends to make Eugene liis permanent home. He and his wife have moved into a home near the campus. With Both Quintets Ready, Stage Is Set For Fight For Title Coach Wight of Calif. Five and Bohler of Ore. Both Expect Victory; Bears In Best of Shape for Championship Battles; Game Tonight at 8:00. — u • With Conch Wight of the California quintet and Coach Bohler of the var sity five expressing themselveR ns confident of their respective teams winning, and a Pacific coast conference title at stake, all basketball fandom is awaiting the referee’s whistle which will start tliobattle between the rival teams at the \ Armory tonight. Conch Wight, Manager R. B. Carr and nine members of the blue and gold basketball squad arrived in the city after the Aggie game Wednes day night and have been quartered at the Osburn Hotel. The California team is made up of Captain Symes, Douthit, Coop and Spence forwards; Larkey and O’Neil, centers; Le Plane, Eggleston and Thomp son, guards. Coach Wight gave his team a light workout at the Armory yester- 5 day morning and the team has been resting since that. No injuries were suffer ed by any of the members of the team in the Oregon Aggie games and the men appear to be in first clnss physical condition. Manager Carr stated that the team did not even exert themselves in the Aggie game and are prepared to give Oregon all they have in the two game series here. —-- ---— - — i Two Wins From California And One Loss For Stanford Would Clear Way to Title ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ Coast Conference Standings. ♦ ♦ Team W. ♦ California . .*. ....6 ♦ Stanford.6 ♦ Oregon.6 ♦ Washington.4 ♦ W. S. 0. 1 ♦ O. A. C.0 ♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Can Oregon win the coast champion ship? L. 1 1 2 4 5 10 P.C. ♦ .859 ♦ .859 ♦ .750 ♦ .500 ♦ .167 ♦ .000 ♦ The answer to the above question will be the result of the two games with Cal ifornia to be played tonight and tomor row night. By winning both games, Oregon will be ahead of California in the conference. The standing would be: Oregon.8 2 .800 California .6 2 .655 If Oregon should win both games Cal ifornia would be definitely out of the running for the championship unless Ore gon and Stanford lost more games. Ore gon has two coast conference games yet to play this season, with Washington State on February 28 and March 1. Since the Lemon-Yellow tossers defeated the Cougars at Pullman on their north ern trip decisively, it seems likely that, the possibility of Oregon dropping one of these games is poor. Stanford Playing Washington. On the other hand, Stanford meets Washington tonight and tomorrow night at Seattle, where only a short time ago the Sun Dodgers handed Oregon the onb two defeats they have yet received this year. In spite of the fact that Staifford defeated Washington in the south, Washington does not admit the super iority of the Cardinals, and expects to put up a lively fight and if possible to win. If Stanford should lose both games to Washington, the conference standings of those two teams would be: Stanford.6 .‘{ .655 Washington.6 4 .600 »If Stanford and AVashington should divide the two game series, the standings would be: Stanford.7 £ .777 AVashington.5 5 .500 Oregon would still l»e in tlie lead. At the end of the week-end therefore, pro viding Oregon defeats California in both games, and Stanford drops^tue game to the Sun Dodgers, Oregon would be at the top of the conference heap. Chancos Are Good. Once there, there is every possibility that she will remain on top. The two games from W. S. C. must be taken. Those won, Oregon has the coast cham pionship providing other things work out as outlined. Of the conference games which re main to be played after this week-end; only the game between California and Stanford are important. These two teams play in Palo Alto next week-end. Should Oregon win both games from Cal ifornia and Washington take one gume from the Cardinals, however, the re sult of the Cnlifornia-Stanford game will not affect Oregon’s leadership pro viding Oregon can take the W. S. C. games. Oregon’s standing after winning both games from W. S. C. would be: Oregon.10 2 S33 One Loss Would Stop Stanford. Should Stanford win the California game, she would still be short of tying Oregon, providing she loses one game to Washington. Her standing would read like this: Stanford .8 2 .800 Of course Stanford would not neces sarily have to lose to Washington to be shoved out of the leadership of the con ference. The California game would prove equally effective in losing the title for the Cardinals. As to California, should she win the game from Stanford, she would still be in no position to claim the title. Her score would be: California.7 ‘5 .700 By dropping one game out of the four remaining to be played, Oregon would probably sacrifice all chances at the coast title, unless Stnnford and California qIho dropped additional games. Oregon’s only chance is bo win both games this week-end, and the two remaining games i out of the four she lias yet to play. ART CABINETS ARRIVE Installed in Architecture Building .For Use In Classes. New cabinets for the art department arrived this week, and have heen install ed in the center room of the architecture building. This room has t been rebuilt into a storeroom for the materials used in de sign and life class. The adjoining room has been completed as far as possible with the available money and is now in the form of a classroom and an office. Professor A. II. Schroff held his lec ture iu Art Appreciation Thursday in what used to be the design room for Miss Rhodes’ class. DR. HALL TO TALK AT ‘Y’ Declared To Be Excellent Speaker By Dean Bovard. “Dr. Hall is .the finest speaker on his subject in the United States” is what Dean Bovard said of Dr. Winfield Scott Hall, who is to address the men of the University on “Sex Hygiene” at the “Y” hut. Friday at 5 p. m. Dr. Hall has been speaking at all the colleges in the northwest under the di rection of the student department of the Y. M. C. A. He will probably also speak to several classes in the Univer sity and to boys in the high schools. Wight Confident. Coach Wight is confident that his team will win in the two games here although he believes that, the games will be hard fought throughout. In his opinion if California plays up to their usual stride they will be atye to defeat the Oregon quintet by a big score. Manager Carr of the Bears, said last night that California was in the best of shape for the games and if they lose there will be no alibis. The line-up for the invalers as given out last night will consist of Synges and Douthit at forwards, Larkey at center, and Eggleston and Le Hone at guards. It is possible that Coop may start in Douthit’s forward, although they will both be in the game at some period. Cap- ' tain Symes will attempt to convert the free throws, his Wednesday night rec ord of converting eight out of as many attempts proving him to be of almost equal ability to Durno in this capacity. Three Are Veterans. Symes, Eggleston and Larkey are the only veterans on the Bear squad, Symes having won his letter for the past two years and is playing his last season with the southerners this year. Eggleston and Larkey each won their first letter last year, and Douthit and Le Hane were members of the freshman quintet. Coach Bohlcr of the Lemon-Yellow quintet stated last night that he be lieved that Oregon would beat Califor nia tonight. In his opinion the Oregon Aiggies did not play up to their stand ard in the two games against the Bears, allowing the California forwards to slip in for open shots many times during the evening. According to his version of the games at Corvallis, which he wit nessed both nights, the Aggie guards were completely outwitted by their op ponents, which will account for the score. Bohler Optomistic. “If we get half as many shots iu the game tonight as we did in the Oregon Aggie games, and I believe we will, wc should have little trouble in winning the game,” is the way Coach Bohler ex pressed his forecast of the battle. It is evident that Oregon really hit their stride iu the last two games with the Aggies here and they are expected to play sterling ball against the visitors California beat Stanford with their short passes and smooth teamwork, tak ing few chances at the basket from long shots, according to Manager Carr, and they will depend upon their short passes passes and smoother team work to take the game from Oregon tonight. “We have no individual stars,” Cari | said last night, “but we expect to excell I in team work.” Captain Eddie Durno and Marc Lath-s am will be in the forward positions at the start tonight. “Hunk” Latham wil be at center and “Nish" Chapman am Francis Beller of the two guard posi tions. Ralph Coleman of O. A. C. wil referee the game, which will star prompt at 8 o’clock. The seating ar rangements will be the same as that ii the O. A. C. games, the girls taking th« balcony and the men the bleacher seat; downstairs. A section has been reserve! for townspeople and the R. O. T. C. bam and the Order of the “O” will rate i reserved sectiotf.