i c. L IS lira, SAY FACTS BASED ON 1837 Dean Yeung Compiles Fig ures on 19th Century Costs. f AGES WERE $1 A DAY Relative Prices'Same Then As They Are Today. Life in early Oregon, while it may not l^ve been ns pleasant ns the living con ditions of the present generation, with its motor cars, electricity and other things thought fn be essential to living, had Mine very distinct advantages. In a re cPDt publication of the Oregon Historical Society, some very interesting figures |fP given as to the cost of living in this (date in about the year 1837. The rec ords wete those of Ewing Young, who t«s sent to California to bring back dome cattle for th£ early settlors here, and were compiled by Dean F. CJ. Young, of the school of sociology. An accurate sc count of every expen diture was kept and submitted to the Willamette Cattle company, which was organized to bring the cattle to this state. Ihe, figures given show that while living eipenscs were small, wages were no larger in proportion. Modern conveni ences, such as moving pictures and other luxuries, had not found their way into the habits of the people and money went I much further. Wages were never over dollar m day, according to the figures given in the j Young accounts. This is in marked con- i hast to the .$4.50 a day which is now paid for the most unskilled kinds of tabor. Costs were not out of proportion to ] wages, however, and a saddle is listed | at $2.25. A good saddle these days r.ill j bring around $50. Further on, n rope is j listed at 25c; forty pounds of pork was ] purchased for 10c a pmno; wheat con’d j be bought for 60c a bushel, while the present price is near $2.00. Board could be bad for about $8* per month. Clothing prices as shown by the ac counts were but a small part of the amounts charged at the present time for fearing apparel. A pair of shoes was bought for $2; a. shirt could be had for fiOc; “pantaloons” brought around $4 per pair, although in some instances they ar*^ priced as low' as $2.40. No cases were recorded where artiefe*.- cosh oven-, the present prices, the whole account show ing that a man could buy more at the earlier date with his day’s wages than he eould at present. \ ROME WANTS CAMfUS VIEWS, j A request for information and photo* j graphs of the University of Oregon from | . La lionda,” an Italian educational pub lication of Rotfte, has been received by Karl W, Onthank, secretary to the pres ident The communication states that the pictures and data desired are to be published in a review to be issued short ly by the Italian institution, Statistical information and two largo photographs of the campus and Vlllard hall will he for warded as requested. SHOOT HELD SATURDAY. The first target practice of the win oi term was held on the target range batnrday morning. Only three men re potted for practice and because of ad verse weather conditions the riflemen fere slightly handicapped. The highest -wore for slow fire was 44. This was wade by Percy Lasseile at 560 yards. The hghest score for rapid fire was also 4i •M was macje by Dean o,,)) ytfus. APPLICANTS REJECTED* Waahinflton School Refuses To Admit Would-Be Scribes. 1 *-- " (f ad fir Inter collegiate News Service) University of Washington, Jan. 10. — Failing to make a “B" grade in prelim- j inary subjects, 09 underclassmen, appli cants for admission to the school of jour nalism, have not been permitted to enter that school, following the opening of the winter quarter Tuesday. The number eliminated is about a third of the aspirants among freshman and sophomores. More ore expected to be refused admission following their work this quarter. This action came through a decision that students who can not obtain ■ grade of 85 per cent or more are not considered by the journalism school as bcin;> quali fied to carry journalism work. MYSTERY PART PLAYED. Los Angeles, Calif., Jan. 10. — Fame overnight, in the form of a mystery part in a coming moving picture, a role of moving force anil hidden power, has be fallen Wesley Freeman, a U. 8. C. jun ior. Freeman is employed in his spare time as a swimming instructor, ami one of bis pupils is Richard liedriek, the three-year-old star who played with Wil liam X. Hart* in “The Testing Block.” In a new picture. “The Woman in the House,” Richard Is supposed to be drowning. As be is too light to sink, his j swimming teacher was called on to lie on the bottom of the pool and pull him j under. Owing to the impervioumiess of; the water. Freeman will not, appear ini the finished picture. AG. RIFLEMEN TO MEET ALABAMA j (Pacific Intercollegiate News Service} Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Jan. 10. — Practice will begin next week by the O. A. C, Rifle club, in order that j a team may be selected to meet Alabama' Polytechnic Institute which has issued a challenge to the Beavers for a rifle i shooting contest. The Universities of California, Washington and Oregon have been challenged by the local team, and it is hoped that matches may be secured with these squads. CHEATERS GIVEN PUBLICITY. University of Washington, Seattle, Jan. 10. -— The names of two students, suspended from school for cheating in violation of the honor system, were printed in the Washington Dail.y recent ly upon request of the student discipline committee. Similar exposure will be made henceforth, announced the commit tee, in an effort to check dishonesty in classes and examinations. Both students were well-known and rated high In cam pus activities. U. S. C. HAS $35,000 ORGAN. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, Jan. 10.—(By P. 1. N. S.)—An organ costing $35,000 and second in size on the Pacific coast only to the one in the San Francisco Exposi tion Auditorium, is being installed in the auditorium of the new $000,000 U. 8. C. administration building. KIDNAPPING IS REGULATED. The University of Pennsylvania lias adopted measures regulating the conduct of students in regard to kidnapping and class fights. Kidnapping is forbidden previous to any function other than au thorized class fights, and defined the manner in which kidnapping may be ef fected in the ease of regular fights. “Cooperation in California’ will be the subject of the first two lectures, while “Cooperative Movements in the North west” will lie the title of the two follow ing. Keep the Memories of College Days for the Future in PICTURES You will find them all at ,„t. A. C. Read’s St. near Alder art goods PICTURES POTTERY PICTURE FRAMING 922 Willamette St. Eugene ■U. S. C. ELEVEN ELECTS; Charley Dean, Star Half-back, Captain for 1921 Season. (Pacific lnl< rcoUegiatc News Service) University of Southern California, Dos Angelos, California. Jon. 10. — Charley Dean, star Trojan half-hank, was elect ed captain of the C. S. C. varsity for0 the 102.1 gridiron season, at n meeting of members of (lie team shortly before the holiday vacation. Dean's record in football at. Ir. S. C. during his two years at. the university has been decidedly brilliant. He has re peatedly plunged headlong through his opponent’s line for gains of ten or fifteen yards, and often much more. He smashed through the famous Oregon line for two touchdowns at the U. S. (’.-Oregon game Thangsgiving Day. NEW BUILDING PLANNED Next Structure to be Erected at 0. A. C. to be for Commerce. (Pacific Intercollegiate AW* Service) Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Jan. 10. — The next structure to he erected on the 0. A. C. campus will be the commerce building. SO by 100 feet and two stories high, together with a basement eiiual to another story. Grouud may not be broken, however, for several months. The school of commerce now lias Ootl regular students and gives instruction to 1000. It has been crowding the agricul tural departments in the agricultural building. The now structure will take care of the business and administrative offices, the O. A. C. press, the depart ment of industrial journalism and several other departments now crowded into other buildings. DEAN ROBBINS MAKES TRIP. Dean Robbins of the school of com merce made a hasty trip to Salem today to speak before the chamber of com merce on the reorganization of the com merce department at the University. Dean Robbins is to be the guest of honor and speaker of the day at a luncheon given by the commercial club. aj -1;1 "■ i i ■■■— —■—■■.i i SURPLUS f ARMY GOODS STORE Hampton Bldg., 6th & Will. Army Sox 20c 5000 U. S. Army 0. D. Shirts $3.65 Regulation Issue . I Ml .!■■■ I. I ■ H M Army Gray Blankets $4.85 Red Cross Blankets .. $4.85 5000 U. S. Army 0. D. Wool Breeches $3.65 Regulation Issue 0. D. Wool Puttees ,.$1.45 Army Canvas Belts ... 50c U. S. ARMY ISSUE SHOES Trench Shoes .... .$5.85 Marching Shoe1*. .. $6.85 Army Dress Shoes S7.85 U. S. Rubber Boots ..$4.35 Underwear, Army Issue .$1.10 TOBACCO Bull Da? ham, 2 pkgs. 15c Duke’s Mixture, 3 pkgs.20c Coveralls Reclaimed .$2.25 Rain Coats, Army Issue ..’.....$3.25 U. S. ARMY MEATS 12-lb. can Bacon ..$3.10 1- lb. can Corned Beef Hash ............ 25c 2- lb. can Roast Beef 35c U-lb. can Corned Beef 45c l§-lb. can Vienna Sausage .40c Mail Orders Filled Promptly Postage Paid—-Except on Can Goods Most Aid Given to Students New This Year. Since lust. September, 52 permanent | positions and 127 positions, some of j which may have been permanent have been secured by University girls through the V. W. {'. A. This includes mostly students who have entered the Univer sity for the first time during the last fwo terms, as students who have work ed before usually secure tlieir own po sitions without help from the Y. \V. C. A. Of the .12 positions, from which Iji.'lO to $40 has been earned each month, 2• the IS girls that received work during the Christmas vacation. Upsides University students a number j of people have written to the campus V. \V. <\ A., thinking that it was a city or ganization and have received work through it. According t*> .Miss Hinsdale, a number of calls have come that the or ganization could not fill, especially near examination time as students often give up their employment and it is difficult to j get any one to fill their places. I The round table conference which was not held last term will be held this term as soon as possible and a schedule will be mnili' nut to revise the prices and the standard of the work. This confer ence is made up of the girls who work. They appoint: a committee who meets an appointed committee of employees and the final arrangements ore made. NON-COMS APPOINTED. Three lion-eonunissioncd officer’s war- , rants, for first, sergeant, sergeant and corporal, have been issued to the follow ing respectively: Delbert (therteuffer. sophonyjrc, of Portland. Oregon, Herbert FILMS FOR THE KODAK WHEN THE SUN SHINES Schwarzschild’s Book Store CHARLEY’S PLACE 982 Willamette Roasted Peanuts Mother’s Candy Buttered Popcorn Leroy Geary, junior, of Clatskauie, Orc Kon, and Jack Myers, freshman, of Saji Diego, California. ! 1 llnhigsifi/9/or, &tou)er Girl ■■■* „ .iAtL eyour jrec Lectiorb fenxLinq lowers^ T N no other more pleas ant way can show your appreciation than by send ing flowers. Were you pleasant It entertained by .vour IrieudsV You can say so by sending them some bountiful blossoms. You can be sure that they will appreciate your thoughtful ness. Let us serve you with flowers. m Co-operation The policy of our store has always been to com bine quality and price and furnish meat to the students at a price within reason.. This we feel accounts for our increasing’ volume of business. We are behind the student body and the Univers ity in all their undertakings and desire that they re alize we are interested in them in more than a business wav. MEATS OF QUALITY AT THE RIGHT PRICE Broder Bros. 80 8th St. W. Phone 40 a Service and Quality During the years that the Rainbow has been under its present management the above have been the con stant aim. Service that you enjoy receiving—pleasant in the smallest details—always willing to give you the per sonal attention. Quality of food is important and is so realized. We spare no cost to give you the best form the fountain or for your regular meal orders. Roainbow H. BURGOYNE, Prop.