Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 20, 1921, Page TWO, Image 2

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Member Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association
Associate Editor
Lyle Bryson News Editor
Charles E. Gratke
Assistant News Editors
Velma Rupert, Elisabeth Wliitchouse
Sports Editor.Floyd Maxwell
Sports Writers
Eugene Kelty Edwin Iloyt
Statistician.Don D. Huntress
Night Editors
'Carlton K. Logan, Iteuel S. .Moore,
Wilford C. Allen.
News Service Editor ... .Jacob Jacobson
Alexander Brown, Eunice Zimmerman
Feature "Writers
E. .f. IT., Mary Lou Burton, Frances Quisenberry
News Staff — Fred Guyon, Margaret Scott, Harold A. Moore, Owen Callaway,
Jean Strnchnn, Inez King, Lenore Cram, Dorls'Pnrkor, Phil Brogan, Raymond D.
Lawrence, Margaret Carter, Florence Skinner, Emily Houston. John Dierdorff,
Pauline (.load, Howard Bailey, Arthur Rudd, Ituth Austin, Clarence Anderson.
Mabel Gilliam, Jessie Thompson, Hugh Starkweather, Jennie Perkins, Claire
Beale, Han Lyons, Kenneth Youel, John Anderson, Florence Walsh, Maybcllc
Associate Manager .Webster Ruble
Advertising Manager .George McIntyre
Circulation Manager.Ogden Johnson
Office Assistant .Marion Weiss Collections .J. Warren Kays
Stnff Assistants: Randal Jones, Jason McKune, Ben Reed, Imogene Letcher,
Mary Alexander, Klw.vn Craven, Donald Bennett, James Meek.
Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon,
issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the college year.
Entered in the post office at Eugene, Oregon, ns second class matter. Sub
scription rates $2.25 per year. By term, 75c. Advertising rates upon application.
Campus office—055. Downtown office—1200.
Wiliat is being; done! with the money the University is re
ceiving' through the millage tax?
What is the cost of the new building's being-erected on the
campus ?
What new buildings are planned for the future?
YVIhat increase lias been made in the faculty of the Uni
versity.? ,
What, does the new school of physical education plan to do ?
Will at is being' done to make Orcg'on the athletic head
quarters of the west ?
Wiliat is the change made in Oregon’s scholastic policy?
What is the aim of the college of literature, science and the
arts ?
What, does the school of commerce plan to make of its
graduates? •
What is the standing of Oregon graduates in technical
and professional schools throughout the country ?
Wiliat is the function of those departments of the Univer
sity whose work is off the campus ?
Wiliat is the University doing for the citizens of the state?
You who have helped the University in the recent millage
tax bill campaign—have you ever wondered what you have
done for your University? Have you—any of you—ever
asked yourself any of the above questions? Have von ever
wondered about the future of tbo University?
Any one of the questions listod above'lias doubtless occur
red to all of us at one time or another. All of them, and' many
more are answered in a st.orv written for Jt.lie Emerald bv Ray
mond Lawrence, which appears in this issue. A great deal of
work lias been required in (lie preparation of this story, which
was intended to furnish the readers of the Emerald with all
the facts concerning tin1 activities of the University since the
passage of the millage bill. 11 is a story which is well worth
reading, well worth remembering, and wyll worth keeping for
future reference.
The All-University men’s smoker, which will he introduced
at Oregon this year, is an institution which has proven suc
cessful at several other colleges and universities throughout
the country. It makes for a democratic spirit among the men.
As tin* April Urol'm has proven a success, so will the All-l'ni
versit'- men’s smoker provided it has everyone's support.
Let’s not forget the old Oregon “Hello" tradition. Speak
to your fellow-students! Say Hello!
★--— *
i I
| The Campus Cynic j
k A
To tin1 Kditor:
All! ( Wo people with sopliomorie in
tellects consider this ;i crushing rejoind
IT.) All! I llttVC stepped Oil SOllICOIIc’s
foot. It suddenly emirs to tut' ttint I
mit:ht solitin|iii/o on tlmso foot. “Woe
timorous lienstio." 1 *ut Hint won’t do
Tho.v'ri' probably not nt all “woo.” (It’s
evident Hint I’m sparring for time. So*
pliomorio tunins tiro like limited trains;
im \ run in serlions with no oonnootions.)
I lower or, lie those foot, largo or small
supporting man or woman, orownod with
faculty kelly or freshman cupola of
green, I’m surely sorry that l offended
your recondite taste.
Won't you forg >o mo? From the lof
t. ominoneo of your humanitarian view
point and in the groat goodness of your
heart, dot t jmlg too harshly, I who
grovel at your foot, plead.
From your elevated position, gazing
on all humanity with kindly, under
standing eyes, l know that our puny ef
forts hero lodow must %m so pitifully
futile to you; and that our dabbling in
the dust and mud of this ignorant life
like small children making mud pies
must seem to your omniscient and im
maculate person a drahlily, dirty per
formance. ltnt we are only human.
Surely you will consider that. How was
I to know, when 1 entered, with such
nr initio temerity, the office of Cynic of
Tilings, that there you won', oalm and
serene, towering above mo an in
finitely grantor judge of Things? How
was I to know?? You never gave us any
intimation of join presoneo. Of course
1 understand how you dislike to dabble
in the earthly muck, thereby running the'
risk of soiling your hands, and that you
did do so this once, though disinclined,
only in order that 1 may be gently but
firmly put aright.
Oh. believe me. generous benefactor. I
am a naughty, bad, bold boy. Now. hav
iug been chastised by you, won't you let
me come and sit at your feet and lisp
the parable of wiseness after you? l.et
me come and learn from you how never
to speak unless spoken to; to turn the
other cheek, not once, but in rapid sue
cession; to carry mine eyes on the ground
[ meekly; to revere every pair of pants
that proclaims itself engaged in the "1'p
lite; to realize how hopelessly common
place and provincial those of us are who
do not announce themselves a part of
some • urge” or other: and how ignorant
we appear, 'unless we recite the utter
wrongness of the man-made part of the
world, and shout from the housetops the
one and only panacea discovered by us
“I * . ami “V", and "S", don’t in your
appointed task of dragging us out of the
pools of iniquity and gently and firmly I
setting us on the right road don’t'
lose patience. Consider me. the Cynic
as a pestiferous mosquito. Surely, for
the sake of vour cause, you can endure
a few mosquito bites of such stuff
are martyrs made, (ilorv in mosquito’
lutes! Hi' glad that the low ly mosquito <
I ★-★
| Announcements
Triple A.—Girls who have not paid
itlieir dues please bring 25 cents to ethics
i class today.—Treasurer.
Order of the “0” — Meeting Thurs
; day afternoon at 4 o’clock. Varsity room,
men’s gym. Important.
Freshman Class Pictures will be taken
Thursday morning immediately after as
Women's League meets Thursday
evening, at 5 o’clock in Villard hall. Very
important that all women of the Uni
versity should attend.
Industrial Forum. — Meets at the Y
M ■ C. A. bungalow Thursday evening at
7:30. This is the first meeting of the
forum and will be for the purpose of or
Y. M. Discussion Classes. — On social
and economic problems of America will
•hold their first meeting Thursday even
ing. Those taking up “The Social Prin
ciples of Caesar,” recommended by
Sherwood Eddy, will meet at 7:15, Prof.
I’eter Croekatt leader. “The Economic
Aspect of Christianity,” at 8:15.
Co-op Stockholders. — Annual meet
ing of the stockholders of the University'
of Oregon Co-operative store is to be
held at Villard hall at 3 p. m. Friday.
January 21, 1021.
Crossroads. — Meets Thursday even
ing at 7:30 at the usual place.
Christian Science Society. — Meets
this evening. Jan. 20, at 7:15 in room
11, Oregon Hall (Education 1’hlg.i The
University public is invited.
Industrial Forum. — Meets this even
ing at. 7 :.‘!0 in the V. W. C. A. bunga
low to organize. Every girl on the cam
pus is urged to be there.
Vera Moffat, a graduate of the school
of physical education in 1015, was one of
those industrious girls who “literally
live in Hie gym department,” said Miss
Cummings, head of the department and
it would seem from her present position
that her diligence brought ample returns.
She taught at Ashland first, later at The
Dalles, and is now head of the depart
ment of physical education at the Bel
lingham State Normal in Washington.
Mins Moffat recently refused an offer
of a $8000 a year position as a communi
ty leader of physical education in one of
our western cities because sin1 felt that
she could be of more service where she
Professor A. R. Sweetser will give
the first of a series of illustrated lec
tures tonight at 7:15 in Deady hall. The
series is eaddel “Medical Missions” and
will consist of six" lectures, to be given
every week until completed. Both men
and women are invited to attend this
lecture, which is a regularly scheduled
course in the recently started “Y” school.
Stereoptieon slides will be used. The
meeting will be held in the lecture room
of the building and in accordance with
the policy of the plan, will last only one
considers you sufficiently plump to par
take of. Even that insignificant insect
has some discrimination, tho T'll admit
he occasionally alights on some rather
sparse subjects.
And. “DYS”. when are you going to
Kooflestan? And doesn’t a college stu-1
.dent ever have any sense? And also I
'when you got personal and mentioned my I
being in the A. K. b\, I wondered, DYS
I wondered.
E. .T. II.
Phone 141
City Messenger Service
30 R 7th ,i. C. GRANT, Mgr.
mane toe next
cifiar taste better,
W& smoking
cleanse your mouth
moisten your throat
sweeten your breath , !
with I
♦ Patronize Emerald Advertisers ♦
Object To Interest Girls In
Labor Problems.
Prominent Speakers Coming
During the Year.
The Industrial Forum, the purpose of
which is to interest every girl on the
University campus in industrial prob
. lems and especially those girls intend
ing to work this summer, wilF meet foi
the first time this evening at 7:30 in the
Y. W. ('. A. bungalow to organize.
These forums are being organized in
all the colleges on the Pacific coast with
some member of the economics depart
ment as sponsor. Dean E. C. Robbins
will direct the forum here. The main ob
ject of these meetings is to gain a bet
ter knowledge of current events and to
en courage active discussion of the pre
vailing conditions.
At each meeting two very brief papers
will be read by different members of the
forum. (>ne paper will state things of
interest that have been happening in the
United States in relation to industry and
the other paper will discuss conditions
in foreign countries. This information
will be secured from magazines such as
The Survey. The Nation, New Republic
Life and Labor and others.
Prominent speakers will be obtained
to address the forum according to Miss
Tirza Dim-dale. Mr. Otto Hartwig, pres
ident of tiie federation of labor in Ore
gon. and Professor Coleman, now with
the Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lum
bermen, have already promised to speak
at meetings in the spring. Both of
these men have had wide experience in
labor problems and are good speakers
according to Miss Dinsdale.
Clara Taylor industrial worker in the
northwest Y. W. C. A. field will also
make another visit to the campus this
spring and tell of the problems she has
encountered in this country and in Rus
sia where she spent some time as an in
dustrial worker. Dr. Sherwood Eddy
emphasized the importance of this move
ment when he was on the campus and
according to Miss Dinsdale encouraged
the students to attend these meetings.
There will be two brief papers given
n‘ the meeting this evening by .lessie
Todd and B. S. Mittleman, who has
worked in big industries and under
When In a HURRY
m •
We are at vour
Day and Night
Phone 114 or 158
U.of 0.-Maxwell
In oxfords and smart
Drogues, for young folks.
Oordovans and Brown
calf skins.
For Men. $12.50.
For Women $10.00
In Eugene: It's Grahams
82S — Willamette St. — 828
stands tho conditions. The questions tc
discussed at this meeting of the
forum will be as follows: A statement
of the various types of industry where
women are employed; industrial partner
ship, corporations, monopolies and trust
—discussion of the arvantages and dis
advantages to the laborers working in
the large and small factories.
Why is so much said today about ab
sentee ownership? Discuss supervision
owner, superintendent and forelady.
Patronize Emerald Advertisers.
When You Neetl Your Next TIRE *
Chambers Hardware Co.
The Martin Studio
Seventh and Willamette
We also have the plates and pictures of
Res. Phone 566-J ^ Office Phone 390
Orders Promptly Delivered
Eugene Clarifying ®
Pasteurizing' Co.
Rich Milk for Family Use and
Free From Every Impurity
Jersey and Guernsey Milk. Only Clarifying in the city.
C. P. HULEGAARD Manager, 943 Oak.
Res. 1072 West Eighth Ave.
For Your House Dance
Perhaps you will not want anything elab
orate, but something neat and original.
If so, try—
Krafz Sign Shop
Let Us Paint Your Posters for You !
—of the Photoplay
ONCE in the life of EVERY
WOMAN comes that certain
something-—that never to he
forgotten moment upon the
decision of which the end of
the future hands.
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Phone 135
A eomiquo
the feature.
Amt I
vendors a
Musical Score