Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 09, 1920, Image 1

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4 , • ■ |
Majors and Special’s to Vote
On Proposed Plan By
Seniors Today.
. 1 •*
Details of Experiment to be
Arranged Later; Spons
ors Are Optimistic. ,
Today the majors and special students
in the school of commerce will decide by
ballot whether or not the honor system
will he used for students registered in all
courses in commerce next term. Ballots
in the form of pamphlets have been
printed and partially distributed among
those eligible to vote. The ballot box is
located upstairs in commerce ball, and
those who have not received their ballots
may obtain-them there or from instruct
ors in classes during the day.
The ballot-pamphlet on which, majors
and specials will cast their votes contain
a outline of the tentative plan for the
honor system, although details such as
the method of procccdure for naming
members of the honor commission, to
which all reports of dishonest work are
brought, has not yet been worked out.
Dean Robbins Favors Plan.
Dean E. C. Robbing of the School . pf
Commerce, has announced himself as in
favor of the plan proposed. “The ulti
mate solution is the honor system.” he
says. “The only way I know to find out
■whether or not the ttybyy.l.U*. J'ca.i\£ for
that solution is to give the plan a fair
Although there has been some discus
sion whether other commerce students
than majors and specials would be elig
ible to vote, no definite action had been
taken to change the conditions late last
night. Senior majors in the School ex
pressed themselves as believing that the
resultant vote would he conclusive of the
general attitude of the students of the
school, ns majors and specials would be
the ones most, directly affected by the re
sult. and should accordingly be those who
should make the decision.
Seniors Start Movement.
The movement for the adoption of the
honor system in the School was started
by a group of senior majors, prominent
among whom arc Neil Morfitt, Wilbur
t ar), Don Davis, Jack Bonefiel, Bill!
Steers, Ross McKenna, Barney Garrett,
John Houston, Earl Leslie, Arnold
Kcopke and Ward McKinney.
Practically all of these men have ex
pressed themselves as heartily in. favor
of the movement, and optomistic as to
its adoption. “If we are to make good
"lieu we leave school, we must have
made good upon our own responsibility
here.” says C. Carl Myers, a senior in
the School. Barney Garrett believes that
adoption of the system will mean the'
“stopping of unfair methods of obtain
ing grades that do not represent the
amount of knowledge the student posess
Believes It Good Step.
Johnny Houston believes that the ae
f'on taken already will lead to adoption
in other departments, and believes that
the experiment will be a success. Ross
McKeniia believes that adoption of the
system will automatically raise the stand
ing of the School on the campus, and
hind the students of the School more
closely together. “If we are ever to
have the honor system in the School of
t ommerce,” observes Don Davis, “we
'aust. make a start.” He adds that, the
Present is the most logical time, since'the
'.Vhool will soon move into new quarters.
1 he list, of majors in the School of
i ommerce is the largest of any of the
schools and departments on the campus.
Jim vote on the honor system is expeet
M to be finite heavy, as considerable in
terest has been aroused since the plan
"as first introduced.
Carlton Savage. - A. H. U. O. presi
, has boon ill in the University in
nuarv since Monday. It is uncertain
,10" *nnS lie will he there, but accord
*'1R ^r- Sawyer it will probably be
*or some time.
Approaching Exams Cause
Postponement of Concert
ifeeaust1 or the approaching examina
lions tlie; Orchestra concert which was
to have; been held this evening in Vil
lard hall has been postponed until Sun
day. January 0. The proposed tour
through southern Oregon has also been
called off in favor of a trip for the
whole orchestra to Portland and some
of the valley towns during the spring
The main feature of the Sunday af
ternoon concert will he, a Schumann con
certo for piano played by John Stark
Evans, assistant dean of the school of
music, accompanied by the orchestra.
Plans are now in the making for the
staging of a concert in Portland during
the spring vacation. Instead of cutting
flown the number of members for this
trip as is usually necessary, the whole
orchestra will go. The tour will also
include Astoria, Seaside, Vancouver, and
some of the Willamette valley towns
if satisfactory bookings can be secured.
In (his tour Madame Rose McGrow will
accompany the orchestra as soloist.
Dot-tor John J. Lnndsbury was vorj
enthusiastic about tlie proposed Port
land concert. lie said that the Univer
sity Orchestra would compare verj
favorably with the Portland Symphonj
The tour through southern Oregon
was called off because of the difficulty
• >f securing good engagements occa
sioned by the closing of many of the
high schools during the week before
The buying of instruments with which
to augment the orchestra has been be
gun. A viola, and an organ have al
ready been purchased and a bassoon is
expected to arrive soon. The sum of
.^127.00, proceeds from llie Armistice
Eve concert and dance, has been turned
over to the orchestra with which to pay
for these instruments.
The Pottage Grove high school lias
written asking that the orchestra give
a concert there some time in January.
According to present plans, this in
vitation will be accepted.
jBills at Residence Halls Due
Before Tenth of Month.
Aotiee of a new ruling of the resi
dence1 committee Lave been sent to the
■students in the residence balls of the
University, requiring the payment of
board ami room bills for each, month on
or before the tenth of that month. It
tms Ke.eu found necessary .to ujiifcc this
ruling Because of the 'necessity' of pay
ing the residence hall bills promptly.
The residence balls are run oil a strict
ly Cost of maintenance basis, the initial
expense of the buildings lining furnish
ed b.v the University. The University
also charges no rental for the grounds
on which the buildings, stand, and con
sequently the privileges of the halls are
given to the students for less than cost.
The new ruling also provides that all
hills for extra service and guest ac
counts must be paid before the tenth of
the month next following the dale of
service. The penalty for not observ
ing the new rules will be immediate
withdrawal of the privileges of the
rooms and of the dining halls or cafe
teria. '
The rates- for the remainder of the
seliool year is figured ou the basis o’
$(>.00 a week for board and $2.00 r
week for room at Friendly hall. Board,
room and furnishings fee at Hendricks
hall and Susan Campbell hall is $8.00
n week. Any student engaging rooms
nr board must finish out the full month
as no reductions will be allowed foi
absences except in case of complete
withdrawal from the University and foi
vacations between terms.
Professor Frank Thayer of W. S. C. to
Act As Presiding Officer;
7 to go From Oregon.'
Haven members ol the Oregon chaptei
of Sigma Delta Chi, national profes
sional journalism fraternity, will go tc
Corvallis tomorrow to help install a
chapter of the fraternity at the Oregon
Agricultural College. O. A. f. was
granted a charter earlier in the fall
but it was found impossible to install
al an earlier date.
Professor Frank Thayer, Sigma Delta
Chi of Washington State, and a former
national officer of the fraternity, will
act as installing officer. One repre
sentative from the University of Wash
ington lias been asked to he present
Members of the Oregon chapter making
the trip are Alex Brown, John Dier-j
dorff, Geue Kclty, Hurry Smith, Hay '
mood Lawrence, Warren Kays and
Carlton Logan.
“llow to handle boys” is to be the
subject of a talk that will be given by
Professor F. I;. Stetson, of the educa
tiou deportment, at n meeting of the
Parent-Teachers association of the Fat
terson school this afternoon. The meet
ing will start at 3 o’clock and will be
held in the school building.
Money Offered for Graduate
Study or Research.
Seven fellowships are offered to
American women- by the Assoeiatiou of
Collegiate Alumnae Fellowships for
the year 1921-1023, according to Karl
Outhalik, who just received notice of
this fact from the New York office.
The first is the Alice Freeman Pal
mer Memorial Peliowship for research,
uud is open to all American women
holding the Ph. D. degree. It is for
$1000. The Sarah Berliner Research
and -Lecture Fellowship is for graduate
study or research in Europe and is for
$1000. The Gamma Phi Beta Social
Service Fellowship and the Anna C.
Brackett Memorial Fellowship are for
$500 and $700 respectively. Another
$1000 fellowship is the Rose Sedgwick
Memorial Fellowship and is open to
British women.
Probably the most unusual of the fel
lowships is the Latin-Ameriean fellow
ship and is only open to natives of
Latin-Ameriean countries. The holder
of this fellowship is given $750 to carry
on her work. <•
The A. C. A. European Fellowship
gives $750 and is for American women
who have a degree in arts, science, or
literature, who have completed at least
two years of. graduate study.
Further information concerning these
offers may be obtained at the executive
secretary’s office.
To Completo Preliminary Practico; One
Perfect Score Made.
Five men reported on the target
range Saturday morning for long range
target practice; two of whom completed
their preliminary firing. The two com
Vile ting the preliminary firing were Sgts
Lussetle and Holm wood. Lasselle’s
averages were: Slow fire 4-1% and
rapid fire 34 % while Holmwood’s aver
ages were: SJow fire, 30 4-5 and rapid
fire :t7.
Dean Heard and Charles Robertson
fired three ranges with the respective
averages of 4(5 1-3 and 44 1-3. Heard
was the only man who made a perfect
Alice Brown Tells of Conditions Met in
Business World.
Students in th(> uiidst of their eumpus
lift- should take time to think of am1
consider rfhe “ conditions that they wil*
meet wlien they have to go out into the
business world, declared Miss Alice
Brown, northwest student executive of
the Y.. W. C. A. at a dinner given in
her honor by the local cabinet, at the
Anchorage Tuesday night. Her appea1
was based on a letter received from a
former student executive worker whr
is at present actively engaged in busi
ness. She described some of the con
ditions which one encounters and which
she felt that students should know about
and prepare for.
Contest Scheduled for 5:00
p. m. This Afternoon in
, Outdoor Gym.
Sigma Chi and Phi Delt Teams
Bow Before Onslaught of
Fighting Opponents.
Standing of the Teams.
Team W.
Owl Chih .10
Kappa Sigma.5
S. A. E.7
Sigma Chi .......0
A. T. O. ..5
Sigma Nu .4
Phi Dolt ..‘i
Oregon Club.5
Friendly Hall.2
Delta Theta Pi .. .0
500 <
1.81 4
000 <
What promises to he one of the most
interesting doughnut games played so
far this season will he the. contest to be.
staged this afternoon at 5:00 when the
league leaders, (Phi (iaiuuia Delta play
the runners up, the Owl Club. The game
promises to be, a fast contest, as so far
this season the two teams have not met.
The fast Owl quintet has been beaten lull
once, just before Thanksgiving vacation,
when the Delt five took a close game.
The game will be played in the outdoor
' gym according to the schedule announced,
and considerable interest has already
been evinced in the contest. The Fiji
quintet has so far been unbeaten, win
ning eight straight contests, but the
Owl clubbers have won ten out of eleven
games, giving them second place'on the
percentage column.
Two Games Yesterday.
I In yesterday’s games, the Bacho'.ndrou
? team trounced the Sigma (hi five 20 to
9. and the Sig Alph e mtiugent won a
close game from the Phi Delta, 10 to 7.
Black, guard, for the Cimbiiig Bach
elors, proved himself to he one of the
'classiest guards in the league, annexing
eight points for his teuni besides playing
his position in topnotch style. Guldager,
center for the winners, hooped three
field baskets, while Clark, forward,
■played a stellar game throughout throw
ing four points.
Douglas, guard, played liis usual bril
liant game for the loosers while. Wilsey
got going in the second half shooting two
field baskets and converting a free throw.
Kays Stars for S. A. E.
In the S. A. E.-Phi Delt game Kays,
forward, was the principal point getter
for the victorious S. A. E. quintet, hoop
ing two field goals and converting two
free throws. Moore, forward, and Ford,
center, also contributed a field basket.
1 each.
For tbe losers Latham, center, and
Gavin, guard, made all the points, Lath
am making four points and Gavin three.
Today’s games:
Indoor gym, 4 p. m.
Dells vs. S. A. E.
Baebelordon vs. S-Marulda.
\ At 5 p. m.
Kappa Sig vs. A. T. O.
Beta vs. Oregon Club. <
Outdoor gym at 5:00 p. m.
| Owl vs. Fiji.
Sigma Nu vs. Friendly Hall.
Stcreopticon Views Explained at Club
By Mrs. Fayard-Coon.
Klereopticon views were shown at, the
meeting of the r'reneh Club Tuesday I
night in Villuril hall. Mrs. Jennie Fay
ard-Coon. instruetor in French, gave
an informal talk on the pictures as they
appeared, telling something of the life
customs and manners of the French
The play, “Le Medeeiu Mulgre Jail,”
is to he given l>y the club soon after
the Christmas holidays. The cast ih
made up of Murion Gilstrap, Joe In
gram, Raymond Burns, Verne Blue,
Don Zimmerman and Vernon Fudge.
Student Committees to Offer Reports.
Orchestra and Glee Club
Will Be On Job.
. Special music from Ilex Underwood's
proteges and from a mixed glee club,
reports from the various Associated
Student committees, announcements
relative to the coming all-college dance
in Portland and the University of Orc
gou-Princeton debate during Christmas
vacation, will mark the student last as
sembly of the year which will be held
today at Villnrd hall. So says Johnny
Houston, vice president of the A. S. U
.0., who will preside because of the ill
ness of Carlton Savage, president.
If Marion McClain, graduate man
ager, has completed his “figirring” by
today, he will make bis annual financin'
report on the football season, continues
Houston. Among other things, plans
will be outlined for this year’s “Greater
< tregon” committee, which is expected
to “get; in a few licks during the holi
days;.” Houston urges a large attend
ance. as the meeting will be extremely
important, lie says.
First of Interclass Elimination Boxing
Series Arranged by Charlie
The first bouts, included in the new
iuterclnss boxing contests, have been
arranged for Friday afternoon at 3:o(l
o’clock. A series of elimination fightl
will be held for the freshman and sopho
more classes. The bouts, as scheduled
by Charlie Dawson, boxing instructor,
were announced last night.
The list of entrants has almost been
doubled during the last two days, and,
according to Dawson,, judging from the
spots of blood on the floor during yes-,
terday’s workouts, the bouts will be hot
ly contested.
After the holidays the rest of the
elimination contests will be held for
each class. Class representatives in
various weights will lie picked and
final matches hold to determine (lie
University champions.
The bouts to be held Friday night
Freshmon—135 Pounds.
Iv. II. Waters vs. It. B. McConnell.
Acie Merrifjeld vs. M. F. Saunders.
145 Pounds.
A. It. Loomis vs. P. M. Strowbridge.
E. II. Kelly vs. M. M. McClair.
C. Millard vs. K. Cooper.
158 Pounds.
C. F. Vallentyue vs. H. Covalt.
Sophomore—135 Pounds.
C. M. Carlson vs. D. F. Woods.
It. I’. Doddridge vs. V. E. Bullock.
145 Pounds.
J. May vs. H. Bonebrake.
F. 51.' Claks vs. F. 51. Sherman.
Announcement Made for Maebelle Ra
mont and Phillip Johnson.
The engagement of Maebelle Itumont.
of 51odesto, Cal., member of Delta
Delta Delta women’s fraternity, and
Phillip Johnson, of 5Iurshficld, Sigma
Chi, was announced at a dinner at the
Della Delta,Delta house Tuesday even
ing. A number of alumni members of
the sorority were present besides the
chapter girls.
Miss Jtamout is a senior in the Uni
versity this year, having spent the first
three years of college at University of
Southern California. She came to
Oregon during last, school year. 5Iiss
Jlamont is a member of Delta Psi Knp
ii'i. i! .in mil honorary physical edvea
lio'i f>"iiernity for w u on Mr. Job;.•
son is working with bis futber ut Marsh
fiehl this year.
American-Born Students Also Invited
• to Gathering Tonight.
All foreifen born and American ntu
dents arc invited to attend the meeting
of the Cosmopolitan Club, to be held
in Villurd hull on Thursday evening, at
7:30 o’clock.
“Christmas Customs in France.” wil’
he discussed hy Miss Germain Dew, v
student who was born in France. t>
Speech also will he given hv Miss Hen
riette Gou.v. instructor in French. Of
ficers will be elected and plans will he
'discussed for the club. Refreshments
will be served.
Four Concerts Will Be Given.
In Southern Part
of State.
/Program for Concerts to In
clude Classical and Some
“Stunt” Songs.
The Men’s Glee Club will leave the
Monday after examinations on . th^ir
Christmas trip, The boys will sing at
North Bond on the twentieth, Coquille
the 21st, Myrtle Point the 22nd, and
their last engagement will be at Marsh"
field on the 23rd, leaving the members
time enough to get home for Christmas.
Some changes in this schedule may be
made, according to Warren Edwards,
president of the Glee Club, but this ia
the plan at present.
The personnel of the Glee Club this
year is as follows:
First Tenor:—Warren Edwards, Cot
tage Grove, president of the Glee Cl»fb;
Curtis Phillips, Portland; Ralph Fpsjkm,
1/a Grande; Cnroll Akers, Wasco; Wal
lace Cannon, Princville; Eugene Short,
Long Beaeli, California. , , j,
Second Tenor: — George Hopkins,
Clarcmout, Calif.; Crecine FaHss,fill-’
gene; Joseph Ingram, Portland;, Wayne
Akers, Wasco; Nelson English, Port
Baritone:—George Stearn:, Prine
ville, manager of the Glee Club; Charles
Huggins, Hood River; Glen Morrow, Bu*
gene; Richard Gray, McMinnville;
French Moore, Eugene. <
Base:—-Harris Ellsworth, Sftigehh;
Maurice Ehen. Joseph; Howard*' Pnte,
Eugene,; Edgar Kainna, Hillsboro; Carl
Newberry, Medford.
The program for the concerts on the
trip will include classical and '“stunt”
songs, and is as follows:
Oregon Pledge . Evans
Winter’s Song .. Hawley
Glee Club.
Shores of Sighing . Chafin
Glee Club.
Baritone Solo....
Mr. Morrow.
Love Symphouy .....’. Dam roach
Glee Club.
Piano Solo ......
Mr. Hopkins.
This Is She . .Rogers
Glee Club.
Just a Song, Little Pickinny Kid....
Banjo Song. De Sandman.
Glee Club.
Three Surprises ..
Oregon Spugs ....
Quurtet and Glee Club.
Oregon Faculty Man fn Tantieme Per
fecting His Process of Wood
Professor O. F. Stafford, head of the
chemistry deiiartment, who has be«;n
from the University for three
school years on a leave of absence, is
in King-port, Tennessee, working on his
new continuous process of wood dis
tillation. In a letter to Dr. F. L. Shinn,
of the chemistry department, Professor
Stufford said he has been very busy for
the last month getting the plant start
ed', but at the time he wrote it Bad
been running for 87 hours, using one
cord an hour of waste wood.
The process is destructive and wood in
the retort is decomposed forming. car
bon from which wood alcohol,: acetone,
acetic aeid and by special process, shin
fflestain and turpentine are made. Mueh
heat has always been lost by cooling the
w'ook and then re-heating while in th£
retort. I5y Professor Stafford’s meth
od the process is continuous, and a
spontaneous beat caused by action on
(lie wood is used to heat the wood com
ing in. The retort is better than he
expected, Professor Stafford said and
the drying process gave the most
Plans are now under way for a com
mercial plant that w-ill use 100 cords
of five-foot wood a day,