Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 13, 1920, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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(Continued from Page 1.)
With the football team on the stage in
the firelight, along with I)enn Fox. Dean
Straub, the coaching staff. Manager Mc
Clain, and student body president Carl
ton Savage. Yell King’ Keeney load the
rooters in what the alumni pronounced
the best Oskic yet.
Dean Straub was called upon to wel
come the alumni. Dean Fox spoke in be
half of the women of the t'niversity.
and Carlton Savage gave them a welcome
in behalf of the students.
Bill Hayward fell off of the platform
when one of the supports gave way, hut
got back up in time.to say that, the team
is fit, and is going to fight as they
never fought before, lie stated that the
student body is behind the team, and
said that every man knew it.
Shy Huntington would make no pre
dictions as to the outcome of the game,
blit expressed confidence in the team
and the student support. The rooters
went wild when Bill Steers got up to
talk. The whole team was introduced
by Professor Howe, and although some
of the men didn’t get to the platform.
Bill Steers assured the spectators that,
they were going to do their'talking to
Just before the first game the f •river-,
sit.v of Orcgou ever played the t niver
sity of Washington, we had been beaten
bp Stanford, said George W. Thigg. who i
-compared it to this year. The score that i
year was 48 to 0 in our favor he said. i
“Beauty” Robinson, yell leader in 1.91.5
Makes Your Watch
Keep Time.
Artistic Engraving
* 64 East 9th.
wondered “why the pessimism,’’ AVe've i
.got one of the best teams we ever had. j
he said, and are going to beat Washing- j
ton just as surely as we ever did.
Another former yell leader, Lyle j
Brown, lead an Oskie just to show Keen
ly that the rooters were behind him.
“This is the most pep. and the biggest
bonfire we ever had,” said Mr. Hatley,
who came all the way from Idaho to see
the big game. “If yelling will win the
game, I’ll win it all myself,” he said.
Others ealled upon were Luke (iood
rieh. who claimed the honor of manag
ing the first Oregon-Wasldngton game,
and Arthur Van Dueeu.
(Continued from Cage 1.)
quiiing disciplinary measures said BloeLi
'ruan. and the system has been found en
tirely practicable. In the following dis
cussion the harmony of the independent,
yet co-operative relation between tip
faculty and the Emerald was brought out
djy Dean Allen.
The Oregon “Hello” composes one of
When you are in Spring
field, don’t forget to
look ns up. We can sat
isfy your confectionery
We also have Fountain
service, which by the way
really is service.
'the greatest appeals of the Oregon cam
,‘pns. according t.o P. X. Whitley, of
British Columbia, who spoke in the af
ternoon. The young Canadian I'niv'er
sit.v which lie represented has very lit
tle ot the typical Oregon college life and
the spirit and traditions of this campus
presented a strong appeal to him. he
said. Advertising problems of a sinali
paper were the theme of his talk. Col
lowing this was an open dismission of
advertising trouble^ and methods of over
coming them, led by J. Y. Hamilton,
business manager of the Heed 'College
Quest. Two other men were present
from Keel College at today’s meetings.
They were T. I’. Brockway, editor of
the Quest, and W. T. .Stone, news editor
of the same paper.
Complimentary tickets to this after
noon’s {fame were given all those who are
staying for the Homecoming festivities
through the courtesy of the graduate
Wo are serving tlio students with the same good ser
vice and the same quality as formerly.
A full line of Campbell's Soups. A dainty
dish quirddy prepared.
Eleventh Street Near Alder.
of every description lor colege girls
Specially low priced at
633 Willamette St.
Phone 513
Back to “Normalcy”
A Great Sale of Mens’ All Wool
' , i
AVe have just received a ship
ment of 162 Men’s Overcoats, made
especially for __ us from Eugene
'Woolen Mill Woolens, in neat con
servative young men’s styles.
Tliese Coats are regular $40.00
and $45.00 values, but are being of
fered by us during our Pre-Thanks
giving Sale at $29.50.
All sizes in brown, blues, and
grays; alsq a few mixtures,
Lumber Lath and Shingles
5th and Willamette Sts.
Phone 452
Phone 129'
For Service, Call
67 Ninth Avenue East
IN the spring of 1916, under the leadership of Lamar Tooze and other enthusiasts, the asso
ciated students organized a co-operative store which was successfully operated until the
stormy war in the Spring of 1918, when it seemed advisable to sell the store because of
war conditions.
The enterprise was re-es
tablished this fall and the
business is being conducted
in a building newly erected
at the corner of Kincaid and
KUh Ave. East.
I lie Co op exists for the
one purpose of rendering*
service to the students,*
friends, and alumni of the
t niversity of Oregon;*
To the Alumni we offer our services in any capacity whatsoever. Write to us, phone to us
or wire us if you desire a book Which you cannot secure in your local book-store, or if you
wish any definite information regarding activities on the campus, we will do all we can to
assist you.