Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 10, 1920, Image 3

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    Advisory committee
■ states its position
“ ' ;f : Jj.1*; **- ■ I' ■
(Contlnued^from Page I.) f
.jigj tbat counted on the term grade. De
\cion- probation for the year; suspen
sion to come at end of winter term unless'
rage grade of III is maintained for
that term. (This student was consid
ered of doubtfuj eligibility also On ao
eonnt of continuously low scholarship.)
C4Sfl 3._Student took full notes into
„ examination and used them. Do
, .o0. su?pension from University until
fall of 1021, with Joss of all credits this
Ca*« 4.—-Student was charged with
Arriving in a nute from neighbor at left
periston: "Carried that the committeel
tsVe no action. . ...
Case 5.—student was examined with
refevtlKe to similarity, of paper of stu
irtt at right in weekly quiz. No action.
Casa 6.—Student was charged with
copying *«>® stndeilt two sea,s to Ul,‘
right in n monthly quiz. Convicted on
rir^mstandnl- evidence, the committee
abd the department concerned being
unanimous. Decision: fine of 15 hours
of credit to be entered upon transcript.
c»C 7.—Student two seats to the
right of student in case.6 was examined
on suspicion of collusion. Decision:
honorable acquittal. r ' '
pas* 8.—Student was suspected of
having copied in a weekly quiz. Decis
ion: no action until investigation could1
he made of suspected cheating in the
This student had already been
flanked in a course of cheating, before
the student advisory committee liegan
handling cases.
Case 9.—Student charged with cony-’
ing a weekly qnj^. Action deferred, for
investigation of: student's record, this
Stndrtt having been caught cheating last
Cast 10.—Student charged with ropy-1
inf from neighbor at loft Id weeklv quiz.
Decision: “not proved.”
Cast) H.—Strident sought atiswer to
question from, student who bad finished
bis otvn examination (monthly quiz) and
was leaving room. Decision: that he
take the course until be pass in it, with
out credit.
Caw 12.—Student charged with hav
ing copied from neighbor at. left in week
ly quis. Decision: "not proved.” This
derision, upon additional evidence, was
changed to honorable acquittal.
Cass 13.—Student charged with copy
ing in a quiz that counted considerably
toward the term grade, pntered general
denial. Convicted upon circumstantial
evidence upon , unanimous vote, of the
epmmittee, with the concurrence of the
instructors of the department concerned.
Decision: fine of eight hours to be en
tered on transcript.
Case (4.—Student charged with re
ceiving assistance beyond a legitimate
point in the elasswork of a certain
course. Decision: No action beyond a
Warning. (Up to a point, joint work in
tjie elasswork of this course was legiti
Casa 15.—Student charged with copy
tog elasswork, the product turned in be- (
tog another’s results. PeeVjori: that the <
student lose one term’s credit in the
course. j
•Casta 16 to 23.—Students charged
with cheating in weekly quiz, . These jnr ,
dividual hearings were held before the
committee decided to convict on eireum- I
stantial evidence. The decisions were In
sotpe instances “pot proved;” in others,
Cas* 24.—Student copied in a monthly
quiz that counted considerably toward
tye term grade. Decision: fifteen hours’ i
fme, tyith notatiou on transcript.
C*ta 25.—Student copied about one-j
balf of au examination. Previous scholar- i
ship record exceedingly low. Decision: j
fifteen hours’ fine; probation throughout!
first and second terms; suspension at end !
of second term unless average of III is
Cas# 26.—Student copied in a quiz.
Decision; fifteen hours’ fine; probation
first and second terms; suspension at end
of second term unless average of III has
t»en achieved, (Previous low scholar
ship also Influenced the committee in
tfete case.)
• Case 27.—Student copied in a quiz.
Decision: five hours fine; course'to be
continued until passing grade is secured;
Probation first and second terms; sus
pension at end of second term unless
*f«de of III has been achieved. (Pre
V’f ®°holarship added to student’s
Case 28.—Student was examined with
m ?,rCD0.e P°ssible assistance volun
®r y given student penalized for oopy
from PaPer of case 28. Decision:
honorable acquittal.
iiase 29.—Student charged with copy
mg ui important quiz. Decisions "not
conclusively proved.”
audition the Committee has held
Mi mgs upon a number of infractions of
m\orsity rules. Only two of these in
th Vt * P°'nf of University honor. In
m.,BeI*W0 cases decision was/ dis
°bssal from the University.
.1 * Vr’^ seen from the foregoing that
<Wi?mmittee raay make °n* of several
. 10118 111 Seating cases: Guilty; not
ni_75 °r 00 aotion; acquittal, or hon
°rable acquittal.
We Irish you all—
Santa Masks
Tree Decorations
Tinsel Garlands
Holiday Favors, Napkins and
Party Supplies
Complete line of Holiday Goo d s
Christmas Fruit Cake
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The Anchorage Gift Room
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An Incomparable Stock
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As you enter Luckcy’s you are confronted with dozens of styles in Brace- ,
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Swiss Watches for those who prefer them—all at the most modest prices im
The Daintily Rich and Extremely Chic
Wrist Watches
furnish the correct time better than the call of the Watch in ye olden tyrne or,
grandfather’s old clock. They are also essential additions to women’s perfect
grooming and convenience.
'Wonderful time-keepers here at $25, $.'15 and up. '■ > . , y ' \
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Before Christmas.
Shop Early. ”
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Woodworth's Toilet Water, $1.25
Delicately perfumed toilet waters of the bettor grade in attractive gift packages.
Choice of rose, violet, lilac, lily and garden fragrance. ■
See this new line now on display in our Drug Department—Main floor. ,
Men’s Neckties, 85c
A new shipment of Men’s Neek
Avear just received; beautiful colors
in attractive patterns. Wide, flow
ing end Ties with; slip-easy bands.
XeUkwear at this price is unusual
and these really are unusual values.
Priced at, only .85c
Women’s Gloves
Silk, $1.75 to $2.50 Kid, $3.00 to $4.50
\\ hether il he ;i fine French Kid or a warm
lined silk, one, our Glove Section is ready
with an extensive assortment. From this,
fresh new stock you are assured of getting*'
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Crepe de Chine Handkerchiefs xJst&Hti
Whether they are to be given as gifts or are for personal use, you should not over
look these prices. Dainty Silk Handkerchiefs in popular new plain colors and pretty
color combination borders. Special, 35ceach, or 3 for $1.00.
Peter Crockatt, professor of ecouimic's,
has been chosen class adviser for both
the senior and the sophomore classes.
As Mr. Crockatt can not hold both of
these positions, he announces he will act
for the senior class which he lias been
wit It for four years.
To-Ko-Lo announces the initiation of
Floyd Maxwell, ’23 and Hugh Latham.
Patronize Emerald Advertisers
Lumber, Lath and Shingles
5th and Willamette Sts. Phone 452