Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 02, 1921, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    MjlMTIC PH
Every Inducement Offered
to Learn Swimming
One of Finest Pools in Land
Ready for Practice
Spring is coming—that, is, if the
groundhog does not see his shadow to
day—and spring brings canoeing into
its own. Already couples, with their
pillows and paddles, have been seen
crossing the campus, unmistakably mak
ing for the mill race. A great deal de
pend^ upon the individual, hut at best a
canoe possesses but little equilibrium
and occasionally one has been known to
tip over.
It is on these occasions—and they do
happen—that the girl who can swim is in
the height of her glory. She can not
only rescue herself—but may succeed in
rescuing her partner also, and maga
zines are full of “they lived happily ever
afters” as a result of sonic one playing
the heroine.
The physical education department
wants to co-operate with the University
women and is offering ever y in
ducement—from the brand new pool to
the hair-driers that really work—for
women to learn to swim. They are firm
believers in preparedness and in the
fact that opportunity knocks just once
in awhile.
All Women to Swim.
Every Monday, Wednesday and Fri
day afternoons, any University woman,
whether she can swim like a fish or like
a bar of iron, is invited to spend a lit
tle time in the white-and-blue tile pool
between 3:00 i*nd 5:30. For those who
can swim, the invitation is all that
should be necessary. For others. Miss
Lucille McCorkle, a member of the
American Red Cross Life Saving Corps
is at the pool on those afternoons to in
struct you in the ways of the swimmer
and to pull you out whenever necessary.
The requirements for swimming are
very simple. First, Doctor Bertha Stu
art, in the physical education building,
must make a brief examination of hearts
and lungs. Then, the lab. fee, of $1.25
must be paid to cover the cost of suit
and towel laundry. Those who have al
ready paid their fee for other gym
nasium work need not pay it again. A
clean suit is provided for every girl.
Woolen suits are not allowed in the pool
fieeauso wool clogs the filter. Each girl
must bring her own rubber cap.
Pool One of Best.
Doily tests of the water in the pool
are made by Madeline Slotboom. Visit
ors may watch the swimmers at any
time by entering the balcony through
door 23 in the lower hall. Street shoes
are not to he worn on the tile floor.
The pool id" one of the finest, in the
country and swimming is the best all
around exercise, so the physical educa
tion department feel justified in urging
that nil women take advantage of the
opportunity offered them on Monday,
Wednesday and Friday afternoons.
(Continued from Paso 1.)
name. Newspapermen are not built
that way. It is inevitable that snob a
vocational bureau will be established
here as the University grows, but I am
not decided whether a centralized sys
tem would be better than assistants for
the deans. The* only argument for such
n bureau is the ever-accumulating work
of {be departments which would be re
lieved to some extent by a unified place
ment office.” Dean Allen believes that
the placing of graduates should be done
through the beads of the departments
rather than by a vocational secretary
not personally acquainted with the qual
ifications of the graduates.
Would Not Affect Law.
The school of law would not be effect
ed to any marked extent by the adoption
of a graduate placement service at Ore
gon. Upon being graduated, law stu
dents usually hang up their own shingles
or go in to partnership with some
known law house. The opinion of Dean
Itobbins of the school of commerce was
not obtained as lie is absent from the
A placement service bureau central
ized in a vocational secretary has been
in operation at the University of Wash
ington for over a year, and during that
time, according to communications and
data received from that university, has
proved u great success. The secretary
endeavors to ascertain the individual
qualifications of applicants by a ques
tionnaire which requests the applueant
to conscientiously grade himself on mor
al. physical and " professional qualifica
Patronize Emerald Advertisers.
Work of Various Departments Shown
To Visitors.
An exhibition of the work done in the
various departments of the school of
fine arts has been arranged by Professor
Alfred Nehroff and Arthur Runquist. The
walls of the studio are hung with work
of the water color, oil, still life and life
classes. In the design room are the
original designs of the students in the
classes of principals and processes of
decorative design, here one may see
plans for tea tiles, radiator grills, sten
cils. oriental rugs, and wall paper. The
class in the art of the book and poster
has on display samples of antique let
tering. Cartoons for the mural decora
tions which are to be used in the art
pageant this spring are on exhibition in
the stock room.
Tins work is representative of what
the students in the school of fine arts
are accomplishing, according to Arthur
Runquist, an instructor in the depart
Wears Green Ribbon Every Wednesday
With Rest of Class.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis,
Feb. 1. — Mary Lois Jewel of Corvallis
is only 10 years, but she bears the dis
tinction of being the youngest person at
O. A. C. this year.
Miss Jewel selected home economics
when she entered the college as a sub
ject in which sire desired to specialize.
She is now a freshman and appears
every AVednesday on the campus with
a broad green ribbon tied in a bow
around her head an insignia which is
required of every “rookess” by the cita
tion committee.
Miss Jewel is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. O. Jewel. 270 North Sixth street.
“Commercia” Is Name of California
Fniversity of California. Feb. 1.
“Commercia.” the college of commerce
publication, is to appear on the campus
for the first time tomorrow morning.
Among the contributors are A. H.
Thompson, dean of the college of com
merce in the University of Illinois. C. L.
Kofer, vice president of the AA’ells-Far
go National Rank of San Francisco, and
I AA'. It. Donnes, ’10 now attending Ox
ford University.
Suggestions Made for Improvement at
Stanford In Magazine.
Stanford University, Feb. 1.—Sugges
tions for eliminating (lie long lines of
students on registration day were marie
in an article published in a recent issue
of tin- Stanford Pictorial. The com
plexity of the registration system is dis
cussed and remedies, 'both serious and
i humorous, are suggested.
An organ costing .ft'..1,000 and second
in size on th(> I’ncifin const only to the
one in the San Frtnnciseo Exposition
Auditorium, is being ii stalled in the new
$000,000 administration building of the
University of Soutlienui California.
An invitation will be extended to the
Stanford football team to play the
I Diversity of Hawaii at: Honolulu next
Christmas, according to ’members of the
University of Vebraskn .squad that have
recently arrived in Sail Francisco from
Ilawnii. W
Three Prominent Graduates In Favor of
New System for Athletics
at Oregon.
Three of Oregon’s prominent alumni
have officially stated they do not believe
the present system of coaching at the
University is a success and favor obtain
ing a new coach. Homer D. Angell,
president of the alumni association, said
“I think the final decision should rest
with the athletic council and their deci
sion hacked to the limit. I am opposed
to the graduate coaching system for
young western universities.” Angell is
opposed to hiring high priced coaches.
Coaching salaries should be in keeping
with professors salaries, up to $6000, he
thinks. If another man can be secured
at approximately 1 ho some salary, he
should be obtained, stated Angell.
.Jack Latourette. one of the greatest,
quarterbacks Oregon has produced, says
he is.-opposed to the graduate system.
“Never in the history of Oregon, in the
two trials of the graduate system made,
has it. been a success. There is not
enough available material from which to
select a graduate coach, and the men
do not learn enough about football
while playing to be able to teach and
coach in later years.” If the time should
come when Oregon had a large number
of first class football players from
which to select coaches. Latourette said
he would favor the graduate system. “I
do not think Huntington is a first class
coach, and he is not the proper man for
the position.” Latourette did not favor
Hobie, but believes Price is an excellent
man for head coach.
Oliver Houston, ’10. graduate of Yale,
and at present well known lawyer in
Portland, said that although Huntington
deserved much credit, he is opposed to
the graduate system. The athletic coun
cil should do its best to unify Oregon,
and if necessary the salary of the new
conch should go as high as $7500, said
Houston. “Ff a good man can he ob
tained at approximately the same price
there is no gain in retaining Huntington”
said Houston.
Philosophy and Religion to be Subject
Wednesday at 7:15.
Dr. George Rebec, head of the Port
land center of the extension division, will
speak at the “Y” hut Wednesday even
ing at 7:15 on philosophy and religion.
Dr. Rebec is a specialist in philosophy,
holding a degree from the University of
Michigan. lie was at one time a mem
ber of the University of Michigan fac
ulty. He came west about ten years ago
and bus been a member of the University
of Oregon faculty since then. Three
years ago (lie work in the extension di
vision became so heavy that he moved
bis residence to Portland.
(Continued from Page 1.)
petition signed by 205 men students of
the University, appealing to the athletic
council to abolish the graduate coaching
system on the grounds that whether it
were true or not, a graduate coach was
often accused of partiality towards his
Cox claimed that the sentiment of the
signers of the petition was not that
Huntington was unqualified to coach
football at Oregon, but that the send
ment of the men was that be was still
too close to the Universiy to demand tlie
respect of the students. He pleaded tor
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i new coach on the grounds that united
Undent sentiment was necessary if Ore
gon was to compete witli other coast in
stitutions and that united sentiment was
impossible under present conditions.
Cox Is Questioned.
The members of the council then ques
tioned Cox as to the qualifications of
the signers, and was asked if he realized '
that practically the same conditions ex
isted in many other schools throughout
the country, whether the graduate coach
system was used or not. Cox said he
was unfamiliar with conditions at other
Carl Mautz then presented a petition
signed by thirty-five members of the
Freshman and varsity football squads of
this year, .which asked for the retention
r>f Huntington unless a coach of national
reputation could be secured. Mautz at
tacked the methods used by the council
in going after a new coach, saying that,
no attempts had been made to secure
a coach of national reputation outside
qf Dobie and Bezdek.
The members <iT the committe which
had been named by the athletic council
to secure a coach then read off a list of
names of coaches of national prominence
with whom they had been in correspond
ence. Besides f)obie and Bezdek. Wil
liams, Metcalf, Steihm, Miller, McClaren,
Smith, Owens, Yost, Roper, Bierman,
Sanford, Richards, Zuppke, Higgins,
Heisman and Roekhey were approached
by the committee, according to letters
which they offered to show to anyone in
terested. No offers had been made any
of these men, said the committee, but
they had written each in an effort to get
in touch with them and find out their
willingness to come to Oregon.
Frosh For Fair Deal.
Speaking for the freshmen football
men. Charlie Parsons declared that the
members of the first year eleven had
come to Oregon because of the reputa
tion of the school for sportsmanship and
fair play, and that the players on the
freshman eleven of this year who would
be varsity candidates next year wanted
to see Huntington given a fair deal by
the athletic council.
Huntington’s record and ability as a
coach was upheld by both Mautz and
Parsons, both of whom also attacked the
man recommended by the committee of
the council named to look for a new
coach. Parsons said that the members
of the freshman squad wanted a chance
to work under Huntington, whom, lie
said, had the confidence and respect of
the first year men.
“Spike” I.eslic. two year letter man on
the varsity eleven, who asked to appear
before the council said that he was
ready to back the choice of the athletic
council whoever he might be, but that he
had come to the conclusion that it might
be better for the University of Oregon
to change coaches.
The members of the athletic council
are: Professor PI. C. Howe, Dean John
Bovard and Bill Hayward, faculty rep
resentatives; Dean Walker, David Gra
ham and A. R. Tiffany, alumni repre
sentatives, and Billy Reinhart, Glen
Walkley, Si Starr and Carleton Savage,
student members. Graduate manager
Marion McClain and President Campbell
are ex-offi’cio members.
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Wednesday Night, Feb. 2nd
Girls’ Glee Club opening Concert.
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Admission 35c and 50c.
1921 Tennis Halls \
Just Received.
Expert racket restringing.
Leave your racket now.