Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 19, 1921, Page TWO, Image 2

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Member Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association.
Associate Editor .Lyle Bryson News Editor.Charles E. Gr^tkc
Assistant News Editors
Velma Rupert, Elisabeth Whitehouse
Sports Editor.Floyd Maxwell
Sports Writers
Eugene Kclty Edwin Hoyt
Statistician.Don D. Huntress
Night Editors
■Carlton K. Logan, Iieuel S. Moore,
Wilford C. Alien.
News Service Editor . .. .Jacob Jacobson
Alexander Brown, Eunice Zimmerman
feature Writers
K. J. H„ Mary Lou Burton, Frances Quisenberry
News,Staff — Fred Guyon, Margaret Scott, Harold A. Moore, Owen Callaway,
Jean Straclian, Inez King, Lenore Crain, Doris Parker, I’liil Brogan, Raymond D.
Lawrencer, Mai-garet Carter, Florence Skinner, Emily Houston, John Dierdorff,
Pauline Coad, Howard Bailey, Arthur Kudd, Ruth Austin, Clarence Anderson.
Mabel Gilham, Jessie Thompson, Hugh Starkweather, Jennie Perkins, Claire
Beale, Dan Lyons, Kenneth Youel, John Anderson, Florence Walsh, Maybelle
Associate Manager ..Webster Ruble
Advertising Mannger .George McIntyre
Circulation Mannger.Ogden Johnson *T
Office Assistant .Marion Weiss Collections .J. Warren Kays
Staff Assistants: Randal Jones, Jason McKune, Ben Reed, Imogene Letcher,
Mary Alexander, Elw.vn Craven, Donald Bennett, James Meek.
. __i
- ’ I
Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon,
Issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the college year.
Entered in the post office at Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Sub
scription rates $2.23 per year. By term, 75c. Advertising rates upon application.
Cnmpus office—055.
Downtown office—1200.
The Frosh G lee will he given on February 4, and the ex
pense will probably not exceed $300. There will be no as
sessments for the freshman class; and’ the dance will be staged
with the best possible music, one of the most elaborate feat
ures ever arranged for any dance, appropriate programs and
simple yet adequate decorations. Not one essential of a suc
cessful class dance has been left out by the committee in charge
in making the revised budget for the affair to conform with
the popular demand.
No one can blame the first year men for wanting to stage
an elaborate dance. This is their first year at Oregon, and
evefy freshman is anxious to show the upperclassman that
his class is capable and willing to do things which are allotted
to him in the best possible manner. That is but “Oregon
Spirit/’ » »
The Frosh Glee of last year was one of the most expensive
dances ever given by any class in the history of the Univer
sity. In arranging for their dance this year, the freshmen
entirely lost sight of the fact that the sophomore class gave
their classs dance this fall for less than $200. In asking for a
check on proposed expenditures the students have had these
things in view. First, they were unwilling to say to the peo
ple of the state that $350 would not pay for a dance for the
students of the University of Oregon- Second, they were un
willing to sec any class of students of this institution pay an un
necessary assessment when the class fee paid' at the first of
the year was intended to finance the activities of the class
throughout the year. Third, they thought it unreasonable,
and still do, that dances at the University of Oregon should
cost as much as it seemed the Frosh Glee was going to cost.
The people of the state now know that a dance can be
given for all the students of the University of Oregon for less
than $350, and for less than $200, which Was approximately
itlle cost of the sophomore dance this year. The freshmen
will not be asked to pay a special assessment. The high cost
of going to college will not be increased bv compulsory as
sessment to bo used for nothing but class dances.
If it is necessary for special class assessments late in the
year, for things which are fitting and necessary, it is only
reasonable that any class levy a special assessment.' Dances
can be given for a reasonable amount of money.
Hardened Salt Objects to Subjecting
Himself to Drowning Peril In
Tank In Poaee-Timo.
“I made eight trips across the Atlan
tic ocean during the war without getting
drowned, und these gym instructors have
another guess coming if they think I’m |
going into the swimming pool and drown
tnyself in pence times.”
This statement was made by an ex
gob in the men’s gym Monday evening
rthen the gym instructor, in compliance
with orders from the physical education
department, requested all the men taking
(he 1 o’clock iutnumual sports to jump
[nto 'in tank and demonstrate their
beq atie prowess. The former deep-sea
salt suid lie had been in the 1. S. X,
nearly two years hut explained that
swimming parties were not in order.
V hen he was r - ard a battleship in the
winter of 1917. and later as a member
|of the Armed Guard Detail he was not
jeompeLhd to i volve aquatic abilities, lie
j Intimated that he once took an icy
plunge into the big pond, hut a life
preserver saved him useless exertion
juntil a rait drifted his way.
| Monday evening another ex-sailor al
jKo approached the instructor when the
duen were lined qi taking their exhibi
tion plunges, asked him to check off his
faille from the roll since he could not
^sw itu und permit him to go out and
loluy basketball. The instructor infers (
flnit a deep-sea tragedy is likely to he:,
«tuged in the swimming tank in the im- '
(mediate future.
Erooted at Cost of $35,000; Expected To
Bo Ready for Occupancy About
March First.
The new building on (ho northeast
corner of the Bible University campus
is nearing completion. It is to be the
Public Speaking and Music ball and is
also to be used in connection with the
new open-air gymnasium that is to be
started next Wednesday or Thursday
"It is hoped,” said K. C. Sandersou,
president of the Bible University, "that
the new buildings will both be ready for
occupancy by March 1."
The one nearly finished measures 40
by 71 feet and the walls are reinforced
by concrete. The ground floor will have
lockers and showers in the south end
for use with the open-air gymnasium,
and five rooms in the other end. The
second floor will have an auditorium
Avith a seating capacity of .*00 and three
other rooms. The auditorium will extend
into the third floor in the form of a
balcony but leaving space for two large
rooms at one end, making ten rooms in
all. The total cost. President Sander
son said, will be about $35,000.
The following appointments for non
commissioned officers have been an
nounced by Major Baird: Sergnnts Hu
bert I.. Smith, sophomore. (\Anpany A.
Paul It. Met ulloch, sophomore, t'ompnuy
M: It. 1* Hutson, freshman. Company B;
Corporals. Hadden C. Roskhey. sopho
more. Company B: Heorge C. Knodell,
sophomore. Company B; and Harold K.
Potter, freshman, Company B.
| Announcements
Tripple A. — Girls who have not paid
itheir dues please bring 25 cents to ethics
class today.—Treasurer.
Junior Week-end Committees. — Wed
nesday at 4:00 p. m. at the Y. M. C. A.
hut, there will be a meeting of the chair
men of all the junior week-end commit
tees. The chairman of each committee
will give an outline of plans for the work
1 under his or her supervision.
Washingtonians. — Organization meet
ing of the Washington club, Y. M. C. A.
hut, Wednesday evening, 7:30 o’clock.
All students whose homes are in the
state of Washington urged to attend.
Order of the “0” — Meeting Thurs
, day afternoon at 4 o’clock. Varsity room,
, men’s gym. Important.
Lemon Punch. — Important meeting
of the Lemon Punch Publishing Society
in Punch office tonight, 8:15 p. m.
Beta Alpha Psi. — Meeting today at
the commerce building, 4:15 p. m.
Co-op Directors. — Meeting of the
board of directors of the University co
operative store 7:30 p. m., Thursday at
the Co-op office.
Freshman Class Pictures will be taken
Thursday morning immediately after as
Women’s League meets Thursday
evening, at 5 o’clock in Villard hall. Very
important that all women of the Uni
versity should attend.
Practice Orchestra Picture will be
taken in Rex Underwood’s studio in the
music building today at 12:30. All mem
bers are requested to bring their in
Student Council. — Student Council
meets tonight at 7:30 in Dr. Gilbert’s
room in library.
Industrial Forum. — Meets at the Y
W. C. A. bungalow Thursday evening at
7:30. This is the first meeting of the
forum and will be for the purpose of or
Time Spent Checking Over Furnishings
of Women’s Building.
Mrs. George Gerlinger. of Portland
member of the board of regents of the
University, is visiting the campus this
week as the house guest of Mrs. W*. F.
Jewett. Monday afternoon and Tues
day morning Mrs. Gerlinger spent at the
women’s building, checking over the
Mrs. Gerlinger was entertained at
luncheon Monday at the home of Presi
dent Campbell and in the evening Mrs
Jewett invited a number of guests to
dinner in her honor, including Mrs. P. L
Campbell, Miss Elizabeth Fox and Misi
Gertrude Talbot.
Tuesday noon Mrs. Gerling had lunch
eon at the “Campus Cafeteria” at
Friendly shall. She expects to leave for
Portland today.
Gallery Expected to Be In Perfect Con
dition for Shoot.
Improvements are being made on the
gallery range under the direction of
Range Ofifeer Major A. E. Howland
Major Howland hopes to have the range
in perfect condition for the Pacific
coast shoot. High powered electric lights
have been installed so that firing can be
done at all times and under all condi
tions. Other improvements content
I latod are: Change in the heating sys
tem, the building of a partition between
the range and the class room adjoining,
and the procuring of mats.
I Ini Donnelly, secretary of the campus
Y. M. <’. A. who went to Corvallis with
Sherwood Eddy, reports that. 1500 to
-000 students heard l)r. Eddy nt each
meeting. He gave better speaches be
cause he was not hurried both times as
he was here.
Over thirty men have signed up for
group study of the list of books sug
gested b.v Sherwood Eddy. They will
meet weekly at the Y. hut. Much valu
able discussion is promised to those par
The state hospital soon to be erected
on the campus of the University of Wis
consin will be the largest building there
The cost is estimated at $000,000, and
will be operated in connection with the
modi! al school.
Dr. It. W. DeBusk of the school of
education will spend next Monday in
Salem, where he will address the Par
ent-Teachers Association on the subject
of special rules in the public schools.
Ninety freshmen are hairless at Alle
gheny ('allege as the result of the an
nual hair cutting contest. A movement
is on foot by the freshmen to wipe out
this custom.
Delta Theta l'hi announces the pledg
ing of W. Scott Stalker, of Cleveland,
Ernest E. Vosper, who took his first
three years of college work at Oregon,
graduated from the University of Cali
fornia in 1916. A year or so later he
became traffic manager for a large ship
building company in California and with
in the same year was given a salesman
ship for an oil company in Oakland. At
present he is payroll clerk for the board
of education in Oakland.
Vosper is a member of Kappa Sigma
Friars and To-Ko-Lo, and he was a var
sity yell leader while at Oregon. He
was married in 191S to Helene DeLano.
ah Oregon graduate.
Communications !
♦ -*
To the Editor:
I noticed, about the beginning of the
year, that the Emerald, 'editorially, call
ed the attention of the professors to
the injustice of holding their classes
after the bell rings. The professors
took kindly to the suggestion, and for
a month or so, most of the University
classes were dismissed on schedule time.
This term, however, there seems to
have been a general relapse to the old
order, and classes are wont to go mer
rily on after the gong sounds and stu
dents continue to be late to the follow
ing recitations.
Consider the case of the freshman who
has a 10 o’clock class in Villard or
Deady hall. He is held five minutes
overtime: It becomes a physical impos
sibility for him to get to the It. O. T.
O. barracks by eleven o’clock, get into
his uniform, and into ranks by the time
companies are formed. He is given de
merits for being late.
Instructors are generally fastidious on
the matter of being at class on time.
Should not this same exactitude extend
to the length of the class hour? As long
as we run on a system, why make that
System obsolete?
It is noticeable that a better class
spirit is found where the instructor is as
prompt to dismiss his class as he is tp
call the roll.
/ .
To the Editor:
Since the announcement in the Emer
ald of the addition to their estimable
force of one E. J. H., the Campus Cynic,
we have been waiting with intellectual
anticipation some mighty pronounce
ment from his pen. At last it has come!
With keen insight into the momentous
affairs of the world, with a remarkable
analysis of its needs and problems, and
with a sympathetic appreciation of the
spirit and ideals of these men who are
spending their fortunes and their lives in
meeting these needs and problems, the
cynic has produced the naive classic en
titled, “Missionaries to Kooflestan.”
There is undoubtedly a place on the
campus for a cynic of more 'than sopho
moric ability. There is possibily a paral
lel condition in the great world outside
which, in order to be treated with real
constructive criticism, must be approach
ed by one of wide experience and deep
insight into the complex problems of so
ciety. With such a task before him the
Cynic has bravely assumed the prophetic
role. In spite of a manifestly immature
outlook on life, in spite of a world knowl
edge limited to experience with A. E. F.
in spite of an educational equipment to
tally inadequate to 'the colossal task
before him, E. J. H. has seized for him
self the place of “Campus Cynic” un^pr
which caption he feels ably qualified
to criticize such movements as that to
which “The eminent missionary who was
on the campus yesterday” is giving hi:
(fortune and his life. George Sherwood
Eddy needs no defense.
However, let 11s repeat that there is
undoubtedly a place on the campus for a
cynic of ability. E. .T. H. has yet to
prove his right to such a place. Lest
however, we fall into the same error of
mere thoughtless criticism, may we urge
that some of the very evident campus
problems, which demand construe
tive thought, be discussed in his column.
Unless, of course, there iq no real pur.
pose behind the pen of the “Campus
THERE is no espe
cial time to send
fl o w e r s. Morning,
noon and night they are ■wel
come in her home — in
your home at the hospital
—at the ,home of a friend
who is ill—anywhere,, any
time you can send flowers
and they will be welcome.
You will like the welcome
and treatment you receive at
this shop. •
Flowers Telegraphed
Vnkfrsih/fflbrist j
"Where youfindfhe^muens ]
993 ffilyard &£■
For the discriminating student our lunches
are delicious and unusual. An improve
ment in taste and preparation that is su
Our fountain drinks and ices are made care
fully and with the right proportion.
Grand Feature __
THE ORIGINAL—Don’t be Misled
Direct from Portland
Special Music
One Dollar and Quarter. .
Special Features