Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 19, 1921, Page FOUR, Image 4

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\jProper Ho.using of Junior
Type Stressed.
In an article entitled “Iloysing the
Junior High School,” which is I lie load
ing article in the American School Hoard
Journal for January, Professor II It.
Douglas, supervisor of teachers in the
department of education, describes,
among other Junior High school build
ings, the one at present under construc
tion on the Oregon campus.
In his article Air. Douglas emphasizes
principally the proper housing of the
junior type of high school for the
seventh, eighth and ninth grades. lie
outlines what sort of building should he
used, and the sort of classrooms, labor
atory facilities, auditoriums and gym
nasiums that are needed in the junior
high school building in order that, the
purpose of the school may he realized.
The article contains a general plea for
better buildings and equipment for the
school which is to house young people at
that critical stage of their development
when so many children drop out of
Mr. Douglas’ article, is illustrated with |
pliftis of sojiie of the best types of
buildings for junior and senior high
schools in tlie country, including build
ings In Cincinnati, Dancer and Peabody.
•Mass., and tlie new junior high school
building of the University of Oregon. The
plan yf the latter, says Mr. Douglas, was
included because the new building is a
model for senior and junior high school
buildings suitable for tlie small town.
The new building for the University
high school will be ready for ceoupaney
after tlie Kaster holidays, Mr. Douglas
Says. “This building will be a model on
0 smaller scale for the building of the
junior high school in the smaller towns
of the state al large.” said Mr. Douglas.
In addition to this, lie says, the depart
ment of education will be better aide 1o
turn out. teachers for these high schools
*aftor having trained them in the model
“This building” said Mr. Douglas, "will
now be the most complete and best c<|tiip
ped University high school west of the
Ttoekies. You would have to go back to
the University 'of Colorado to find one
As good.”
Commercial Professor to Speak Before
Portland Chamber of Commerce.
Professor (», A. Denfeld of the school
of commerce is to speak Wednesday
night before the Foreign Trade Depart
spent of the Portland Chamber of Com
iperee on "The Halation of tic Traffic
Manager to Foreign Trade."
,The Portland Chamber of Commom
is gtving%n foreign trade exhibition at
thp Uentral Public Library throughout
.YaYinnry and Professors of the Univer
sity school of commerce are being asked
to speak at the special programs given
every Wednesday night. A. I.. Lomax
has already spoken and Dean Bobbins
is to speak on “The Plans of the School
of Commerce for Future Foreign Trade
Work" on January ‘Jti.
The many friends of Miss Mary 10.
Watson will be glad tn know that she
has recovered from a recent illness ami
returned to the University, from Port
land, where she spent the past three
weeks. Miss Watson, who is a professor
in the English literature department.,
met her classes for the first time this
year, on Tuesday.
Patronize Emerald Advertisers.
Condition of Central Europe and China
Shows That Critical Social
Period Is Herp.
“Everybody for the Inst .TO veers lias
been saying ‘this is a critical period.’ but
there has never been such a cri-is as the
one that we are facing today ” lec’ared
Bishop AV. O. Shepard in a talk al the
• regular Y. AI. C. A. meeting Thursday
From forty to fifty thousand people are
starving in China. India is in revolt.
Central Europe is starving and otlie- dis
tressing news is coining from every part
of the world..
Since the great world war there have i
been reactions everywlmr « among the j
people, even here in our own glorious
America, continued Bishop Shepard,
American people who see and feel the
problems and are anxious to help are
asking liow they can be of aid.
At one time there were more men en
tering the minister}' than there were go
ing into the medical profession or the
legal profession, now there are three
times as many taking medicine and eight
times as many men entering the legal
profession. Church officials have been
, very concerned about this apathv. said
the speaker.
II is not: all discouraging however, con
tinued Bishop Shepard. Since the war
2,000 young men. and worfien have been
ysent to the foreign field, and at home
many new philanthropic institutions have
bee norganizod thus opening up many
new fields for service. At one time there
was only one way to serve the cause,
through tin- ministry,'and now numerous
avenues are open.
So after all. it is merely a matter of
! adjustment and we should not despair in
the face of it. said Uisliop Shepard. The
church, however, is the route of which
every other philanthropic thing is a
branch. The church is not the effect but
the cause. It is therefore important that
, we keep the church.
I)r. D. II. I,cech. pastor of the Metho
dist church of this city, >S. A. Hanford,
superintendent of the Eugene district and
E. E. (filbert, superintendent of the
Salem district, attended the V. \V. < \ A.
, meeting with ISishop Shepard.
Instructors Active in Many Sports;
Teams to Challenge Business
Men of Portland.
('treat enthusiasm is being exhibited by
the faculty men toward all branches of
athletics offered at the University during
the winter term. And there are five
rather distinct groups, according to Dr.
DeCou. chairman of the Faculty Athletic
association, who turn out for practice
two and three times a week. They are
tlie general group, consisting of men who
are not experts at any one tiling lmt
with ambitions; tennis headed liy Sam
Bass Warner; basketball, swimming and
handball make up the five groups.
When surprise was expressed at the
faculty turn out. I)r. DeCou smiled a
knowing smile and answered. "We have
been stringing them up.” He also said
that after a little time the association
hoped to have teams in volleyball, bas
ketball and tennis so well organized that
it would be advisable to challenge the
business mens’ tennis. Dr. DeCou is
himself an ardent exponent of volleybal1
and a still more interested golfer, and
has dreams of a faculty team in that
sport in the spring. The golfers may
number President Campbell among theii
ranks when the time conn's.
William C. Hoppes, ’20, is at present
assistant superintendent; of schools in
Salem, doing also some work in con
dueling mental tests.
Great Opportunity Afforded,
Says Mr. Fairbanks,
The classes in sculpturing under Avard
Fairbanks arc working on the design
for the decoration over the doorway of
the new art building. The subject for
the design is Sculpture in Relation to
Architecture, and Dean Lawijenee has
offered the person who has the best de
s’gn ; prize of $16.
Mr. Fairbanks said: “I (Consider this
a great opportunity for the students to
be able to do practical work on a build
ing while they arc still in college. Very,
few students have the chance to do any
thing so worth while in. this line of
If the students are successful in this
undertaking it will put the department
of sculpturing and modeling in the Uni
versity of Oregon on a' very high plane.
Non-resident Students Must Pay $150
Tuition in Future.
University of California, Berkeley,
.Inn. 18. — The present tuition fee of
$20 a year for non-resident students will
be increased to $150, the increase taking
effect next August. The action of the
regents was largely in response to the
opinions expressed by financial officers,
of the state that the state could no
longer afford to extend free education
to non-residents.
Enrollment figures presented by Pres
ident David P. Barrows at the meeting
showed that there were 1151 non-resi
dent students registered at. the Univer
sity last semester. It is expected that
the increased fee will yield a revenue of
about $100,000 a year to the Univer
Electrical Engineering Organization
Formed; Is Only One In West.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis
1 Jan. 17. — O. A. O. now has what is
said to be the only electrical engineer
ing house club in the west. As far as
can be ascertained it is the only club, of
its kind in the country. The Electron
club, organized this fall, secured recog
nition from the student affairs commit
tee. and soon moved info a house.
The electrical engineering faculty is
well represented in the club as Professor
R. H. Dearborn, head of the department.,
is faculty advisor, and J. II. Belknap, as
sistant professor of electrical engineer
ing is a faculty member. Many express
the hope that it will be a forerunner of
similar organizations in the country.
^Candidates for Teaching Post Asked to
Sec Dean Sheldon.
A good teaching position for a man
—with a salary of $210 a month, is open
-at present, says Dean IT. D. Sheldon of
I he department of education. Anyone
interested in the matter may learn de
tails by communicating with him.
Few persons have turned in appliea
J Hons for teaching positions. Dean Shel
don says, and for the present he wi 1 take
’ the names of any persons who hold
teaching certificates, whether they are
connected with the University or not.
, Any students who know of such may give
’ their names to the education depart
, meat.
♦ Patronize Emerald Advertisers ♦
Charles Robertson and John Homewood
High in Rifle Match.
Charles Robertson, a junior ami John
Homewood, a freshman, are the high
men in the gallery range shooting up to
date. Their respective scores are: Sit
ting 48, kneeling 47, sitting 47 and
kneeling 48. Many other good scores
have been made and it is the opinion of
range Sergeant Conyers that the pros
pects of a good showing in both the Pa
cific coast and the O. A*. C, shoot are
(Continued from Page 1).
red ion of Dr. Bertha Stunrt Dj'nicnt.
Dr. Stuart at present has approximate
ly 200 girls under her advisory direc
tion. and is supervising their exercise
and diet.
‘Tt has been actually proved,” said
Dr. Bovard. “that this work is of intense
benefit to the students. Where men and
women have conscientiously carried out
the programs outlined for them their
grades, as well as their liealtlr, show
Eastern Colleges Lag.
The eastern colleges, according to Dr
Bovat-d. are slower to undertake this
new line of health work. “Why should
wo bother with the student before he
becomes actually sick?" seems to char
acterize a good deal of their attitude, ac
cording to the dean. The Universities of
Minnesota and Wisconsin, are among the
| mose progressive Dr. Bovard found in
■ibis line.
The new system of caring for health,
while it does not neglect the attention
given the sick, is stressing the preven
tative measures. It was compared by
Dean Bovard to the ancient Chinese sys
tem. where th* family physician was paid
a fee as long as his patient remained
healthy, but when the patient was sick
fhe fee was discontinued. This, although
probably an extreme type, characterizes
the trend in modern medicine, to pre
vent illness by making the people really
West More Progressive.
' During the last, six months Dr. Bovard
lias visited universities over the entire
country, including those in New York
state. “I venture to say that, there is
none where they are doing more for the
student health than Orogeu,” he said
“Characteristically, the farther west one
comes, the more modern progress is
noted, and it. is in the idea of sensible
prevention and better physical efficiency
Latest Song Hits
“Margie,” “Featlier Your Nest,” “Laugh
ing Vamp,” “Rose,” “Rio Grande Valse,”
and “In the Dusk.”
8 East Ninth, Eugene Ore.
A Rapidly Growing Business
lias its, significance. It is a story that can tell more
than mere words. In this case it is useless to tell what
we have done, but if you haven’t already observed the
fact that
Quality Reigns in this Store.
Try us! ' ‘
Hiltibrand’s Grocery
That cl i nft- firmly and yet so easily that you wear them
unconsciously are the kind you set here. .
Fitting1 Glasses is an art that is acquired only by long ex
perience. There is no single style of mounting adapted
to all cases. Each individual nose requires a mounting
adapted to it, properly adjusted by an expert optician.
We are purveyors of Eye glass comfort. You’ll fully
realize the meaning of the term if you get your glasses
Wonderful Results
Have been obtained through the cqreful study and
perfection of minute details. It is readily noticable
to the casual observer that we have strived cease
lessly 101 the results and elleets that please our cus
tomers. It is evident that we have not failed, and you
can expect something better in the future.
‘W'e Rainbow