Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 11, 1920, Image 1

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At the Co-op.
Oregon Daily Emerald
Get Your
Buy Yours Now.
HO. 32
Two Regulars Out of Line-Up
Which Faces Washington
Eleven This Week.
Backfield Changes Expected;
Mead and Chapman Are
Likely to Start.
“ISlick” l4‘slio. Oregon’s star center,
who was slated to handle the pivot posi
tion against the Siuidodgers Saturday
afternoon may not. be able, to play ac
cording to word received from the var
sity training quarters last night. Leslie
lias developed a case of tonsilitis and
had a little temperature last night.
Trainer Hayward immediately sent him
to the infirmary and an effort will be
made to get him hack into shape for the
game, but it is highly probable that he
will he out of th<“ battle.
This announcement following close on
the heels of the discovery that. Ed Ward
would be out of the game Saturday on
account of a broken collar bone, was
like a boomerang to the Oregon line. It
has since been learned that Ward is
not only suffering from one broken
shoulder bone, but his oilier shoulder al
so has a fractured bone in *it. this will
mean that. Ward’s chances to got back
into the game this season are pretty
These two losses are not going to take
the fight, out of the Oregon eleven, and
the fighting spirit was never more evi
dent than last night in scrimmage prac
tice. Coach Huntington put in most of
the afternoon in drilling the line, on de
fensive work. And let it be understood
that “Shy” Huntington does not do his
coaching from the side line, he took over
the second team and played the quarter
back position himself driving his scrub
back field through his own defense line.
“Shy” was very much in evidence and
demonstrated that he lias not hibernated
in spite of the fact that it lias been four
years sint-e lie took part in an intercol
legiate game. v
"Hart” Lniigblin is being groomed to |
handle the pivot position in case Leslie j
will be kept out of the game, as now ap- j
pears will be the ease. “Bart” is aj
fighter and he worked every minute of
the time this afternoon, smearing the
scrubs offensive time after time. He will
be a tower of strength on defense and
Washington cannot hope to make very i
many gains through the center of the line
even though “Brick” is kept out. There
is little difference in the weight of the
two men. Leslie tipping the scales at
100 and Lauglilin at 10-1 pounds.
In the left guard position left open by 1
the absence of Ward, either “Scotty”
Strachan or Floyd Shields will handle
the .job. Both of these men have been
working bard in practice and the deci
sion as to who will start in the game
has not been made known by the coach
ing staff. Shields weighs ITS pounds,
while Strachan balances 182.
The line received the brunt of the
hard work in scrimmage practice last
(Continued on Page 2)
! Funny Feathered j
Birds With Roman | <
Dress Suits Parade |
Affording to tin; peaceful pioneer
“three funny feathered hints were
seen ambling aimlessly about the
college campus yesterday morning
clad in I toman dress suits.’
Some thought that they were jail
birds, others-that the state had for- i
gotten to provide funds for the fool
ish house, but those who were on
the inside knew that the so-called
“minus quantities” were neophytes
of Ye Tabard Inn.
After withstanding the advice of
the more conservative stildes to
“tuck your shirts in,” the three life- „
vary disciples known to the elite as
“scribes,” but to the University as
Phil Brogan. Allan Carnerosw and
Stan Eisman, mounted the library
stops, “Underwoods” in band, and
proceeded to manufacture shrapnel ]
against recognized English poetry. !
Hailing themselves as poets they
each in turn fired a few shots into
literature, while Shakespeare turned
in his grave and Shelley swore aloud.
After doing justice to a few slams
on sailor lads and pumpkin pies they
made themselves scarce and peace
fulness once more reigned.
One Thousand Students Mem
bers; “Bars” In Demand.
Tlie gross sales for October, (lie first
month in the history of the new Co-op
store, have exceeded the sales for the
entire year of the Co-op which was
maintained by the Student Body in
1916-17. This is partly due. says the
manager, to the increase of students,
there being only about 650 people at
tending the -University then, and partly
to the doubling of prices since that. time.
They, have had some difficulty in sup
plying the demands for certain books
owing to the shortage of books on the
market and I he uncertainty of express
service, but there are always plenty of
“bars” and according to the clerks they
are the commodity most in demand.
At present, nearly 1000 of the students i
are members of the Co-op and the man- i
agement hopes to have them all in a very ;
short time. ;
John E. Gratke. of Astoria, who for j
many years was editor and publisher of
the Astoria Budget, was a visitor on the
earn pus yesterday, having come to Eu
gene on business. Mr. Gratke. who is
the father of Charles E. Gratke of the
Emerald staff, addressed the glasses in
elementary newswriting yesterday after
noon on preparation for newspaper work,
drawing on a fund of experience gained
in more than a quarter of a century of
publishing experience.
Berkeley has taken definite notion i
against the performance of airplanes
above the football field during games.
Stunts above the heads of the players
in the California-Washington State game
caused the city council to pass an ordi
nance forbidding airships to stunt under
a certain altitude.
Caswell Early Retains Scalp—
Indians Saved Him for Oregon
structor in physics.
Providence must have intended him
for ns ,for he safely survived the days
in Saskatchewan, Canada, when the In
dians were particularly festive, and he
tells some extraordinary tales about that
period of liis life. We had no way to
investigate the exactitude with which
these stories were related, so we cant
repeat them.
Suffice it to say that In- arrived at
mature years without having been scalp
ed. or otherwise defaced by the Indians,
and to celebrate that fact he attended
the University of Manitoba.
He went to Stanford for his Ph. D.
work, taught a while at Perdue Univer
sity, and came to Oregon in the days
when there were about T->0 students and
50 instructors.
He is not one of the new instructors,
and doesn’t need introducing, but he has
I been away for a whole year, and we arc
I SO glad to have him back that we want
to give everyone a chance to shake hands
wijJ* him again. Besides, he is one of
the men who are putting the U. of O. on
the map and we like to talk about him.
He has been in the East the past year
working on some special investigations
under the auspices of the National lie
search Council, and hobnobbing with
some of the most noted physicists in
the country. He plans on continuing ids
research work here, and is looking fui
ahead toward big tilings t'er Oregon.
* M. fi. 15.
Editors and Managers Coming
for First Conference on
Program to Deal With Wide
Range of Topics; Banquet
Set for Evening.
Representatives of the student body
publications of the various colleges and
universities along the Pacific coast from
California to British Columbia, will ar
rive today to attend a conference of
college journalists to tie held at the
school of journalism. The purpose of
the conference is to talk up student pub
lications, discussing all practices, at
tempting to solve all problems, and to
get the ideas of the various editors and
departments of journalism. The work
of putting out, a truly representative col
lege pager will he discussed from all
angles, and the speakers from the vari
ous institutions will toll of their particu
lar situations.
It is also planned to •navn tlie various
college journalists who are here help
publish the Homecoming issue of the
Emerald, as tiiis would be enjoyable to
the delegates, and also be the best
means of familiarizing them with the
field of activity covered on the campus.
Those Who Are Coming.
Although the list of delegates is not
complete, the names of most of them
have been received. The University of
British Columbia will be represented by
Paid X. Whitley, editor of the Ubossey.
and A. A. Webster, senior editor -of the
same publication. Benjamin E. Parson,
editor of the McMinnville College Re
view, and James T. Hamilton of Reed
College, business manager of the Quest,
will come.
The 'Gonzagen, published at Gouzaga
University, Spokane, will be represented
by Editor Scliaaf.
The delegates from O. A. C. arc W. B.
Hayes, editor of the Barometer, and
two other members of his staff. From
the University of California, will come
B. G. Biocliman, editor of the Califor
nian. and W. S. Hernagc, business man
The University of Washington has the
largest number of delegates. They are
Mitchell A'. Charnley, assistant editor of
the Washington Daily; Robt. W. Bender,
business manager of the same paper;
Wr. Verram, associate editor, Gilbert
Foster, editor, and A. Wendell Brackett.
Also, there is Byron Christian, former
editor, and Steele Lindsay, editor of the
Sundodger. The delegates from W. S.
C\, Whitman, and Willamette have not
yet been named.
Visitors to be Heard.
A. \VendcJl Brackett, of the Univer
sity of Washington school of journal
ism, lias been arranging the details of
i lie conference, anr the program for the
afternoon session, to be held at 11:00 p.
m. in the journalism'lJhinex, Includes ad
dresses by local journalists and by the
(Continued on Page M.)
Motion Pictures May Be Regular Fea
ture of Winter Program of
Y. M. C. A.
Hal Donnelly, the “Y” secretary, re
turned Monday evening from Pendleton,
where he has been attending the older
boys’ conference. One {hundred and
forty delegates registered at the con
ference. according to Mr. Donnelly.
On his way to Pendleton, Mr. Pon
I nelly stopped over a day in Portland,
| mid while there, booked several reels of
motion pictures, which will be shown at
the •'lint” soon. The first program, con
sisting of a five reel feature, a news
reel, and a comedy, will probubly be
shown next week.
The enthusiasm shown by the students
for this show will determine whether or
not the. shows are continued throughout
the winter.
Noise Making* Rally Through
Business Section Will Start
Big Ceremonies.
Professor Howe JWiU Intro-;
duce Players; Students
To Wear Tags.
Yes they are coining hack — thou
sands of ’(*m will be pouring into Eu
gene beginning tomorrow from the north
and south, and by Friday night when the
biggest, rally in the history of pep ex
hibitions is coming off. most of them will
be here for the big week-end at Oregon.
The ohl alumni why haven’t been here
for six, eight and ten years are com
ing back to the campus for a day to see
the passing of old Kincaid field and to
see how the boys do it on the new Hay
ward field.
The students at the Fniversity have
spared nothing to make tin's Homecoming
the best possible, especially for (lie old
grads who will he back for just n short
stay. All of the committees under the
direction of Johnny Houston, general
chairman of all Homecoming committees,
have been burning midnight oil trying
to figure out something new to interest
the old grad when he comes hack to
Oregon. Heretofore the feeling has
been that tbe students should do every
thing to entertain the alumni, but ac
cording to tbe committee iu charge of
the down town rally Friday evening be
fore the freshman bon fire is lighted, the
former graduate and student of the Fni
versity will be invited to take part. Just
what the rally committee has in store
for that night seems to he a mystery, hut
something absolutely original is what
Bartholomew, cjfuirman of the rally com
mittee. promises, yet he refuses to say
just what is going to take place.
Noise Parade Feature.
All of the men and women iu tbe IV
versity will gather in front of the library
with their noise making machines, and
from there the parade will lead through
the down town business section and hack
to Kincaid field where Professor Howe
will introduce the members of the foot
ball machine, including the coaching staff
and captain, who are down for short
talks on the team. There will he no
stunts put on by the men’s houses as
has been the custom of former years
but. according to those who are on the
inside of Homecoming plans, have it that
lots of corn meal is going to be handy
and a good orchestra within calling dis
The housing question which has always
been one of the big problems to settle
j' relative to Homecoming has been ably
taken care of by Norton Whittl'd wlio,
with bis co-workers Alice Hamm and
Lucile Bcanstetter. has the housing sit
uation pretty well in hand.
Armory Decorated Today.
The decorating committee under the
direction of Clmck Huggins lias planned'
to decorate the Armory for the informal
Homecoming dance with green cedar
houghs. In order that everything would
(Continued on Page 4.)
Follow the band!
That’s what, l»on Ihivh. nan
man of the committee, expects
every faculty meuiher and student
to do at !>:.”.<) this morning. The
line will form at the library, and
led by the band and the It. < *. T.
C., will march down to the Armory,
where it will join all the lodges and
organizations of Eugene in a pa
rade down Willamette street.
The parade will return to the
Armory at 11 o’clock, when the
Armistice I lay program will begin.
It is especially asked that the
women of tiie l'niversity turn out.
and-also that the juniors and sen
iors do not appear in uniform but
wear corduroys and sombreros.
Swoalcrs Bought for Doughnut Basket
ball Team; Stag Mix May
Bo Given.
An elaborate membership campaign to
be held in the near future was decided
on by the Oregon ('Hub in a meeting held
in tin' \. M. A. hut .Monday evening,
'I hereby the organization holies to en
roll all men students not living with
other campus organizations as members.
I’hil ltrogan was elected as the publicity
manager of the campaign.
It. was announced at tlie meeting that
sweaters have been bought for use of
the members of the Oregon Club dough
nut basketball team. These sweaters are
blue with a gold stripe around the col
lar, and tvfo across the front.
The club ullso decided to hold a stag
mix in the Y. M. C. A. hut on Decem
ber o. provided the necessary arrange
ments can be made.
Educatio n a 1 Administration
Now Included in Curriculum;.
Educational administration and super
vision is the name of a new correspon
dence course offered by the extension
division, according to the announce
ments made by that department for
Two separate courses are really of
fered under this bead for there are two
distinct parts to the course. The first
part deals with educational administra
tion and the second with educational su
pervision. Either may be taken inde
pendently of the other, and three term
hours credit is given for the satisfac
tory completion of either.
The new course was prepared by John
O. Alinack, of the extension division,
who worked in close consultation with
the faculty of the school of education
while collecting the material for it. The
texts which are used with the course
arc modern, says Professor Alinack,
and the course is designed to aciiliuint
the student with the literature and sub-I
ject matter of school administration and
supervision, to help him solve the prac
tical problems that come up in bis daily
work, to indicate some of the leading
modern tendencies in the field, and to
give him an educational outlook which
will promote his professional advance
ment. i
Many of the school superintendents
and teachers of the state are expected
to take advantage of the course. Spe
cial attention will he given to those who
have local problems to solve and the
department stands ready to give any pos
sible assistance in such cases. Prompt
ness in reading the lessons and return
ing the answers will bo emphasized more
than usual in presenting this course.
This is one of the best courses ever of
fered by the extension division, iu the
irpiuion of Professor Alinack. It was
prepared to meet Oregon conditions and
local problems and the subject matter
was carefully selected by both the school
of education and the extension division.
Superintendents and principals of
'schools have been kept, especially in mind
iu making up the course.
Chrysanthemums for Oregon-Washing
ton Contest Go Fast.
! Seven hundred chrysanthemums have
been ordered by the V. TV. C. A. to be
sold for girls to wear to the Oregon
VVashington football game and according
to Elsie .Marsh, chairman of the com
mittee. nearly all have been spoken for.
Persons who have ordered flowers
and wish to send a card with them have
been asked to have their cards at the Y.
W. C. A. Bungalow sometime Friday
afternoon, where they will be received by
the committee.
The Boosters Club composed of Fresh
man and sophomore girls will deliver the
flowers Saturday morning.
Miss Mozelle Hair, secretary of the
extension division, has been confined to
her Lome for the past few days with a
bad cold. She expects to he aide to re
turn to her work in a fe-.v days, how
Scores off Previous Conflicts
Give No Predictions
of Winner.
All Men in Line-up Regulars
Except Dunn at Center
for Johnson.
Today's Frosh Line-up:
Digiuan—It 13.
Bylor—L< J-.
W. Johnson—F.
Burton (Cap)—RLL
The uuiiual clash between the Oregon
Frosh and the (>. A. C. Hooks will take
place today on Kincaid field. The game
is to be one of the features of the Arm
istice Day celebration.
The Freshmen are in fine shape for
the contest. The team is in the best
condition of the season and all the reg*
ulars with the exception of BIB John
son, center, will start the game. John
son was slated to start but was called
home suddenly Tuesday evening by the
illness of his father. He will not return
for the game.
The game will undoubtedly be one of
the hardest fights that the students and
townspeople will be permitted to witness
in Eugene this season. Although the
teams are not as well drilled as the var
sity elevens of the two institutions they
are botli full of fight.
Team Rested Since Last Game.
It. is hard to predict before the game
as to whom the victor will be. When
the O, A. (A Itook team played against
the Pacific University men they were
only able to get a tie score. When the
Oregon Frosh played the same Pacific
University team a week later they took f
the Pacific men into camp to the tune
of 1U to 7. When the Itooks played
Chemawa they defeated the Indians, and
later when the Oregon Babes played this
same aggregation they were defeated by
a score of 10 to 0. The Frosh team has
been considerably strengthened since the
game with Chemawa by a week’s rest
and also by the return to the playing
line-up of Captain “Kenny” Burton. The
line has been considerably shifted since
the last game also. Little is known of
the condition of the O. A. C. products.
Couch “Ken” Bartlett refused to make
a statement as to what he expected to
be the outcome of the game. Earlier in
the week he stated that the men were
not going very well, and that they
would need to improve if their chances
with O. A. C. were to be even.
Since that time, however, the fresh
man team has popped up and has been
looking considerably better. Tuesday
night they smrimmaged the varsity*
night they scrimmaged the varsity,
and tiie team only went through a short
signal practice.
Captain Burton Will Punt.
Captain Burton will punt for the
Oregon Frosh. Burton handled this end
of the game at the first part of the sea
son before he was injured. Since then
he has been practicing at kicking and
has developed greatly. Bartlett is de
pending on the smashing attacks of his
baekfield to win the game Thursday. He
has an excellent combination now. Par
sons and Burton are the halves, John
son is at full and Chapman is playing
uuarter. Chapman lias shown good
heady playing in the previous Frosh
games this season, ami is expected to do
well today. The freshman line is heavy'
and should be able to stop the rush of
(Continued on Page 4.)