Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 03, 1920, Page TWO, Image 2

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
? Editor.
Member pacific Intercollegiate Press Association,
ijussodatc Kditor .J,yle Bryson News Editor .Charles E. Qratkc
Assistant News Editors
Dorris Hikes Velma Rupert
'ftry,,,' %]■
Spo™ Ktliior .Floyd Maxwell
Sport Writers
Pierrfc Mead, Eugene Kelty, Edwin Hoyt
Night Editors
Stanley C. Eisman Carlton K. Logan
Reuel Moore.
News Service Editor... .Jacob Jacobson
Assistant .Eunice Zimmerman
Special Writers: Mary Lou Burton, Francos Quisenberry, Elisabeth J. Whitekouse
■ JJetys Staff:—Harold Moore, Fred Guyon, Inez King. Margaret Scott, Ken
neth VoueL Owen Calloway, John Anderson, Martha Westwood, Jean Straehan,
Leftore .Cram, Doris Parker, Margaret Carter, Phil Brogan, Florence Skinner,
Kcai)? Houston, Harry Ellis, John Dierdorff, Pauline Coad, Howard Bailey, Rae
(ord Bailey, Arthur Rudd, Ruth Austin, Clarence Anderson, Mabel Gilliam, Jes
Mc Thompson, Hugh Starkweather, Jennie Perkins. 4
A»-«-- '-----——----1
Associate Manager .....Webster Ruble
Advertising Managers ....George McIntyre, A1 Woertendyke
Circulation Manager.Ogden Johnson
Office Assistant.Marion Weiss Collections .J. Warren Kays
Staff AssistantsRandal Jones, Eugene Miller, Lyle Johnson, Jason McCune,
' Irhogenc Letcher, Ben Reed.
>Df£igial publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon,
issued duly except Sunday and Monday, during the college year.
tebed in the post office at Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Snibr
BCripfion rates $2.25 per year. By term, 75c. Advertising rates upon application.
r»"r— 1——
Campus office—655.
Downtown office—1200.
There is at the present time practically no class spirit in
the University of Oregon. Old alumni and ex-students will
marvel in this statement, recalling as they will the fact that
ih the Old days everyone knew every other member of his
elgss and that rivalry between the four different classes was
quite keen. In those days class athletic contests used to be
the big features of the year, and students never lost an oppor
tunity to show the superiority of their class over any other.
An old graduate once said to an entering freshman class
that although alumni would always be glad to greet any stu
dent of the University of Oregon, it was their own classmates
whom they really enjoyed meeting, and that it was the Class
friendships formed during college days that outlasted even
fraternity and club ties. Just now a deplorable condition ex
that should be remedied. Even in the senior class, there
afp many members who do not even know the names of their
classmates. *
_ More informal class parties, more interclass athletic con
tests, dnd more frequent class meetings are the remedy for
the situation.; Interclass athletic contests have given wav to
other things more or less in recent years, and only occasion
al)^ do such affairs find a place in intramural activities. Class
pdfties are only occasionally given, although they are still
recognized as the best means of becoming acquainted with
Cvery member of one’s class. Class meetings are held now
ottiy when important class matters come up, often at times
when every member of the class cannot attend.
•. It might be advisable to allow a certain night during each
term when each class might hold an informal class party. In
totclass football games, as well as other,athletic contests,
Wmdd no doubt create as much interest as in past years. Class
meetings used to he held during the assembly hour in place
bf the regular assembly in past years, and even if the classes
have no important business to conduct it is a good means of
arousing some of the latent class spirit and acquainting every
one a great deal more with the members of his class.
Class spirit should be second only to the larger Oregon
spirit. Doubtless everyone recognizes the need for"more clash
spirit. Let’s have it!
Two additional sets of shelves in the
Stack rpoins of the library will he in
stalled in the near future. The measure
hipnta were taken recently, and the
shelves are to be made to order. The
cost of installation is more than esti
mated so the matter is to be referred to
the board of regents, according ,M. H.
Douglass, librarian.
Osburn Cleaners
Expert Cleaning and Pressing
e Make Things SHINE for
Rex Theatre Building
Lumber Lath and Shingles
5th and Willamette Sts. Phone 452
Oregon Club.*—Big stag mixer, mcu’a
gym, Saturday, December 4, 8 p au.
Junior Week-end.—A meeting of all
the recently appointed chairmen of Juniot
Week-end committees will be held to
night at 4:1!j in the “Y” hut.
Seniors.—All members of the class ol
'21 wishing invitations and cards for
graduation must place their orders with
the Co-op.
State Aid. — All state aid men must
file their November attendance report
and expense statement at window 19 in
the Administration building on or before
December 7.
Oregon Club of Women’s League will
meet Monday. December 6 at the bunga-1
low. All women not affiliated with any
residential organization are urged to be
present. Those who wish to do so may
bring their lunch at 6 o’clock. The busi
ness meeting will begin promptly at 7.
followed by- a tsoeial hour.
(Daily Questions and their Answers)
Today’s Question (Asked the fresh
men ): Why do you wear a green cap ?
Howard Powell—“Because of the
nearness of the mill race.”
Marvin Lucas—“Compulsory.”
K. Bickel—"Because it’s essential.”
Stanley Crow.—“I supporc the sopho
mores compel you to.”
Wistar Rosenburg—‘Because it’s an
old tradition of the college.”
Arthur Rudd—“To keep the rain off
my dome.”
__ tv q.
P. L. Campbell to Address Meeting of
Social Workers’ Association.
President P. L. Campbell leaves today
for Portland, where he will address a
meeting of the Socifil Workers Asso
ciation of Oregon. His subject will be
“The Why of Higher Education.” Un
der this head the president will discuss
the importance of the University as an
instrument in accelerating general so
cial improvement through research and
knowledge. Other speakers at the gath
ering will be> Superintendent of Public
Instruction J. A. Churchill, Superintend
ent I). A. Grout and Bishop W. T. Sum
ner. The meeting will be held at the
Portland Y. M. C. A.
Saturday the president will address a
meeting of business men in Portland.
Second Issue of Alumni Magazine Edit
ed by Grace Edgington.
The second issue of “Old Oregon" to
be made this term will be off the press
before the holidays, according to Miss
Grace Edgington who is editing this is
sue. The feature of this number is to
be a review of the different departments j
of the campus and the significance of the
work their graduates are doing. Both
Miss Edgington and Miss Charlie Fen
ton, alumni secretary, have been bus*'
c.o nniling alumni r otes for the com ng
Reports from Oregon graduates show
that “Old Oregon" is very favorably re
ceived by the alumni and letters are re
ceived by Miss Fenton that contain
alumni notes and tell of the enthusiasm
with which it is awaited.
Emerald Cub All
Hopped Up About
New School Head
“Oil* I didn’t Know tliat anybody
know about it,” said . Miss Gertrude
Lyons, a junior in the University, when
asked to tell about her election to the
county superintendency of Grant county.
She has been county superintendent
elect ever since November 2.
Being well trained in modern etkiuette,
the Emerald representative didn’t ask
Miss Lyons her age, but anybody could
tell by lookiug at her that she isn’t,
fifty—oh; dear, no, not more than half
that—she hasn’t a single gray hair. That
is surprising, too. when you learn that
she has taught school. That’s the way
she earned her money to go to Belling
ham State Normal in Washington.
She graduated from there in 1018.
and then she ratne back to Grant county !
in her native state of Oregon and taught j
some more. Though she was teaching
in her home town, and they say a poet is
unrecognized on his native heath (or
something like that), !|he was discov
ered and elected comity superintendent. .
She will take, up her new duties on
Jamigr.v 1. In. the meantime, she is
loading Up on the educational diet ap
proved for all who are pedagogically in
clined— you know, all that mysterious,
but terribly interesting stuff that en
ables one to discover just how much
mentality anyone has, and how to help
one make use of his brain. Miss Lyons
says her hobby is mental testing, and
she plans to make a survey of the
She says she will travel about in a
Ford, mainly, and when the University or
any part thereof eotnes out that way, she
will carry it, or them, about in her ma
chine. There are some places in Grant
county, she says, where even a '> Ford
fears to tred. She will visit those places
just the same, she’ll go on horseback.
If a reporter was allowed. to have an
opinion, we’d predict that Grant county
is going to have a mighty good superin
tendent, even jf it is a way out in East
ern Oregon where there isn’t much of
anything but sagebrush, ■ and sheep, and
wheat, and timber, and endless oppor
tunity to grow up with the country.
-;-' ■ I
Professor Schroff Dismisses Students
for Third Time This Term.
For Ihc third time this term Profes* j
sor A. II. Sekroff has been forced to j
dismiss his class in Art Appreciation be
cause of inadequate equipment with I
which to illustrate his lectures.
Yesterday,he liad his class assembled j
and the room darkened ready to give j
his lantern slides to illustrate his lec
ture when he discovered the machine did
at t have a lens. After inquiring about
the lens lie discovered it bad been locked -
it a drawer and the man who had the
key had gonp out of town for the week- i
Law Students to be Given Opportunity
of Hearing Judge.
Three lectures will he delivered by
Judge Jacob Kanzler, of the Portland
court of domestic relations, to the stu
dents of the school of law on Monday
and Tuesday of next week in the law
The three lectures will supplement the
domestic relations course given here, and
as now outlined will lie on the topics of
the court of domestic relations and the
law of parent and child.
'• iS".
,ts;n *■• & h
Twelfth and Alder
'ir' s **% r
. *£Wt f&f-Y
The Kick of a
Camel is
Soft but
This ad is for the man who be
lieves down in his heart that $35 is
enough to pay for a suit of clothes.
IT ISN’T—and in telling you that
it isn’t we deserve your respect
and not your rebuke.
At $45 any good store can, sell you
good clothes. At any price less,
they can’t; but you can experience
how it feels to be sandbagged if
you fall into a “soft at first” sav
You want clothes that will stand
up and we want you to have them.
This store is honest in its mer
chandise and with the men it
serves and we are pleading with
you to be honest with yourself.
iBnmd (Ulothes
At prices meeting the present
market quotations are -the best
buy of the day.
$39, $49, $59 ;
4 his means you Can save from $16
to $26 on your suit.
“We never advertise a bargain
unless we have it.”
St. Eugene,Ore.
Students’ Rebate
We wish to announce that beginning today
\ye will give you a rebate of 10 Per Cent on
all purchases of note books, fillers, station
ery and other school supplies amounting to
one dollar.
University Book Store
™ „ -v H. K. TAYLOR
Phone Ll9-J Eleventh aiiil Alder ,
Roses, Violets, Chry sa n them uiiis,
Also fine line of Ifloweririg plants,
Just the thing for a Christinas gift.
«••• •* ' j J
University Florists j
§93 Hillyard ’ Phone 654