egon Emerald Y A. SMITH, RAYMOND E. VESTER, Editor. Manager. , Mofnhor Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association. AdnitwitAte folUor . ..Lyle Bryson News E : No doubt every student of the University is willing and anxious to do his utmost to bring the best of prep school ath Ieted to Oregon. But at Kansas University, the athletic di rector has evolved a scheme which might well be followed rlpvcry Kausas student, upon leaving school for a vacation ifl toketf to bring in the names of some high school athletes, j #d as much of their history, playing ability and’genera I rec ord as he can gather. These names and items are then turned to the athletic director who promises to take a personal interest in each, with the ultimate aim of bringing all prep aphoo) athletes possible to Kansas University. This personal IBWftjest is expressed through letters to tile preppers and per ddnal meetings arranged wlienever possible. , None of this is underhanded, but all open aud frank, the jjVal institutions being well informed as to the intentions of V At no tiihc* would the athletic director promise nnv ath to te a n y special inducemept to attend Kansas University, but '■fix tpe ppraGdual interest and friendship of the athletic director, the.prep school student is very likely to be drawn to the school Where he will be welcomed bv a coach or trainer whom he ai red# knows. C>ver at O. A. V. it is rumored that a card index is kept of eyery prep school athlete in the state and some outside of the fityttf, with the intent of urging these men to attend the Cor M iis institution. Unless some work is done bv the athletic #frfirtmeut here, the “cream” of Oregon athletes may not to Oregon as they have in the past. • if any such attemps should be made bv the athletic depart ment here, nothing should be “sub rose” because such a thing smacks of underhandedness. Let the preppers know we want them and that the athletic department is ready to help them there is no doubt as to the result. K Tile Oregaua drive is on. Last year the Oregon yearbook lost money, which debt was turned over to the A. S. lT. (). The for last year’s failure cannot he assigned to any one ' person any more than it can be laid at the door of all of us. We, must have a yearbook, and to have it we must help fin 4jneeit. Every student should own an Oregaua for every year ^f his college life. Be sure you order yours while the cam paign is on lest von regret it in later years. And incident!v $ou will insure the yearbook against any loss this year. . , ' V < _ There are many of us who will heave a sigh of relief now tliht open house has been foregone for this term. Mav open hanse at the opening of each term be a dead memory and open house at the opening of the school year he made by some means a pleasure instead of an unwelcome duty, is everyone’s wish.__ _ WOK'S BUILOli DEMY TO OCCUPY \ __ Cla^^es to Move In Monday; Open-air Gym Finished. Work on new buildings on the cam pus bis been going forward rapidly, de spite the prevailing bad weatlier, aud according to TV. K. Newell, superintend ent of buildings aud grounds, most of Iheru will be ready for use in February 'or-Mareh, if no unexpected delays oectir. lu the woman’s building all the west tHd classrooms and the gymnasium nre Completed, and will be ready for use by Moadty. Classes are being scheduled to meet ehere. The open-air gymnasium tea teen completed, und equipment is be ing. installed this week, to be ready for use Monday. a la hoped that the new women’s dor mitory will be completed by February 1, but any delays may prolong this time. No, definite date has been set for the completion of the commerce building and (he rnlveraky High school, but ii will lie sometime in February or March. The entire architecture building is be ing remodelled, and the old women’s gymnasium is being worked over to be come a part of the nrt department. The new boiler in the heating plnnr is now 'ready for use, whieh wilt greatly increase the efficiency of the heating system. 44444444444444444 ♦ WHAT THE OLD GRADS 4 4' ARE DOING. 4 44444444444444444 Clyde Van Nnys Fillmore, formerly known u.s Clyde Fogel, who was grad uated with highest honors from Oregon in ISOS, ia working with the Famous Vlayers-Igisky at Hollywood. California, He has had a highly interesting career, vaugtng from study in Johns Hopkins University immediately after his gradua tion here, work in n dramatic conserva tory, through years of acting on the le gitimate stage, and finally Into the movies. He played under the direction of such big men as Charles Froliman and I>avid Helaseo and he scored a hit ns the lead in "Civilian Clothes," Only lately too. he starred lu “Half an Hour" in the Hollywood Theater. He has done some of his best cinema work playing opposite Kthel Clayton. | *——L -— --* | Announcements *—-—-+ Lemon Punch Meeting. — Important meeting of Lemon I*unch Publishing So ciety in Lemon Punch office tonight. 7:30. Y. W. C. A. will hold the first meeting of the year in the bungalow Thursday afternoon. Tea will be served at 4:45 nnd the meeting will start at 5:15. Miss Mary Perkins will speak. chi mrnrn IS INSTILLED HERE Latest Addition Makes 12th National on Campus. Tbe twelfth national fraternity at Ore gon was installed on the campus during the holidays, when Chi Psi established •its third chapter on the Pacific coast, here. ' The local chapter is composed of 16 men who were members of the S-Maral da, a club organized on the campus in the spring of 1911), and which was dis ’ olved at the end of last term. The ini tiation took place in Portland during the holidays and was conducted by the Ore gon alumni of Chi Psi. The chapter has established its lodge at the house pur chased by the S-Maralda last year. Chi Psi was organized at Union Co! lege, in Schenectady, N. Y., in 1841, and has 21 chapters throughout the country, two of which arc on the coast, at Cali fornia and Stanford. The members of the new organization are: George P. Shirley, Harold N. Lee, Norman T. Byrne, Ralph L. Taylor, Ed win P. Iloyt, Fred B. Michelson. Harold O. Michelson, J. Wilson Gaily, Virgil F. Oliver, Kay A. Leep, Orvin T. Gant Homer C. Gant, Glenn S. McGonegal. IToyd 11. Blackburn, Guy O. Koepp, Carl -JE. Houston. Officers Chosen; Aims and Membership Decided. __ i William «7. Kussis of Buyuti, Greece, j lias been elected president of the I’os j mopolitan club. .Julius Frohm, Germany was chosen vice president, and Germaine Dew, Paris, France, secretary-treasurer. An outline of the officers and aims of the Cosmopolitan club was given and a suggestion that there should be no racial distinction in the club was ap proved by the members. The five aims of the club are to give foreign-born students a chance to become interested in social j affairs on the campus, to give them a j chance to associate with native-born J Americans and to learn the customs and j habits of this country, to bring about better understanding between the differ ent nations represented in this country, through lectures by club members and di rect correspondence between the Cosmo politan club of the University of Oregon and other universities of other countries represented in the club, to give native born Americans a chance to understand -customs and habits of foreign peoples, and to give students who are interested in diplomatic service or missionary work in foreign countries an opportunity to become acquainted with the characteris tics and ways of the people of other countries. There are three classes of members in' this club. The first includes students and faculty members who arc foreign-born, and these arc the only ones eligible for office. The second group is that of the associated members. These are the American-born persons of state or inter-, national character. The third is made up of honorary members who live in Ore j gou and have great influence, and who will contribute to the advertisement and welfare of the organization. Besides the president, vice president, and secretary-treasurer, there is an ex-! ceutive committee consisting of the three officers and two other members appoint ed by the president. There is also an advisory board, consisting of two facility members of foreign birtb. and the \\. and Y. M. secretaries. TflflEE *CT OPEREn* WILL BE PRESENTED Musical Production To Be Given in Few Weeks, - ‘•King of the Castles,’' a three-act operetta-story by Anna Lahdsbury Beck, member of the school of music faculty, has just been completed and will be pro duced by the University High school glee club within the next six weeks or two months. Mrs. Beck built the story around the music material used in the regular high school music course and the result is an operetta suitable for production by high school students and at the same time of interest to older people. “It is amazing to take set pieces as •Mrs. Beck has done and weave around them a plot which is within the radius of a child’s understanding and ability to produce, and in the sub-plot to preach a sermon to everybody which even the older people will be glad to receive, and to tell the whole in such a simple and yet charming manner,” said Madame Rose McCrew, instructor in voice in the school of music, after examining the manuscript of the work. “The story holds an inter est for everyone, young and old and has a surprisingly fresh vein of humor.” "The whole thing is to stand for a scheme in education which can be desig nated as a Project Plan,” said Mrs. Beck. The story carries a mission expressed in the working out of a double plot amply supplied with humor and yet carrying an underlying philosophy of life. The students are taking a great deal of interest in the beginning rehearsals and are working hard, according to Mrs. Beck. The posters and illustrations for the programs are being made by the and they are giving many valuable sn1" gestlons regarding the production of tf operetta itself. p Suitable dances are being worked im the operetta. ' Much attention is to J given to the proper staging 0f the pr' Unction and to the orchestral a ecom pay ment, which >vill be arranged by Mr' Beck, assisted by Rex Underwood! dire! tor of the orchestra. A small orehentt' selected from the University orc-bestr" will furnish the accompaniment. # NEW INSTRUCTOR HERE. Major A. E. Rowland of the Artillery Corps, lias arrived here fie] Fort Stevens and will immediately ta]] up l»is duties as assistant instructor • military science. Major Rowland jias served in the Coast Artillery Corps sir]'. 1912, serving overseas from i)e.-.eni!w] 1917 to February. 1919, first as eapiij. commanding the battery of 32-centiniev (12-ineh) railway guns, and as maj0] commanding groups of S-inch railwa! guns and 42-centimeter (17-inch) bow itzers. GUILD THEATRE PAINTED. The walls of Guild theatre, formerly white, have been painted a dull brown during the Christmas holidays. The new walls absorb the light from the stage ami eliminate the glare that was common be. fore. Scenery for “Pygmalion” appear ing the latter part of next week, has been especially painted in the style oi William Morris. GIRLS DO VARIED WORK, 1 Housework, sewing, ironing, stenog raphy, typing and clerking were done by the University girls who did not leave Eugene during the Christmas vacation. The girls'received their positions through j the campus Y. W. G. A. A large num ber of the girls who received the work were Eugene girl's, but a few were girls who lived too far away to go home, Ac cording to 'Miss Tirza Dinsdale, more work .was offered than could be filled. HAS RIFLE CLUB. The University . of. Vernon boasts of a rifle club. It whs defeated 947-918 by Dartmouth. Without regard to cost we have gone through our stock and again ap plied the knife to previous sale prices. Society Brand Suits and Over-* coals, Hats, Caps, Raincoats, Pants, Shirts, Gloves, etc. All MUST go in j the next few days. mmmm i hi,. YOU’LL PAY MORE LATER So Supply All Your Needs in Clothing at My “Quit Business Prices” The Time Is Set when this sale will be ended—be a friend to yourself now and buv > our spring clothes at prices that will mean a great saving months from now. FULL DRESS SUITS AND ACCESSORIES INCLUDED 713 Willamette I • •: s’ • ' v • V/S - ' ' 1 ' " 1 Come— Buy Now w • . v 6