EDITORS FROM NINE British Columbia and Califor nia Send Delegates to Meeting. VISITORS GUESTS OF EMERALD AT BANQUET Problems of Each College Presented in After-Din ner Speeches. Tile opening session of the conference of representatives of collegiate publica tions of the coast and northwest was held yesterday afternoon in the journal ism “shack.” Nine colleges and universi ties on the Pacific coltst. were represent ed at. this meeting, which was presided over by A. Wendell Brackett, of the Uni versity of Washington Daily. (Honoring the visiting representatives attending the conference the Oregon Daily Emerald was host at a banquet giveii last night at the Osburn Hotel. Informal discussion of college news paper problems and traits individual to the institutions represented were in dulged in those attending. “The Field of College Journalism” was (lie topic chosen by Dean Colin A'. Dyiuent, of the University, who told of the journal ism prevalent in colleges and universities a decade or so ago, and of the improve ment that is now noticeable. Editors Speak at Dinner. Other speakers included H. R. Bloeh man, editor of the “Daily Californian,'’ who was introduced by Dean Eric W. Allen, toastmaster, as “Prom the Larg est University in Berkeley;” Paul X. Whitlay, editor of the “TTbosscy,” of; the UnWraltT" bf British Columbia; , ;Fvod Schaaf, of Goueaga University; George R. Yancey, who told of the spirit ,and traditions at Whitman College; W. B. Hayes, editor of the ,"0. A. C. Barometer;” Robert W. Bender, of the “University of Washington Daily;” Prof. Frank B. Thayer, of Washington State College; nSteele Lindsay, editor of the “Sundodger,” University of Washington humorous monthly and Leith Abbott, for-' inn- editor of the “Oregon Emerald" and at present telegraph editor of the Pen dleton Tribune. The address of wel come was delivered by Carlton Savage, president of the Associated Students. The preliminary work of the confer ence consisted of the appointment of a committee to draw up a plan of organ ization and sub-committees to look after the editorial and business parts of the work. Harry Smith was appointed chairman of the organization committee, with Wi B. Ilia yes, editor of the O. A. C. Barometer, and Paul X. Whitely. editor "f the University of British- Columbia l hyssey, working with him. Dean Eric B. Allen and Mitch ell Charnlcy, of the Lniversity of Washington, were appoint ed a steering committee for the confer ence. Gilbert Foster, editor of the Wash ington Daily, George Yancey, editor of the Whitman College Pioneer, and L. G. l’loehman, editor of the Daliy Califor nian, wore appointed on the news ser ' iee committee. Those appointed on the (Continued on Page ”) DO’S FOR HOMECOMING Wear .vour rooter's caps. AVoiir student tags at all times. ■I’u.v student dance ticket for dance by noon today. Every organization must have their alumni at the library by 7:00. Help alumni with dance programs. CiMPOS RELIGIOUS INTERESTS DISCUSSED Church Co-operation Coimnit tee Holds Informal Meeting At Y. W. C. A. Ueligious interest as expressed on the campus and the attitude of the people of Eugene and those in the rest of the state, was discussed at an informal meet ing of the Church Co-operation commit tee at the Y. W. C. A. Bungalow last Thursday. Tlie committee is composed of tv,•; student representatives, a man and a woman, from ea"h church in Eugene. Wayne Akers from the V. M. C. A. end Jean MaeKenzie from th ? Y. \V. C. \. head the eommitteer the object of which is to co-operate more closely with the downtown churches and to help arouse interest in tile Bible study courses. As an example of whar, some people think of the religious life of the Uni versity an incident was related where an Eastern Oregon minister in the course of his sermon declared that there was no religious life whatsoever at the University, This is the idea of one pastor. It is the work of this commit tee to change these ideas. After careful observation 6f the stu dents, the committee say that there is this,year ou the:Campus a lively interest in religious matters and that- a' greater number of students arc attending church services in Eugene than in.the past., LUNCHEON TAX IS SET Expenses of Homecoming Dinner To Be Met by 25 and /'5 Cent Fee. A tax of 23 cents from all University men and 75 cents from senior, junior and sophomore women will be collected this week to defray expenses of the Home coming luncheon, which will be in the Men's gymnasium, tomorrow. Some re|i resentative will collect tfie tax in each of the residence houses. Men and wo men not living in organized groups should pay their tax »o Jack Dundore or Madge Calkins. Plans for the dinner arc working out splendidly said Vivian Chaandler, presi dent of the Women’s league under whose auspices the luncheon is given. She says that Itutli Flcgal,. chairman of the luncheon eomhiittee has everything well arranged and expects that, the luncheon will be a great success. The present calculation is that more than two thou sand will attend the luncheon . Freshman women are to make two dozen ham sandwiches to be taken to the men's gym before 10 o'clock to morrow morning. \ Mme. McGrew’s Mother Wanted Her To Be Red-Haired Opel a Singer INTRODUCING M’GKEW. .MADAME DOS K Madame McGrew. was a great comfort to her mol her. Her mother wanted her to be au opera, singer and red-haired. "•So” says Madame Melt row. "1 came in to the world with a loud squawk, fiery hair and a fiery temper, and I still have all three.” The infant “squawk.” however, devel oped into a soprano voice ihnt has sung to thousands and lias eighty operas in its repertoire. She is now held of the voice department of the school of music at, Oregon. As a little high school girl with a pig tail down her back, she went tlirye thou sand miles across to Germany, without any- of her family, to study music. She belongs originally in Ohio, but her pat ents moved to Denver when she was quite small. After she had gone.to high school there a year and a half she went /abroad with a friend who was interested in her voice, to study. Arrived in Germany she did not know the language, did not know any people, and it was almost, too far to come home for week-ends. So she learned the lan guage, made friends, and did the one thing she wanted to do—studied music. All of her singing has been done in Ger many, excepting only short appearances in Denver and Eugene. She is intensely American, and finds it amusing that even yet her musical terms come to her in German and she has to pause to think what the English, is. “Please don’t forget to say that I kept an American flag draped over my piano all the time I was there," she smiled. M. L B. mm joins TOWN III OBSERVANCE OF ARMISTICE MY Dean Dyment. Makes Address at Armory; Major Baird Presents Medals. R. 0. T. C. BATTALION IS PROMINENT IN PARADE Students and Faculty in Line of March; Spirit of Me morial Rules. .Standing in silence with bowed heads for one minute in honor of the men who have died in the service, of their coun try. tlie citizens of Eugene and students of the University of Oregon at the Arm istice Day program in the Armory yes terday morning expressed their feeling that the day of gratitude and jubilation should be intermingled with respect for the fallen warriors. Dean Colin V. Dy ment, the principal speaker on the pro gram. emphasized the significance of t he minute of memorial in the opening of his address by saying: “How fitting it is that in the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, now and throughout the centuries, the men and women of America should pause to consider the events of IMS.” Dean Dyment pronounced Armistice Day, 1918, the greatest day in American history since 1776. lie said that the day was yet too new in the national life to have taken on its final significance. “It is celebrated with fervor, but its meaning is still unfixed.” said Dean Dyment. “What is its spirit to be? Is it to be merely another holiday? Is it to be a triumphal day? A day of grat itude for ojjr deliverance?- A day of* meuioriftl? Or a day of self consecra tion to the service of the republic.” Not a Day for Gloating. Ip later remarks in bis speech to the large audience which crowded the chilly Armory, Dean Dyment said Armistice Day was too portentous and too sacred to be devoted to gloating over a fallen foe, but must for some time yet remain a. day of gratitude for deliverance and especially a day of gratitude to those who made sarcifice, whether at home or abroad. Ben Dorris, commander of the Lane County post of the American Legion, paid a tribute to Dean Dyment. who was searcher with the 01st Division in France, and Belgium, by saying that out of the 1500 men who were killed in the division, details were known in the eases of all hilt 1.” or 11. Air. Dorris said said it was through Dean Dymcnt’s untiring efforts ’ that this remarkable record was made. The materia! was ob tained on the field and in the company billets. Grateful for Deliverance. Concluding his address, Dean. Dyment spoke on the ultimate significance of Armistice Day. We have lost the feel ing of triumph, if ever we had it. We are grateful for our deliverance, but the memory of the shadow will some day grow dim. We revere our dead, as we shall ever do; but as years go on. the names of the dead will pass and they ,will become one collective memory as of ; those who died in the Civil war. “But Armistice Day will go on —• per haps for ever. I pray it may not de generate into merely another holiday. I call upon all men and all women as the years go on to consecrate themselves anew each Armistice Day, and increas ingly, to the service of the republic.” Victory Medals Presented. Following Dean Dyinent’s address, Major Raymond C. Baird presented eleven men with victory medals, and two veterans, Norval W. Orr and Estell B. Berryman, were presented with four* raguerres, the French military citation. In the parade which preceded the program, the University It. O. T. U. bat | taiion won groat eomniendation by the j splendid appeurance made, -and deuion I strated to the neopie of Eugene the pro* ! gross made by the military department of the University. This was the first time that the corps took part in anything down town. The battalion marched from ib? bar racks to the Armory, and there took their place at the head of the parade, go ing up Willamette street, from the depot to Thirteenth street, and then back ! down Oak street to the Armory. Rooks Trim Sun Dodgei Oregon Smothers 0. A. 0. Babes in Peppy Battle on ' Slippery Field. ROOKS UNABLE TO STOP FROSH ATTACK Punting Game Started In 2nd Quarter; Garrity Makes 40-Yard Run. 1 bit'll a score of 1*5 to 0 the .Oregon | freshmen walked awa.v with the game be- | tween them and the O. A. the different houses. The rally Will sj^ct at the library and go down Thirteenth street to Alder, Alder to Eleventh, Eleventh to Willamette, Willamette to tlic depot, back up Thirteenth and wind up at Kincaid field. Real Spirit Promised. Lyle Bartholomew, chairman of. the committee, says that if the rally Wednes day night put a crimp in the l>*ek inf the Oregon students, it will take all the chiropractors on the state of Oregon to get them in shape after the rally -to night. " ' " Everything from a baby’s rattle to a clap of thunder will be heard during i the parade. Hank Foster will legd tlto senior police, and will be assisted by 1 five others. Vivian Chandler will ,be ,ia charge of the women of the University, The line-up iu the parade will be as follows: Women of the University,. grads, Order of the “O” men, Oregon team, coaching stuff, band, rooting, sec tion. ;! ' ?.s George Hugg, one of Oregon’s best centers, will be back, and will talk at the bonfire program. Pat Me Arthur, > Oott Orputt, Luke Goodrich will be back. There is a possibility of seeing the fa miliar face of Johnny Bo'-kett. The old grads will have a rooting section of their own at the game tomorrow. Coach Will Talk. Lean Straub will give the welcome from the University and U an ton Sac age the welcome from the students at the bonfire. The coaching staff and the captain of the football team will speak. After the rally there will be real jazjs music to mark the fitting close of the night’s events. The committee promises numerous surprises during the evening. I -... Ruth Ann Wilson Back. Miss llutli Ami Wilson, who was Y. W, C. A. president iu the year of 1918 will spend the Homecoming week-end At Hendricks hall. Miss Wilson was also president of the llali in her senior yefcr. She is now mathematics instructor in the ltoseburg high school. SOPHOMORE FORGETS AND IT COSTS HIM $13.5b Student Carries Registration Card In Pocket from October 5 Until November 8. ______ The largest registration fee ever .turn ed in at the registrar’s office was part ed with Tuesday when a sophomore pre-medic* student paid $24.25 to enter the University for a term. He carried liis registration card around in his pocket from October 5 until November 8, and was not charged for Saturdays or Sun days. His total fine was $13.50. This late filing fine-system went, into effect last spring and provides that a fine of $1.00 be paid for the first day and a fine of fifty cents for every day afterwards. A fine of $8.50 was paid by a man last spring, but no one until this man yes terday lias paid $13.50 late registration fee.