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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1920)
Oregon Daily Emerald VOLUME XXII. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1920. i i NO. 27. HOMECOMING PUNS TO BE PRESENTED IT STUDENT ASSEMBLY Program for Week-End to Be ' Discussed; Attendance Is Essential DETAILS OF STUNT WILL BE REVEALED “Shy” Huntington to Speak! On Arrangements for Washington Game. u# jij 'V *■)* 'i' •v* 'i' >,« ASSEMBLY SPEAKERS $ * * John Houston, campus chairman. * # Dave Graham, ’05. * >jc Shy Huntington, football. t]i % Claire Keeney, yells. % Carlton Savage, presiding. >;< :]< ;>< % sk ;k ;Jc ^ i|c >fc Every student in the University is urged to attend the final assembly be fore Homecoming this morning at 11:00 o'clock to hear the plans as formulated by those in charge. Carlton Savage, president of the As sociated Students says, “This is essen tially a student assembly and I expect every man and woman in the University, to he there.” •Johnny Houston who is the general chairman will make his report. There is only one week more and those in charge want to get the students together and discuss the best methods of making the alumni feel at home. The viewpoint of the “old grad” will be given by Dave Graham, 1905. a Eu gene merchant. Mr. Graham was prom inent in student, activities during his college days and if to give a little ad vance “stuff” in order that those alumni who are visiting and who have not kept in close touch with the University as he has done, may be more royally enter tained. How things are to be handled on the | gridiron Saturday afternoon will he clearly understood when Shy Hunting ton explains just exactly what the team asks and what the team expects to give. According to the information given out, what Shy has to say is vital to the suc cess of Homecoming. The musical program has been given especial attention and will also assume the nature of preparation. Both the men’s and the women’s glee clubs will lead and Frank Jue will sing “Thorn”. John Stark Evans is to lead the glee clubs in teaching a new University song. The words are not yet out. hut it is reported that there is a surprise in store. Plans for yells and stunts are to be announced by Claire Kennedy, yell king, lie will have charge of all features and so much depends on the co-operation of the students that what he has to say is very important. Carlton Savage positively states that the assembly will last but fifty minutes and guarantees that no one will he forced (Continued on Page 4.) *---* Deltas and Betas | Get Their Babes In Shape for Tug ! *--—--* With th(> coming of chilly weather the Beta and Delta upperclassmen have decided that the time is nigh for the annual tug of war between the freshmen of the two houses. Ac cordingly next Saturday morning has been selected as the date for that historic and traditional affair. Each team will consist of seven or eight of the huskiest frosh of which cither house can boast. As neither the Betas nor tHe Belts have more than that many freshmen, sport writers predict that every man will, make the first team. The coaches of both teams report that their charges are training re ligiously on the proverbial diet of (rubber porkchops and toothpicks. The rubber chops are calculated to develop a snappy team. The func tion of the toothpicks has yet to he decided. Excitement rivalling that created by the discovery of a still or a fire in a sorority house is expected to be aroused by the event and the advice of the managers is for spectators to come early if they want to get race side seats for the contest. FROSH TO PUT O.A.C. BOOKS ARMISTICE DAT Coach fiartlott Not Enthus iastic Over Prospects. The freshman football squad is work ing hard to get in shape for the game with the O. A. C. rooks which is to be played here Armistice day. The team went through a hard fight against the Chemawa Indians last Saturday, and several of the men were hurt. They will all be in shape for the game with O. A. ('. a week from today. Coach BartlKt. is not very enthus iastic over the prospects for the game with the O. A. C. babes next week. The rooks were able to beat Chemawa while the Oregon frosh lost 10 to !). Bartlett says that the team will have to play hot ter hall if they want to be on the long end of the score on the eleventh. Two of the first team backfield men. “Chuck” Parsons and W. Johnson, were injured, and Kellar King, a tackle had two teeth knocked out last*week. There will not be a cross-country meet with the O. A. C. Books the day of the game. It was planned to arrange a run for that day but conditions were not fav orable. Y. SECRETARY,VISITS IDAHO. llal Donnelly is spending the week in Idaho where he is visiting the Y. M. C. A. organizations on the Idaho campus. Donnelly is general secretary of the Y. organizations in all the colleges and uni versities in Oregon and Idaho. He will return to Eugene Monday. MICHIGAN TO PLAY CHICAGO. Mie^igau tangles with Chicago for their annual Homecoming game this fall. Young Sculptor Smiles and Works; Avard Fairbanks an Art Enthusiast INTRODUCING A YARD FAIR BANKS, professor of sculpture. This quiet young man who looks at you with a friendly smile and is reticent, about himself, is nationally known. His work lias been exhibited in the National Academy of Design in New York and most of the other leading art institutions in this country, and in the Salon des Artistes Franeaise, at Paris. One of his best and most recent works is a frieze for the Mclnery home in Honolulu. It has three groups, typify ing respectively, the sport, work and workmanship, of the Huwaiians. lie is now working on “The Idaho Doughboy , a war memorial for the state of Idaho. There will be a copy of this figure in every county of the state. At I.1’, Mr. Fairbanks was given a scholarship in the Art Students’ League in New York. At 14 he exhibited in the National Academy of Design in New York, and was the youngest exhibitor there. Three years later lie was accept ed without examination to study in the Ecole Nationale des Beaux Arts, at I*aris. He is a pupil of Fraser, the sculptor of “The Knd of the I rail , one of the masterpieces of the Panama-Pa eifie Exposition in 191R, and of Ingalbert of Paris. Me. Fairbanks believes there is an opportunity here to establish a school of art that will be second to none in the United States, and it is because he want ed to help in this work that he came to Oregon. lie also believes that the art schools in this country are giving better instruction than any of the foreign schools. This means that there can be established here one of the leading art centers of the world. It is a big. beautiful conception. And as he talks with the quiet confidence burn of knowledge and love of Ins work, you feel that the dream will indeed be come a reality. M. L. B. lEMOni PUNCH" WILL BE REVIVED 161 IS HUMOROUS MAGAZINE Stanley Eisman Chosen Editor; Harris Ellsworth to Be Business Manager COMPETITION FOR STAFF POSITIONS First Issue Planned During Holidays; Publication to Be Quarterly Plans for the establishment of n hu morous publication at the University of Oregon, thp first issue to be distributed before the Christmas holidays, was defi nitely decided upon at a meeting of stu dents interested held in the journalism annex yesterday afternoon. It was de cided to continue the name of "Lemon Punch,” used last term by that humor ous publication. Stanley Eisman was elected editor and Harris Ellsworth busi ness manager. It was decided to issue three publica tions. the first to come out before the Christmas holidays, the second in the winter term and the third in the spring term. This is the first time that defi nite steps have been taken toward the publication of a permanent humorous magazine for the University. The selection of the staff is to be on a competitive basis. A box will be placed in the journalism annex where all sug gestions and jokes, features, or poems may be dropped. A number of similar publications from other colleges will also be placed near the box so that students may get a general idea of the type of material used. There*is a special need for go'rtd"ideas in cartoons and clever writers of satire. In order, that the publication may get under way immediately and that mate rial may be ready in time for an issue before Christmas it will be necessary for students interested to hand in material and suggestions as soon as possible. An other meeting will be held the latter part of next week and partial appoint ments of the staff made. The University of Oregon is the only large institution at this time that has not. a permanent humorous publication. Several attempts have been made in the past, to establish humorous publications at the University on a smaller scale but were discontinued after several issues. “The magazine will sell for about 25 cents per copy”. Ellsworth stated. “If the students will get behind the maga zine it can be made a success, otherwise it cannot last. We will guarantee to do our part.” Students with experience along car tooning lines as well as those who have good ideas for the publication along edi torial lines are asked to see Stan Eis man or to drop suggestions in the box. Another meeting will be announced the latter part of next week. METHOD OF SHOOTING SEA LIONS DESCRIBED Harold Say, Author of Article In Amer ican Telling About Unusual Work. Harold B. Say, a member of the class of 1919, who is now Labor and Marine editor of the Portland Telegram is the author of an article in the November American Magazine describing the un usual work of a commercial sea-lion hunter on the Oregon coast. It is in the “interesting people” column. Air. Say attended the University for several years previous to 1017, and dur ing tlie war served with the Both coast artillery. He was later on the staff of the Eugene Guard and has been on the Telegram for about two years. Sea-lions, according to the article, de stroy approximately $2,225,000 worth of salmon every year and Bill Hunter. “The King of the Sea-lion hunters,” who is the subject of the sketch has killed about 10.000 of the animals in seven years. A small gasoline launch is used to make the landings on the rocks along the coast which the sea-hons inhabit and the hunters then shoot them with rifles. The men are employed by canneries. A description of one or two narrow escapes shows the danger of the life, as well as the thrills. Hunter never received less than ten thousand dollars a year for his work, if the weather is good. Final Rooter Practice Dismal Failure Says Head Yell King Only 350 Turn Out on Kincaid Field for First Pepfest Before Homecoming Game; Stunts Promised Tomorrow. “Thin is certainly a crime for the last rooter's practice before Homecom ing”, said Claire Keene;., noise czar, after the yell practice on Kincaid field yesterday. There were only about three hundred and fifty people there instead'of the usual crowd of enthusiastic rooters that come out to practice on Oski or to “spell it”. Keeney went on to say that for some reason the crowd decidedly lacked Oregon pep and spirit that is usually so evident at the last rallies and rooters’ practices before the big Home coming game. There will be a Homecoming rally at assembly today, and the stunt for the Homecoming game will he practiced. They were unable to work on it at the rally as planned, because there were not enough people out. The committee in charge is verj anxious to have a good ~crowd out for assembly. and give a good (■■■movslratin i of 1 tregon and true Oregon spirit. Yell leader Keeney "P.p sure and be at assembly so tliht complete rooting plans may be made for Homecoming". The band was out for the rooters prac tice. and was very enthusiastically re ceived. They played "Mighty Oregon” for the last part of the practice. Throughout the yell practice the soccer i team worked out. on the field. Claire Keeney is very anxious for every Oregon man to have a rooter’s cap before the Oregon-Washington game. These caps may he bought for eighty £i|ve cents. “At O. A. (’.. where there are a half again as many men every man had a rooter’s cap at the O. A. C.-Cali fornia game, even if he did not have the pep”, said Keeney in urging the men to buy their caps as soon as possible. STUDENT COMPOSES NEW RALLY SONG George Pasto Gets Ideas Prom! Football Clash with O.A.C. The new football song entitled ‘Boys. Hold That Bine.” will make its first ap pearance before the student b o d y at assembly today. The words and music to this song were composed by George Pasto, ’22, from ideas which came * to him at the (). A. game last fall, and during Ids spare moments last spring and summer Pasto worked out the words and music. The music has been arranged by John Stark Evans and Vincient Engeldinger, and a special band arrangement has been prepared by Victor Husband. It is , planned to sing this song at Homecom ing. Every student is urged to learn the words, which are as follows: Boys, Hold That Line Look, boys, look, They’ve got the bail. Gained some yards, That must be all. Bight in your lia/nrs Lies Oregon's fate—• Make haste, make haste. Before we’re late. Chorus— Boys, hold that litir. That’s right, hold tight, Hold with all your might. _ . We’ll carry on. With a fight, fight, fight. . That’ll turn them white. Boys, hold that line, It’s your Alma Mater calling: Fight on, we cannot lose-— Yes, we will win this game. SORORITY SISTERS DRAMATIC ENEMIES Marian and Marion Are Constant Rivals During Campus Stage Activities. A curious combination of circumstan ces has cast Marion Gilstrnp and Marian Taylor as rivals in the comedy, “The Oassilis Engagement”, being given to night at Guild hall, for since their ap pearance in dramatic circles they have always played in parts which held re spectively a jealousy for the other whenever they appeared in the saint' production, with but one exception. In - “Little Dog Laughed” they took the part i of lovers. Miss Taylor taking a boy's part. The two Mar.. or rather Marin*) and Marian, have been playing together since high school days, and even if fate has cast them as eternal enemies, they are sorority sisters and both maintain that they love each other dearly. Landsbury Proud of Student Interest in Theo Karle Contracts have been signori for two concerts and plans made for a number of others, according to Dean John J. Landsbury of the school of music. Con certs definitely arranged for arc: Con cert by Madame Marguerite Matzenaner. Metropolitan Opera Company soprano, on April 16, and by Paul Althouse, tenor in the, same company, February 10. The school of music is also almost cer tain, according to Landsbury, of securing Kathleen Parlow in a concert. Madame Parlow is the greatest woman violinist n the world, and is one of the greatest if all living violinists. A concert by the Portland Symphony Jrchestra has been arranged for the pening of the Woman’s building, the iate of which has not yet been decided. David Campbell, pianist, will be soloist it this concert, one of his numbers be ng the Tschaikowsky Concerto. In speaking of the Theo Karle Concert ast Friday, Dean Landsbury said: “I ,\as more than pleased at the response if the audience, and was especially ileased with the fact that some of the nore classical numbers, for instance, The Island’ received such a responce, I lave written this fact to other singers,” Dean Lardshurv stated. MISS CHARLIE FENTON WILL RETURN MONDAY Secretary Sees Stanford - Oregon Game While Visiting In California. Miss Charlie Fenton, ulumni secretary, it present on a three weeks’ vacation in 'alifornia, will return to the campus lext Monday, according to Miss .Tean ictte Calkins of the alujnnt secretary’s >ffice. Miss Fenton saw the Stanford-Oregon tame, last Saturday. She is at present i guest of Miss llazel Rader at the I’lieta Center in Berkeley. Miss Rader traduated from the University of Ore ton in the clas of lftlo. Before leaving for her vacation Miss •'entou got all the work for Homecomi ng week-end in line, so that the office uis only to carry out her arrangements Uiss Fenton commenced her prepara ions for Homecoming on the first of ' ugust, said Miss Calkins, and had her etter to graduates ready months ago. Miss Fenton says in a letter to the ilumni office that she is having a most lelightful time on what Miss Calkins leeiares to he a well earned vacation. STUDENTS CANVAS FOR BILL. The culmination of state wide efforts m the part of college students in Cal ifornia institutions ended in a house to house canvas to the Bay region for Amendment 12 which is the millage hill >f the southern state. ORCHESTRA TO GIVE CONCERT UNO DANCE ARMISTICE DIT EVE Program Arranged to Include Classic! and Popular Numbers RECEIPTS USED FOR NEW INSTRUMENTS New Musicians Added; Per sonnel Now Numbers Thirty-Five Pieces That the dance at the Armory on Arm istice eve, November 10. at which this A. S. TT. O. presents the University or chestra is to be one of the most suc cessful affairs given this year is as sured by the fact that a thirty-five piece orchestra, will play not only in the eon cert immediately preceding the dance hut also at the dance itself. The concert, beginning promptly at 8 r. M. and ending n't. 9, will be the fin ished product of careful training and the result, in the case of the opening overture and the closing Egyptian Suite, of a year’s practice. A number of particular interest will be the violin solo, “Souvenir”, by Alberta Potter, ac companied by the girls’ string quartet composed of five pieces, v, hich has been arranged by Rex Underwood. Frank * •Tue, who will sing today in assembly, will do solo work. His tenor voice is remarkably sweet and well controlled. Many ftahearsals Held. Tr.e orchestra his been rehearsing twice a week for tV-.' past T.onth in pre paration for the ere ert and Mr. Urder wood said that the classical music of fered will be most interesting as a ball on <•<>. for- the popular music furnished later for the dance. The opportunity to dance to the music of an orchestra of thi.s kind is seldom afforded owing to the fact that most of the dance music is made by small com binations. The orchestra will play the Straus waltzes and some of the latest foxtrots to give the audience some real dance music, while a real jazz, orchestra will do its duty between numbers played by the whole orchestra. New Instruments Needed. The student body is giving this dance, assisted by the orchestra, to raise neces sary funds to supply much needed instru ments such as bassons, violas, horns, oboes, and the like. The extra pieces will then make it possible for students to learn to play without purchasing the expensive instru ments, and the result will lie a real sym phony orchestra in the University in a short while. Although the personnel of the organ ization is much the same as last year, the deciced addition of membership has made the task of perfecting the concert re pertoire as great as it would have been with an entirely new organization. 'Mr. Underwood hopes to raise $1000 during the year by giving concerts. The charge for the concert and dance will lie seventy-five cents, for the con cert alone, fifty cents. The ticket sale will be conducted by members of the or chestra, the glee clubs, nud the Co-op. Program Arranged. Overture, Phedre .Massenet Orchestra. Souvenir . Didla—Underwood Violin Solo.Alberta Potter Accompanied by Girls’ String Quin tette. Margaret Phelps. Truth Terry, Claire Collette—violins. Gwendolyn Lampshire—viola. Agnes Kennedy—cello. Tenor solos—Selected. Frank .Tue. Suite from Egyptian Pallet.T.uigini 1. Allegro non troppo. 2. Allegretto. ”. Andante—Allegro. Orchestra.' DEAN LANDSBURY TO TOUR. Dean John J. Landsbury of the school of music has definitely decided to make the tour of the Northwest with Arthur Middleton, bass, on the latter’s concert trip, hut it what capacity he does not yet, know. He expects to he away practically all of December. This trip, Dean Lands bury says, will be by way of a vacation, giving him a change from his duties on the campus.