Oregon Daily Emerald Member Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association. AJSOdate Editor .Lyle Brysoa News Editor.Charles E. Gratke A. SMITH, RAYMOND E. VESTER, Manager. Assistant News Editors IfaUfea Rupert, Elisabeth Wbitehouse John Dierdorff. Sports Editor.Floyd Maxwell Sports Writers Enfene Kelty Edwin Hoyt .Don D. Huntress] Night Editors Wilford C. Allen. Carlton K. Logan, Reuel S. Moore, Kenneth Youel. News Service Editor ... .Jacob Jacobson Assistants Alexander Brown, Eunice Zimmerman E. .T. H., Mary Lou Burton, Frances (Juisenberry Featftre Writers W» >«.ri-— Hews Staff—Fred Guyon, Margaret Scott, Raeford Bailey, Owen Callaway, te,an Straehan, Inez King, Lenore Cram, Doris Parker, Phil Brogan, Raymond D. Lawrence, Margaret Carter, Florence Skinner, Emily Houston, M a r y Traux, ftittUne Coad, Howard Bailey, Arthur Rudd, Ruth Austin, Clarence Anderson, Mabel Gilham, Jessie 'Thompson, Hugh Starkweather, Jennie Perkins, Claire fieale, D$n Lyons, John Anderson, Flore nee Walsh, Maybelle Leavitt, Kay Bald. Levitt Associate Manager .Webster Ruble Advertising Manager .George McIntyre Circulation Manager.A1 Krolin Office Assistant.Marion Weiss Staff Assistants: James Meek, Randal Jones, Jason McCune, Ben Reed, Mary Alexander, Elwyn Craven, Donald Bennett. Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, lasued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the college year. Entered in the post office at Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Sub scription rates $2.25 per year. By term, 75c. Advertising rates upon application. Campus office—055. PHONES: Downtown office—1200. ALL FOR “SHY.” ' No matter what our feelings may have been yesterday, today we are all for one man—Coach “Shy” Huntington. He is to be our coach next year, and he is to have our united support throughout the next football season. And be tween ^now and the end of next season, let there be nothing Said against the man. The unanimous opinion of the athletic council should reflect the opinion of the students, alumni, and faculty which it represents. We join with the athletic coun cil in voting unanimously for him. “Shy” Huntington has been discussed and re-discussed in the columns of the Emerald, and not one word has been said against him as a man. “Shy” is a man all the way through. Few have said things against his ability as a coach. The football men believe that he has the ability to direct teams, and the entire country believes them. “Shy” is known ni all parts of the country. The Harvard game, and the pub licity which followed and preceded that game assures that. “Shy” is a good student of football. His students know and believe in his knowledge of the game. The chief criticism which has been directed against ‘Shy’ has been made indirectly. “Sliy” represents the graduate coach system, and in past years this system as used at Oregon has-not proved successful. It has been said that the graduate coach system is a breeder of dissension among students and players. But that cannot be the fault of a fair coach. It is the fault of an oversensitive student body. In presenting the pe tition to the athletic council asking for the abolishment of the graduate coach system, it was said that there was a feeling among the students that partiality had; been shown by a grad uate coach. If the truth were known, it would likely prove that “Shy” has been the opposite of partial; he has gone out of his Way to give those who claimed they were not receiving a square deal an opportunity to prove their merits when he otherwise could not have done so. If a player deliberately lays down on a coach, no one could blame the coach for refus ing!.to allow that player to remain on the team. Petty politics are present on any campus. They should not be allowed to affect football. It has not been campus poli tical that has caused the situation which was ended by the ath letic council last night. It, has been disgruntled individuals, who tpok care to spread their disagreeable thoughts among oth^r students. And those students were not working for a Greater Oregon or a winning eleven. They are working for individual glory, and failing to gain that, they have vented their spite on the coach. Politics will be with us perhaps al lways. They are almost a necessity. But He’s not besmirch our school by allowing petty disgruntled feelings of individ uals to influence student, sentiment and with that, student polities, so that it will work against Oregon. There is only one way to work for a mightier Oregon dur ing the coming year, and that is to back our coach. We are all for “Shy.” AN APOLOGY. All apology is duo the business men of Eugene by a stu dent who sought to use the columns of the Emerald to attack tho downtown merchants who signed the petition asking for the retention of the graduate coach system at Oregon. The policy of the Emerald has always been to print all communica tions addressed to the editor if the writer made known his identity, whether or not he wished his name to appear as the signer of the communication in the columns of the paper. Any one who does not appreciate what has been done for the Uni versity and its students bv the business men of Eugene can lay no claim to being a loyal Oregon student. The question was not whether the business men had any right to take sides in the coaching situation. It is whether or not Oregon students are willing to have downtown merchants take an interest in the activities and affairs of the school. The writer of this communication, we believe, does not represent the opinion of any large campus group. Oregon has always boasted of the friendly co-operation between the citizens of Eugene and the University. That friendship cannot bo broken by any student who becomes so worked up over a situation that he would sacrifice anything in order to gain his j>oint. Oregon hopes for the continued friendship and co-operation of business men and citizens of Eugene. The “Price at any price’’ gang, the “Oobie or die” bunch, and the “Bezdek or bust ” element have given wav before the “I’m for ‘Shy’ ” body of which every loyal Oregon student is a member. I *-.-★ | Announcements ; *-* Bible Group. — The bible discussion group sponsored by the Oregon girls .club meets every Wednesday at the Y. W. C. A. bungalow between 12:80 and 1 o’clock to discuss “Christian Funda mentals,” the subject which all the dif ferent girls organizations talk about every week under the direction of lead ers. All towns girls are invited to attend these meetings. Dean Elizabeth Fox is the leader. European Trip. — There will be a meeting of all those interested in the European trip, in Dean Straub's office Thursday at 7:15. Oratorical Contest: — All those who are interested in the Washington-Stan ford-Oregon triangular oratorical con tests. to be held here in March, are re quested to see Professor Michael as soon as possible. Washington Club: — Important meet ing of Washington Club Wednesday evening at 7:80 in assembly room of Ore gon building. All Washington students urged to attend. Notice: — Torch and Shield deprived of social functions by action of social af fairs committee. Inter-sorority Debate: — Meeting Thursday evening at 7 o’cleok in Pro fessor Crockatt’s room. SEVEN YEAR MEDICAL COURSE IS PROPOSED (Continued from Page 1). of 15 units, distributed as follows: Eng lish, four units; algebra, one and one half! geometry, physics, chemistry and history, one each; Latin and foreign language, two encli; electives, one and one-half. Knowledge of Languages Desirable. High school physics and chemistry are desirable because these subjects, in col lege, usually require high school prepara tion. Latin is required either as a prep aratory subject or in college by a num ber of medical schools, and is according ly recommended, especially since stu dents having completed the first three years of the seven year medical course of this university may desire to take their last four years elsewhere. A rend ing knowledge of both French and Ger man is considered highly desirable by the time the third college year is reached. One noted school in the east requires both languages for entrance. An outline of the medical course for the first year includes general chemistry, 13 hours; general biology (including lec tures on the history of medicine), 12 hours; English, niue hours; physical education and military science, six to nine hours; and a choice of either mathe matics, 11 to 12 hours, or French or German, 15 hours. Clinics to be Visited. In the second year are offered organic and quantitative chemistry, 12 hours; physics, 12 hours; biology, 12 hours, and from six to nine hours in physical edu cation and military science. Besides these, the student is expected to con tinue with his elective. For graduation, nine hours credit are required ill one course in one of the following groups: Social sciences (including economics, philosophy, history, psychology and edu cation), or public speaking, art, drawing, or music. In addition to this, medical students in the first and second year will be expected to visit about five clinics yearly, under appropriate supervision. For the third year the course includes chemistry, three hours; biology (human physiology, general physiology, and gen eral bacteriology), 12 hours; psychology, six to eight hours: and electives, either 25 or 20 hours. The course in psy chology, which covers two terms, is es pecially designed for medical students in place of the three term course in ele mentary psychology for general stu dents. It normally follows a course in psychology dealing especially with the nervous system. GAMES AT CORVALLIS HARDEST OF SEASON lContinued from Pago 1.) Whether the react ion from the effect of the defeat at Seattle will have a Rood or bad effect can be told better after Friday night. Coach Bolder is of the opinion that the strain on the physical condition of the men in the six hard games played last week is responsible for the defeat at Seattle and that the reaction will be one which will be of benefit to the men. The O. A. C. rooks will come here on Friday and Saturday of this week for a two game series with the Frosh fire. The games will be played in the men’s gym, tho Saturday game at 3:30 and the Friday game at 4 o’clock. No admission charges will be made for the freshman games. WBSCONSIN HAS WIRELESS. A complete T’uited States army field wireless is used to tvaiu the signal corps men in the cadet regiment of the Fnivcrrsity of Wisconsin. Patronize Emerald Advertisers. 0. A. c. WRESTLERS OUT 200 Men to Report Daily to Coach Rath bun for Mat Workout. Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Feb. 1. — Candidates for varsity wrest ling are to report to Coach Rathbun at once as practice has already begun in the priliminary departments of the train ing. More than 200 men are signed up for the mat game and some good bone crushers should be developed, according to the conch. Enough old material is back in har ness to insure a scrappy squad of wrest lers and indications point to a good team although there is very little material out for the heavier weights; namely, the 158 and 175 pound classes. CLASS PUBLISHES PAPER Students of Southern California Print 24-Page Sheet. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Cal.. ,Feb. 1. — Twenty select ed students from the departments of ad vertising and newswriting published the Saturday, Jan. 22, issue, of the Long Beach Telegram. The paper was twenty four pages large and contained five solid pages of advertising solicited by U. S. C. students in addition to the regular and foreign advertisements. The students handled the entire editorial end of the publication, taking over all the regular news beats and departments including the police court and the advice to the love lorn. STUDENTS DISQUALIFIED Californians of Poor Standing Requesting Leave to be Dropped on Semester. University of California, Feb. 1.—Stu dents whose mid-term reports indicate that they arc not doing passing work in at least ten units, or thoroughly satis factory work in at. least eight units, and who request, leave of absence, will be considered as though they had been dis qualified and their return to the Uni versity barred for one semester, was the statement made by Dean T. M. Put nam, chairman of the committee on dis qualified students. No work completed after the end of the semester can contribute toward the ten units. MORE TEACHERS SOUGHT School of Education Receiving Calls for School Instructors. The education department is contin ually receiving calls for grade and high school teachers who can begin work at once, says Professor C. A. Gregory, and all persons interested should register at the appointment bureau at the school of education. The department has just received a call for a seventh aud eighth grade teach er for a school in a small town, at a sal ary of $130. Further information can be obtained from Professor Gregory. COMPETITION TO CLOSE. Competition for the $10 prize for the lunette over the sculpturing building en trance, offered by Dean Ellis F. Law rence, of the school of architecture, will be closed today, and the judging by a committee picked by Dean Lawrence is to be completed tonight. Additional sec ond, third and fourth prizes amounting to ten dollars are offered by the stu dents in the sculpturing classes. LAW BOOKS RECEIVED. A set of the Pennsylvania reports has been recently received for the new law library. U. OF S. C. TO PLAY EAST MAN AT O.A.C. IS 56 YEARS University of Detroit and Notre Dame Willing to Contract. University of Southern California, Los Angeles. Cal., Feb. 1.—U. S. C.’s foot ball team is certain of playing one east ern team and possibly two nest season according to graduate manager Henry Bruce. The University of Detroit and Notre Dame have expressed their will ingness to meet T . S. C., but final ar rangements have not yet been made. The University of Detroit wants a Thanks giving Day game, and guarantees the Trojans $10,000 in addition to their ex penses. Detroit is willing to play either in Los Angeles or Detroit. The prop osition for a game in the east is looked upon favorably by manager Bruce as the Trojan eleven has not played outside of Southern California since 3917. frocedure may alter Method of Student Body Nominations at Stanford is up in Election. Stanford University, Feb. 1.—Revision of the method of nominations of student body and class officers will be placed before the students at an election soon. The new plan provides for a nominating assembly three days before the Febru ary and June elections at which time candidates for the various offices of the association may be placed in nomination from the floor. At present, nominations are made through the campus press. GYM EXPERIENCES DROUTH. While filling the swimming tank in the men’s gym Sunday evening the workmen burst a pipe, thus causing many a wail from the Monday hath hounds as it was necessary to shut off the entire water system in the gym while the re pairs were being made. The mourning ones may resume their dip habit as per usual Tuesday, assures the power house superintendent. CORNELL TO TRY HONOR SYSTEM. An under graduate committee interest in the installation of an honor system in examinations to be installed at the be ginning of the second term at Cornell University is planning an intensive cam paign which will be launched soon. Oldest Man on Campus Takes Advantage of Workman’s Compensation. Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Feb. 1. — “One is never too old to learn.” This is the slogan used by James Kin kade. the oldest man attending O. A. C., who will be 5G years old February 12. Kinkade has but one leg. His other leg was broken in an accident. Gan grene set in and it became necessary to have it amputated. As he could not work this winter and was entitled to compentation through the workingman’s compensation law, he was sent, to O. A. C. for vocational training. PARENTS CONSENT NEEDED. Students at the University of Illinois registering in the new course given in aviation must first gain their parents’ consent. The University has taken such action to guard itself against complica tions in case of accident. KODAKS —at— REDUCED PRICES ANDERSON’S FILM SHOP Phone 141 City Messenger Service Messengers 39 E. 7th J. 0. GRANT, Mgr. Expert Shoe Repairing Done Promptly with SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. PROGRESSIVE SHOE SHOP W. T. SHOULTS, Prop. Groceries for Less We can supply your needs at prices you do not think are possible. It is .just, this—we do not have the over head expenses that others have. We give this to our cus tomers in Quality and in Reasonable Prices. HILTIBRAND’S GROCERY 790 11 St. East Phone 926 Steady Improvement Our candy department is keeping pace with the popu lar demand for high grade confections. We dispense from our fountain only the best fruits and syrups obtainable. Our French Pastry represents the very last word in baker’s art. The excellency of our dinners and lunches are the re- - suit of careful planning and the product of incom parable workmanship.