CMS men TO BE MODERN STRUCTURE Auditorium, Laboratory, Art Studio, Gyms, Included. ROOMS ON ONE FLOOR April 1 Should See Comple tion of New Building. . Qn the completion, about April 1. of tinj-iicvv high school building on Kincaid street and Fourteenth avenue east. (lie 1 diversity will have one of (lie most up to-dufe school house's in the northwest, according to Professor Carl h. Douglass.! principal of the training school depart-j motif. The building is of (he one-story type that is becoming so popular in this coun try, and is of frame body structure with brick veneer. This veneer, says Mr. Douglass, adds to the heating facilities, improves the looks, but does not in crease the cost materially. In addition to the six large class rooms with which the building lias, been ; provided, it has a library, laboratory, art studio, auditorium, rest rooms, and a large outdoor gymnasium. The labor- . atory is in two sections separated by a glass partition. Professor Douglass says this will permit, one instructor to super vise two groups of pupils at once. Picture Booth Fire proof. The auditorium will seat liL'Il persons. A great, deal of use will lie made of it for class work, according to Professor Douglass. A fireproof booth for a mov ing picture machine is a feature that will permit of much instruction by the visual method. Also, the auditorium will have stage and dressing rooms, com pletely equipped, lie continues, which will make possible much use of dramatics as part of class work. The art studio will have a kiln for use ill baking pottery. Work will he I given in pfittery making, linoleum print ing, and various kinds of commercial art besides the ustinl courses. A rest and study lymm. with complete ly furnished kitchenette in cpnnectiou, Js a feature that Professor Douglass thinks will be greatly appreciated by. the women teachers. Locker Rooms Large. • There will be large locker and shower rooms .for both boys and girls to use in connection with The" outdoor gymnasium. The gym will be fitted with windows so that it closed in and used in any kimPof weather, -- A, large covered play porch 'will extend along one side of the building, and provide, additional rccrea tion space1 for rainy days. Dean 11. 1:’. Dawfeneo of the school of architecture is the senior member of fhe firm which designed the structure. Norma Talma dge —in— “The Branded Woman” lias been the selection made for Homecoming week-end entertainment. Not only will it furnish a ditferent mode of en tertainment for guests, but. also, will l*o a means of enjoyment to all. Good Workmanship Combined With the Best of Materials I'l'ing your shoos to us for repairs. REAL SHOE SHOP titli and Willamette Street CHARLEY’S PLACE 982 Willamette Roasted Peanuts Mother’s Candy Buttered Popcorn University Barber Shop Next to the Oregana WELCOME ALUMNI! If you want to see pictures of Oregon and her activities, see— A. C. READ ('Oinraercial Photographer 1:5th \\r., near Alder Get Your Shoes Shined at the Lemon “0” Shine Owned and operated by Americans. Next to Luckcy’s Jewelry Store. CLEANING AND PRESSING GENERAL REPAIRING Special service and lowest prices. PHONE 342 Will Call and Deliver. Osburn Cleaners an Dyers SB Come, Come to Eugene The time for readjustment lias come and the Sample Store, with its superior buying service and contract with sources of supply, always first in the field of lower prices and belter values for its customers. Daring to ‘‘do” while others hesitate, now leads the way to lower prices for Eugene. dust received by express 50 Tailor-Made Suits, values up to $75.00, must go at this Unloading Sale at $39.50. Birv now before it is too late. 6 * °0° o Eugene Sample Store WOOL SOX! — ''on 1 >01» meii, ail shades, weights and sizes in tlie finest fleece wool sox you have ever seen. Sweaters, flannel shirts, Mackinaws, and in fact everything for the College Man. BROWNSVILLE Woolen Mill Store Seventh and Willinmette St. EiiS'eue, Oiv.uoi Yellow Crysanthemums For [J. of 0. vs. U. of W. Game Free - Free FRIDAY, Nov. 12 SATURDAY, Nov. 13 These beautiful flowers ordinarily retail for 50 cents. Let us solve the flower problem for this “classic” game for you. ONE FREE WITH 50-CENT PURCHASE (Limit One to Customer) REMEMBER: TWO DAYS — FRIDAY AND SATURDAY -cl t - EUGENE’S PROGRESSIVE DRUG STORE Two Special Purchases Arrived $9.00 Silk Umbrellas $6.25 In response to a popular demand for a good Silk Umbrella at a popular price, we searched the markets and are now able to announce the nr rival of this special purchase, that will meet all requirements. True, they are all sold with out covers, and that helps to make the saving. Attractive beach handles with new wrist cord and excellent quality water-proof silk covers. Plenty of light colors to choose from, includ ing red, green, purple, grey, brown and black. Popular Price—$6.25. _ Women’s High Top Hiking Boots $13.85 A special purchase just received of these Women’s Popular Hiking Boots, made of heavy Brown Rus sian Calf, with 12-incli top, seini round toe, heavy oak sole, Good year welt. Regular price, $15.00. Special— $13.85. This store will close Saturday from 2 to 5 p. m. to Root for Oregon Election Day Over and with the Bi& Game Tomorrow Past— Let Us Turn Our Thoughts Towards the Holiday Season Gifts that will be appreciated are to be found at our store in a wide assortment. A stock as complete as the best in quality and work manship. We earnestly solicit your atten tion in making selections. Quality, Reliability and Reasonable Prices These three requisites can be found at pur store. With service that is unsurpassed we welcome you to inspect our showing. Luckey’s Jewelry Store » • Pounded ISO.1) PRICES IIN PLAIN FIGURES THE QUALIFY STORE 827 WILLIAMETTE SREET