HUH FIRST TO CUIM III MEMBERS PUNCH SUBSCRIBERS Phi Sigma Pi Beaten to the Library Steps By Five Minutes. HOYT LEADING WITH 70 SUBSCRIPTIONS Reports Slow To Come In; Hundred Per Cent Indi cated by 15 Houses. At the close of the subscription booth last night li> campus organizations had reported every member a subscriber in the Lemon Punch drive and had turned in their subscriptions. Wilbur Hoyt was leading in the number of individual sub scriptions with a total of seventy. The houses reporting one hundred per cent in order were: S-Muruldu, Phi Sigma Pi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Chi Omega, Phi Delta Theta, Sigma Delta Phi, Alpha Phi, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Delta Del in Delta. Meta Theta Pi, Bachelofdoii, Kappa Alpha Theta. Delta Gamma, Sig ma Chi and Delta Tan Delta. S-Marukla reported one hundred per cent before the campaign opened but as subscriptions were not taken until the booth opened they maintained a repre sentative in front of the bootli from mid night until tile campaign opened. Rep resentatives of Phi Sigma Pi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Chi Omega and I’hi Delta Theta arrived a short time later and the five organizations were the first to turnJ in one hundred- per cent subscriptions. Exact Count Impossible. ‘‘There is no way of determining the exact amount of subscriptions as yet” stated Ellsworth, “some organizations have not been heard from and individual solicitors have not turned in their books. The campaign is progressing fairly well but in order to insure 1000 subscriptions it will bo absolutely necessary for every man who lias not yet subscribed to do so as today will bo positively the last dav of the campaign.” Today will bo the last chance for stu dents to obtain the Lemon Punch at the seventy-five cent rate for four issues. After today all students who failed to subscribe will have to pay a straight rate of twenty-five cents per copy. SOPHOMORE INFORMAL TO COMMENCE AT 8:15 All In Readiness for First Ciass Dance of College Year; Holiday Spirit In Docorations. The grand march at the opening of the annual sophomore informal dance to night will begin promptly at 8:15 «> clock according to the committee in charge of the arrangements. Dancing "ill then begin at 8:110 and will last un til 11:110 o’clock; a total of 11 dances hove been scheduled for the program "ilh no extras. Tb<> feature will follow the seventh dance, mul will carry out the idea of the holiday spirit which will feature in the decoration scheme. The several com mittees have been hard at work this week and the decorations will he in readiness by tonight. The entire* light ing system iti the Armory has been I manipulated in order to give a soft, glow ol the Oregon colors, lemon and green, • o the Armory. Around the balconies have been hung a,bower of evergreens. The orchestra which will occupy the ••enter of the floor will be on a plat form screened with lattice work, inter woven with greens and surrounded by palms. Nine pieces will take part in I lie orchestra, the same organization] which played for tin; Homecoming dance on November 13. having been secured for 11"' hop tonight. I lie sophomore class has mode specia1 preparations to make the dance one of •he memorable social affairs of the sea M"). This will close the student body social activities for tin's term. The 1 rush Glee wiH be the main dance at ' ruction of the second semester. CONDON CLUB ELECTS. 1 ondon Club announces the election of Ian Campbell and Paul Cook of Eu B'ene, and Bill Collins, of Portland, EXAMINATION SCHEDULE FALL TERM—1920-21. Wednosday, December 15. 8:00—3, 4 and 5 hour ten o’clock classes. 10:00—First year French classes, all divisions. 1:15 English Composition and Elementary Psychology, all di visions. 3:15—4 and 5 hour 1:15 class es. Thursday, December 16. 8:00—u, 4 and 5 hour nine o’clock classes. 10:00—First year Spanish class es. all divisions. 1:15—4 and 5 hour 2:15 classes. Friday, December 17. 8:00—.’I. 4 and 5 hour eight o’clock classes. 10:00—Economic History, all divisions. 1:15—8, '4 and 5 hour eleven o’clock classes. All other courses to he arranged by instructor. Evenings and Satur days permitted. I»y rule of the faculty, examina tions must be held according to schedule. In case of conflicts be tween regular scheduled examina tions in two hour and irregular courses, scheduled examinations take precedence. ' Architectural Club Promote Workmen’s Society. The Builders Guild of the Univcrsiti of Oregon which is being formed under the auspices of the Architectural Club, is not only the only thing of it s' Kind in Oregon but almost the first in the United Mates. The purpose of the organization is'to raise the standard of work, make every student the best product, and re move the stigma of commercialism from the crafts. The plan was proposed to the build ers of Oregon at a smoker recently given by the Architectural club. When a vote was taken it was found that out of one hundred and fifty Iftcn, only three were dissented, and a partial com mittee was immediately appointed to draw up plans and a'eonstitutiou. It is the earnest hope of every one interested that: the guild will spread from Oregon to ull parts of the country. Frank Spores, general superintendent of the works, sees no reason why this should not happen. The workmen will ! go from here to other parts of the coast, taking the guild idea with them. The guild will prevent loafers or in ferior workmen from giving unfair! competition to the master craftsmen. Every man must reach a certain stand ard of efficiency and expertness before lie is eligible to membership in the guild. The master craftsman is always to be in lino for advancement if there is any. Me is'to draw the better salary and to have the first choice of positions. Through these methods the guild plans to unite capital and labor on a common ground, make the crafts an honor in stead of a disgrace, and raise the stand ard of workmanship. i CAMPUS HIGH SCHOOL PLANS HOLIDAY PLAY 1 * English Class to Stage “The Stocking's Revolt;" Equipment to be Augmented. “The Stocking’s Revolt" is the play to be given by the junior .'! English class of the University high school a week be fore Christmas. This play shows the different attitudes toward Christmas in a rich family, and in a very poor one. Its object is to show that we should return to the old spirit of Christmas. This is only one of many plays which are being given by the English classes of the University high school. They are limited to short, simple ones because of tbc inadequacy of the stage room and equipment. The new high school build ing will contain complete dramatic equip ment. According to Miss Ethel Wake field, English instructor in the high school, they expect to attempt longer and more complicated plays as soon as the new building is ready for occupancy. SCHOOL OF MEDICINE DECUBEDIiDEOiTE IN ASSEMBLY SPEECH President P. L. Campbell Tells of Trip To Other Med ical Colleges. * _ HONOR SYSTEM STUDIED ! DURING EASTERN STAY! I Plan Will Be Discussed In formally With Faculty at January Meet. I Appearing before the Associated Stu dents during the regular assembly hour yesterday morning at Villard hall, Pres ident 1*. L. Campbell told of observa tions he had made during a recent trip east, during which he visited several of the larger medical colleges, and also gave a hint as to what, the University of of Oregon medical school at Portland may develop into if present hopes are realized. Because of the lack of facilities and room, only 50 students a year can grad uate from (he University medical college (it, present, he said. It is hoped, he con tinued. that this condition he changed so (hat Oregon may yet rank as the Johns Hopkins of the Pacific northwest. I( was his contention that the field was large, and what, with the present ad vances being made in research work, in which the causes of disease are deter mined and means found to prevent their inception,, (here would be-plenty of room i in Which to expand. Many Turned Away. Over 100 prospective students were turned away from the doors of the Uni versity last year who had hoped to com plete their medical education here and who went to various colleges and uni versities in the east and middle west to graduate. Like numbers in the future, if present pluns mature favorably, will be able to finish at the University of Oregon, he said. Sentiment along the Atlantic sea board was very favorable to the Pacific northwest and to the higher institutions ol learning in this section, according to President Campbell. Honor System Observed. Among the colleges visited, and which he described as being excellently equip ped in buildings, apparatus and instruct ors, were Harvard, Columbia University University of Chicago and the University of Virgiuiu. I hc honor system at the latter insti tution, which has been in practice since " as the subject of a brief part of the president’s address. It was espe cially interesting, he said, aud was made the object of close study during his •stay. He expects to discuss it inform, ally with members of the faculty at the hrst colloquium held in January. Work of Norvell Thompson In “Prunella” Excells. Tlif Company outdid itself last night in Hie presentation of “Prunella,” a charm - in?; English fantasy, which was staged at Otiild hall. The play showed the type of dramatics which can be expected of the University players. The story deals with an English maid. J reared beneath the trying ol serration or maiden aunts. A wandering singer — a midnight serenade—an elopement —a de sertion—a reeoncilation. and the story is told. But the telling is done in an ar | tistie manner that marks the best of Eng j lisli fantasy. [ Norvell Thompson, who takes the | role of Pierrot, The Company possesses j an actor of unusual stamp. The entire cast is above the average, from the three gardeners to the statue of “Love.” Prunella will be presented again this afternoon and tomorrow evening. 1 be play was under the direction of Professor Archibald Ferguson Keddic. Pacific Coast Conference Track And Field Meet for 1921 to be Held on Hayward Field May 12 Athletic Gathering Awarded Oregon at Berke ley Session of Officials; Will Probably Fofm Part of Junior Week-end. i lie l niversity of Oregon was awarded the 11*21 Pacific. coast conference track and field meet at Ole conference session which lias been held in Berkeley this week. The announcement was made yesterday, hut owing to the absence of Oregon's delegates to the conference meeting, Bill Hayward, Marion McClain, Bart Spellman and l’rofcssor H. C. i llowe, -official confirmation lias not yet j been received. The meet will be held on Hayward field, May 12. Cinder Track Started. Graduate Manager McClain had, how ever, announced his intentions of trying to secure the conference meet for Eu gene this year, and with this end 40 view, has started work on the cinder puth which will be laid out on Kincaid field already. With the work that will he put on it during the remainder of the winter and next spring, it is believed that the track eari be made one of the fastest on the coast. The University, under n ruling made during the session of Hie conference this •V,,ar, will be required ftp guarantee $2000 to the visiting teams as the mist institu tion. Formerly but $1000 was required. Another ruling was made by the con ference, which is to allow each college to make 12 entrants in place of the 10 formerly allowed. Dual Meet Here. According to the schedules arranged in track, Oregon will have one dual meet in addition to the conference gathering. •May 14, a dual meet between O. A. C. and Oregon will be held at Eugene. As the date of the coast conference meet falls on the Thursday of Junior week end, and the dual meet on Saturday, both meets will form important parts of the program for the week-end. The northwest conference meet was also set at the Berkeley gathering, and will be held June 4, at Pullman, Wash ington. Northwest conference football and basketball schedules were not ar ranged. FOUR MEMBERS PICKED FOR ADVISORY COUNCIL Faculty Votes to Restrict Credit tor Student Activities; Religious Instruction Not Settled. , Four,tuwy meinbeus of t$ve Xurndly ad visory council were elected at the fac ulty meeting yesterday afternoon. The two deans chosen are Dr. W. G. Hale of the school of Jaw and Dr. E. D. Hob bins, of the school of commerce; the two professors elected are Dr. J. D. Barnett, professor of public law, and Professor H. C. Howe, head of the de partment of English literature. These, with Dr. H. D. Sheldon, dean of the school of education, and Dr. ,T. H. Gil bert, professor of economics, make up the newr advisory council. The matter of credit for religious in struction given by representatives of several denominations, was referred to a committee to be appointed by President Campbell, for later report. The faculty voted as a matter or pol icy, on the report of a committee head- ] cd by Colin V. Dymcnt, dean of the col lege of literature, science and the arts, to give no credit hereafter for any stu dent activity except in connection with or as a part of a regularly organized course of the University, and the pe tition of the University orchestra sub mitted last June for three term hours of credit instead of one was denied. The new policy will go into effect in the fall of 1921. T'lio following named students were recommended to the board of regents for degrees: Bachelor of Arts—H. It. Ben jamin, Victoria Case, Lucile Copen haver. I ,co Cossmun, (J. AV. Mason, Mamie Radtfbaugh, AV. J. Thornton. Bachelor of Science—Gavin O. Dyott. Esther Kay. Bachelor of Arts in Edu cation- AAr. C. lloppes, E. AV. Milne. Addie It. Whitcomb. FINANCIAL SUCCESS OF OREGANA ASSURED Over $200 Worth of Advertising Secured; Meier and Frank Give Two Pages to Stimulate Others. The financial success of the 1920-21 Oreganu is assured, according to Warren Kays, business manager of the year book, pver $200 worth of advertising was secured by tin* business staff dur ing Thanksgiving vacation while solicit ing in Portland. T hey assert that all the merchants which they called- upon were heartily in support of the year book and gave as large advertisements as they could stand. •Meier & Frank, of Portland, in order to show that they wished the book to be a success this year, contributed two full pages. They hoped that by doing* this it >vould be a stimulus for other large firms to help make the book a financial success. The hulk of advertising for the Orc gana will be secured during the Christ mas vacation. Exhibit Iii Library Shows Various Aspects of-Work. Members of the faculty and students who have not yet enrolled for the fourth annual Red Cross membership roll call may subscribe at the desk in the main reading room of the library, the Y. W. C. A. bungalow, the Y. M. hut, or at Miss Hair's office at the extension division in Oregon hall. Tlie campus membership drive is pro gressing very satisfactorily, according to Miss Hair, who is chairman of the committee, and several houses have al ready reported one hundred per cent memberships. Hendricks hall has report ed 110 subscribers out of 130 girls there, and they expect a hundred per cent rec ord before the drive closes. A typical piece of Red Cross educa tional work in time of peace was the in struction in how to rescue and rcsusciate a drowning person that was given by Joe Hedges, a University student, through out the past summer. Hedges visited a number of cities and towns in the north west during the summer and organized life saving units which were shown to have been worth the effort by the fact that several lives were saved us a direct result of the instruction lie gave. Hedges was directly connected with the north western division of the American Red Cross and but; for the existence of this organization the toll of deaths from drowning would have been increased, j Few persons realize that theVe is still an American army in Germany but it is a fact that; 17,000 officers and meu are still iu that country. These men arc in the peculiar position of occupying the territory of a people with whom we are technically at war and actually at peace. The Red Cross is on the job serving these soldiers in as many ways as it can. GREGORY TO HELP ON THESIS. Dr. C. A. Gregory, professor of educa tion, will spend Friday and Suturday in Portland in conference with Charles A. Itice, first assistant superintendent of Portland city schools, in regard to a thesis which Mr. Itice is writing for his degree of Master of Arts. “A study of the social and political problems in Ore gon as a basis for determining the con tent of a course of study in civics” is the title of the thesis, and Mr. Rice is mak ing an extended study of social and po* litical conditions in the state. A similar study has been made lor the nation by Dr. Bassett, professor of education and psychology in Martha Washington Col lege, Abington, Virginia. FEW GO TP SCHOOL. In Austria only one person in 1800 ever attends uu uuivvisity. PRACTICE Will OPEN AFTER FIRST OFTERM 'Players Will Be Picked From Material Developed In Doughnut Series. FIVE LETTER MEN ARE NUCLEUS OF QUINTET Coast Conference Schedule Is Already Prepared; Others To Be Added. V acuity b « s k e t b a 11 practice, as such, will uot begin until the first part uf the coming term, Coach George SI. Bohler lias announced. The intramural series is taking the place of the regular practice this term, he says. Both Coach Bolder of the varsity and Coach Hunt ington of the freshmen are trying out a new system this year. .They wish to run off the doughnut series before anything in the nature of separate practices ' for the varsity and frosh squads ia attempt ed. The men will have a chance to 'get in action in this series as the coaches have arranged to allow everyone to en ter who wishes ^o compete. The coaches will watch the games and will decile which men they want for the teams. A list, of these will be posted at the first 0 fthe next quarter. This system will prevent the necessity of elimination of 1 green material after the opening of the season. This plan seems to be work ,iug well so far, judging from the great 1 number of hiou partleifiating. / Eddie Durno to Pity. Coach Bohler will have several letter men back to serve as a start for his team this year. Eddie Durno, this yeSf’a captain, Nish Chapman and “Tony” •Tacobberger are all letter men of two years standing. Marc Latham and’Fxtn cis Bellar ure also varsity men from last year’s team. Durno and' Jacob berger are forwards, Chapman and Bella* are guards, and Latham is a center. Boh ler thus has a formidable framework on which to build his team. There are also a number of the play ers from the last year’s frosh team back in college. Hugh Clerin and Rol Andre were the two forwards. Hugh Latham will fight it out with his brother for the center position. Burnett, one of the reg ular guards and Couch, a sub guard. Will be out for their berths. Geue McKntee. ♦ lie other regular guard, is not in college this year. “.Shrimp” Phillips, sub for ward. is playing in the intramural league uow. Eight Games Hera. Schedules for the Pacific coast -con ference arc now prepared, and will be found in another column of this issue. Oregon has seven two-game series to play with members of coast conference teams, and eight games have been sched uled for Eugene. The varsity quintet will make a northern trip early in the season, playing Washington State Col lege and the University of Washington, followed by a series with O. A. C. St Corvallis. The remainder of the aeries of games will be played on the- home floor at Eugene. .v Or eg ou will not play Stanford this year, but with this exception, will Ua* gle with every other team in the con ference at least twice. No northwest conference games have been schduled as yet, but it is likely that gamijs will be arranged with Willamette and Whitman ulso, Whitman probably on the varsity's northern tour, and Willamette either St Salem or Eugene. , , TRIBUTE PAID TO STEERS Football Gama Postponed at The Dalles, As Respect to Star’s Father. “Out if respect for Heury P. Steers, father of Bill Steers, one of the great est football n an in the United States today, it was deeidpd this afternoon to postpone the football, game scheduled with the Multnomah guard on the local field tomorrow.’’ The foregoing is part of an announce ment printed in The Dalles Chronicle, -November 27. The game was postponed a week so that it might not be going or, , at the same time as the funeral services [ which were held last Saturday at 2:30.