Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 04, 1920, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Fourteen Students Neglect Registration
In Changing Courses.
Fourteen students have neglected to
call at the registration office for their
petitions of change in course which have
been granted.
The cards cannot, be filed until they
are called for, and the student will not
receive a grade in the subjects not regis
'tered in.
The following have had petitions grant
ed that have not been filed out: Homer
(rant. Jack O’Brien, Veda Fatten. Carl
Svarvertul, John Ricketts, Fairy Davis,
Bill Chandler, Naomi Wilson. .Mrs. Max
hanij Verne Fudge, Krmine Gentle.
Marvelle Skeels. Dorothy Sanford and
Joe Ingram .
Fifty men at T.eland Stanford Fniver
sit.v reported for the first varsity bas
ketball practice of the season.
When you are in Spring
field, don’t forget to
look us up. We can sat
isfy vour confectionery
We also have Fountain
service, which by the way
really is service.
Eleven (Chinese students lit tli«* t’rii
versity of Washington have organized a
vclnb in the spirit of a fraternity.
Thirty thousunrt persons oeeupiotl
"Washington's new stadium to watch the
great East-West classic with Dartmouth.
Expert Shoe Repairing
Is done at
K M. AVayner
73 E. 9tli
Lumber Lath and Shingles
Phone 452
5th and Willamette Sts.
Pyrelin Ivory
-^-A large selection of beautiful and useful gifts in Ivory.
Those ideal presents are done in the latest patterns and
will not fail to please the most.exacting purchaser.
—Make your selection of Christmas Cards now: artistic
and neat. We urge von to purchase earlv.
—Stationery of high quality. Perfumes and toilet requi
sites make acceptable Christmas presents.
Allen’s Drug Store
86 E. 9th Ave. Opposite I. 0. O. F. Temple
Lara way’s
Unique & Beautiful Gifts
Yon are planning now on your Christmas
Shopping—of the many pretty things your
purchases will include and Caraway’s nat
urally will he one of your principal shop
ping places. The stocks here for gift giv
ing are more beautiful than ever and are
up to the Caraway standard of excellence.
We appreciate early shopping.
Reliable Jewelry for
All Occasions
Our show cases and wall eases are filled to
overflowing with reliable jewelry for all
occasions. Few cities of Eugene’s si?,c can
boast of such enormous stocks as are
shown at Cara wav's. There’s everything
vou could wish for at prices small, medi
um and no, (lifts ideal for the birthday,
the anniversarv the wedding and Christ
mas. \\ «* appreciate early shopping.
Christmas Shoppers
I he early shopper dot's not onlv serve her
st'll )test, but also enables this store to give
better service. Stocks are now complete
(or Christmas buying with but few excep
tions. ('boosing is a delight whhn pleatv
ol time can be devoted to it. If vou do
>our having before the rush begins vou
will got more pleasure out of vour Christ
mas shopping.
When Ready for a Diamond
Can Please You Best
Place vonr confidence where con
fidence belongs. Most people buy
diamonds from a dealer in whom
they have inmlieit confidence; oth
ers use their own judgment and
huv aeeording to their own taste,
ha raw a v has the confidence of
most all Diamond owners in a very
wide territory. ITis experience in
having and selling these precious
stones placed him in the expert
class vears ago and von should prof
it bv his knowledge. When von en
ter his store to huv or look at Dia
monds. no matter how small vonr
purchase mav he. von will he given
the same service as that accorded
the largest purchaser. When von
are ready for a Diamond Lara wav
can please von best.
Private Diamond Salesroom
Any honest person may
open an account at
« Caraway’s Store
Seth Lara way
Diamond Merchant and Jeweler
Fine Clearance of 100
Women's and Misses' Dresses at from
25 to 50% Discount
—Beautiful Dresses of silk,
serge and fancy materials
radically reduced in price
for today. Every garment
is new this season, and at
our regular prices are bet
ter values than could be
found elsewhere.
Silk Dresses
Repriced to
—One group of pretty Silk
Poplin Dresses in navy, co
pen, plum, gray and black,
in sizes 36 to 42, have been
re-marked to $10.00 for to
day’s selling. Also includ
ed are a few navy serge
sailor dresses in size 16
only. These arc made with
ideated and plain skirts;
collars and cuffs trimmed
with white, red or black
50 Silk and Wool Dresses
33 */3 % Discount
—Lovely New Dresses of serge, tricotine, taffetas, satin, trico
lctte, georgette and crepe de chine, marked one-third less for
Regular Prices.$29.50 to $85.00
Sale Prices. $19.67 to $56.67
—Included are every late and popujar style, and all of the pre
vailing colors and combinations—all sizes.
The Decem
ber Ameri
can Bov
Is Here
on ail
Mail Orders
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
or After the Party
We Can Serve You with
Good Wholesome Food
Prepared Under the Best Direction and served efficiently.
- ^ H. BURGOYNE, Prop.