Oregon Daily Emerald :> > ?■ volume XXII. UNIVERSIT Y OF OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1921. NO. 53. Assembly Speaker Believes This Social Problem Still Serious. land ownership is CURE FOR BOLSHEVISM Lack of Occupation Allows Time for Radical Dreams, Says Speaker. The development of modern manufac turing methods which make labor auto matic to a great extent; tae drift to the cities; moving picture shows; and the wealled sensational press are the cause of the increasing persistence of the mob mind. This was the opinion voiced by Dr. Henry D. Sheldon, dean of the school of education, in his speech to the first assembly of the winter term, held yes terday morning in Villard hall. The cures, for this social problem he held to be: first, higher education; sec ond, ownership of property; and third, membership in self-governing societies, atfch as churches, lodges and other or ganizations of a like nature. Starting with historical reference to (■ertain acts of the ancients and those who lived in the middle ages, mob spirit, he said, was a more barbaric or savage force than now. Because the mob mind is more subtle nowadays, as a result o f better civilization, its actions are not so violent, barring a few lynching parties. However, he was certain that it still per sists. Causes Are Cited. With the leisure afforded by the up to-date methods of manufacture with tfcie crowded conditions of living in the cities, where the greater body of the] people now reside, the movies and the “yellow” press seem to be doing the “thinking” for a great many people. Al though he classed the city dweller as very intelligent, it was in a more or less Superficial way, he said, and did not rep resent the essence of trained observation or reasoning. They were shrewd, clever, *nd quick in their ways, but too much of the movies and the wrong kind of journalism has wrought a frame of mind that makes them easy prey to fantastic doctrines in politics, economics and so ciology. Idleness Held Curse. The real bulwark against Bolshevism, which he hinted was a result of mob psychology, was the owner of property. With every man the proud possessor of a strip of land he held that that man would stop to think and reason, and would not be as apt as his free and foot loose brother to dream much of radical or violent changes in the existing order of things. Membership in self govern ing bodies, such as churches, lodges, and other societies, would bring him into close contact with the real feelings of people, and would help to keep him stable. The greatest of all these bulwarks, according to Dr. Sheldon, was higher edu cation. It is the things learned in the sociological, economic, and political oourses such as exist at Oregon that would build up a true capacity for thinfe •ng and reasoning that would keep the human mind, as a whole, sane and clear. t*10 sreat mass of material upon which he mob spirit feeds is that body of peo ple who have had only enough education, »ueh as obtained in the grade schools, to absorb the fallacies of the movies and Ihe “yellows,’ he said. Oregana Drive Boosted. Hal Donnelly, of the campus Y. • • . told of the courses in religious patiou that would be started by thi Ionization next week, and urged a enrollment. A plea for the Oregana subscr rive was voiced by Don Davis, naked the students to support th whole heartedly from the fin en as well as any other. Accordii ®via> the annual at the University much as it does at otb s itutions on the coast, where the "aches as high as $10 or $12 th-818’ an^ that the staff asl 's 7ear’8 publication should be within the reach of all, he said. . «7-end Bruce Gif fen, student r, led the invocation. Music wai s ed by the combined men’s am en s glee clubs. , ORCHESTRA TO GIVE CONCERT ON SUNDAY John Stark Evans to Play Schumann Concerto; Townspeople Are Invited to Attend. John Stork Evans, assistant Penn of the school of music, who is to play the Concerto for the piano by Schumann at the University orchestra concert Sun day, studied during the past year under Rudolf (lanz, world famous Swiss pian ist, in New York. While there he studied this concerto with the world famous Swiss pianist. Mr. Evans will be accom panied by the entire orchestra under the direction of Rex Underwood, head of the violin department of the school of music. The program, which will commence at •> ‘JO instead of 3:00 o’clock as previous ly announced, will consist of two num bers, the Concerto, by Schumann, which takes thirty-five minutes to ren der. and the Light Cavalry Overture. Townspeople as well as students are invited to the Sunday afternoon con cert. TWO DEBATE TRYOUTS ON WEDNESDAY EVE Representatives for Men’s Triangular, Women’s 0. A. C. Contests Wilt Be Chosen. Tryouts for the men’s Washington Stanford-Oregon Triangular debate sche duled for March fourth, will be held next Wednesday evening in Villard hall. 'Tryouts will also be held at this time for the girl’s debate with O. A. 0. The debate has been set for March 11. The subject for both the Triangular and O. A. C. debates will be, “Resolved that Congress should pass legislation prohibiting strikes in essential industries, constitutionality waived, essential indus tries being defined as railroads, mines, and other public utilities.” Speeches will be four minutes in length. Anyone is eligible to compete who has been matriculated in the Uni versity for three months. The tryouts Wednesday night will be open to the public. SENIORS’ PICTURES DUE Histories Should Be Placed in Box In Library At Once. “It is up to each senior individually, to see that his picture has been taken for the Oregana and the requisite number of solios ordered,” said Pauline Coad, head of this department yesterday. “Each person is expected to take enough per sonal interest in the book to do his small bit. toward its successful equipment. If this duty has been neglected, do it to day or tomorrow, for that will be the last possible chance to attend to it.” “Besides this, he is expected to write up his history, that is, turn in on a slip of paper his name, home address, Uni versity residence, offices held throughout term in college, the activities engaged in, and the organizations of which he is a member. A box, labeled boldly, “Seniors—Write up your histories and put them here,” has been placed in a conspicuous posi tion in the library for the write-ups and jvill remain there for two weeks at the close of which time all ‘turn-in’s” will be due. Immediate action is expected from the seniors. sksksksksksksfcsksksksksksksksk * sk * BUT 397 SUBSCRIPTIONS * * SOLD IN OREGANA DRIVE * sk Only 397 subscriptions have been sk sk sold so far in the Oregana subscrip- sk vsk tion campaign being conducted on sk sk the campus this week, according to sk sk a check completed last night by >k % Warren Kays, manager and Wes sk * Frater, circulation manager. Phi sk sk Sigma Pi was the first organiza- sk sk tion to turn in receipts and money sk sk for all of their members and wins sk sk the leather-bound copv offered as sk sk a prize. Delta Theta Bi followed, sk sk while Delta Delta Delta was the sk' sk first women’s organization to re- sk sk port all their members subscribers, sk sk In the race for the cash prize of sk sk $25.00 offered for the individual se- sk sk curing the most subscriptions, Jim sk sk Baker, Georgina Perkins, Lois Hall, sk sk Arthur Campbell, Betty Pride and sk sk Hadden Roekhey were leading last sk sk night, all running close. sk sk Due to the apparent listlessness sk >k of the drive, it has been decided to sk sk continue the campaign Monday and sk sk Tuesday of next week, when re- sk sk newed endeavors will be put forth sk Sk to secure a larger list of subscrib- sk sk ers. * * * sk sfc sksksksksk^sksksksksksk* ON CO/IST. SAYS BILL Lemon Yellow Teams to Play All Schools As In Past, Declares Hayward. TRACK SCHEDULE SAME; MEET HERE NEXT MAY Cinder Path to Be Improved With Granite Imported Prom South. The formation of the “Big Three” will in no wise affect the status of Oregon in coast athletic circles, in the opinion of Bill Hayward, noted varsity trainer. Ac cording to Bill, just as many Lemon-Yel low athletic teams will compete with Cal ifornia, Stanford and Washington repre sentatives as in the past. Due to the split in the conference held in the south at the close of the football season, no agreement was reached over the schedule for the coming season. Con troversy over a three or four game sche dule resulted in the schools represented in the “Big Three” forming a game sche dule of their own, which excluded Ore gon, W. S. C. and O. A. C. The schedules, in the past, however, have not actually been arranged by the conference, hut the schools represented have, by mutual consent, arranged sche dules which included them all. Track Meet Here. The conference track meet scheduled for Junior week-end will be staged as planned on the new trade on Hayward field, which will be finished in a month. The foundation of coarse gravel is laid and the second coat of decomposed garn 'ite to be shipped from Ashland and grants Pass will be applied in a few days; This granite is much more valuable for drainage purposes than cinders, which will however be used for the final coat. The finished track will drain itself, even in the rainiest weather and will be always ready for use. With the finishing of this long hoped for and much needed improve ment, Oregon will have one of the fastest cinder paths in the country. FICULTT IN MEETING PASS ON PETITIONS Social Science Requirements Allowed in History. Students who last term registered in economic history in order to use the credits for social science requirements, will be allowed to complete them in any other history course. This was decided by the faculty yesterday afternoon, in ac tion upon a petition from students who were affected by the reduction in the number of hours of the eeonomis history course last term. This ruling, however, is effective only this year as the course was changed dur ing the middle of last term. The petition of 25 students in first year French, who have taken French in high school, to have credits allowed for their collegiate work, was referred to the committee on deficiency in gradua tion credit with power to act. A Univer sity ruling exists to the effect that no credit will be granted for work which duplicates high school courses, for which entrance credit has already been allowed. The students’ plea was that they were not informed by either their advisor or instructors that credit would not be al lowed. The faculty voted to allow credit for work done at the It. O. T. C. summer graining camps under the new United States Reserve Officers Training Sys tem. Credit of 3 hours for each camp iwill be allowed to the extent of credit for attendance at two camps. In order to save a considerable item in the cost of text books, Marion Mc Clain, manager of the Co-op presented a request to the faculty to have all orders for books in early the term preceding the time when they will be required. In this way the books can be shipped by freight, at a rate of four cents per pound, where as, being shipped by express as at pres ent, the cost is 12 cents. Because of the large number of books used at the Uni versity, Mr. McClain believes that this would mean a considerable sa/ ug. Financial Debacle Is Not Near Dr. Gilbert States; Low Prices Are Due to Conditions Abroad That this country would now face the worst panic it has ever known if it were not for the protective federal reserve banking system is the opinion of Dr. James Gilbert, bead of the economic de partment at the University. Dr. Gilbert does not believe that a panic is eminent as a result of the acute industrial de pression which has followed the sudden decline in prices, but added reserva tions to his statement by saying that a complete breaking down of the banking system is not improbable. Dr. Gilbert stated that the present condition of foreign exchange makes it difficult for European exporters to real ize on their commodities because of the protective tariff in this country which prevents them from paying their debts with raw goods. “The crippled condi tion of Europe is the cause of the sud den lowering of prices. The world is now nearer a panic than it has ever been,” said Dr. Gilbert. Pre-war prices will not be reached for a long time, according to Dr. Gilbert, and it is unreasonable to think that pre-war wages will ever be reached. Such a supposition, declared tfic economics in structor, would mean that the increased efficiency of the laborers and industrial progress over u period of six years is not worthy of higher compensation. Prices have dropped about 25 per cent since last May. a phenomenal decline, said Dr. Gilbert, but it is hardly likely that the downward tendency will continue much longer at the same accelerated rate. From now on there will probably be a more careful readjustment of chaotic conditions such as have always followed in the wake of wars. Dr. Gilbert believes that prices and wages will lower collaterally. The work ingmen manifest a desire to co-operate in trying to avoid an industrial panic and readily submit to the lowering of their wages. It is natural that the farmers should now hoard their produce rather thun throw it on the market for depreciated prices. Last summer agriculturists paid exhorbitant. prices for farm machinery and to sell wheat and other farm pro ducts at the present low rate would meau a loss, but fanners will gain little by hoarding, intimated Dr. Gilbert. -1 MULTNOMAH BOXEflS MID IT MEN COMING Meet With 0. A. C. Later; Many Work in Both Sports. A boxing and wrestling meet has beer arranged between Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club and the University of Ore gon to be staged on a day yet to be set, in the latter part of January, and will include the following weights in both sports, feather, light, welter, mutate, lightheavy and heavyweight. A meet in boxing and wrestling has been arranged with O. A. C. and will probably come off in March. The frosh may go on with the rooks at this time though that is not yet decided. Oregon was practiaclly the only insti tution of any size on the coast which did not schedule several inter-collegiate box ing and wrestling meets for the present season. Other collegiate meets will be scheduled for this year, to come off after the Multnomah contest, according to “Bill” Hayward, and these sports arc expected to take an important part in next year’s athletic activities. Considerable interest is evinced in box ing and wrestling, there being 140 men in the boxing classes, with about 40 un der the tutelage of Charles Dawson, out for the varsity. The wrestling classes total nearly 40 with more signing up every day. Wrestling is in the hands of Si Sirnola, former varsity wrestler; and one of the,best men of his weight on the I coast. » NEW COURSES PLANNED Extension Division May Offer Classes in Sociology Next Year. The sociology department of the Uni versity of Oregon Portland extension di vision is considering offering a new course in community leadership, and a combined course in industrial social prob lems, to the students next year, Dr. Philip A. Parsons, director of the Port land school of social work, sakl yester day. The course, involving community lead ership, carries with it the idea of train ing leaders in social work organizations, such as boy scouts, Y. W. C. A., camp fire girls and similar organizations. With trained leaders in this sort of social work, community associations may he more thoroughly equipped to handle the various social problems. The combined course in industrial so cial problems, according to Dr. Pursons, takes up three divisions of training in industry, namely, that of training wel fare workers in connection with depart ment store laborers, training employment secretaries in the big factories, and training of leaders who will deal with problems of the employees, and women and girl’s welfare work among the dif ferent groups. These courses are being move defi nitely outlined and will no doubt be in cluded in the extension work for next year. CUT FROM 75 TO 40 Industrial Relations Course of Discussion Form. Owing to the extremely heavy regis tration in the course in Industrial Rela tions given by Ex-Governor Bass it was found necessary to make a cut in the number enrolled for the class. After very careful deliberation it was decided to allow only juniors and seniors with the highest scholastic standing to enter the course. Only 40 of the original nnmher of 75 enrolled are to be permitted to remain. Mr. Bass said that he regretted the action very much, but that owing to the fact that the course was to be given in discussion form, it would be impossible to accommodate over 40 students.. LEMON PUNCH OFFERS PRIZES TO STUDENTS Editor Gives Chance to Turn Ideas Into Cash During Next Two Weeks. “All you piggers or non-piggers who are low on finances, here is a chance to turn your moments of mental depression into a bank account.” So says Stan Eis man, editor of the Lemon Punch which will offer a cash prize of $5 to the man, woman, girl or boy registered in the Uni versity, who submits the best and larg est amount of jokes or humorous articles between now and the 25th of January. A prize of $5 will also be given the stu dent submitting the five best cartoons during that time. For the benefit of the aspiring cartoonist not acquainted mythical requirements all cartoons should be made twice original size. Width of column is it 3-8 inches and cartoons must reduce to this width, unless made for a half page which must reduce to 7 inches. The next issue will be the “formal is sue,” and material submitted should be more or less along this line. Contribu tions must be signed and turned in to either the editor or in the Punch boxes in the library and journalism building. No material will be accepted after January 25. “Hit your funnybone,” says Stan, “go to it and. bring home the currency.” COMMERCE HAS LAB FEE Fifty Cents Charged to Cover Cost of Mimeograph Work A laboratory fee of fifty cents is to be charged to the students in thirteen of the courses in the school of commerce. This fee is to pay for mimeograph and printing. “The school of commerce is t not profiteering,” said Miss McManus, • secretary of Dean E. C. Bobbins. “’.Ibis amount from each student will not even cover the cost of the mimeograph work.” The commerce department is an expen sive one and the University cannot pay for its printed matter. S5 STUDENTS GET 111 1IND 2 GUIDES; MEN OUTNUMBERED BY 1 Fourteen Hours I and Seven of II Is Striking: Record of One Junior. ONE HAS ALL HONORS FOR 14 HOURS ’ WORK Languages, Literature, Cora* . merce Among Majors Taken by Leaders. The most striking grade record tiirned in for any student among the twenty* seven “high grade” men and the twenty* eight “high grade” women for the,: pa?t term, said Mrs. George Pitch, head clerk in the office of the registrar, is that of Arthur Clark Hicks, a junior from-Can* yon City, whi has fourteen hours Of I and seven hours of II. The highest grade record was made by Harold N. Lee, a junior from Newberg, who is graded Honors in his entire term’s work of thir* teen hours. F. Dean Moore,- a senior from Eugene, has twelve hours of Honor, three hours of I, and two hours of II. On the women’s list, Isabelle Kidd, a junior from Portland, is first with, her entire term’s work of fifteen hours graded I. Alice Mary Lighter’s record is scarcely less excellent, she having fifteen hours of I and two hours Ofr H. Miss Lighter is a senior from Portland* Emily Agnes Veazie, a sophomore, 'from Portland, has thirteen hours of I arid five hours of II. “Any student who has ’teen-boujra’ of I,” said Mrs. Fitch, “is worthy olruotlcf.” She also mentioned the record of Harold F. Orr, a junior from Mauistiqtte,••.MjMfc, who has twelve hours of I -and -fonr'kanta of II. “High grade students,” explained Fitch, “are thqse. who have no grides, below II.” * - • ’ ' f Three of these highest grade stridsrifs ar# majoring in Romance Langtigtgeri: Mr. Hicks in French, MiSs Kidd in Latin, and 3VDss Lighter in German.' .Three others are English literature majors: Mr. Lee, Mr. Moore and Miss Veaaie.'‘tit. Orr is a commerce major. LIBRARY IS MORE USED -- ' ' V Circulation for Year is 24 Por Coat Mhftna Than In 1019. __ ; * ■- j \ ^ Circulation of books from the tJflfydf* Bity library for the year 1926 wbb' cent greater than that of the prec^Hftg year, according to M. H. Douglass, llbrhjfc ian. During the past year 136,960 book«, of which 97,413 were reserve books.wefe issued at the loan desk which was e’n/lijt crease of 26,539 over the numberj^f books issued in 1919. Recent additions to the library's shjOly^s include The Oxford Book of Raffish Verse in full leather binding, predeBte-jl to the Louise Potter Homer colle^ttbftjDy Carl N. Homer. Four bound vqlum^lfjW the Amboy Journal., published at A&tyoy, Illinois, for the years 1881-88, Wefe'hf^ sented to the same collection by, Allen Loomis. , Bliss Loomis has also given the librlijfy a number of books and periodjcala^ft^p > the library of her father, the lyte, ,Dr. •Loomis. Books dealing with astronqiifr, mathematics, psychology and ppHtlea) and social science have also been recent ly added to the library. Ampng these are two books on the Irish question. * ..... ■ i i —\ ^ BISHOP TO VISIT OAMPtW Faculty-Student Committee Prepares for Arrival of Dr. Shepherd. Dr. William 0. Shepherd, bishop of the Methodist church for the Washington, Oregon and Alaska division, will he ‘’fe Eugene from the 13th to the 16th af tjjJ* month, and is plunning to tpend much time on the campus. “f A committee composed of hath faculty and student members is to lie ohoehtbf'fo make preparations for the Bishop- to meet all Methodist men and women on the campus. The Bishop w!ll speak It the next student body assembly and alto to the women of the University at the next Y. WL C. A. meeting to be held nett Thursday afternoon. The subjects oh which the bishop will speak will be de nounced later. The Bishop also wishes to meet all students personally who are interested in vocational work.