Washington State Downs Ag gie Team 28*0 at Pullman. MOC SAX STAR OF GAME Rutherford’s Team Fails On Offense and Defense. Washington State College. Rullmnn, Wash.. Nov. lo.—Humbled a week ago *,_v the California Bears, the fighting Cougars returned to Rogers field in a Berserker rage and outclassing the Ag gies in all phases won the northwest con ference championship by a score of 28 to 0 here Saturday afternoon. The Aggie offensive totaled but four first downs, while tpe liardHlriving Olllis and slippery Mod'?Sax found the Aggie line and ends again and again for long gains. Although the Aggies battled unto the end, Coach Rutherford's players failed on the offensive while G-illis’ bucks and smashes over right guard and within the ends revealed a woeful weakness in the Aggie defense w'hich precluded at best a close game. Two veteran Cougar players. Mike Moran and Roy Hanley, were missing in the lineup when the Crimson and Gray eleven took the field, the shakeun. rt - l-nlting in the formation of an eleven that battled to another Northwest Conference championship. On the eve of the cham pionship game, Coach Welch’s announce ment, made Friday, that the veteran halfback, Moran, and left end, Roy; Han ley, would under no circumstances be in serted into the fray, came as a thunder bolt to the local grid campus, Saturday his action was entirely vindicated, and local fandom was loud in its praisee of bis moral courage gti eHmiriating the dis contented player*,;'; - Returning Captain Rose's first kick off to the Cougar’s 30-yard murk, tin locals, on successive line sVrtushes for five first downs, in which Gillis bore the brunt of the offense, took the pigskin to the 1-yard chalk and Gillis bucked it over. Sax kicked goal. The procession was duplicated in the third quarter when Has returned Hugh McKenna’s piuu 10 the 22-yard line and on the next play the red-jerseyed tornado tore down.^by field for the second touchdown. Sax again kicked goal. v Again in the same period, Gillis bucked over after a 15-yard penalty had been in flicted on the Aggies and Bax’s epdriui carried the oval to the 8-yavd maJdf. Tfhe final score came in the middle of the j final stanza when Sput L-oomis recover-j ed Kasberger’s fumble of Duutou’s 40 yavd kick on the 8-yard line and in three ’jilays Gillis again pierced the Aggies’ right side for the final touchdown. Sax kicked goal.—Eugene Daily Guard. i EASTERN FOOTBALL Notre Dame Now Considered Champions of West New York, Nov. 15.—Football's bread line, standing outside tbe door for an issue of championship pie, was strung out somewhat today. Princeton, in tbe east, Notre Dame and Ohio State in the west and Georgia Tech in the south head the line. Pittsr burgh and Harvard continued their shuffle to the front, but neither showed the class that the Tigers did in troijnc-. mg Yale and Pennsylvania State lost prestige, by barely getting a tie with Lehigh. Illinois was pulled out of the line in the west by Wisconsin, leaving Ohio State in undisputed lead of the western conference while Notre Dame trimmed Indiana. Georgia Tech gave further reasons fw T. Tyrrell, former chief petty of ficer in the naval aviation and an expert photographer, with the aid of Donald D. Huntress took still pictures of the first fiulf of the game. Bill Hayward’s cam- | era was uSed. The pictures are not fin- | felled yet but will probably lip out to day, according to Tyrrell. MISS PEARL HALL VISITS. Miss 'Pearl Hall, who is to take the of fice of school superintendent, of Lake county in January, was in Eugene for Homecoming. Miss Hall is a graduate of the State Normal School and is a very successful primary teacher. She has attended thd last three summer school sessions in Eugene. 'L -LL 1"■ .C—TT !!W~' —For— BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS CARDS —