Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 14, 1921, Page TWO, Image 2

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Member Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association.
Aswriato Ivlifor
Lyle Bryson
Nows Editor .Charles E. tiratke
Assistant News Editors
\>bna Knpprt, Elisabeth Wbilehouse j
Sparta Editor .Floyd Maxwell
Sports Writers
fctiiiena Kelty Edwin Hoyt
StutlstMnn.lion J>. Huntress!
Night Editors
Carlton K. Logan. Tteuel S. Moore.
A Vi If Orel Allen.
Nows Sorvioo Editor.Fneob Jneobson
Alexander Brown, Kiiuiee Zimmerman
,J'mature Writers .L. J. H.. "Mary I.ou Burton. Francos Quisynberry
Xo^'S Staff T red Guyon, Margaret Scott. Harold A. Moore, Owen Callawav,
loan Mradian. Inez King. I.enore Crain, Doris Parker. Phil Brogan. Raymond D.
Lawrence. Margaret ( arter. Florence Skinner. Emily Houston. John Diordorff,
Pauline Coad, Howard Bailey, Arthur Rudd. Both Austin, Clarence Anderson.'
\LabeJ Oilnnni. Jessie Thompson. Hugh Starkweather. Jennie Perkins. Claire
Bfiale, Dan Lyons. Kenneth Youel. John Anderson. Florence Walsh. Maybelle
Associate Manager
Advertising -Manager .7”.. .CSi*or*o McIntyre
Circulation Manager.Ogden Johnson
Assistant^. . .Marion Weiss Collections .J. Warren Kays
Slafl Assistants: Randal .Tones, Jason MeKune. Bey Reed. Imogene I,etcher,'
Mary Alexander, Klwyn Craven. Donald Bemudt. James .Meek.
Official publication or the Associated Students of thefnisersitv of Oregon
issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the college year.
Entered in the post office at Kugene. Oregon, as second class matter. Sab
nftription ffltow $2.25 iBy ici-jn, T.iC. Au^ertislp^ rat(jfs iipon mpj»lu*;ition.
Campus office— fiu.T.
. Webster Ruble
Downtown office—1200.
•Journolists of Oregon, your University welcomes you.
J hat your visit may lx* both' profitable and enjoyable is
1 bo.wish of the* hmorald and of ovorv Oregon student. While
you are here, you are inviled to live again with ns, to join us
at play and at work, and to earry back with you a true con
epption of the life and ideals of students of your University
*ou may have noticed before that the breach of the past
between the students of higher educational institutions and
active pai ticipauts in the allairs ol the world has been for
tbe most part wiped away. Uoliege men and women are pre
paring lor business and professional lives, and they are test
ing their abilities while they are here.
A era ill \ou aie having an opportunity to oltserve your
• TifVeisitx, and vou can find out for vourselvos what is bo
accomplished here. The University of Oregon is your
Lun u] si 1v, horauso as a <*itizon of tho stale, vour voniidonen
in Oregon institutions of higher education has made the Uni
versity what it is today. In the newspaper men of the state,
Oregon has found real, strong, steadfast friends.
You are among us now, and as the routine of college life
cannot be interrupted,-you will he students with the rest of
ms. Oreyon students will he glad to renew old friendships
fliHl to form new ones. ’
. Oi ogon students sa\ ‘!|cllo, in greeting or in meeting
Irietids, and so we say ‘"Iloilo” to you.
lonight, Oregon plays its Jirst varsity basketball game of
Um season. lownspeople are to ho our guests, both tonight
nrnl tomorrow night, and wo must kIiowj to tlioin that wo np
preoiate their support of I’uivorsitv alldeties t,v being pivi
ont ourselves. Let s start tlio basketball season right bv loval
siipport given to our toam tonight in tlmir first game. You
want to see a l.ttlo “Or,-on spirit.” know that Toni'dit and
voflrV1<’m lnr ifi n1' n1<! s|,inf ils veal send-off this
'OU- I ho baskothall toam will need evcrv ounce of spirit
it is possible for us to give them. We’ll ho (hero tonight!
n tll(,jV,,s'im;V' ,,|ilss '» changing the date* of
h, I osh doe in order to allow an open night for the O \
< .-Oregon baskothall game is commendable, h doesn’t take
a good class ong to get into the swing of things here ami to
annex then- share <> Oregon spirit. It is deplorable that the
basketball same and the all l diversity <lanee wort* scheduled
toy the same night, but since that happened it is fortunate for
Oiegoii that the Irosltmeu had enough spirit to give wav
1/ Announcements
Lab Fees. —- Laboratory foes are now
<lne and payable. A delinquent fee of SI
will be charged after January 18.
Freshmen Women. — Those who have
not signed up for physical examinations
are urged to do so at once, at the secre
tary's office in the women’s building. Rx
aminations should be taken this week.
Advertising Class. — The class in ad
vertising will not meet Friday. Instead,
all members of tbe class are expected to
intend the meeting of the Newspaper
Conference which begins at 0 o’clock Fri-!
day a. m. Tbe subject of this session of
tbe conference is “Advertising,” and a
number of matters will be presented in
tbe papers and in tbe discussions that are
of importance and interest to the mem-j
hers of the class. If possible, students
will obtain permission to be absent from
other classes held Friday morning. Copi
ous notes should be taken of the ad
dresses. W. F. 0. THACHRIt.
Found.—Recently found in the library
—1 man's watch. 2 purses containing
small nn^ounts of money. 1 sweater, rub
bers. Owners may claim same by calling
at the office of tbe librarian in the
Executive Management.—Nine o'clock
‘lass in executive management will meet!
on Monday and nqt on Friday from now
on. floss will meet, ou Monday, Tues
day. "Wednesday and Thursday in fu
t lire.
Science Club. — A meeting of the Sci
ence flub will be bold in the Chemistry
lecture room of McClure hall next Tues
day night. J. H. Pruett will talk on
“Meteorology in the War.” All are
Reception. — The announcement made
in flic assembly yesterday that the in
formal reception for Mrs. Sherwood
l.dd.v will be held in the afternoon was a
mistake and the committee wishes to an
nounce that the reception will be hold in i
the Y. TV, C. A. directly after the meet
ing held in Villard hall this evening.
Frosh-Glee.—The date for the Frosh
f'lee has been changed from February J1
to February 4, as there is to be a bas
ketball game with O. A. on the 11th.
V,. N. MeArtluir. better known as TaF
McArthur, who took his degree at <)-e
gon in 1.1X11, has been a member of con
gress since 391.*!, as representative from
the third district, lie proved his ability
while still in college by holding an as
tounding number of executive positions
such ns president of the A. S. U. (>.,
president of his class, manager of track,
and of football, uud editor of the school
publication. After graduation his career
was varied, lie was a reporter, farmer,
lawyer, secretary to the governor, and
speaker of ttie xhouse respectively, lie
was married in 1913 to a Portland girl.
57 Colleges Follow Practice
of Belcw Passing Mark.
A study of the catalogs of 57 institu- j
tions of collegiate rank to determine j
their practice in awarding grades below |
passing shows that .‘17 follow the Oregon j
practice of awarding a grade of comli- i
tion, according to a report compiled by
Hiss Grace Edgington. assistant profes
sor of rhetoric.
The investigation was made in connec
tion with a controversy which is now go- j
ing on in the faculty as to the merits and j
justice of awarding more than two grades
between V and failure. All rightful cases
are amply cared for by the grades of in
complete and withdrawn, in the opinion
of some of the instructors, and any >
other gAides are considered illogical and j
In nearly all of the 37 institutions
which award a grade of condition it is the
common practice to hedge the grade in
one of four ways: the mark following the
re-examination must be considerably
higher than passing to bo counted at all;
a fee must he paid for the privilege of
re-examination; only the lowest passing
grade is given even if the paper writter
warrants more; or credit points are sub
tracted from the number already earned.
Ten of the institutions have no grade
below passing listed in their catalogs.
Twenty-five of the 57 have three grades
below passing and it appears that 18 have
two such grades. The incomplete is
commonly the one missing with those
which have hut two mark's.
The four grades found in the survey
were condition, failure, incomplete, and
absence. Marks for absence arc given
for absence from examination or exces
sive. absence in recitation periods in the
case of a few institutions.
Mo definite movement is on foot in the
faculty to abolish the grade of condition
and the investigation was made for the
purpose of obtaining general information
on the subject.
Honorary Members Are Taken In By
Local Chapter Following Banquet
at Osburn Yesterday Eve.
Five new honorary members were
token into Sigma Delta Clii, national
professional journalism last night. A
banquet at the Osburn proceeded the
initiation. The new members of the local
chapter are all attending the newspaper
conference to be held on the campus this
Robert W. Sawyer, publisher of the
Rend Bulletin, Merle Chessman, editor of
the Astoria Budget, Elbert Bede, editor
of the Cottage Grove Sentinel, Charles
Fisher, editor of the Eugene Daily
Guard, and E. E. Brodic. editoi* of the
Oregon City Enterprise are the new
members who wore initiated last night.
Lumber, Lath and Shingles
5th and Willamette Sts.
Phone 452
Several alumni members of the local
chapter attended the initiation.
A student at the University of Illinois
was permanently expelled for turning in
stolen military equipment at the Arm
Phone 141
City Messenger Service
39 E. 7th J. C. GRANT, Mgr.
The Kodak ghppVi %
Headquarters For. Campus Pictures
Kodak Finishing, Kodaks and Albums
See our big STUNT BOOKS
10th and Willamette Sts. ' Rhone 535.
Our dining room is the logical place for
dinners, banquets and formal affairs of the
students of the University. We are
equipped to render that service which is
distinctive and characterizes a hotel which
has a reputation.
Have you tried our Sunday evening din
ners? If not, you have vet to enjoy the
pleasure of a fine dinner that compares
favorably with the very best hotels in
Oregon. ' y
Hotel Qsburn
V sj> A i* ' trfc* 5
As a
i se Elixer Tonsilitis (San Tox)
I sed both as a gargle and
internal antiseptic*
>: *
Mable Holmes Parsons nn.l Edison Mar
shall Attract Press Comment.
Oregon faculty and students arc well
represented in the literary world this
year. Mrs. Malde Holmes l'arsons, a
member of the faculty doing work with
the extension division in Portland, has
had printed l,y the Stratford Publishing
company, a hook of poems. "Pastels and
Silhouettes, ' The Portland Spectator
remarks in its issue of .lanttary Sth that
"Mis. Parsons is winning recognition in
the east. She lias long been known in
this part of the country for her clever,
imaginative writings, stories, one-act
plays, and verse.”
Ldjson Marshall ,a student here u few
.wars ago, and member of the India Tail
Pelta fraternity, is ulso helping making
Oregon famous. His latest novel, "The
Strength ot the Piuesj" is a thrilling
story of the iviid mountain life iu Oregon
at the time of the femls. There have
heer. many fa\orab!e criticisms of this
work iu the east, uud perhaps that most
lintworthy is the following from the Phil
adelphia Press; "Marshall's work re
calls the atmosphere of Jack London's
stories of the wild and some of Key
Beach's most thrilling talcs.”
Advertisers ♦
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"Rex Flora I Co.?
I Mini Is
Our Speciesarsg Coalty
•'Wholesome and healthful” characterizes the candy
' "c.h conies 1 ''om °ur kitchen dailv. If YOu have not
smd you a box . Special orders filled. ' ' M
The Varsity
c. R. HAWLEY, Prop.