CUSSES IT T, HI. C. I. WE TIMELT TOPICS Leaders in Oregon, Industrial Life to be Heard. In concluding his speech Friday night in villard hall Dr. Sherwood Eddy told of the groups of students organized at many eastern colleges and at the Uni versity of Washington to study social and economic problems. He requested that the matter be put before the stu dents of Oregon so that those interest ed, in those topics might hand themselves together for study and discussion. Many of the courses now beginning at the Y. school deal with practically the' same topics as outlined by Dr. Eddy The class led by Ralph Spearow on Tuesdays at 11:00 a. m. will discuss the subject, “How Jesus Met Life Prob lems,” a practical application of the principles of Jesus to personal problems of men. "Christian Ethics” is the sub ject of the class meeting txyo hours a week under Rev. E. V. O’Hara. More nearly along the outline of Dr. Eddy is “The Social Principles of Jesus,” given in a discussion class under Professor H R. Douglass on Thursdays at 7:15 p. m. Dealing with industrial problems and labor, the lecture by Otto Hartwig, pres ident of the State Federation of Labor, on "Organized Labor,” and another by C. C. Chapman, editor of the “Oregon Voter,” on “The Employing and Manag ing Interests,” may prove interesting and profitable. Data on other courses may be obtained at the Y. hut. The list of authoritative books and those best adapted to student needs was given by Dr. Eddy as follows: ftausehenbnsch, Social Principles of Jesns; The Church and Industrial Re construction; Ward, The New Social Or der; Gleason, Worker’s Education; Laid ler, Socialism in Thought and Action: Russell, Proposed Roads to Freedom: Interchnreh Report on Steel Strike of 1S19; Cole, Labor in the Commonwealth; Tawney, An Acquisitive Society; Wil liams, What.s on the Worker’s Mind; Goodrich, Frontier of Control; Beard Short History of American Labor Move ment; Gleason, IVliat the Workers Want; fiisbop Gore, Property; Sherwood Eddy Everybody’s World; Miscellaneous Pam phlets. These kooks are published and are for sale by The Association Press 347 Madison Ave„ New York City. A duplicate list with prices is on the bul letin board in the Y. hut. TWO NEIGHBORS HAVE DEAL ON FOR PRESS Publisher Has Machine for Sale Which Teacher in Same Town Hears ^ of Indirectly. Not the power of the press but the in ert power of the unadvertised press en tered in the factors whic.i resuited in a peculiar coincidence in the department of journalism recently when Dean Allen received two letters from two persons in the same town, one desiring to sell a printing press and the other wishing to buy one. From the description, the description, the press for sale was ex actly the type desired by ,thc prospective purchaser. A. E. Voorhies, editor of the Grants Pass Courier, who was present later at the newspaper conference here, wrote to Dean Allen asking if lie knew of any person who wished to buy a press. In the same mail was a letter from a high .school instructor in Mr. Voorhies’ city, •,inquiring of Dean Allen if he knew of any party desiring to sell a printing press. "Of course,” explained Dean Allen, >. one would hardly expect Mr. Voorhies fa advertise his press for sale. It woul<} he like advertising steamships in the Emerald. I forgot to ask Mr. Voorhies if he and the high school instructor finally got together.” If news stories had morals one might he temped to refer to advertising and the credit side of the ledger. LECTURE series begins “Incompatibles” by Professor Sweetsor To Be First Subject. Professor A. R. Sweetser will speak tonight at the Y. lint on the subject of Incompatibles” instead of “The Seven ty-Seventh Chapter of Acts” as was scheduled in the “Science and Religion” series of lectures. , All interested are invited to be at the Y. hut at 7:15 even t longh they did not sign up for the course. Major Baird’s class studying “Student ‘ tandavds of Action” met Monday at 5 P- m, and will continue their weekly stody at that time. FAIRBANKS MEETS CLASSES. Avard Fairbanks, who injured his leg j*st week is able to be up and conduct '* classes in modeling and architecture. I would recommend a little gravel on e alley between the two gymnasiums.” *>d Mr. Fairbanks. He had just made “e faculty athletic club and was on his *ay to a practice when the accident oc curred. MUSIC SCHOOL OFFERS GRADES FREE COURSES Inducement to Develop Instrumental Work in Public Schools Is Made. Free instruction in piano and violin for children is the latest undertaking of the public school music and violin de partments of the University school of music, according to Anna Landsbury Beck, head of the public school music department, l'upils from the third fourth and fifth grades who have had no previous instruction on the instruments will be admitted to the course. The piano studies are being outlined by Mrs. Beck and the violin studies by Rex Un derwood, instructor of violin in the school of music. "For the past five or six years all our efforts have been toward placing music on a recognized basis throughout the state,” said Mrs. Beck in speaking of the work. “The goal toward which Dr. Landsbury, dean of the school of music, has been working with all his energy is expressed in his slogan, ‘Music for every bbdy.’ ” It is his desire to place music on the same basis as other studies in the public schools. “As their contribution the public school music and violin departments are offering instrumental work for the grade pupils hoping eventually to give it the same importance in the public schools that vocal music now has.” These courses are as yet experimental and as a result only a limited number of pupils can be enrolled at first. “Ap plications are in order now for eight piano and four violin students.” The instruction will be given to the students in groups of four. The following provisions are made re garding the enrollment of the pupils: 1* Children mnst not have had prev ious training on the instrument. 2. Parents must agree that they will se!e that the pupil give the prescribed amount of time to practicing. B. Parents will purchase the neces sary amount of music, which will be small, and in the violin instruction will provide the pupil with ah instrument. OREGON DEAN HONORED Colin V. Dyment on Soccer Committee of Collegiate Association. j i The annual meeting of the National Collegiate Association recently held in Chicago elected Colin V. Dyment, dean |of the school of literature, science apd .the arts of the University of Oregon, L to a position on tlie soccer committee, j Walter Powell, head football coach at Stanford University, was appointed on ' the football committee. Dr. Bovard, head of the department of education in the University of Oregon , represented the western district which is composed of the following states; Ore gon, Washington, California, Idaho and Montana. THREE STUDENTS TO TEACH. University students who will teach in the Eugene High school next semester, which began last Monday are: Mary Evans and Do eta Rogers, who will teach ' English, and Louise Hassan, who will I have the class in third year Latin, says Harl R. Douglas, supervisor of teach ers in the educational department. Eve i_ Hutchison has been teaching in the Eu gene High school for the last two weeks, ^ substituting for Mildred Garland, who was hurt in an accident during vacation i and was unable to meet her class. ' BUSINESS ETHICS TOPIC Dean Robbins Writes Comment for Eastern Publication. On the editorial page of the last num ber of the Commercial Bribery and Tip ping Review appears a comment by Dean Robbins of the Oregon school of com merce giving the attitude of the school of commerce here on business ethics. On the same page appear paragraphs of comment on the same question from the deans of the 'commercial schools of the universities of Columbia and Michigan. The matter of business ethics is one of great importance. Dean Robbins points out. It has not been emphasized enough in the past but it is planned in the future to devote a portion of every class in he school of comiTierce to a con sideration of business ethics. Upon the request of prominent certified account ants in the state a special course in the ethics of accounting is to be given. CO-EDS ADOPT UNIFORM. At Columbia University middy suits have been adopted as the official uni form for women this winter. Navy serge blouses with regulation white braid and emblems on the sleeves, together with plaited skirts make up the uniform. The women of the university consider this uniform dressy as well as more econom ical and practical. We are After the Business Knit GOODS Standard Reliable Brands No. 456 Hercules Sweaters, $15.50 value .... .$12.00 No. 065 Wilson*Sweaters, $15.50 value .$12*00 No. 1205 Thermo Coats, $10 value . $7*50 No. 33 Tom Wye Slip-Over, $11.00 value . $7.60 No. 22 Tom Wlye Coat, $12.50 value .$9.00 No. 42 Tom Wye Coat, $13.50 value ..... .$11-00 No. 97725 G. & M. Middy Sweater, $12.50 value. $9 ' No. 977255 G. & M. Boys’ Sweater, $11.50 value .... $8.25 No. 1318 F. & M. Co. Sweat er, $11.00 value -$7.10 No. 1375 F. & M. Co. Jersey, $5.00 value .$3-75 No. 536 Saxony Jersey, $4.50 value .$3.25 In Solid Colors and Various Color Combinations It’s a Patrick No. 640 Coat, $17.00 value . $12.50 No. 513P Coat, $12.50 value $9.00 No." 513G Coat, $1.2.50 value . $9.00 No. 5507 Vest, $16.00 value . $12.00 HAUSER BROS. Gun Store Just the Thin# for Out Door Wear Lumber, Lath and Shingles i 5th and Willamette Sts. Phone 452 Bernard Shaw’s Great Comedy Pygmalion With a Selected University Cast THURSDAY and SATURDAY JANUARY 20th and 22th GUILD THEATRE -U. of 0. Tickets on Sale at Box Office on days of performance. Prices 50c and 75c As the Frosh Glee approaches, the j freshmen are reminded of the fact that j they have little time to learn to dance l before their big event of the year. It: would be a good thing for you to prac- j tice up a bit before the big dance. Make arrangements to attend the classes on Monday and Thursday evenings at Mrs Bayh Dance Studio. You will have ten hours of practice or eight, two hour classes for $5. Take advantage of your opportunity now and be able to dance at any time. RANKIN HALL, 14% W. 7TH AVE., . —Paid Adv. Phone 141 City Messenger Service Messengers 39 E. 7th J. C. GRANT, Mgr. Cfub Shoe Shine Next to the Rainbow. Good Service—Good Shine I 1 FLASH SHEETS for flashlights with your ( KODAK at , Schwarzschild’s Book Store The Club Barber Shop for UP TO DATE WORK 814 Will. Street Westinghouse MAZDA LAMPS The New White Mazda , Lamp Man-Made Sunshine i for the Home The Best to Study By Sigwert Electric Company iWlillamette Street All Suits Strictly Tailor-Made In My Own Shops. Latest Styles—Spring and Summer Suits and Overcoats Also Uncalled for Raincoats At Half MODERN TAILORS, 24 West 9th St. UNIVERSITY TAILORS, 1128 Alder Many a women bakes her own bread because she finds it impossible to buy bread as good as her family requires it. But to all such women we say, try this Hew bread. Thousands of women who formerly baked theif own bread are now buying it and have banished* forever the labor of baking. Made of the purest ingredients and scientifically mixed by our exclusive process, touches the of the whole family. One grocer. loaf will prove it. Ask any But look for this label. good WILLIAM’S BAKERY Ready Now tor Business , In our new temporary location over Dunn’s store, we have arranged our new equipment and we ar# nOW; ready to do|all of your portrait work. Jvew electric lighting makes us independent of the daylight—a new Portrait Camera is also nowi available. The first of May we will move to our permanent location on Williamette street in the building now oc cupied by the Owens Cigar Store. For the present we are able to do the same high grade work that won for us the Blue Ribbon at the last two State Fairs. Studio Over Dunn’s Store Welsh Rabbit The Dish Supreme. Is made in such a way that no one can duplicate it in its deliciousness. If you haven’t tried it, you certainly have missed something extraordinary. Crab Louie. Js another one of our exceptional dishes that is prepared specifically for people with discriminating tastes. Is your taste a discriminating one? Clark B. Hawley, Prop.