Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 15, 1921, Page THREE, Image 3

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    CfllfflU PHI LtMIS
Kill LEM
Beats Zeta Rho; Hendricks
Wins From Tri Delt.
Gamma Phi -
H*»dricks .
2ita Rho .
Oregon Club ...
Thacher Cottage
Theta .
Alpha Phi.
frl Delta .
. .3
. .3
Gamma Phi Beta easily defeated Zeta
Rbo Epsilon last Friday afternoon 29
lo 18. and still leads the doughnut bas
ketball series. Hendricks hall won
from Delta Delta Delta 23 to 7, bring
ing her up to second place. Both
games were somewhat one-sided, tiie
waning team in each ease having no dif
ficulty in running up points.
Margaret Murphy and Helen Nelson
displayed their usual efficiency in co
operation and team work, as forwards
'op Gamma Phi. The work of the Quin
an twins. Hendricks hall forwards, in
mccesafnlly eluding their guards, is a
aever-eeasing wonder to the onlookers,
ffenona Dyer, center for Gamma Phi,
played her usual good game at center in
:pite of her injured ankle. Miss Emma
Waterman was referee and Charlotte
Sowells, umpire.
The doughnut series is attracting j
traeb attention among the women and
■very afternoon the walls of the outdoor
gym are lined with rooters. Competi
ion is keen among the teams and all
ire working hard to be able to claim the
4raway cup as their trophy for the
■oming year. Much material for the
class and varsity teams will be chosen
Tom the members of the doughnut teams,
ltbough all others are eligible to prac
ice and have good chances at making
these teams.
The line-ups were as follows:
Gamma Phi Beta. Zeta Rho Epsilon.
H. Nelson.F.M. Largent
il. Murphy.F.L. Biddle
I. Hall.C.L. Largent
(V. Dyer.C.. . .S. Hildebrand
E. Herrin.G.F. Furuset
i. Garretson.G.R. Baugh
Substitutions: P. Tompkins for R.
laugh, guard; Zeta Rho.
lanitrlcks Hall. Delta Delta Delta.
* Quinlan..F.H. Glanz
l'. Quinlan.F..B. Pride
I. Christie.C.E. Harris
l.King.C.A. Yotvng
E. Perry.G.M. Dunham
lUjjHffe.G. . .T .L. Leonard
Questions Relating to Food Buying,
Menu Planning, Treatment of Ail
ments Disoussed.
The fifth of a series of conferences for
louse mothers and house managers, giv
w under the direction of. the department
of household arts was held recently
in Mary Spiller Hall. Mrs. Edna
latson, who is in charge of the dining
ooms of Friendly and Hendricks hall,
spoke on “Economical Food Buying.” A
teneral discussion followed.
Question relative to house manage
wnt and the planning of menus have
>een discussed at these meetings which
lre every Tuesday and 'Thursday
ifternoon at 4 o’clock, and have been >
*dl attended.
Discussions have included such sub
jects as "food requirements of a col
*fe girl, ’ and “well balanced menues.”
Pf- Bertha Stuart gave a talk on “Spe
Arctic Weather of Spring Fails to Keep
Canoes From Gliding Down
Glacial Stream.
Spring maneuvers of the pigger’s
na*v are already underway. Detached
units of the squadron daily cruise - the
deep of the millrace. and even the arc
tic weather of last Sunday failed to
keep the entire canoe fleet in harbor
Sunday, when the polar decoration
clung to the trees on the campus and
the old pioneer’s bronze bonnet looked
like it had been renovated into a white
Easter sombrero .several of the Friend
ly hall men shoved off from shore in
company with friends. Gliding Mown
the race in their craft, they presented a
proper setting for a picture of arctic
explorers enjoying the scenery of a
glacial stream.
The complete pigger’s flotilla has not
yet appeared in battle formation. Not
more than 15 or 20 canoes have yet been
taken out of cold storage. Few new
boats have skidded down the ways to their
initial plunge in the race. “Xonantum”
and “Indian Girl,” units of last year’s
flotilla, have again made their appear
ance. Several Peter “Bourroughs” —
speed boats which dart hither and thith
er • among the more cumbersome mill
race dreadnoughts, — have also been
broken out of their hibernation.
Skipper Ned Twining, in sole com
mand of a unit of the Delta Tan squad
ron, received the compliments of spec
tators for the neat manner in which he
ca4e through the herbage - decked
straits a few days ago. Sitting in the
stern of his boat with ballast—inanimate
—Twining glided past the boat house
puffing a pipe with an elongated stem as
the bow of his boat danced high above
the ripples.
The first casualty of the spring
maneuvers occurred recently when Jim
my Ross, aboard a Kappa Chi boat, fell
overboard as the craft was nearing land.
The navigator steered the canoe close to
the bank, and Ross fell in the race
wh$o trying to assist a girl aboard. His
crew accused him' of falling for the wo
men. The Jog of the Sigma Delta Phi
fleet falso states that four girls were
immersed sometime ago when their boat
acted submarineish.
A neutral zone prescribed by a faculty
ruling restricts the fleet’s navigation to
the confines of the millrace. Persons
out on the broad blue waters of the
Willamette are warned that they are
sailing in a danger zone. No unit of the
pigger’s fleet is allowed to have Univer
sity girls aboard aften one bell in the
evening watch—eight-thirty by a land
lumber’s chrouonjete^ - - .
cial diets” and Miss Robertson of the
health department spoke of home treat
ment of minor ailments and told how to
prevent their spreading.
Future discussions will be led by Miss
Lilian Tingle, professor of household
arts, Mrs. Edna Datson and perhaps
Dean Fox, and will include a talk on
menu planning and similar topics. Man
agers of men’s and women’s fraternity
houses are invited to attend.
GREYLOCK- A New Narrow
Cluett,Peabody Er Co., Inc.,Troy, N.Y.
! F 0 r mer Emerald Manager
No.w In Red Cross Work.
A repent letter from Burle 1). Brant*
Itnii. (x- 1,1. formerly business manager
of the Emerald, and now a member of
the personnel of the American Red Cross
in charge of the Fetrograd Children’s
Colony, to Earl Kilpatrick, director of
the extension division of the University,
brings the news that all but 00 of the
children have been returned to parents
or relatives.
An extract from Mr. Bramhall’s let
ter says: "Just today one of the pleas
ing incidents of the colony occurred.
There is. in the colony, a little 12 year
old red haired girl whom we all like.
She played Tom Sawyer in a scene from
the story, which was produced in Rus
sian. She was picked up by the colony in
reunion; no one here is familiar with
her life before that and she herself is
too young to remember many facts. I
wrote to the representative of the Red
( ross in I inland in November and as no
reply was received. Col. Allen sent a
second letter in December. Today Kla
vidia received a letter from her mother
at Tmatra, asking what was necessary to
secure her child. When she read the
letter big tear drops rolled down her
Mr. Bramhnil states that the children
whom it is known have no parents or
relatives wall be sent, -to some orphan
age maintained by The Soviet govern
ment. After that it is expected that the
greater part of the American personnel
will be ordered home. Col. Riley H. Al
len and Mr. Bramhall will be detained
in Finland however until everything is
entirely cleared up.
Bramhall, who was a student in the
University before the war, asks: “What
is the news on the campus? I never
hear a thing. The nearest to news we
have is the Paris edition of the Chicago
Tribune. In that way Finland is worse
than Vladivostok.”
He also says that he is very anxious
to get home and get started in business
of some kind.
Phone 141
City Messenger Service
39 E. 7th J. C. GRANT, Mgr.
AMs I* flood looks, wood teeth.
eater appetite and healthy digestion
• y'
Meet Your Friends
Why is it that there is one place that draws the
most student trade? Service, quality of food and the
rest of the patronage are some of the factors. In the
few months the Campa Shoppe has come to he the col
lege center.
Lunches 35c
Dinners 50c
The Campa Shoppe
Phone 229-R H. R. TAYLOR, Prop.
Three more girls have added their
names to the list of those who will sail
this spring, to spend two months seeing
the historical beauties of Europe. Miss
Charlotte Baufield, assistant in the de
partment of public speaking, has second
place on the list. Zeltna Sanvain and
Elsie Holt have sent in their reserva
tions from Monmouth Normal, where
they are attending school. The trip is
sponsored by Dean Elizabeth Fox.
Figures released from the depart
ment of physical education at the Uni
versity of California show a total of
2719 men enrolled in some form of sys
tematic form of physical training for the
term ending in December. 1920.
It’s Mostly a Question
of Hot Water
YOU can’t deny— when
there’s plenty of hot
water flowing from the fau
cet, it’s easy to get a fresh,
clean shave. But—Oh man!
When the water’s cold!
It will pay you to learn
about the modern Gras wav
of heating water as it flows.
Phone 28 Now.
Prices Reduced
— At —
With the opening of its Second Year
Beginning Monday, Feb. 14,1921.
New Schedule of Prices:
Sunday Supper.50c
A la Carte Orders Reduced Accordingly.
Charge for the Anchorage Hall for Danc
ing, club meetings, parties and the
_ like also reduced.
Everybody wants new spring clothes for
Easter so don’t put off ordering for our
prices for suits made to measure starts at
Service, Style, Price and Quality is what
our name stands for.
Scroggs Bros.
760 Will. St. (Up Stairs Tailors)
Pennants, Pillows
Oregon Jewelry—
Tennis Rackets
Tennis Balls
Racket restringing
A Refreshing Drink
An Inviting Lunch
Can be had at our Confectionery. We are the popular
place for after matinee parties of students and their
Lunches, Soft Drinks, Ices and delicious French Pas
tries are served here by the best of service.
•' We have what you want.