Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 04, 1920, Page THREE, Image 3

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Miss Motelle Hair, Drive Chairman,
Calls for Cash Collected Recently.
All persdun who Uav<* Red Cross re
ceipts arc asked to turn them in ns soon
as possible, with the cash collected, nc
eordlhg to Miss Mozelle Hair, chairman
of the drive. The‘books and money may
be turned in at Miss Hair's office in the
Oregon building.
One more house, Alpha Delta Pi. lias
reported 10 per cent membership in the
Red Cross. The other houses wHic-li
have made a similar reedfd are Chi
Omega, Kappa Kappa Hamm*. Delta
Delta Delta and Delta Theta Phi.
Patronize Emerald Advertisers
! Tho recital to be given by-Res -Entler*
wood and Mrs. W. b'. Thatcher. Monday
night at the Methodist church promises
to bo one of the best nnisicales of the
The concert, is complimentary and
both town people and University stu
dents arc cordially invited.
Ohio State College holds the Middle
West championship in football, for the
season. They will meet California at
Pasadena on New Year’s day.
guaranteed. Wo furnish white and
black thread. Singer Shop, 07 East
Ninth street. Eli
XuRone Corsets, Cleaning and Repair
ing. Mrs. A. True Lundy, 2o5 East
Ninth Street. Phone 280. tf
When You Break Your
send us the broken
lens, or, if we made
your glasses origin
ally, simply call us
up on the telephone
and we will have a
new lens for you at
Our workshop on the premised is a great
convenience in this matter of repairs. It
enables us to, duplicate a broken lens or
grind new ones to your prescription in a
short time.
You’ll appreciate this quick service de
partment when the emergency arises.
At this time of the year we plan
I dinners and good times. They
will not? he complete without a
careful selection of the many
good things which we can sup
ply you.
Our buyers make a careful se
lection of goods with the idea of
pleasing. It is complete even to
the smallest details. We are able
to give you the best of last sum
mer’s packs.
Let us quote you prices on our
holiday goods. All the “Good
ies” that arc to be had we have
them here for your selection.
Do not fail to see our holiday
line. ... ... J. -•
Our bakery goods are fresh and
Just phone us and we will have
it .delivered.
91 »>.
The Truth About Furniture Prices
WE A HE continually being asked if*
Furniture has lowered in’price or
is apt to become lower soon. The absolute
truth is that the wholesale or factory price
ol Furniture has not lowered a cent, nor
does there seem much chance of it in the
near future. This statement can he veri
tied by the United States government re
port for the month of November. The
same report states that it usually takes
about a year for a change in manufactur
ing cost to reflect to any extent in retail
prices, and there has been very little if any
change as yet in the manufacturing cost
of furniture. Of course our entire line of
home furnishings includes nearly every
article used around a home, the only iterns
on which there have been a lowered
wholesale price are mattresses, bedding,
window shades, draperies, scagrass furni
ture and floor coverings.
AM of these items, except floor cover
ings, have already been promptly (we
hope) marked down in our stock. Floor
covering prices were not certain until now.
We have continually hoped for reduc
tion in furniture, thus making it Faster for
you to receive the desired Christmas fur
niture, but since that has not come, we
have decided to do what we can by redu
cing everything possible in a
Great Pre-Christmas Home-Furnishing Sale
• i ; ‘ .
Our plan is to go through every department in our store and select absolutely every
article which we can find the silghtest reason Cor reducing—broken lines, discontin
ued patterns, etc., regardless of presenL price, value, quality or style will go into this
sale. The old tag, marked in plain figures, will remain and a new sale lag will go on.
There will be a tew dressers, beds, mattresses, chairs, tables, davenports, buffets,
stoves, dishes, cooking utensile, baskets, etc.—in fact, nearly anything you need, but
only a few in each line, so it will pay you to come early.
In Addition
The Largest Rug and Linoleum Sale
in line County in Recent Years
. ■•' t '»» H 1 ■*. . '["A ' 'jit;-:-,
Our entire stock of Rugs and Linoleums will go into this special sale. We believe
this to be the finest assortment ever gathered in Lane County, consisting of a splendid
variety of sizes, patterns, colors and qualities. We guarantee we will sell Rugs and
Linoleums as cheap as they will be next year.
Conditions of Sale—-)
1— The sale begins Monday, Dec. 6th, at
7 :d() a. in.
2— All special sale prices cash only.
6—No exchange or refund on special
sale goods.
4—Free deliv ery to any part of County.
Also—Special prices to installment
customers on application.
Remember the date; only a limited number of pieces in
each department, but they will be REAL BARGAINS.