Problems Assigned Each Class, Judged by Architects. Awards were made recently for plans submitted by students of the school of architecture. Each class was assigned a problem to work out and these were judged by W. G. Holford, a prominent architect of Portland and by William Purcell, president of the local chapter of the American Institute of Architects, of Portland. The juniors were given the task of plotting an endowed college, for 500 students, which was ostensibly to be lo cated in some portion of the Willamette valley. The block plan was to be used, the special building this time to be the dormitory. Plans for the college gate and the college chapel were drawn the first quarter. Every member of the class was given mention for the dormi tory design. An analytique problem “a window with balcony,” was Submitted by the Beaux arts Institute of design in New York, and the sophomores problem was based on this. Charlie Wilson, Guy Koepp and James Bradway were awarded first mention. George Wolff, Karl Vonder Ahe, Merrill Richmond and Luther Jen sen received second mentions. Mariiyi Nicolai, Kenneth Legge and Fred Ab bot received mentions. Two members of the class did not turn in their prob lems. Two wash plates, one in India ink and one in watercolors, were assigned to the freshman class. Ralph Gibbs received first mention for the India Ink wash, Ruth Holmes, Kenneth Wadleigh and Charlie Wilson receiving second men tion. Ruth Holmes secured first . men tion for the watorcolor wash, while second mention went to Donald Brad ford, Ralph Gibbs and Charlie Wilson. The domestic problem given involved the planning of two houses for English brothers, these to be built on one lot, With a formal garden between for their mutual use. The houses were to be built with brick, half-timber and stucco end were not to cost over $25,000 apiece. First mention went to Guy Koepp, second first to Sydney Hayslip, third first to George York and Walter Barton and fourth first to Marian Nico lai and P. L. Jensen. First second was won by Roscoe Hemeuway, second sec ond by Cleo Jenkins and third second to Lyle Bartholomew; Kenneth Legge. Fred Abbott, Margaret Goodin and Lu ther Jensen were given mentions. OREGON SWIMMERS' PLACE IN 3 EVENTS (Continued from Page 1.) however unable to claim die forfeit on this mil tell as there is an intercollegiate ruling which specifies that matches at the 115 pound weight must he especially ar ranged for. Wegner Loses, j Walter Wegner (Oregon). 125 pound class, lost to Patchin of the Aggies in I"'0 decisions. Wegner put up a game battle and was working on his man alt the way. Coach Simola especially com mended Wegner on his showing since he went against one of the best men at that weight in conference circles. Sheppard in the 135 pound class hud little difficulty in winuing his first fall in four minutes and 50 seconds, the sec ond fall being won by the decision route. Second Fall Won. Kish proved to be Woodruff's master iu the first full, the Oregon man losing the decision. In The second full how ever, he made an excellent comeback and worked on his man to advantage, but went to the mat after slipping iuto a head scissors. In the 158 pound class Armstrong of tlie Aggies won the first decision from Norton Winnurd, the second fall was a no decision affair, and the lust and de luding full was won by the O. A. C. grappler. Winnurd made un excellent showing indeed against Armstrong who is oue of the best in the western col lege game. Headway, Ore., 175. was given a draw for the first fall in six minutes and ten seconds in his event with Poyner and lost the two falls by decision against the O. A. man. The match was refereed by Krielinger of the Multnomah Athletic club. It is possible that Oregon may ar range a meet with some northern team for the near future, provided the Ath- . letic Council passes favorably. DR. DE BUSK HAS TONSILITIS. Hr. B. W. Deltusk of the school of education is suffering from an attack of tonsilitis, and was unable to meet his classes on Monday. LOST. — Schaffer fountain pen on black ribbon. Phone 1317 for reward. Patronize Emerald Advertisers BOOTH NEAR LIBRARY FOR EASTERN RELIEF $1173 Already Pledged in Drive to Raise Money for Students of Foreign Colleges. Pledges for the feoover Student Re. lief fund are being collected and an ef fort is being made to get them all in as soon as possible. Pledges toward this fund amounting to $1173 have been signed by students. The money will be used to aid the stu dents in the colleges of central Europe. This sum does not include the pledges made by the faculty. Word has been received by the com mittee from the headquarters in New York Pity that the money collected should be forwarded at once. On this account every effort is being put forth to collect the money pledged today. Ar rangements have been made whereby the students may turn in their money through the campus mail, by addressing it to the Student Relief Committee. “The committee desires to express its appreciation of the willing co-operation of those who have subscribed.” said Norton Winnard, chairman of.the drive. “However, notwithstanding the excellent showing that has been made, we expect that further contributions will come in.” Nb quota was definitely set for Ore gon in this drive, hut according to Win nard. -the other educational institutions throughout the country are pledging themselves at an average of $3 per stu dent. HOLIDAYS START MARCH 2B. Easter holidays will begin Saturday, March 2(1 and end Sunday, April 3, ac cording to the annual catalogue. There will be no deviation from this announce ment. it is said at the registrar’s office, who of late have been answering nu merous inquiries from students who believe that the recent announcement of several changes in the vacation period would apply to the present term. The new schedule of vacation days will not take effect until next year, it is an nounced. STUDENT BODY COSMOPOLITAN. Forty-five foreign countries besides every stute in the union are represent ed on the roster of students at the Uni versity of Pennsylvania. STATE’S TRADE STUDIED Professor Whitaker’s Class Making Close Study of State. Professor John R. Whitaker's class in merchandising is required to have a very detailed knowledge of Oregon’s facilities in the writing of a 3000 word report dealing with a wide range of things con cerning the state’s merchandising possi bilities. Required work in the report embraces the following points: Population of the state and cities of importance therein; agricultural wealth; volume of nianu faeturing districts; distribution of whole sale and jobbing districts; self-support ing goods and products of the state;, nat ural advantages and natural limitations of the state; density of population and intelligence of people; general selling psychology of the state; wealth of cities; wealth per capita of people, and nation alities most numerous. A map locating statistically the various interests of the state is also a requirement as is also a diagram showing the relations of the various interests in regard to their dis tribution. CAMPUS HIGH SECOND IN TRIANGULAR DEBATE Eugene and Campus High to Decide Championship In Forensics. The University high school won sec ond place in the triangular debate with the Eugene high school and the Spring field high school, last Friday. The cam pus high made four points to Eugene’s five. Another debate will be held Inter between Eugene and University high schools to decide the championship. Campus high debate team was coached by Miss Ethel Wakefield. ’20, one of last year’s varsity debaters, who is at present teaching in the University high school. “The youngsters did very well” declared Dean H. D. Sheldon on the edu cation department, in speaking of the debate. The fact must be taken into consideration^ Dean Sheldon said, that there are only 35 or 40 students in the upper division of the University high school, whereas there are-400 or more in the Eugene high school from whom to draw the debating team. Patronize Emerald Advertisers. IF YOU WANT A GOOD JOB DONE ON YOUR SUIT, SEND IT TO THE Osburn Cleaners Expert Cleaning and Pressing Obak Cigar Store « The Home of the Students Who Use the Pool and Billiard Tables 8th and Willamette W. E. (Obak) Wallace Domestic Hand Laundry The Home of Personal Service ,143 W. 7th Phone 252 STEVENSONS The Kodak Shop Headquarters For Campus Pictures Kodak Finishing', Kodaks and Albums See our big STUNT BOOKS 10th and Willamette Sts. Phone 535. Eugene Steam Laundry Service Our Aim ^ » Phone 123 WANTED. — Man to share large pleasant room. Rate reasonable. Phone 45t5-J. 2-14-3 'ENUS. PENCILS TT'OR the student or prof, -T the 6uperb VENUS out rivals all for perfect pencil work. 17 black degrees and 3 copying. American Lead Pencil Co. 22oFifthAve.^ NcwYorr „ The largest selling I quality pencil | in ike world 21 o Fifth Ave. Dep’t D44 New York City CAMUPS A • C PaQ/1 Photographer 849 E. 13th. jTX* %/• lYC&UI Telephone 1393 Snappy Campus Pictures ART GOODS ) PICTURES ° POTTERY PICTURE FRAMING Fred Ludford 922 Willamette St. Eugene An Always Welcome Treat Is one of our specialties it is common talk that nothing can compare with our salads .and sandwiches for that taste that calls for more. Our hot chocolates are made from rich pure milk. Peo ple who know claim they have never tasted their equal. Peter-Pan WALT. HUMMELL, Prop. Are You Tired of Hash? It isn’t necessary to live on cheap food in order to live cheaply. You can maintain just as good health, if not better, on good food, commonly, but incorrect ly, called “high priced” food, for the same amount of money. It won’t require so much of it to keep the body in repair and, moreover, it will be less of a bur den to the body to carry around and digest the surplus food. These are the Qualities of Good Meat Good meat is cheap in the end, because it will last and do more for the body at the same price than any other food. ~ f Broder Brothers Meat Market SO West Eighth Phone 40 Only 17 Lots Left For Subscription in Eugene. A total of 350 lots was allotted for subscription to resi dents of Eugene — of the total, 333 have been sold. ffoO Invested today may be worth $5000 in six months Oregon-Montana Oil Co. Home Office—EUGENE, OREGON \\ a tell this paper every day for further announce , ments.