Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 03, 1920, Image 1

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NO. 26.
Three Battles in As Many
Weeks to Keep Lemon
Yellow Busy.
Men Expected to be in Shape
to do Their Best Against
♦ ♦
4 MEET AT 4:30 P. M. TODAY ♦
4 -' ♦
4 The last weekly yell practice, of ♦
4 the year will be held this afternoon ♦
4 at 4:.°>0 on Kincaid field. Tell lead- ♦
4 er Keeney urges all students to ♦
4 turn out, as today’s rally is the last ♦
4 chance to rehearse yells, songs and ♦
4 stunts before Homecoming and the ♦
4 Washington game. Keeney has a ♦
4 stunt he wishes to try out if it is ♦
4 possible to use Kincaid field, and ♦
4 final plans for the “Thundering ♦
4 Thousand” at the Washington game ♦
4 will be gone over. “It is impera- ♦
4 live that every man and woman in ♦
4 school be in the Kincaid field ♦
4 grandstand this afternoon at 4:00 ♦
4 o’clock,” said Keeney. ♦
♦ ♦
Coach Huntington and his staff art;
exerting every effort to put the lemop
yellow team in tip-top shape for the bat
tle with the University of Washington
representatives on Hayward field, No
vember 13. “Shy” is driving his squad
through two and a half hours of steady
practice every afternoon. After the
game on November 1" with the Sun
dodgers will be the annual Oregou-O.
A. C. battle, which will be staged at
Corvallis on Saturday, November 20.
Close on the heels of this big fray will
be the Thanksgiving Day game with the
University of Southern California, which
will he played in Los Angeles.
Three of the biggest battles of the
season in less than three weeks will
mean that the Oregon eleven will have
to be in the best of shape to stand the
battering. But right here is where the
ability of Trainer Bill Hayward will
come into play, and it is Bill who will
bear the brunt of keeping the team in
fighting trim for these eventful games.
TJic coaching staff, including Head Coach
Huntington. Assistant Coach Bart Spell
man and Trainer Bill Hayward, is hold
ing regular conferences this week be
fore the afternoon practice begins and
new plays and players are the subjects
under discussion.
In the opinion of Couch Huntington.
(Continued on page three)
Opening for Doctors, Scientists and
Evangelists Wide, Says Mis
The Student Volunteer Hand held its
first meeting for the year 1920-21 last
evening. C'. 1*. Woods, a retired mis
sionary from India, talked to them of
(he opportunities there for competent
college graduates.
According to Mr. Woods, there are
about three hundred openings in India
ut the present time for doctors, scient
ists, evangelists, and educational work
ers. The educational requirements are
becoming higher and higher for this kind
of work,” lie said, “and only about 2F
per cent of those who apply are able to
satisfy the final committee.
Mr. Woods lias been connected with
one of the colleges in India until re
cently. lie is now touring the Pacific
coast, recruiting volunteers under the
auspices of the National Volunteer Band
of New York.
On account of Mr. Woods address, the
Student Volunteer Baud postponed elec
tion of officers until next meeting.* This
organization will probably meet aboul
twice a month in the Y. W. C. A. bun
Rain Delays Work on $10,000 Structure;
New Building Larger Than
Present One.
I -
The new open-air gymnasium for wo
men which has been under construction
for the past six weeks is nearing com
i pletion. “The excessive rain ^hiring this
time has delayed the work a good deal,”
says W. K. Newell, supervisor of con
struction, yesterday, “but if the presold
good weather continues the building wil’
be ready for use sometime-between, No
vember 20 and December 1.”
The new gymnasium is located just
back of the Woman’s building and has
a covered passage way leading to it
from the dressing rooms. The dimen
sions are 46 by 00, that is. five feet
longer than the old gym. It will he t
permanent structure, having been erect
ed at a cost of about .$10,000 as a reg
ular part of the physical training depart
Representative McArthur and County
Clerk Bryson on Ballot.
Two University of Oregon graduates
appeared prominently oil yesterday’s bal
lot. both winning.
Representative Clifton N. McArthui
of the third district graduated from the
University in 1001. He was president of
the alumni association the following
year and was a member of the athletic
council the year after that. This was
Mr. McArthur’s fourth race for con
lloseoe S. Bryson, of the chf3& of 1800
was re-elected county clerk in Lam
county. ITc is a resident of Eugene, aijd
was city recorder for several years.
Miss Cuevas from Colombia
Misses Her Chile and Chocolate
New York. While she was teaching
here she went to Columbia University
and received her M. A. This was follow
ed by a supplementary course in Span
ish literature at the University of Ma
In the last year of the war Miss Cue
vas went to teach in the Mt. Pleasant
military academy, which is a preparatory
school for West Point. She was the first
and will probably be the last woman who
bus ever taught"in this school, but it was
necessary to employ her at this time
because of the shortage of incu teach
Rosalia Cuevife* dream is to bring the
people of North and South America to a
more sympathic relationship with each
other. Some day she wants to go back
to South America and tell the people
thoje what conditions really are in the
north. She is loyal to her people, and
she believes that a clearer understand
ing of them and their motives and ideals
would be the best thing that could hap
pen to both countries.
Major Warrington and the Reverend
Harries, played by Claire Keeney and
Verne Fudge respectively, lend them
selves very aptly to comic interpretation.
Mrs. Cassilis, the scheming mother
played by Irene Stewart .is a delightful
lady who gains the sympathy.
The Cast.
The east is as follows:
Mrs. Cassilis.Irene Stewart
Geoggrey Cassilis .George Stearns
I,ary Marehmont . . . .Charlotte Banficld
Countess of Remenham.
.Dorothy Wootton
Major Warrington.Claire Keeney
Lady Mabel Venning ...Marian Taylor
Mrs. Borridge ...Martha Rice
Ethel Borridge .Marian Gilstrap
The Rev. Hildebrand Ilerries.
.Verne Fudge
Mrs. Herries .Loeta Rogers
Watson .Carroll Akers
Dorset .Helen Madder
Alumni Publications With Homecoming
Features Are Mailed.
A new Oregon song by Miss Grace
Edgiugton, lately chosen editor of “Old
Oregon,” will appear in the Homecom
ing week-end issue of “Winnagcn.” The
chorus of the *■« .g contains bits from
several old Oregon songs. /
Copies of “Winnagcn’ ’and “Old Ore
gon” for November are now being sent
out to all graduates and former stu
dents of the University; having as their
feature Homecoming activities, accord
ing to Miss Jeannette Calkins of the
alumni secretary’s office.
Errors in Subject Matter.
The subject matter for the tests will
coutaiu certain typographical errors,
placed in certain positions on the inige.
In giving the tests, certain variations in
technique and method are to bo made
said Ur. Crosland. The first test will
be set in 0 point type; later, 8, 10 and 12
point, type will be used. The width of
the columns will be varied from 13 ems
the approximate width ot a newspaper
column, to 17 and 25 ems. At one time,
I the groups will be instructed to work
j slowly and carefully, with no thought of
the amount of time consumed, though
the time will be recorded; again, they
will be told to work as rapidly as pos
sible and the time of each member of
the group will be taken by stop-watch;
and the third variation will be to allow
a limited amount of time for the group,
each member stopping at the signal
whether he lias completed the reading or
The effects of practice will also be
tested, according to Dr. Crosland. This
will be determined by recording the re
sults of tests made by students in the
school of journalism at the beginning of
the year and comparing them with sim
ilar tests at. (he close of the year. A
test of the legibility of different fouts
to type will likewise be made if time
permits, said Dr. Crosland.
Dr. Crosland to Read Proof.
Copy for the tests lias already been
sent to the composing room of the Uni
versity press. When the matter is in
type, proofs will be read carefully by
Dr. Crosland to see that the desired er
| rors and only those are present. The
tests will then be ready for use.
Dr. Crosland brings to this work not
only the interest of the trained psychol
ogist but also that of the practical print
er and proof-reader as well. At the ugc
of 14, he began work in the composing
room of a weekly paper. “The Standard”
at Sabula. South Carolina, liis home
town. Saturdays, school holidays, and
vacation time found him in the news
paper office. Later lie worked in two
job shops in Atlanta, Oeorgia, and at
another time was connected with “The
Sun” at Orangeburg, South Carolina, for
three years. During his undergraduate
days at the University of South Caro
lina, he was nssi tant editor, and later
(Continued on Page 3)
Formations Look Liko Work of Man
But Are Basalt; Pictures and Data
Sent To Dr. Packard.
Prehistoric architects who scattered
iniocene mansions nud paleozoic palaces
indiscriminately over ancient landscapes
should have labeled their corner stones.
According to Dr. E. L. Packard, head
of the geology department, data and
photographs were forwarded to him from
the Medford country some time ago pur
porting to be proof that the pre-Colum
bian dwellers of that region were domi
ciled in snug petrographic bungalows.
Although l)r. Packard did not visit
the place where the carved pillars of
rock were found protruding above the
ground on a grassy elevation, the de
scription and composition of the sup
posed pillars convinced him that the col
umnar rocks were of basaltic formation,
lie explains that the columnar formation
is characteristic of basalt, the igneous
rock having split vertically when cool
Dr. Packard agrees with the- discov
ers of the supposed work of ancient
man near Medford that the arrange
ment of the apparently-carved pillars is
peculiar and suggestive of intelligent ar
rangement, and that if the rock were
sandstone instead of basalt the surface
indications would easily be misleading.
At tbe request of Clara Taylor, indus
trial secretary for the Y. W. C. A. in
the northwest, a complete survey of all
the girls on the campus has been com
piled by the practical service branch of
the college Y. W. The purpose of the
industrial committee is to fiud the num
ber and character of the fields of work
which women cover.
Of the 775 women registered in the
University over 200 held commercial po
sitions timing the summer and the range
of those positions was wide. One girl
played in the Heilig theater in Portland,
one managed a farm all summer, and one
rau u cannery. Two girls were lookouts
in the forestry service, one was assistant
manager of the Meier and Frank Dairy
Lunch, and still another did tinting in a
photographer’s shop. Nine gjrls taught,
four were laboratory assistants in doc
tors’ offices, four others reported for
newspapers, five were telephone or tele
graph operators, eight did housework
and thirteen did outside work, ns fruit
picking and working in canneries. Of
fice positions were the most popular
fifty-seven in all arc listed under that
heading, and clerking comes next with a
totul of forty-five.
Two guests at the Alpha Phi house
arc Mrs. Douthit of Dallas and Eyla
Walker ’17. Bflfrs. Douthit is visiting
her duughter, Winifred.
Mrs. George Cowne of Portland is the
guest at the Delta Zetu house.
Junior and Sophomore Teams
Defeat Seniors and
I n t e rfrhtermty Competition
for Cup to Start Next
Week, Says Coach.
The senior and freshman basketball
teams were defeated by the juniors and
sophomores in the first two games of the
intramural basketball season, played yes
terday afternoon. The second year men
took the freshmen into camp to the time
of 14-11. The juniors defeated the
seniors by the narrow margin of 18-17.
Both games were hotly contested. The .
excellent team work of the juniors
coupled with the accurate basket shoot
ing of Veateh was largely responsible for
the senior defeat. Veateh annexed eight
points for his team.
Guldager proved a tower of strength
for the seniors at center, securing four
baskets. Good floor work and speedy
passing coupled with the ability of the
sophomores to convert the many fouls
spelled victory over the first year men. A
For the class of ’22 Andre’s accurate
passing and shooting were a decided
How Teams Lined Up.
The line-up for the games was as fol
Seniors—17. Juniors—18.
Stone (5)..F.... ... Veateh..'(8)
Blaekaby (3).F.Dudley (4)
Guldager (9).C..,. ... Huggins (?)
Houston.G.. .. Shattuck (4)
Freshman—11. Sophomores—14.
Altstock (3)..... ,.F.. .. .. Rocky (?)
Wilsic (2).F..Andre (J)
Gore (2).C. Base
Douglas (4).G.Bumett <
The playing off of the class games wjtfi 1
occupy the rest of the week. Wednesday
the freshman play the juniors while the
sophomores tangle with the seniors,
while on Friday the frosh will meet the
seniors and the sophomores and the
juniors will clash. Unless a ti# de
velops the; class games will be fmished
Friday and if a play-off should be neccs
sury it will come next Monday. As the
schedule shows, each team meets every
other team and the winner of the great
est number of games will be the cham
Iuterfraternity basketball will start
(Continued on Page 3)
Journalism Jamboree Howling
Success; Scribes Watch Vote
■ - ■ ,_, iii *
Rival Publications Issued
“Hammer” and “Battle
Axe” Appear.
Intermingled with the jazz notes of a
suxuijhone and the shrill tone of the
whistle us election returns were an
nounced amid the reverbrutions of the
typewriters, the Journulism Juuibouree,
135 strong, revelled the hardwood floors
of the men’s gym at the uuuual party of
the campus scribes last evening.
Two rival publications, the Hammer
edited by Sigma Delta Chi, and the bat
tle; Ax, concocted and issued by Charles
(iratke and Mary Ellen Hailey, kept the
busy scribes informed regarding national
issues and local occurences. The de
sciples of Terpsichore, cutting the light
fantastic to the syncopated melodies
generated by the super-animated orches
tra, devoured the bulletins as fast ail
they were turned from the mimcograiffw
The order that went forth from the
little isolated white shack back of Mc
clure ball a few days ago declaring that
white collars would be counterbrand at
the .Tambouree was carried out in de
tail. Dean Eric Allen and Professor Rob
ert Hall had their white starched cylin
ders removed, and reminded that an
edict which goes forth from the shack
must he heeded.
Punch, a relic of the Alcohol Age
minus the alcohol kick, satisfied that ail
ment common in this period of aridity
thirst, and eats helped the weary to
struggle a few more times arouud the
squared orbit. It is needless to say that
such re-energizing was not much in de
mand, for had not two newspaper men
been picked from over a hundred mil
lion Americans, and on this very even
ing was not one of those notable scribes
to be. declared president of the United
Of course the picture man, E. C.
Head, uhlimbered his telescoping artil
lery, pointed it in the general direction
of the smiling expectant future Presi
dents and news hounds, laid down a
pyrothenic barrage, and a few minutes
later was circulating the proofs among
the merry-makers.
Dean Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Alien.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. G. Thacher, Mrs. '
Anna Beck, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Hall were the patron and patronesses IWi
the evening.
'Dr. Crosland, Psychologist, to
Examine Readers of
' Printed Matter.
Copy Already Prepared and
on Press; Mistakes
to be^Checked.
Dr. II. It. Crosland, of the depart
ment of psychology of the University
has prepared u series of tests to deter
mine the kind and frequency of optical
illusions which affect proof-readers. It
is a well known fact that errors arc fre
quently found in printed matter even
though it has passed through the hands
of experienced and capable proof-read
ers. “This phenomenon is thought to be
due to one or another of several sorts of
optical illusions,” says Dr. Crosland. A
proof-reader, for example, may think he
sees letters where nothing but white
space actually exists; or lie may fail to
sec transposed letters in a word; or he
many fuil to observe an incorrect letter
substituted for the correct one.
The proposed tests are to be given to
four different groups of five people
each. One group will consist of profes
sors of the school of journalism. An
other, a group of beginning students in
the school of journalism; third, a group
of students in the department of psy
chology, and fourth, a group of experi
enced printers from the newspaper and
job offices of-Kugene. Arrangements
for these groups, with the exception of
the down-town printers’ group, have al
ready been made, according to Dr. Cros
“ Cassilis Engagement ”, A
Four-Act Comedy, Re
plete with Humor.
Plot of John Hankin Vehicle
Is Laid in Charming Eng
lish Setting.
“The Cassilis Engagement,” a four
act comedy by St. John Hankin, will be
given in Guild theatre on November 4
and r> by the company as the 74tli play
to bo produced for the public there.
The story is of a young English coun
try gentleman who rescues a young
lady from an omnibus accident and takes
her home, falling in love with her. She
is utterly unacceptable to the young
man’s people since shoe's from a differ
ent social level, and the young* man’s
mother is face to face with the task of
severing the engagement into which he
lias plunged.
Social Contrast Used.
Her plan is to bring the youDg lady
anu her mother to the Cassilis country
home, and t>,v the contrast from close
association of them with the young
man’s own society, make him realize the
fpll.v of his engagement to one of such
different position.
The young man is entirely unsuspect
ing, and Is somewhat surprised to see
that his people apparently make no ob
jection to Ids plans.
Tft. make the contrast more vivid, Mrs.,
Cassilis invites a number of her friends
to stay with her, and the way they mix
with Mrs. Barrage and her daughter,
tile -young lady to whom Geoffrey Cas
silis is engaged brings in some delight
ful comedy that carries the play through
with tense interest to the end.
Marian Gilstrap Takes Lead.
The part of Ethel Barrage, who
makes one love her despite her lowly
birth, is taken by Marian Gilstrap.
Goeffrey Cassilis, a splendid type of
(lie English country gentleman who is
sophisticated yet not very sharp, is
taken by George Sterns.
Mrs. Barridgc, played by Martha Itice,
is a screamingly funny pmi of the ordi
nary person who endeavors to put on
polish and is unaware of her ridiculous
Spanish instructor iu the University
'vlio has a great weakness for real South
American chocolate. The food and cook
hig iu this country does not appeal to
Miss Cuevas because it is not highly
Although she has spent a great deal
in her life in New York city Miss Cue
'its was born in Colombia, South Amer
ica. Her home was in a high part of
the country thousands of feet above sea
level .as she expresses it “very close to
the skies.”
t When she was still very young, her
elder sister, who had married a man liv
ing in New Wrrk ciry, Invited Miss
Cuevas to visit her there. At the ago
"f 10 Miss Cuevas took a three years
course in languages at Milan, and at the
age of ip she was head of a Spanish
speaking department of a college in Cen
tral America. Later she was Spanish
instructor iu Adclphi college, Brooklyn,