Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 11, 1920, Image 1

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Betas, Bachelordon, Kappa
Sigs Prove Easy Victors
Over Rivals.
bombastic PLAYING
features in games
Chapman, Black, Rockhey and
Strahorn Shine As
Point Getters.
Team W •
Kappa Sigma .(i
Owl Club.10
S. A. IT.S
Bnehelorden • • . • B
Sigma Chi.0
A. T. 0.
I ><‘l I ..
Signm Xu
Phi Doll.
Oregon Club ..
Friendly Ilall .
K-'Maralda .. ..
Delta Theta I’i
: ii❖
212 ♦
212 ♦
10(1 ♦
000 ♦
Ucfn 20; Oregon Club 1.
Bachclordon I!*; A. T. (). (!.
Kappa Sigma 12; l^rionilly Hail 4.
Beta Theta Pi pounced on Oregon club
for a 20-4 count, Bachelor^lon trampled
mi A. T. O. 19-0. Kappa Sigma downed
Friendly with a 12-4 score, and the fidd
ii" Delta Theta Pi loomed up with a
Af forfeit to the willing Phi Delta Theta
in the four games of doughnut basketball,
yesterday afternoon in the indoor gym.
For the ball bouncing I let as nil niein
inirs of the squad were up to form. The
entire struggle was featured with many
antics foreign to the basketball world.
Nish Chapman, flu* sterling guard for
the Betas bounced the sphereoid to the
end of the arena and bounded it against
the dashboard for 4 points, while Phil
lips Olefin and Edlund joined in the
■wild stampede around the corail and ns
opportunity offered, heaved I lie pump
kin through the hole for the balance of
their score. For the Oregon club M<
C,ilium and Stone feat tired on the hard
wood, each having two points to his
credit; when the referee sounded the final
In the Baehelordon-A. T. (>. mix. pan
demonium reigned throughout. Black,
the Bachelors expert bail bounder .jump
ed the ball down the sidelines and slip
ped it through the barrel hoop four
times. The Duke of Wellington in the
■second Waterloo, outgeneraled Xapoleon
( "iieli. A. T. (). guard, and made liis get
a"a.v tor six shots. Colts and Blacknby
ot the lightning A. T. O. quintet bom
harded the hump hoard for six points.
In tlii' Kappa Sig-Friendly set-to the
leaping Kappa Sigs outclassed the be,I -
Bing donn warriors, Iiockhe.v and Strn
liurn successfully navigated down the
eonrt. passing the ball between them and
iSiiecocrled in oozing it through the knot
hole for eight counts, while Sliiehls and
4‘liruett took their turn nt the helm and
heaved tiie liog hide fur four more. Fn
ihii.iiited by the onrush of their oppon
'ids. Lucas and Wegner for Friendly
hall, wrestled the boinbaslic sphere un
ld il was within range <d' Um circle when
•hey heaved it for t wo points each.
Buc to the fact that there arc no other
wildcat activities scheduled for this uft
erJwmi. (loach Bidder announces that the
following games will he played:
Indoor Gym. 2:30 p. m.
Flii Pelts vs. Pelts.
^iguta Xu vs. Sigma ('hi.
At 3:30 p. m.
Kappa Sigma vs. Owl (’lub.
Kiji vs. Beta.
PHI theta kappa to pledge.
Dicta Kappa, national woman'
lnnm' eomiuerce fraternity. will elec
•md pledge new members at the begiunin;
1 next term, according to an announce
I*1 nt made by the president of the oi
sauization. Margaret Fell. IMii Thet
D,a 'Vii* founded at the Fniversity o
n "1 ado. Boulder, in 1!)14. and has am
('> diapters. The purpose was to giv
^ iigb.tr object to strive for in the stud
t commerce than mere credit. Scholar
s 'P is the basis for membership.
♦ REED debate team gets ♦
♦ T’y a two to one decision the vnr- 4
♦ sity affirmative debate team, com-4
♦ posed of Kalpli l.Ioeher and Iteiney 4
!♦ Cox was defeated last, night by the ♦
♦ Iteed College debalors in (Jnild ball. 4
♦ Tames Canteubein and J.cwis Tones ♦
♦ represented Ueed College. ♦ !
♦ The question was: "Jtesolved ♦
♦ that the airl given to American shin- ♦
♦ ping by section I’N id' the Tones l!i|| ♦
♦ (Men Imnt Marine Act of l«,)20) is ♦
♦ to the best interests id' the United 4
♦ States.” 4
♦ ITp to a Jnte hour last night no ♦
4 returns bad been received from the 4'
♦ debate against O. A. C. at Corvallis, 4
4 due to the wires being down, Ken- 4
4 noth Armstrong and I.oyd Isoming- 4
4 er represented Oregon. 4
Command to Halt Not Obeyed; Masked
Man Shoots at Lyle; Corner
Fails Robber.
As I,vie MeCroskey was walking east
on Thirteenth street last night, about
eleven o'clock with exactly nine cents in
his pocket, a command of “halt.” shot
suddenly from t.lie bushes near the side
walk ifa front of the president's office.
He looked around, and saw a man
with a handkerchief covering his face,
and what seemed to be a gun in hi.s hand.
At. the second command to halt. Me
Croskey broke into a run. The man who
was attempting the hold-up fired two
shits which struck the embankment,
missing MeCroskey by some feet.
Distance, and the hedge which is on
that corner prevented more shots from
being fired. When he had gone about a
block he met a young woman walking to
ward the University, whom he advised to
go another way.
In view of McCroskey's connection
with the law school, some have expressed
the opinion that more Moot Court cases
are in demand.
“Practical Printer’s Problem in Maxima
and Minima'' in Magazine.
An article .showing the application of
differential calculus to the art of printing
written by Professor 10. 10. DeCou, head
of the mathematics department of the j
University. is published in the November j
issue of the American Mathematical i
Monthly. The article is entitled "A j
Practical Printer’s Problem in Maxima j
and Minima.” It deals with a ealyulus
formula evolved by Professor .Met’on for
finding the minimum number of electro
types needed on a certain job of printing j
by "a process of numerical square root.
This is a problem of frequent occur
rence to the practical printer and a so
lution h.v trial aucl error and a general
method of guessing is usually the one
arrived at. By the formula giyen in the
article, it will require only a few minu
tes of the printer’s time lo figure out the
number desired. This is the first time,
says Professor DeCou. that he has ever
heard of the Application of calculus to
the art of printing. The problem was pre
sented to him by Dean Eric \V. Allen.
According to Prof. DeCou's form
ula the number of electrotypes is obtain
ed as follows: Multiply the number of
prints required by the cost per hour of
running the press^ divide this result by
the cost, of tlie extra electrotypes used
times the speed of the press per hour:
take the square root of this result and
subtract one from the root found. This
will give the answer to the problem.
♦ «♦♦♦♦♦♦
♦ WHEREAS, Almighty Hod in his ♦
♦ Infinite Wisdom, has seen fit,. In ♦
♦ remove from this life Pur Friend, ♦
♦ Zcnnhin Ruth Laffery. and ♦
♦ WHEREAS, by her death the ♦
♦ Euivcrsity of Oregon has lust one ♦
♦ of iis esteemed and loyal members. ♦
♦ therefore he it ♦
♦ 1 RESOLVED, by the Associated ♦
!♦ Students of (he Eniversity of Ore- ♦
[ ♦ gon that to her sorrowing family we ♦
;♦ extend our deepest sympathy, and ♦
! ♦ be it further ♦
| ♦ RESOLVED. I hut a copy of these ♦
i ♦ resolutions, in heliall of our beloved ♦
j ♦ Erieud. be sent to her family and ♦
!.♦ that a ropy of this he transcribed ♦
i ♦on the record of the Associated Stu- ♦
I ♦ dents of the University of Oregon. ♦
i ♦ and that a copy be published in the ♦
i ♦ student publication. ♦
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
Representatives From Each
Campus Organization
Are Selected.
Work Starts Next Semester;
Will Be Finished By
Junior Week-end.
The historian stuff for the current
year has been appointed by Jennie Ma
guire, (. Diversity historian, and is com
posed of a representative from each or
ganization oil the campus, both social
and educational, who will keep a record
'of Hie department in which he is listed
tor the year. There will be no meeting
<d llu- staff this year, according to Miss
Maguire, but there will be one at the be
ginning of next term, which will lie an
nounced in the Emerald, and the work of
the stalf will begin then, so that the his
torian department will lie in shape for
the spring term and Junior week-end.
The following is the list of those who
are on the staff:
Executive committee: Jennie .Maguire,
Doris Pittinger, Wesley Era tor and
Norton Wiimard. Miss Pittinger will
superintend the girl's organizations, Fru
iter the men's and Winnard will have
charge of the departmental work.
Clipper committee: Katherine [’aid.
Laura Spall, Wolcott Huron and Dean
Ireland. »
Foster committee: Wilbur Phillips.
Dejiaidnients^ — .Journalism.;. I;Tpii'nu
Packard. Publications: Kenneth Youel.
Law; Harold Wells, Music. Mon’s glde
dub: Nelson English. Girl’s glee dub,
Heruice Alstoek. Orchestra,'•Ralph IIoc
bcr. Commerce, Wilbur Hoyt. Psy
chology, Wilbur Hulin. Education. Marie
(Ridings. I're-Medics. Birchard Van
Loan. Architecture 41ml Arts, Lyle Bar
tholomew and Marion Ady. Graduate
School. Vivian Kcllcnis. Summer School
*1920, Helen Du Buy. English and Rhe
toric, .Mildred Hawes. Physical Train
ing. Min. Floyd Maxwell; Women, Maud
Largent. Science. Elvira Thurlow. His
tory. Margaret Jackson. Extension Di
vision. Moselle Hair. Foreign Lan
guages. Isabelle Kidd. Political Science
and Economics, Elmer Pendell. Sociol
ogy. Eleanor Spall. Public Speaking and
Debate. Kornev Cox. Dramatics. Doro
thy Wootton. University Library, Louise
Davis. Household Arts, Frances Moore.
Military Science. John Gamble.
fl rriQ ni 7Qlinn
Hendricks Hall. Frances Habersham.
Sigma Delia I “hi. Leola Green. Alpha
Delta I’i. Real:ric(>' Crewdwon. Alpha Dili,
Helen Carson. Gamma l’hi liet,a. Janet
'Vest. 11 liela l’lii, Majorie Kruz. (’hi
Omega, Margaret. Smith. Kappa Alpha
Theta. Marion Lawrence. Tri Delt, Ger
trude Golding. Zeta Itlio Lpsilon. Ruth
Tuck. Delta Zeta. Gladys Everett. Kap
]>a Kappa Gamma. Marion Weiss and
Raymond Vcstor. Delta Gamma. I’aiil
ine Goad. V W. C. A.. Isla Gilbert.
Sigma ,\n. Charles Robertson. Kappa
Sigma. Hadden Roeklic.v. lieta Theta I’i.
Oweu Callaway. A. T. <».. Ralph Couch.
Sigma (’hi, Charles Lamb.. I’lii Gamma
Delta, Francis Kern. Phi Delta Theta.
Hugh Latham. Delta Tan Delta. Ned
Twining. S-Maralda. Ralph Taylor. S. A.
H.. Forrest Littlefield. Owl Club. Janies
Say. liachelordon. Dan Woods. Friendly
hall. Remry Cox. V. M. ('. A.. Roy
\'eatch. Phi Sigma Pi, John Anderson.
Professional Honor Societies.
Sigma Alpha. Elmo Madden. Alpha
Kappa Psi. Rill Reinhart. Mask and
Ruxkiu. Marion Taylor. Mu Phi Epsi
lon, Leona Marsters. Sigma Delta Chi,
Eugene Kelly. Zeta Kappa Psi. Ruth
Griffin. Tie Nil. Florence*Fiuuset. Sig
ma Epsilon. Phil I’rogan. Phi Theta
Kappa. Marjorie Stout.
Local and Class Societies.
Triple A.. Fannie Ruth Alderman.
Oregon Gltib, Nancy Fields. To-Ko-Lo,
Martin Howard. Torch and Shield. Ar
thur Kuhnhansen. Kwama. Ilallie Smith.
Friars. Don Newbury. Scroll and Script.
Alice Thurston. Student Art Club. De
mon Povcy. Eutaxian. Dorothy Man
'ville. Se Habia Epanol, Gertrude Wliil
ton. Women’s Educational Club. Mary
Turner. French Club, William Kussis.
H Men Win Football "O's”; 6
Get Two Stripes; Keith Leslie
And Steers Play Three Years
Huntington Plans Two Full Teams Working
, As First String Eleven for
1921 Season. t
Fourteen men received their letters in
the fnotliiill season just past, six of
;them veterans of two years or more, the
remaining eight getting their first "O”.
Of this number at least four will not be
on the Oregon football squad next sea
son and it is possible that a few of the
others will not return for another year.
“Brick” Leslie. Mautz, “Spike" ’ Leslie.!
Howard. Steers and Chapman are the
veterans to get the arm stripes. “Brick”
Leslie and “Bill” Steers will get three
arm stripes they having completed their
ltd year on the Oregon varsity. “Spike”
Leslie, Chapman, Howard and Mautz
will get two stripes each, although How
ard and Mautz have played three years
with the varsity having begun their
career with the S. A. T. C. teams in
“Brick” Leslie, Steers, Mautz and
Ward will not be back another season.
“Brick” Iras left school and is at present
working in the employ of a Marshfield
lumber concern. Steers and Ward are
seniors this year and .Mautz will attend
i the medical school in Portland, having
completed his pre-medic work here.
Huntington Is Optimistic.
From this outlook a good crew <^f vet
erans should be on hand another sea
son to start with the initial training rail.
And this will be strengthened materially
by the frosh squad of this season. In
addition to the frosh string will lie the
second team and scrubs of this season
battling it out for a varsity berth- Coach !
Huntington is optimistic over the chances
for a good eleven next year altnough h>
realizes that there is a big possibility
; that some of the letter men who are now
| planning to come back mnv i^ol: return.
In speaking of tile prospects for an
other season, Huntington said: “Another
.season I am going to have two full teams
working as a first string eleven. These
two teams are going to compare very J
favorably in strength and they will hotli
be treated equally as a first strong
eleven. Then there will be no trouble in
fumbling or signal getting when some of
the men are shifted from one to the other
“Our prospects are good at prr cut,”
be continued, “but we never can be sure
of bow many of the old men will be back
'until they turn up for practice next fail.”
♦ ♦ ♦ '/
sea- ♦
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦
' teams in
is as fol
Oregon Letter men of
“Brick” Leslie.
Ed Ward.
“Scotty” Straclian.
“Fat” •Mautsc.
•’Spike" Leslie. *
“Tiny” Shields.
“Mart” Howard.
“Bud” Brown.
Neil Morfilt.
“Bill” Steers.
George King.
“Bill” Ileiniiart.
“Nish” Chapman.
“Pete” Mead.
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦<
Oregon Third on Coast.
Oregon lost, hut one conference garni'
this season and that to Stanford Univer
sity at Palo Alto, the Pacific coast
championship went to the California
team, which also defeated the leaders in
the Jyorthwest conference percentage
column. The standing :,f th
the Pacific coast confe 'cnee
Stanford . ..2
Washington State .... I
Oregon Aggies.1
Washington .0 ,‘j ■')
In the Northwest eonferenee
■Place goes to Washington State even
though Oregon also has a clean record.
Tlie Cougars played 2 games in the
Northwest schedule winning all of them
while (Tregon only played two, and one
of these was a tie game with the Ore
gon Aggies. The Northwest conference
standings are as follows:
Washington State ....:>•
Oregon Aggies.0
“Bill” Hayward is in
week-end where - he is
Northwest, conference meeting, in which
the schedules will be drawn up for nn
.'(l( I
Spokane this
attending Hie
(Continued on Page 4.)
I Architecture Club Sponsors; Snappy
Program Promised.
Tin' Architecture clu'h will sponsor the
second big smoker of the year fi.r the
Ituilder’s Guild of the University of Ore
gon on ■Monday. The Guild, which was
organized some time ago, is now well
established and includes as members al
most every man employed on University
construct ion work.
The program will consist of several
stunts and boxing matches between the
; craftsmen and members of the arehi
j terminal club and Madame McGrew has
i promised to sing.
' A I- the time of the smoker the archi
j teet students will also entertain two
j Portland architects who wi'l come down
i to art as jurors on the bast problems of
I the term. These consist of a college
chapel, balcony and window, tlm loggia
for a park, a professor’s '*esiflenee ami
the transept entrance to a ehurcli. .Mur
ids Whitchouse and Joseph Jacoliherger
will form the jury.
Frosh Rook Meet Planned With O.A.C.;
Varsity Has Games.
fieeau.se of the unusual interest which
is being displayed among I lie men stu
dents of the University in wrestling a
1' rash-Hook meet will he staged in March
between Oregon anil O. A. O. Varsity
meets will also he held between Oregon,
Washington and O. A. C. according to
Arvo Simula, wrestling instructor.
During the first term there were about
dO men out for wrestling and it is
thought that many more will he signed
up for the new term.
Large Crowd and Peppy Dance Expect
od by Frances Habersham.
The-festive spirit will be predominant
Ul the Christmas college hall, to lie held
in Portland at the -Multnomah hotel,
December 2S, according to Frances .Hab
ersham. chairman of the publicity com
mittee for the dance.
According to Mjss Habersham, the bull
will he the largest and the peppiest
dance ever sponsored by the University.
It is to he handled entirely from the Uni
versity this year instead of by the Alum
nae as before.
Students from all the coast; colleges
will be in Portland for the holidays and
tlm committees expect a large 'crowd.
Tickets which are on sale at the Co-op
may also he obtained in Portland at
Spaulding Brothers, the Sherman and
Clay Music Store and the Multnomah
Club. They will be 7,"i cents each.
Miss Tirza Dinsdalc, Miss Alice Brown
Talk on Experiences.
Nine Uugune women, a number of them
connected with the University, who have
formed an ’Overseas Club, .I Wednes
day night at the home of Dean and Mrs.
Colin V. Dymcnt for discussion. Each
of tin* club members lias seen service
overseas during the war. and cx|>prienecs
are exchanged at each gathering of the
club. 1
At the Wednesday evening's meeting
Miss Tirza Dinsdalc, campus V. W. C.
A. secretary told of her experiences in
Italy, and Miss Alice Brown, traveling
V W. secretary spoke on her work in
red Russia.
Financial Difficulties Prevent
Support of Athletic
Council Now.
( Records Show Four Successive,
Eight Ties and Three
Succeeding Defeats.
< lregott 1’..Columbia 2
Oregon o .Columbia 0
Oregon :i .M. A. A. €. 3
Oregon 1 .M. A. A. C. 1
, 1910
Oregon 1 ..O. A. C. 0
Oregon l.O. A. C. 0
Oregon 2 .0. A. 0. 0
Oregon 0.M. A. A. C. 0
Oregon 0.M. A. A. C. 1
Oregon 0.0. A. C. 2
Oregon 0 . O. A. C. 1
Oregon .*!.O. A. C. 1
< >regon 1..O. A. C. 1
Oregon 0 ..O. A. C. 0
Oregon 2 . O. A. C. 2
Now that tin' abbreviated soever cos
tumes are stowed away with the mole
skins and the saw-dust ponds of old Kin
caid arc unrippled by skidding soccer
balls, the veterans of the successful sea
son, which close* last Saturday whin the
Oregon men won a “moral victory” over
the O. A. t\ hooters by holding them to
ti tie score, are prone to discuss the past
and plan for the future.
Or. John Itovard. head of the phy
sical education department, has ex
pressed Ids opinion that soccer should
t *H! recognized as a minor sport at the
T diversify, and promised his support in
making the Scotch game a letter sport if
the men take sufficient interest ne\t fait.
“When I witnessed the game between
Oregon and O. A. C. on Hayward field
last Saturday (lie possibilities of the
game struck me as beiug wonderful. It
is spectacular, full of pep, played in the
open where all the plays are easily seen,
and has great opportunities for team
work which will interest the spectators.”
Game Is Difficult.
“Soccer should be made an intra
lnurul sport.” continued Dr. Bovard.
The men who show' up to advantage in
^lie class games would be picked to rep
resent the varsity in collegiate games.
It is a hard game to play, and takes a
(different type of matt than football. The
granting of letters to men who take part
in Ute varsity games will receive my ap
“Financial difficulties at present pre
vents the game from receiving the sup
(Commut'd ou page three)
Students Desiring Extra Copies Advised
to Turn in Number to Ireland
f First copies of the Lemon Punch will
he ready for distribution Monday morn
ing, according to latest reports receiVed
from the circulation department. In the
case of organizations copies will he sent
around to the various houses hut for
•■hose not in organizations a, booth will be
maintained in front of the library all duy
where copies may be obtained. In case
of rain a table will probably be plaeed
in the labrary and the magazines given
out there.
Those desiring extra copies of the
Lemon Punch are asked to turn in num
ber desired as soon as possible to Dean
Ireland, circulation manager. Only a
limited number have been printed this
[ issue and in order to secure extra copies
! >t will be necessary to put in application
for them immediately.
| This morning's Emerald will be |
'*| the last issue until next semester. |