Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 08, 1920, Page THREE, Image 3

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    MU PHI BFSUIaJN gives
intbrbsiwg mroitAM
Concerts In HUarby Towns May Be
Given Following Christ
mas Holidays.
Mu Phi Epsilon gave its regular semi
monthly program in the music hull lust
Saturday for the members of the organ
isation. Alice (Johlke- was iu charge of
iflic program.
Mrs. Jane Tbacher, national music ad
Yiscr for the fraternity is a member of
rtl,(1 local organization and according to
Fern Murphy, president of the frater
nity, is of great help to the girls in this
Hans for giving concerts m nearby
towns were discussed. The girls ex
pect to give the concerts after the
Christmas holidays.
The program given at the meeting was
as follows!
Current Events ..... Bach
Alice Gohlke.
Violin Air for G string.Bach
Alberta Potter.
Margaret Phelps.
Voice Aria .Handel
Laura Rand.
Piano: Air and Variation from 5th
Suite .... 1.Handel
Aurora Potter.
Mu rjiiJ'tfianglfjBbBg.
|PI#rri MMi, Athletics, and Miss Clark,
W omen’s Activities^ Members;
Features Sough*.
{ '.Two appointments have been recently
jmiide to the Oregana staff. They ate:
Pierre Mead, athletics, and Charlotte
Clark, Women’s activities. Miss Clark
bill work in place of Dorris Sikes, who
>trill not be at Oregon next. term,
i The new Oregana office, into which
the editor-and manager movecf.lffst week,
js- in the room adjoining the new copj>r
desk, in what was formerly the women's
■outdoor gymnasium. i:
During the Thanksgiving vacation;
Wanna McKinney, editor; Warren Kays*
Manager; Harry EUis, associate editor,
anti John Dierdorff, head of the feature
department, went to Portland in the in
terests of the Oregana. They wentf
through the iHicks-Chapman Engraving
Co.'s plant and received a number ot
ntiiqne suggestions for the., book. 4 They
selected the art mootings for ■ this is
sae. 2$
- There is an entirely new idea being
worked out for the art depenuetit which
.will be a distinct feature of this year’s
_ Patronize Emerald Advertisers
Fine Degree of Perfection Reached By
Choir; Technique in Sacred
, Mass Appreciated.
A large audience filled Villard hall, j
Sunday afternoon, at the vesper services
Riven by the University of Oregon choir.
The mass of St. Cecelia was presented
an inspiring manner by the choir,
wh.eh had been drilled to a fine degree
of perfection by the director, John
>’tark Evans. This sacred mass gave
ample opportunity to display the e*-J
■- 1 -i
eel tehee of teohtfhpie reached by the
vesper choir.
From the “Gloria” To the “Benedict -
i s," the thought of every passage was
dear, although the text, which is I.atin,
was not understood by the majority of
tlie listeners.
AH the solo parts were excellently
rendered. The soloists were Miss
Genevieve Clancy, soprano; Miss Laura
Band, contralto: George Hopkins, tenor;
Glen Morrow, baritone; with Vincent
Kngeldinger as accompanist.
Degrees are to be awarded to 44 stu
dents at Stanford University at the close
of tbe winter term. *
* Lumber, Lath and Shingles
Phone 452
5th and Willamette Sts.
Hand Laundry
The Home of Personal Service
143 W. 7th Phone 252"
A fine line of University Seal Jewelry and Pennants for
Get YoiirJtLUE BOOKS Early.
Complete Stock of
1 and Stal
This Includes
Basketball, Football, Baseball
and Gymnasium Supplies
AVe Are Also Selling *
Guns and Ammunition
At Attractive Prices
Watch Our Windows
“The Winchester Store’?
Phone 47
771 Willamette
TpOR the student or prof.,
. Rie superb VENUS out
rivals all for perfect pencil
work. 17 black degrees and
3 copying.
American Lead
Pencil Co,
«o FifthAve.
lareett itlUxg I
quality pencil I
In the we rid
-lo Fifth Ave., New York, Dept. D44.
We have the most complete tine of Christ
mas gift suggestions for Oregon Students.
—Our prices are not holiday prices.
The largest variety to select from in the city
University Book Store
Silk Lamp Shades
’■% I
w ’
We are putting on sale for Christmas a lot of Silk
Shades for Floor Lamps, originally priced from $25
to $50 each; now on sale, priced from $7.50 to $15 00.
We sell on Easy Payment Plan; Credit given on special sale prices.
Another lot of small Silk Shades which were selling- for lo fl$00
each, now on sale, priced from, each.
Special offering of 25% discount on all Framed Pictures
Wonderful bargains in Overstuffed Davenports, covered
grades of tapestry; priced from.$125.00
Eugene Theater Bldg.
Probably you haven’t yet tasted that which you would
like best. Imagine under those circumstances what
you have been missing—real joy, joy of satisfaction.
Have You Tried The
Varsity French Pastries?
Therein you will find that which you have been miss
ing these many days. If you have tried them you will
agree with us.