Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 19, 1921, Image 1

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    !W. S. C. and U. of W. to be
Played on Home Floors
on Squad’s Trip.
Second Team to Tangle With
Y. M. C. A. “Cougars” ’ I
at Gym Tonight^
♦ “Nish” Chapman has been deolar- ♦
♦ cd eligible to compete in intcrcol- ♦
♦ legiate athletics again, when re- ♦
♦ ports of hours made but not re- ♦
♦ ported were proven to the satisfnc- '♦
♦ tion of th(? faculty. Chapman has ♦
♦ been practicing during the past few ♦
+ weeks and will be in condition to '♦
♦ accompany the varsity to Salem ♦
♦ this week, declared Coach Bolder ♦
♦ last night.
Six players will be tuken on the
northern trip to play in 'the games
against ’Washington State and the Uni
versity of Washington next week ac
cording to Coach Bolder. Just who the
six men will be is not fully decided and
it is yet possible that •‘Nish” Chapman
.may be able to take the trip with the
Nightly woikouts on the now floor at
Ihe new Armory is the schedule which
the squad is being put through this
week. The first two conference games
will be played at Salem on Friday and
Saturday nights against the Willamette
quintet and the Armory floor is similar
to the one on which the games will be
played in the capitol city.
Chcmawa Games Stiff.
fAiacli Bolder was fairly well pleased
with the work of the team in the two
games against Chemawa last week. The
Indians had a better team than they had
been rated as having, and two stiff
games were the result. The Willamette
five defeated the Oregon Aggies last
Friday night at Salem and the result of
the two games will be awaited with in
terest by fans here.
Washington State is expected to put
up some strong opposition in the two
games which the varsity will play with
them at Pullman on next Tuesday and
Wednesday nights. The Cougars have
practically the same team they had last
year, having a strong foundation of five
letter men about which to build their
team this year. They won one and lost
one of the two game series played against
Idaho last week.
No Line On Washington.
' At, Seattle where the .lemon-yellow
five will meet the Sun Dodgers, another
hard game is expected. Little is known
of the strength of the Washington team
this season but they are usually relied
upon for a strong quintet.
Coach Bolder is not expressing him
self very optpmistically over the outlook
for the coming games away- from home
and says he will be satisfied if we can
break even on the trip. This trip will
be the only one the varsity will take this
season unless a post season schedule be
arranged to include Idaho and 'Whitman
for a series of games in the north.
Tonight the second string quintet will
play the Y. M. C. A. Cougars at the Eu
gene “W” gym. and Coach Bolder will
be on hand to get a line on how his
—second string performs against an out
side team. A fasf and snappy game is
expected, as the teams are about even
ly matched.
Discussion Groups Meet Each Week In
All Women's Houses. !
‘‘Christian Fundamentals” is the topic
decidco upon fir tlie Bible discussion
groups, which. •beginning this evening
"ill be held every Wednesday from 7 to
7 :.'(0 in all women’s organized houses on
the campus. These discussion groups
will continue for the next six weeks.
The plans, for these meetings were
prepared by the religious education com
mittee of the Y. W. C. A. under the di
rection of Eleanor Spall, chairman, aud
Miss Mary Perkins, adviser. Each house
"ill have the same leader throughout the
entire course. At a meeting yesterday
afternoon the different leaders decided
the subjects they would use during the
sis weeks.
The list of leaders for the various
houses has not been entirely completed.
Bench Under Nicotine Tree Has In
scription of Most Mysteri
ous Origin.
" Tis bettor to smoke here than bore
al tor.” is one of the captions adorning
the dedication tablet of the new bench
which occupies a prominent place under
the nicotine tree. The new piece of cam
pus furniture appeared like the prover
bial thief in the night and little is known
of its origin, but a substantial lock and
chain seems to guarantee that it will re
main there until either the tree falls or
the bench wears out.
Only seniors, juniors, sophomores and
freshmen are allowed to use the bench
according to the code of the new tradi
tion, and nil unauthorized persons will
be summarily dealt with if they tres
pass. A powerful secret organization
said to bear the Greek name of Alpha
Sigma Sigma is believed to be behind the
movement for comfortable smokes.
Dr. Carlisle Represented On
An invitation to the University of
Oregon to send one or more delegates
to attend the second international con
gress of eugenics to be held in New
York city September 122-28. 1921, has
ibeon received at the president’s office.
A preliminary announcement and tenta
tive program of the gathering accom
panied the invitation and contains a
lengthy list of nationally known edu
cators and professional men serving on
the general committee, the Pacific Coast
is represented by C. L. Carlisle M. I).,
of the extension division. University of
Oregon, Bishop Walter T. Sumner of
Portland, bishop of Oregon, and David
i Starr Jordan of Stanford University.
The object of the international con
gress is, according to the announcement,
“to hold a conference on the results of
research in race improvement” and to
discuss throroughly the problem of race
betterment which at the present time is
of vital importance to civilization owing
to the disturbed economic, sociologic
and biologic conditions of the world as
a result of the War.
Oregon Club Girls Name Committees To
Handle Details.
The Oregon Club girls, at their meet
ing Iasi Monday night in the bungalow,
decided on February 23 as the date for
their dance but they have not yet de
cided just where it will be held. Helen
Addison was appointed chairman of the
committee to obtain a place for it. The
heads of the other dance committees
are: Features, Lola Keiser; Invitations,
Mabel Ilaylor, and Chaperons, May Len
This was the first regular meeting of
the dub for this term, and it marked the
end of their membership drive. The
club was divided into two parts, and a
contest for the highest number of mem
berships held between them with the los
ing side to entertain the remainder of
the club sometime later in the term. The
eoutest was won by the division headed
by Dorothy Dickey.
The membership of the club now totals
over eighty girls and according to Glenn
Frank, president, many are still joining
who just centered college this term.
The invitation for Saturday evening,
January 22. extended to them by Hen
dricks hall was accepted by the girls of
the club. It was also decided that they
should give twenty dollars to the Near
East Belief fund which will be started
soon as a result of Sherwood Eddy’s
visit to the campus.
J. L. Whitman, Former Student, Suc
ceeds Dr. Cole In Chemistry Dept.
Professor J. L. Whitman, of Spokane
University, will teach Analytical Chem
istry here in the place of Dr. Howard
[. Cole, who went to the Philippines in
December. Professor Whitman lias ob
tained a leave of absence beginning Feb
ruary 1. the end of the semester at
1 Spokane University, and will come here
at that time.
Professor Whitman obtained his Mas
ter’s degree here several years ago and
was an assistant then. He also taught
Analytical Chemistry here at snmmei
school and has been an instructor in the
high schools of both Pendleton and
\ _
Charlotte Banfield and Fergus
Reddie Take Leads
In Play.
Girl From Gutter Taught To
Play Dutchess In High
“Pygmalion,” one of the most actable
plays George Bernard Shaw lias ever
written, according to Fergus Reddie,
will show in Guild theatre Thursday and
Saturday nights of this week.
Written in 1912 when the time was
apt for a criticism of the English lan
guage. the playwright succeeded in pro
ducing a comedy full to the brim with
bubbling satire of the most virile type.
Incidentally he takes a fling at middle
class “morality,” society and other
As Pygmalion of old did with his mar
ble when he seulptored the wonderful,
statue so beautiful that ho was enamour
ed by the creation, so Professor Higgins
takes a girl from the gutter and makes
of her a lady who ran piiss in society as
a dutchess. A professor in phonetics,
by polishing the girl’s speech and artic
ulation, he succeeds in raising her tastes
and motives to such an extent that she
is in truth a lady, a thing of which he is
justly proud.
Miss Banfield Takes Lead.
The fun of the whole play lies in the
unique characterization and the extra
ordinary situations, of which Shaw is a
master of his own kind. For those who
know English life, they will see typical
characters in Alford and Liza Doolit
tle. in the professor, the colonel, the pro- j
fessor’s wife Hnd in the Hills.
Charlotte* Banfield is the street girl,
Liza Doolittle, who “don’t want to iern
raw grammar, but ter speak like a
lidy.” She is shocked by the immodesty
of full length mirrors in the bath room
of the professor’s house.
Professor Higgins, the phonetician, is
played by Fergus Reddie, who. as a pro
fessor in expression, has done in actual
life that, which he will again do in the
play with Liza.
Rose McGrew in Cast.
Rose McGrew is the unfailing profes
sor’s wife who comes in contact with the
street girl in so many instances.
In Mr. Doolittle, played by Xorvoll
Thompson, Shaw takes delight in plac
ing a philosopher, a “thinking man,” who
is the mouthpiece for many a quick thrust
about middle class “morality.”
Members of the cast in order of ap
pearance are:
Prof. Henry Higgins ....Fergus Reddie
Cot. Pickering .Manford ifiehael
Mrs. Pearce .Trene Rugh
Liza Doolittle .Charlotte Banfield
Alfred Doolittle .Norrell Thompson
Mrs. Higgins .Rose McGrew
Mrs. Eynsford-Hill .Charlie Fenton
Miss Eynsford-Hill_Dorothy Wootton
Freddy Eynsford-Hill ... Clair/Keeney
Maid . Irene Stewart
Richard Gray Confined In infirmary
With Ailment.
Richard Gray, a freshman from Mc
Minnville, is confined in the “isolated
quarters” of the infirmary with chicken
pox. Leo Deffenbucher. who lius had
pneumonia, has been released and pro
nounced able to do his school work.
Carlton Logan, who is also a pneu
monia patient at the infirmary, is get
ting along nicely, according to reports, i
and will be let out in a few days. Many
eases of colds and other similar ailments
are being handled this week, according
to the infirmary nursing force.
Crowd in Business Office Looks Like
Bank Run—All a Mistake.
It looked like a run on a bank. It was
only several hundred misguided souls
who thought yesterday was the last day
in which to pay their laboratory and
gym fees and so thronged the business
office of the administration building
from the opening hour on.
The error was due to a mistake in the
Emerald’s announcement which said the
last day was to be the IStli instead of
the 26th.
Freshmen Cut Expense of Glee
To Less Than $300 But Will
Still Have First-Class Dance
The expense of tlie annual Krosh
Glee, which will be given on February 4
at the Armory, will probably not exceed
.$.■{00, according to Harold Brown, chair
man of the Glee committee. Revised es
timates, made* after consultation with
former class dance committee chairmen,
has resulted in lowering the budget for
the dance to less than ,$;»00. Incidental
expenditures, it is believed by Brown,
will probably raise the final cost of the
Glee to the limit set.
In re-arranging the plans for the
dance, the committee had’to allow for
rent for the hall, cost of programs,
punch, music, features and decorations,
and incidental expense which would be
incurred by the committee in charge of
inviting patrons and patronesses.
Amounts formerly estimated for these
items have been cut down now, accord
ing to Brown, while still all the essen
tials necessary to a successful class
dance will have been complied with.
The best music possible to obtain in
Eugene will play at the Frosh Glee, ac
cording to Brown. Appropriate pro
grams will be ordered soon by the com
mittee in charge, and a feature that will
far surpass any yet offered at a class
dance is promised by the committee in
charge of that, phase, according to the
general chairman. The decorations will
be simple, yet entirely adequate, and the
punch will be plentiful. “We’ll still have
n wonderful dance,” said Brown.
In explaining the change in plans
made bv the committee, the committee
sail they were attempting to conform
t.i the vote of their class taken in class
meeting last week, and still keep the ex
pense of the dance under the amount of
money in their treasury.
“We did not intend to have a special
assessment to raise money for the
dance,” said the chairman of the gen
eral committee. “The special levy was
to raise money to provide for future
activities of the class, which would leave
the full amount of money in the treas
ury for the dance. Tin; assessment will
not be collected now.”
Doan John Straub, advisor to the
freshman claims, assisted in the revision
of the dance budget. According to him,
it was the full intention of the commit
tee to keep down expenses, but they felt
that they could not give an appropriate
dance for the amount of money in the
class treasury, which he says was de
pleated by such activities as building the
frosh bonfire, painting the “O”. and Help
towards defraying the expense of the
Homecoming rally.
Political Science Subjects To
Be Discussed Jan. 26.
Dr. Victor Andres I’elaunde, Professor
of International law and political science
at the Universidad de San Marcos, Lima,
Peru, is to speak on the campus to dif
ferent groups on Wednesday, January
January 26. Professor Bclaunde is
known as one of the most able and in
fluential men in Latin-Anierican Aca
demic circles.
He will speak at 2 o’clock on the 26th
to Professor Lomax’s cluss in Trade
Routes and World Ports. Any others
interested may attend this lecture which
will be on the subject of “Economic
Conditions in Peru.” His second address
will be to the faculty Social Science
club on the evening of the same day on
the subject of, “The. Communism and the
Bolshevist Regime.’* A third lecture
will probably will be given by Dr. Be
launde on “Hispanic American Culture
and Ideals.” The latter although not
definitely arranged for as yet will prob
ably be given before the Cosmopolitan
club and some of the Spanish classes.
Many Contributions Are Received By
Writers of Humor But Art
Work Lags.
Material for the February issue of tin
Lemon Punch has been coming in fairly
rapidly of late and the contest between
the humorous contributors is becoming
keen, according to the editor. Few have
attempted cartoons however, and it is in
this field that material is most needed
at the present time. A number of new
artists have been discovered within 'the
past few days, who had never turned in
work before, says Stun, because they did
not know what kind of cartoons to draw.
Ideas for cartoons will be given to any
cartoonist to work on if he so desires
and they can be obtained by dropping in
to the Punch office any afternoon.
The Lemon Punch is not confined to
only those with humorous ideas but any
person who can write good editorials is
urged to turn them in as there is room
on the staff as well for writers of seri
ous copy. The staff will be enlarged
very soon and those who have consist
ently turned in good material will receive
the positions. The present staff repre
sents only the heads of the various de
Alumni have been taking a keen inter
est in the magazine, according to the
editor who says that material has al
ready been received from old time writ
ers of humor such as Paul Farrington
Krnest Crockatt and I’ill Bolger.
Don’t delay, the contest closes next
I Tuesday aud this is the deadline for all
Second Notchers Make Bid for
Top Place.
♦ Team W.
♦ Fiji ..12
♦ Kappa Sig.9
♦ S. A. E.S
♦ Kappa Theta Chi.. S
♦ Beta.8
♦ Baehelordon . . .. S
♦ Sigma Chi . 7
♦ A. T. O.fi
♦ Delta Tnu . 6
♦ Sigma Xu.4
♦ Phi Delt.4
♦ Friendly Flail .... ,‘t
♦ Oregon Club . 3
♦ Delta Theta Phi.. 0
> ♦ «
444 ■
♦ ♦
Tlu> percentage climbing Kappa Sigma
•team added another victory to its list
yesterday afternoon when it defeated the
Kappa Theta Chi quintet 14-5 in dough
nut basketball. ,
Throughout the game the Kappn The
ta Chi men Inched the promising, speedy
team work which characterized them
earlier in the season. Although the men
worked hard individually they were un
able to keep the ball from their oppon
ents for any length of time. Hay, for
ward, and Zimmerman, center, made all
the points scored by their side.
The victors showed to advantage both
in team work and individuality. Stra
horn, forward, and Burnett, guard, were
the big point getters each man hooping
three field baskets. Andre, Bockhcy and
Blackman played up to their usual good
form. Andre c onvc rting two free
The teams lined up ns follows:
Kappa Theta Chi—5 Kappa Sigma—14
Hay 2.K.Andre 2
LaCondc.K.Strahoru G
Zimmerman •'!.C.Burnett G
Kappa Sigma will play S. A. 10. Thurs
day afternoon at 4 o’clock.
Houses Wishing to Entertain Must Make
Invitations Early.
Bishop Walter T. Sumner of 1’ortlaml
will address the University assembly on
March al|d niake his annual visit to
the campus on the preceding Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday. Bishop Sum
ner is well known and popular among
the University students.
The subject of his address will be an
nounced later. Student groups wishing
to invite him to their houses for lunch
eon or dinner or other engagements may
see either Dean Fox or Karl W. On
thank, whp will make up the schedule for
him. Ilis time is always in demand and
groups wishing to entertain him should
issue invitations early.
System Stresses Prevention
Rather Than Cure, Says
Dean Bovard.
Eastern Colleges Slower to
Undertake Similar
Line of Work.
Healthier students, students physically
able to get the most out of life and the
most of their studies; this Is. the gdll
toward which the University Health Bet
viee is working under the {Hrcctloh of
the school of physical education.
Dr. John IVovord, dean of the school
cf physical edueation, has recently re*
turned from a trip throughout the w#*t
and middle west, where lie visited *
number of the largest colleges, and be
lias found tliat Oregon is among the
most progressive in caring for the health
of the students.
“We are making a keen distinction be
tween health service and sink service”
explained Dr. Bovnrd. “We are cop
centrating our energies upon taking o^re
of tlie men and wom>n here so that th^
won’t get sick.’’ This, continued t|ie
dean, does not mean that there .is <o ,b*
n relinquishment in care of the slt-k.
Every caution is being taken to giyC
.those who do become ill the best Of'At
tention, but stress is being lai<l oh the
fact that, attention to the body in da})?
life tends to offset a predisposition- to
sickness and in general increases effi
ciency. 't'
Novel System Adopted.
In line with this preventive .work Ore
gon has ndopted a novel system,
Dr. Bovard hopes will do more than lajjjjjr
one thing o make and keep the students
healthier. This is the. aiding of men gii^t
women to reach their highest point*of
point of physical fitness. "
“This work,” explained Dean Boyiliil,
“takes in the student who ijsWeil,’ 'jjiSft
whose physical condition caii ' h(glet
tered. Men, for exantple. uhdftwfiJmfr;
men who have slight troubles whltfi
proper food and exercise will;* eliiptMjte
are made acquainted.with their conjil
tion and given an opportunity, uftdAt
proper instruction, to go through .w^b
a recreational program, and a program
of physical exercise which fwm bnlf
them to their higest point 6f" effi
ciency.” • -• ’*
This work, it was explained1, is noth
ing more than tuking the man who has
more physical potentialities thatt heli
actually using, and putting him in a po
sition to make use of all the strength
with which nature endowed him,
I GO Men Have Oafeots.
The work for the men here'' is under
the direction of Dr. E. H. Sawyer. I»
the physical examinations which l»*fe
been conducted, it was found that slight
ly over 160 men in the University Jjgd
some slight ailment, such as oVey
Weight, which reduced their physical fit
ness to a point below normal. A meet
ing of these men is to be held this eojh*
,'ing Saturday morning at 11 o’clock lp
Room 6, I’. E. hall, where programs Of
recreational exercise and proper diet will
bo outlined which will enable them to US'
prove their physical condition.
The same work is being conducted for
the girls of the University under the dl
(Continued on Page 4.)
Dr. Landsbury Heads Supervisors* Na
tional Committee,
Dean John .1. Laddsbury, of the school
of music, has been appointed chairmen qf
the advisory committee of the
Supervisors’ National Conference, aqid
to be the Iivest national musical organ- 1
i/.ation in existence. The advisory eonS
mittec is u national one.
The Music Supervisors’ National' Cot}- |
vention was organized abotj^ 13 yegrs
ago and since then has grown to Its pres’
ent membership of about 1300.
This appointment shows that Oregon
is coming to the front 1 in the
world, was I)r. Landsbufy’s comment on
the appointment. “Oregon has been the 1
pioneer in questions of the adoptiot} Of
music in the curriculum of the pqb(|c
school, its influence has bteen vf*|t
throughout the United States and its
plan adopted in some states.
“Our slogan has been that the future;
music lies in the public school*” the
dean concluded.