Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 11, 1921, Image 1

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    ¥' &■
Clubmen Annex Ragged Con
test by 21-19 Score; Boh
ler Well Pleased.
Indians Will Meet Lemon
Yellow Here In Two En
counters; Team Strong.
v Excelling the Muit:i>nuih Club «|UintGt;
in team work and passing but falling
short in basket shooting ability, the var
sity basketball five lost, the opening game
of the season to the winged “M” veter
ans in Portland- Saturday night, by a
score of 21 to 19. The game was rag
ged and loosely played. It was fully as
slow as might be expected of an early
season game, neither team showing any
form, due to flic fact that there has been
little time to get into shape.
Coach Bolder was well pleased with
the work of the Oregon squad in their
initial appearance and says it was ’any
body’s game until the final whistle,
which meant that Multnomah did not out
class the varsity five as it was supposed
they would. The club guards stuck to
Durno throughout the game and tried to
smother him at every chance but even
at that, the little forward scored 0
points although he was only able to hoop
one field basket, the rest being fouls
which he converted. Eddie scored seven
out of 11 tries for foul throws, missing
only one out of seven tries in the initial
period. *
Entire Squad Used.
' “Hunk” Latham, playing with the
varsity for tl»e first time,., made three
field -baskets, and Bettar and Marc La
tham are each, credited with one basket
from the floor. Coach Bolder used his
entire squad of eight men during the
contest, “Bill” Reinhart starting the
game at Chapman’s place in the guard
position when it was found out late. Fri
day aftoapoon that “Nish” would be un
able to make the trip on account of fac
ulty ruling.
The end of the first half saw the teams
nmnuig neck and neck with a 12 all
score, but tho clubmen took the lead
soon after the second period opened and
kept it to the end of the game, Gu.s
Clerln, X. Clerin and Ned Fowler an
nexed the points for the club five. Fow
ler is a former Oregon star and bis work
in the latter part of the game against liis
old Alma Mater representatives was a
Chemawa to Play.
It is not known yet whether a return
same can bo arranged with the club five
for some time. The opposition to the
lemon-yellow quintet this week will be
furnished by Chemawa, the Indians com
ing here for a two-game series to he
played on Friday and Saturday nights.
Chemawa always puts a good team in the
field and the two games this week-end
will give the students a chance to see the
varsity in action the first time this sea
Line-up Is Given.
The line-up in the Saturday night
game was as follows:
Multnomah 21 Oregon 10
Morton.,'F.Durno 0
Gus Clcrin 12.F. . . . M. Latham 2
X. Clerin 4....Cl. . , .H. Latham 6
• Toomey.G.Reinhart
Twining.G. . . ■■_Bellar 2
Substitutions: Multnomah. Fowler 5
for Morton, Morton for Gus Clerin;
Oregon, Rase for M. Latham. Knudsen
for Durno, Durno for Knudsen. Couch
for Reinhart, M. Latham for II. Latham.
Referee, Harry Fischer.
heat plant enlarged
New 250-Horsepower Boiler Added To
Former Equipment.
M ith the acquisition of a new 250
borsrpower boiler the heating capacity of
the University heating plants is in
creased to a great extent. The four old
toilers were of the 80-horsepower size,
and their combined power was only 320
horsepower; thus the new boiler Will
make the heating capacity a little over
Ivi times its former power. The new
boiler contains 75 four-inch heating
tubes 15 inches long.
The increase in the plant has been
made necessary by the increased build
fng space on the campus,
Ohe new furnace is to receive its first
iria] Monday afternoon.
Sags Containing Llva Animals First
Class Matter, Food and Laundry
Received Daily.
> ^logs, live, dead and croaking ones;
mice, white and of the common field va
riety, liquid air, household furniture,
and divers other things in the shape of
1 mail which seem to help make the wheels
of the University whirl, make their en
trance to campus activities through Bur
leson hall, the n£W campus post office.
When the Umversity was smaller.
, vvlion there weren’t so many Marys and
Johns to be written to, and when the
, science departments used home grown
specimens instead of the move expensive
makes, the office in Johnson hall served
adequately enough as the campus post
"Sffiee; but this year it became necessary
| to provide larger quarters for the mail
| mg department so a special building nick
named “Burleson hall,” was built just
back of .Johnson hall for this purpose and
hern the mail is handled in large quanti
Besides the first class mail, three and
four sacks of other mail are handled
daily. During the holidays as high as
seven sacks were ^nulled per day. Many
boxes of nourishment are received, and
clean laundry from home is a regular
Monday morning feature. There nrc also
professor’s notes, boxes of them, which
are received by each professor on the
, faculty list.
The next thing we'll get will probably
be guinea pigs," said postmaster Lane.
, “But let it be hoped that a ‘Pigs is
Pigs’ episode will not occur here.”
HI MEET Jill. 12
Preliminary Plans for New
Organization Complete.
. . --*■ -- •: .. ..
The first meeting of the historian’s
staff, which was recently reorganized un
der 'Jennie Maguire, will be held Thurs
day evening at 7:l>0 o’clock in Dr. Gil
bert’s room in the library. Preliminary
plans for the workings of the historian’s
office have been completed. At the meet
ing the now members of the staff will be
acquainted with their duties.
The names of those on the staff fol
Doris Pitteuger, Wesley Frater, Nor
ton Wiminrd, Kathrine Bald. Laura Spall,
Wolcott Burcn, Denn Ireland, Wilbur
I Philips, Florine I’aekarrd. Kenuetli Youel
Harold Wells, Nelson English, Bernice
Altstoek, Ralph Hoebev. Wilbur Iloyt.
Wilbur Hulin, Marie Ridings, Iiirebard
VanLnan. Lvle Bartholomew, Marian
Ady, Vivian Kellems, Helen DuBuy, Mil
dred Hawes, Floyd Maxwell. Maude Lar
gent. Elvira Thurlow, Margaret Jackson,
! Isabelle Kidd, Elmer Pendell, Eleanor
Spall, Remey Cox, Dorothy Wooton,
j Louise Davis, Frances Moore, John Gam
ble, Frances Habersham, Leola Green,
Beatrice Crewdson, Helen Carson, Janet
West. Marjorie Kruz. Margaret Smith.
Marion Lawrence. Gertrude Golding,
Rnth Tuck. Gladys Everett, Marion
Weiss, Pauline Cond, Tsla Gibevf.
Charles Robertson. Haddon Rnekhey,
Owen Callaway. Ralph Couch. Charles
Lamb, Francis Kern. Hugh Latham. Ned
Twining. Ralph Taylor, Forrest Little-1
field. James Say. Dan Woods. Roy
Voatoh. John Anderson. Elmo Madden.
Bill Ilcinhart. Marion Taylor. Leona
Marsters, Eugene Kelty. Ruth Griffin.
Florence Furuset, Phil Brogan. Mar
jorie Stout. Fannie Ruth Alderman.
Glenn Frank, Martin Howard. Arthur
Kuhnhousen, Hallie Smith, Don New
bury, Alice Thurston. Dymon Povey,
Dorothy Manville, Gertrude Whitt-on,
Mary Turner, William Russis-.
Professor Harl R. Douglas of the
faculty of the school of education has
beeu asked for a copy of the paper
“Present Status of Higher Education in
Oregon,” read before the division of
higher education at the annual meeting
of the Oregon State Teachers’ Associa
tion in Portland during the holidays.
Professor Douglas’ paper is one of the
two .selected by the division for publica
tion in the proceedings of the associa
Dean Stephen I. Miller of the school
of business administration of the Uni
versity of Washington was in Eugene
Saturday to attend the installation of
Gamma Beta Sigma, national commerce
fraternity. While on the campus he dis
cussed commerce school problems with
Dean Bobbins,
Six O’clock Tonight to Mark
Close of Canvass for 1921
Year Book.
Extra Copies Are Not To Be
Printed; Subscriptions
Must Come In Now.
Today is the last day of the drive for
subscriptions to the Oregana, and only
450 books Lave thus far been sold. This
means that unless much more work is
done today the circulation of the book
will be the smallest in years and ns small
as any college on the coast.
Due to increased costs and an improve
ment in the quality of the Oregana, it
will be impossible to run the risk of los
ing money by printing any more than are
sold in the campaign. It is definitely
announced that only those who order now
will receive a book, for this reason.
The campaign has been the slowest of
any carried on for a number of years.
Those .managing it state that only a lot.
of hard work combined with Oregon
spirit will put the thing across, and save
Ihc Oregana.
Booth Closes Today.
Solicitors will hand in their books and
money at the booth in frhnt of the library
between four and six o’clock this after
noon. so in order to help anyone to wTin
the prize of twenty-five dollars it will
be necessary that the subscriptions be
turned in before that time. The booth
will be open until six o'clock, but after
that it w-ill be impossible to pay up.
Wes Frater, circulation manager of the
Oregana, who is handling the drive, has
made an appeal td the oommittefov-dspe
cially to get in and change it from a fail
ure into a success, and thus do that mneli
for Oregon.
In the race for the twenty-five dollar
prize, Lois Hall is leading Betty Pride by
a narvow margin. Others who have made
a good showing and still have a chance to
win some of the prizes are Nancy Fields,
Arthur Campbell, Georgina Perkins, and
Hadden Rockhey.
Mora Subscriptions Expected.
Since the last announcement no other
houses have reported one hundred per
cent scubscriptions. Phi Sigma Pi won
the leather bound copy by being first and
Delta Theta Pi and Delta Delta Delta
arc also one hundred per cent. The mat
ter was brought up in the meetings of the
various houses last night in a last minute
effort to give the drive the utmost pub
licity, and it is believed that before six
o’clock tonight several more will be
complete. *
The poor showing made thus far is
caused by lack of finances among the
students rather than a lfjek of spirit it
is believed, and it is thought by some
that many would welcome an opportu
nity to pay tlieir money were it possible
next week.
The Oregana is progressing very rap
idly and the staff will soon be nearly to
enter the last lap, preparatory to print
ing. The pictures are practically all in.
and nuieh of the material has been passed
“Student Standards of Action” Class At
5 Instead of it.
Mapor R. C. Pmird's course in “Stu
dent Standards of Action,” which will be
given as n part of the educational pro
gram by the campus Y. M. 0. A. has
been changed from 11 a. ro. Tuesday to
5 on Wednesday, according to Hal Don
nelly, who is in charge of the courses.
Secretary Donnelly reports consider
able interest being shown in the. educa
tional program. Classes start today but
it will be possible to enrol! t‘o>- some
I time yet. Special interest in the coramei
| cial part of the program is evinced by
,thosc who are signing up. A immboi
have already started on the free type
writing and shorthand courses.
Whether or not inter-sorority de
. bates will be held this year has nor been
; definitely decided. This Question will be
jtaken up by Professor Michael and Pro
cessor Ueddie within the next week o
two. If a sufficiently large number are
interested* these debates may be held. II
is probable however, that no credit w'l
be given for this work; the debates w I
be considered as an outside activity.
O.A.C. Challenge To Rifle Shoot
Accepted; Winners In Pacific
Coast Contest Co To Corvallis
' A challenge has been received from O.
A. C. to compete with them on the rifle
range and has been accepted. Orders
have also been received to pick teams
for the Pacific coast rifle contest, which
will be held between the team in the
Ninth Corps Area.
lletween now and January 13, there
will be tryouts for the rifle teams to be
picked to represent this unit of the 11.
O. T. C. There will be at least two
teams picked and probably three. Be-'
tween that date and February 1, there
will be special coaching of the men try
ing out for the teams. Just before the
competition shoot whicli will determine
the teams, which will take place some
time between the 1st and February 12.
ft first, second and probably a third team
will t>e picked. This contest will extend
over a period of two days. •
The O. A. C. contest will take place
some time after the Pacific coast con
test and the men making the best scores
In the Pacific coast shoot will be chosen
to meet O. A. C.
Major A. K. Howland has been ap
pointed range officer and Sergeant Con- ■
yers has been appointed range Sergeant.
Rifle shooting will be Considered in
company competition for honor company,
and the company commanders are ex
pected to get their men out.
A Gilettc safety razor will bo awarded
the man having the highest average of
scores between now and the end of the
O. A. C. contest, Major Raymond C.
Ilnird, commandant, announces.
Formal Pledging To Be Held
Next Saturday.
Mu Phi Epsilon, national music frater
nity, will hold formal pledging next Sat
urday for the following girls recently
elected to membership in the society:
Marvel Skeels, Imogene Letcher, Leona
Gregory, Florence Garrett, Mrs. M. II.
Douglass and Madame Itose McGreW.
Madame McGrow has been an honorary
member of this chapter but will be taken
into active membership now.
Requirements for edmissiou to Mu
I’hi have been raised to a much higher
standard this year. Voice, piano, and
violin are the three things that most peo
ple are actively interested in on this
campus and nearly all of the entrance
requirements arc based on these things.
The rules under these divisions are
as follows:
Voice: Two years of consecutive tech
nical study; voice placing; sight reading;
scale and interval work; car training;
diction, phasing.
Piano: Sufficient technical and musical
finish to play Czerny, Op. 740 or Stac
cato and Legato Etudes; Cramer, 50 se
lected studies; dementi, Gradus Ad
Parnassum; Bach, Three-Voiced Inven
tions; French or English Suites or Par
tita; Preludes and Fugues from well
tempered Clavichord; Haydn, Mozart,
and Beethoven, Sonatas; compositions:
Schubert, Schumann, Mendelssohn, Chop
in and the more modem composers.
Violin: Rudolph Kreutzer’s 411 Etudes;
works of Rode, Itovell, GaviniO; Con
certos — Viotti, Rode, Vieuxtcmps, se
lections from Back, Wieniawski, Paga
nini, Saurct. Vieuxtcmps, Sarasatc and
other standard violin composers.
Colonel M. N. Falls Commends Work of
Unit at Inspection.
The local R. O. T. C. unit has received
a letter of congratulation from Colonel
M. N. Falls, who has charge of the Ninth
Corps Area of the R. O. T. C., in which
he says.
“It gives me great pleasure to Congrat
ulate the members of the University of
Oregon It. O. T. C. unit on the growth
and wonderful development which was so
apparent at the recent inspection of your
“Oregon's unit ranks high in this
Corps Area and I am sure, with its fine
esprit, personnel and sense of service
will continue as ever in the front rank.
“I send you my best wishes for a New
Year that will help in the fulfillment of
your hopes and the achievement of your
highest aims.”
The inspection mentioned by Colonel
Falls in his letter was held during the
fajl term.
Carlton K. Logan, a senior majoring
iu journalism and Raymond Ilarlan, a
freshman in commerce, are confined in
the infirmary with pneumonia and the
mumps respectively. Logan's case was
first diagnosed as severe bronchitis but
later developed into pneumonia.
Alpha Tau Omega announces the
pledging of C. Robert Groth, of Newberg,
looted Worker To Be Heard
By Students.
Dr. Sherwood Eddy, well-known edu
cational worker, who has lately returned
from a six months tour of the principal
countries of Europe, Asia and the Near
East, will address the students in a spe
cial assembly to be held Friday after
noon at 4 o’clock in Yillard hall.
Dr. Eddy has been associated with
John It. Mott and has spent much time in
the Orient working among the students
of Japan, Korea, China, India, the Near
East and Russia. In addition to numer
ous educational institutions, ho has
spoken before ..the Chinese provindal
parliaments, government institutions and
boards of trade. I£e went to India in
1896 as national secretary for the Y. M.
A. where ho worked among the stu
dents until 1911 when ho accepted an
appointment as secretary for the Y. M.
C. A. international'committee for Asia.
. In his present tour of the west, Dr.
Eddy is visiting a number of the univer
sities. lie comes to Oregon after 'three
days spent at the University of Washing
ton where he delivered a number of lec
tures on present day problems. When It
was learned that he would spend Friday
on this campus, the student council pe
titioned the faculty to grant time In or
der that all might have the opportunity
of hearing him. At the last facoRy meet
ing, the hour from 4 to 5 o’clock was de
cided upon. The spenker will give one
day each to a Tew of the other larger
universities and will spend three days at
the University of California. Mrs. Eddy,
who accompanies her husband, spoke to
[ the women at the University of Washing*
j ton.
| Dr. Eddy has written a number of
books. He was graduated from Yale, re
ceiving the degree of Ph. D. and later the
honorary degrees of M. A. and L. I„ D.
His homo is in Forest Hills, Long Island,
New York.
Will Help Direct Reorganization of Edu<
catienal System.
Harry l?. Cash, Oregon ex-MS, who
spent the fonr years following his grad
uation, as principal of high schools in
the Philippine islands, goes to Peru
next month to help direct the reorgan
ization of the Peruvian educational sys
tem. He will be accompanied by others
who are interested in foreign education.
The Peruvian minister of education has
an American advisor and is planning to
follow the American system of educa
Mr. Cash has been at, his home in
Hood River since last May.
The agricultural course at O. A. C. at
tracts the greatest number of rehabilita
tion students, according to the Baro
meter there being registered in this
department 160 men. Commerce and pro
fessional courses have 80 men registered
and trades and industries 85. The month
ly payroll of the federal board men totals
An .active campaign against rouge, lip
sticks and eyebrow pencils is being start
ed by the head of the department of phy
sical education for women in the Univor
sitv of Arkausas.
Many Fail to M&iljjjfe 1
of Credit HotU* Atq
for One term
General SdhdaraMp
In Spite of Fautf
Says Registrar.
Eighteen students .were dropped,
the University ind 12(1 put 6n prgt
for the winter term for failure l(i
the required hours during the .fpl;''
according to Carlton E. SpfM0*$#J
trar. Of the 18 who were dismifijN
were on probation last term,
work last spring and eight filled'$>
ly that a second cheuce w*S nok.^j
crcd justifiable. & h
The raising of the scholarship:!
nrds of the University is largely rtsjj
ble for most of the failures, sajfi
Spencer. Other InStittilloB# thijSw
the country arc making their•jNP
button is terminated, hot a secohit.
will result in dismissal.
Many Freshman on pnehttt—•
Abont. fifty per cent of those
bation thin terra for poor scboUrslip afrg
freshmen, according to the 1$|fgi§hi$
records. Special consideration ie-'gfeei&'.i
freshman in such a cnaejkfr. iij>e«f&f
says, for it is realized that, a 4*n6;fe
often required before a new student',be
comes accustomed to the life 464 fch
vlronaicnt of the University.
of those given another chance raakegnwd,
he says. Approximately two-thirds of
those on probation for scholarship ml
term made their hours and won full lr£
instatement in the University.
Participation in student activities; is
denied students on probation for tile r#jt*
son that they must be in a position,
concentrate on their studies and hhye as
few distractions as possible, according fg
tbc registrar. This is a seeming batg
ship when it bars a man from an gU»*„.
etic team or other activity, he says.
However, it is only in fairness to the
student who is in danger of dlatftii*il
that he not be allowed to devote hiig*4Jf
to student body work which he might
otherwise feel it his duty to di, iAd
thereby let his studies suffer.
♦44444444444 4 4 4 4 £
♦ .E, J. H. ADDED TO STAFF; , .‘4
♦ MORE "CYNICS" C0Ml*6 «
♦ Today on the editorial page, tig, 4
♦ Emerald presents the third of a ag* 4
♦ ries of letters written to the cdKdit' 4
♦ by E. .T. II., which appears <0,
♦ the heading, “The Campus Cy*»."%
♦ It also announces the addition ot 4
♦ E. J. H. to the staff of Em**3if '.<►
♦ feature writers. T. *♦
♦ This time the “Cynic'* takes,, g jit
♦ fall out of some of the.pro>fesM^f^t>#^
♦ graybeards with whom he has n«Vtll* 4
4 ing in common, and at the
4 time dishes out a few compliments 4
4 to another class of faculty members 4
4 whom—it's on the editorial phga. 4*
4 First the women, then the llferhe* <4
4 lizards, now the profs! E, J. "■& 4
4 has us all wondering where tie 4
4 cynical ax will fall neat, ’4
4 Of course E. J. H. tapaot find 4
4 victims every day but he hasprom* 4
4 ised us a “Campus Cynic" as oftefc 4»
4 as possible. And by the way. Who 4
4 is it—this E. J. II.—Watch for hiig. 4
4 —Editor. 4
♦ >-♦