Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 30, 1920, Image 2

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    Oregon .Daily Dmerala
Member Pacific l»te» collegiate Press Associ
Associate Editor
Lyle Biyjson News Editor
Charles E. Gratke
Assistant News Editors
Dorrto Sikes Velma Ruptert
Sjfdirt*’Eftitor.Floyd Marw.tll
; ■ Sport Writers
Pierre Mead, Eugene Kelty, Edwin Hoyt
Night Editors
Stanley Ct Eisman Carlton K. Logan
Reuel Moore.
News Service Editor. .j. .Jacob Jacobson
Assistant .jEunice Zimmerman
._:_— 1_____1
Sj&j&cjal' Writers: Mary Lou Burton, Fraifccs Quiscn&erry, Elisabeth .T. Wliitehouse
News J&affHarold Moore, Fred Guyon, Inez King, Margeret Scott, Ken
OCtjte Youel, Owen Calloway, John Anderson, Martial Westwood. Jean Straclian,
LefiOrfr Cram, Doris Barker, Margaret Carter, Phil Brogan, Florence Skinner,
Emily Houston, Harry Ellis. John Dicrdorff, Pauline Coad, liowdrd Bailey, Rac
tord'1 Bailey, Arthur Rudd, Ruth Austin, Clarence Anderson, Mabel Gilliam, Jes
sie Thompson, Hugh Starkweather,. Jennie Perkins. __i
Atfewdate Manager _?.. ....Webster Ruble
Advertising Managers .y.George McIntyre, A1 Woertcndyke
’ Circulation Manager.Ogden Johnson
Ofitfcc Assistant.Marion Weisi? Collections .J. Warren Kays
Staff Assistants:—Randal Jones, Eugene MilHer, Lyle Johnson, Jason McCune,
. Iraogene Letcher* Ben Reed. .
*...... " ' )
Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon,
ladiMhl daily except Sunday and Monday, during the college ydar.
Entered in the post office at Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Srab
•criptJon rates $2.25 per year. By term, 75c* Advertising rates upon application.
Campus office—C3g. __Downtown office—1200.
• At last the time has come for the Dig campus campaigns.
Today the Red Cross is staging a drive on the campus under
the direction of Miss Mozelle Hair, of the extension division.
Thursday and Friday the soonto-be-Jaunched Lemon Punch
will begin a subscription drive which is expected to assure its
hackers that the students of Oregon -want a comic magazine.
The Oregon club, the organization of independent men, is
staring a membership drive this week. 80011 the Oregana
will begin its drive to sell year-books. Indeed, we have with
ns always—drives and campaigns.
The Emerald is resolved to absolutely refuse to back any
drive which is not worthy of the whole-hearted support of
every student of the University of Oregon. Last year not a
month passed withoiit its quota of drives and tag days. This
year we have been fortunate in that until this week the solicit
ors have left us unmolested.
Today the Red Grose, of which we all know so much and
yet so little, begins a campaign to secure memberships in the
national organization. The Emerald could not find a more
Worthy cause to support, nor could it urge its readers to invest
their dollars in a more profitable way. Your Red Cross is tile
imqst unselfish organization in the world, and that organiza
tion solicits your unselfish support to carry on its work. The
University of Oregon will not fail to support the American
Red Gross as it has always done in the past.
Again, the Emerald pledges its whole-hearted support to
Lefrnon Punch, the forthcoming comic magazine, because it
believes that such a magazine improperly conducted, can help
to place the University of Oregon on the same level as those
qthcr Colleges whose humorous publications have become so
iridely known. Lemon Punch can, and undoubtedly will, be
come as great a means of advertising the University of Oregon
as Oregon’s football elevens. By subscribing for a year of
Oregon humor, you will be helping your University with the
same old spirit that you backed her football teams. It is doing
something for Oregon, and there is not a student in school who
is unwilling to make a sacrifice for his alma mater.
The Oregon club drive is in a way different from the!
others. This club, composed of independent men, is seeking!
more members. There are advantages in organization, advan- j
tftgcs which mbst of us realize. In carrying on the work of
Oregon, men are able to accomplish things more forcibly,
through their organizations. Independent men will not only
protect themselves, but will help Oregon by joining the Oregon
qlub th|s week.
Honorable Mention Given To
Many Students.
"The work of the juuior class in the
. University of Oregon school of archi
tecture is equal to the work of senior
students iu any other school of archi
tecture in the TJuited States," declared
W. C. Holford of Portland, one of the
judges in the architectural contest held
rnlike the art students iu the Beaux
Arta of Pari*, who arc not allowed to
apeak to each other nor eveu leave the
room while competing for honors, the
Oregon students are given entire free
dom to work as they wish. This is not
Considered to lower the standing of their
, The major sketch, in the contest which ;
recently judged by Mr. Holford and
Ik .T. Misohe, both architects of Port
land, was the drawing of a gallery over
a river, the approximate time ullowed
to complete this problem being one
week. No first mentions are given in
this problem, those receiving second
mention were: Kidney Hayslip, Lyle
ftirtholorncw, lloscoe Ilemouwny and
l%t*r Jensen. Others who received
mention iii this problem were: Richard
Snndeleflf. Prnncis .lacobberger and
Cleo Jehkins.
The college group project, another
problem which included plans for u col
lege which was to accommodate five
hundred students, was allowed four and
one-half weeks time to complete. First
mention in this design were awarded to
Lyle Bartholomew, ltoseoe Ilemenway,
Peter Jensen, John Gamble, Cleo Jenk
ins, Itiehard Sundeleaf, Sydned Hayslip
and Francis Jacobberger.
Eight hours were allowed the stu
dents in which to draw a design for a
college gateway, ltoseoe Ilemenway and
Francis Jacobberger received the first
mentions in this work, while second
mentions were given to Lyle Bartholo
mew, Peter Jensen. Sydney Hayslip,
Richard Sundeleaf and Cleo Jenkius.
First Social Affair of Season to Fea
ture Boxing, Wrestling
and Ja«.
The first of a series of social affairs
planned by the Oregon club for the
coming year will be held Saturday in the
form of a stag mixer at the Y. M, C. \.
hut. The smoker marks the first activ
ity of t,he dnh under its organization
this year.
A smoker was planued for November 5
but was called off due to the member
ship drive then being conducted by the
| Announcements
i * ——*-*
Sophomores.—A meeting of all mem
bers of tlie sophomore dance committee
will be held tonight at 7:30 in room 30
| of the library.
Ye Tabard Inn.—A meeting of Sigma
Upsilon will be held today at 12:45 in
Professor Thatcher’s office in the jour
nalism shack.
University Orchestra.—Professor Un
derwood urges every member of the or
chestra to make a special effort to be
present at the rehearsal in Villard hall
at 7:30 tonight.
Basketball Players.—G. M. Holder
gym instructor, desires that all organ
izations who have not turned in a list
of men turning out for doughnut basket
ball Jlo so inftnediately. A great many
men are receiving cuts due to lists not
being in.
L *
. --¥
———- -*
Oregon Club Campaign.
To the Editor:--When we remember
that the reasons for the existence of
such an organization as the Oregon club
are generally known it appears purpose*
less to solicit memberships or to con
duct a membership drive. But again
when we are reminded that more than
one-half of the men enrolled in the Uni
versity are not affiliated with local hous
ing organizations the possibility of some
men being out of touch with the spirit
of the campus is apparent!
The Oregon club is an organization of
independents banded together for the
furtherance of Oregon Spirit and the
betterment of the University. It is an
organization in which the college spirit
of democracy for which Oregon is noted
has full play.
Contrary to the opinion of a few men,
membership in the Oregon club does not
bar the student from severing his con
nections with the club in order to enter
a fraternity. A man who takes part in
collegeiate activities through the Oregon
club earns the respect of his fellow stu
dents. Qualities of leadership demon
strated in the Oregon club are the same
personal qualifications needed iu leaders
of the A. S. U. 6.
This week an extensive membership
drive is being conducted by the Oregon
club. Surely no argument is needed in
order to list a man ns a member of an
organization devoted to the betterment
of the school. One half of a depreciated
dollar is no burden to carry around in a
vest pocket until the carrier is able to
exchange it for a membership receipt.
This fifty cents will be used to pay for
the jerseys of the Oregon club basket
ball team, and to defray the expenses of
the big stag mix to be held next Saturday
Officers of Oregon Club.
Genevieve Clancy, George Hopkins and
Glen Morrow to Sing; 45 Per
sons In Choir.
1 he next Vesper Shoir service will be
on Sunday afternoon, December 5. The
services on that Sunday will consist en
tirely of music.
The Gounod Saint Cecilia Mass will be
the principal number on the program.
This is a song-service used in a great
many churches. Genevieve Clancy, so
prano, George Hopkins, tenor and Glen
Morrow, baritone, will take solo parts.
There arc 10 persons in the Vesper
Choir, which is made up of all of the
members of the men's and the girls’ Glee
“Rehearsals are progressing very rap
idly” says John Stark Evans, director
of the Vesper Choir, “and the next ser
vice bids fair to be a very fine per
♦ ♦
♦ . ♦
Notice.—The musicians union will hold
its regular monthly business meeting
Tuesday, November 30, at 7:30 p. ru,,
in Professor Perfect’s studio in the
Lumber Exchange building. Seventh and
Willamette streets. Members must pre
sent paid up membership cards at the
Lost.—Probably on campus, Elgin
wrist watch. Kinder please return to
Emerald office.
Lost.—A tortoise shell comb on
eleventh or Willamette street Sunday
afternoon. Kinder call 772.
N’uBoue Corsets, Cleaning and Repair
ing. Mrs. A. True Lundy. HV> East
Ninth Street. Phone 230. tf.
This sale means that the men of Eugene and vicin
ity can buy their clothes for less money than they can
hope to buy the same quality again for another year.
Woolen mills are closed throughout the country;
buyers have hesitated, and this means that \vhen they
go into the market to buy their needs there will be a
shortage of good merchandise and prices will natur
ally be higher than present quotations.
( As a merchant desiring your future business, my
advice to every man is to buy your Suit now—you’ll
save money.
fall weight Suits are better for all-vear-round
wear—you get more wear for the money invested.
“We Never Advertise a Bargain
Unless We Have It”
Worsted Suits to Go at . .
in Town ......
$22.50 Up
713 Willamette Street