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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1920)
Oregon Daily Emerald VOLUME XXII. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1920. NO. 21. VARSITY FOUL TEAM OFF TOHIGHT TO MEET STANFORD Trip South Will Be Made by Seventeen Players and Coaching Staff. SIX FIRST-STRING MEN SUFFER FROM INJURIES “Shy” Declares Game Will Be One of Hardest Battles of Season. Tonight overy man and woman of the University is asked tb march in a rally parade to the depot to give the Oregon varsity a fitting send-off for its game with Stanford, to be played Saturday at Palo Alto. The parade forms at the library at 9:15 p. m., proceeding through town to the depot, where yells and songs will be given. The Oregon varsity will retire to their sleeper at 10, but Yell Leader Keeney expects to in duce the coaching staff and the players to make a few remarks to the “Thundering Thousand’’ before the varsity curfew sounds. “I want every member of the Thundering Thousand there,” says the varsity yell king, “which means every man and woman in the University. Wc must let the varsity know that we are backing them every minute they are at Palo Alto.” With nix out of the eleven first string men who started the game against Ida ho last Saturday, badly injured and the chances poor that more than three of these will be able to play in the game against Stanford, seventeen players arid the coaching staff will leave tonight from the Southern Pacific depot for Palo Alto, where they meet the Cardinals Saturday afternoon. Three of the backfield which started • lie game against Idaho, received injuries which have kept them out of practice so far this week. Captain “Hill” Steers received injuries to his knee, “Hill” Rine hart has a badly wrenched ankle and "Frankie” Hill has an injured leg and wrist. In addition to these injuries are those of the linemen, Howard has an injured shoulder, Mautss is suffering from a badly bruised back, while Shields has a “charley horse” which bids fair to keep him out of the game. Varsity in Bari Shape. Stanford had an easy game last Sat urday and from all reports is in first class shape to enter the game, the Ore gon team is in the worst shape that it has me on all season.- According f,o Coach Huntington, the game Saturday (Continued on Page 2) DRESS SUITED TYROS TO SPEAK ON CAMPUS Journalism Fraternity Will Initiate Fivo New Pledges on Library Steps Thursday. No, the five men whom you will see trotting around the campus Thursday morning elad formally in dress suits will not be typical- college sports, who have been to an all-night formal and didn’t have time to change their clothes before they came to classes! And when they begin to elocutc from the library steps, don’t get the idea that some kind of a political meeting is being started. They will be neither gay wild sports nor scheming politicians. They will be the initiates of Sigma Delta Chi, honorary journalistic fraternity. • In accordance with the time honor ed custom of Sigma Delta Chi, the five men recently elected will not only have to attend classes all day Thursday in | dress suits but will also have to make j speeches from the library steps and put out the Friday morning edition of the Emerald entirely by themselves. The men who-will be seen playing the parts of blase society fiends are Ray mond Vaster, Harry Ellis, John Dier dorff and Carlton Logan. PRESIDENT STARTS EAST University Head to Visit New York; Will Be Absent One Month. President Campbell, who left Monday evening for the East, remained in Port land Tuesday and delivered an address before the North Pacific Immigration commission. While in Portland he visited with Mrs. Campbell, who is convalescing from a slight illness. President Campbell expects to be gone about a month. He, with Dr. Richard B. Dillehunt and Dr. Harry Beal Torrey, •will go to New York in the interests of the I'liiversity school of medicine. LONDON CLUB ELECTS Three Selected Associate Members; Pub lic Meetings to Be Held. The Condon Club, the local chapter of (he (loologieal and Mining Sofciety of American Universities, held a meeting last Thursday night, at which Dorothy 10. Dixon. Bill Collins and Don Zimmer man were elected to associate member ship. This organization is composed of ad vanced students in geology,, and it expects to hold program meetings every three weeks, to which the public will lie invited. The first meeting is scheduled for Wed nesday. November and the speaker will bo a prominent scientist, to be chos en soon. DEAN FOX EXTENDS THANKS Miss Elizabeth Fox wishes to convey through the Emerald her appreciation of the many expressions of sympathy and affection extended her at this time of her sorrow in the death of her moth er. Miss Fox regrets that she cannot thank each of these friends personally. I Young, Psychologic Highbrow Decks Upper Lip . With Eyebrow INTRODUCING KIMBALL YOUNG. • He is at once tbe inspiration and de *t>u*t of the seniors. He has set a goal Ihey despair of attaining, and yet his ex ample encourages them in their “watcli lut waiting” policy. Professor Young exhibits a mustache which, while of no great size, is of the most fashionable cut and coloring. Light salmon-blonde it is. Kimball Young expressly states that he is no relation to Clara Kimball Y'oung. the movie star, and at present harbors no aspiration to twinkle in that profes *iou\ _ _ '■ His aspiration, in fact, is quite fue re moved. He is teaching “that study whose • ask it is to point out and organize tbe observable facts of conscious life, and to lormnlate the theories, or hypotheses, necessary to explain these facts.” There! Do you know what that is? About. 75 per cent of his class didn’t in • he last quizz. It is the text-book defini tion of psychology, so perhaps you had better cut this out and put it in your _ notebook, along with those cute little diagrams Professor Young draws on the board for his classes. Mr. Young “got Ids start” at the Uni versity of Utah, took his M. A. at the University of Chicago, taught at the Weber Normal School in Ogden, and went to Stanford to do his Ph. D. work. He has it all done but his thesis, and he is working on that now. It's awfully high- j brow—all about racial psychology and the study of foreign groups in the public J schools. Mr*. Young said he was beginning to think that a sunny day in Oregon was like a “happy island surrounded by rain,” but we immediately assured him that this weather is most unusual and it hasn’t rained so much for forty years.” Then he hastened to add that he was delighted to be here, that the weather was splendid for study and that the reception given him by the faculty and students made him feel at home. You see. he has caught the “Oregon Spirit" and is already one of us. M. L. B. Who Will It Be, Cox or Harding?. Emerald Straw Vote to Decide Campus Choice and League Stand Journalists and Emerald Gang to Hold “Spree.” 'I lie Journalism Jambouree, annual journalism gut-acquainted mix, will come off on election night, Nov. 2, at the men’s gym. Committee heads are named and plans are on foot for a real combustion. All journalism students are expected to be there ,and positively no Sunday togs will be tolerated. A $5 fine will be charged for every silk shirt seen in the building. Two bits will be charged at the gate. Every man and woman pays for one, and one only. The gate committee will be in structed to accept no more than twenty five cents from each man. Girls- must pay their own admission fees. No introductions will be given. Every body knows everybody else from the opening minute—no snobs or aristocrats will be on deck. The big program of the jambouree will be dancing. Woe unto anyone who fills out a program—no programs will be al lowed. It’s everybody’s dance, and everybody duneetf* with everybody else. It is to be a red! get-acquainted party, guaranteed to rub all sharp corners off journalism students. Eats? Everything from soup to nuts will be served. There will be hot cof fee for everybody, and for those who want it, there will be the snappiest cider that can be found. A special committee will be appointed to get the cider. The news service committee will ar range with Western Union and the down town papers for all returns as they come in. News will lie telephoned to the gym. and announced at intervals during the jambouree. STATE Y. M. C. A. MEETS Six Men Represent Oregon at Conference Held in Roseburg. Six uieu from the campus represented (he University at the older hoys’ confer ence of Southwestern Oregon, held in Roseburg, October 22 to 24, under the auspices of the State Y. M. O. A. The general theme of the conference was “The Four-Square Man,” signifying the social, physical, service and spiritual sides of life. Roy Veatch had charge of the religious work and llal Donnelly spoke on the sub ject, “Man’s Object in Life.” The plan of organizing the M. U. A. in the high schools us they now exist in the univer sities and colleges was considered. The University whs the only school of higher education to be represented, and the delegates made the best of the op portunity to instil enthusiasm for Oregon in the 12.” boys that were there. Those representing the University were: llal Donnelly, Roy Veatch, Robert McConnell, Don Zimmerman, Howard Bailey and Charles Spere. DEMOCRATS ARE FEW. The meeting of the Cox-Roosevelt dub which was scheduled for 7 I*. M. yesterday evening, was postponed owing to tile fact that too few supporters of the Democratic ticket were on hand to constitute a meeting. Further plans, it was said, would be announced later. FIVE ASSISTANTS NAMED New student members of the depart ment of physics, who will act in various capacities, are the following: Marcus O’Day, graduate assistant, O. W. Hays, Mary E. O’Day, Leah Wagner and Alex ander Andraieff, student assistants, and Arthur Bramlcy, reader. Last Minute Political Rallies Held Last Night Expected to Instill Enthusiasm and Pep Into Balloting at Campus Polling Place Today The big presidential straw vote is on! From S o’clock this morning until 3 this afternoon, every student of the Uni versity and every member of its faculty is expected to cast a ballot for a presi dential candidate and to indicate his stand on the league of nations covenant. Bal lots were printed yesterday afternoon, and will be passed out to voters all day today by members of the Emerald staff detailed to oversee the balloting. A sepa rate box will be stationed in front of the library for faculty votes. Political clubs have been priming their members for the past week for the straw vote, and it is expected that the ballot boxes will be busy from early morn ing until closing time. From previous votes held at the University, it is probable that the results may prove to be a safe prediction of what will happen in the state of Oregon on November 2. Final rallies of campus political clubs were scheduled for last night. Due to a mix-up, the Democratic meeting failed to materialize, although several him 44444444444444444 ♦ ♦ ♦ IMPORTANT FACTS CONCERN- 4 ♦ ING EMERALD STRAW VOTE. 4 ♦ Ballot boxes will be placed on a ♦ 4 table outside the library. 4 ♦ One box will be for faculty votes, 4 ♦ and one for student votes. 4 ♦ Each voter must sign his own 4 4 name to the ballot. Ballots not 4 4 properly signed will be thrown out. 4 4 Check the candidate you wish to 4 4 vote for, or if his name is not on 4 4 the ballot, write it in. Check your 4 4 stand on the league of nations. 4 4 Ballots will be issued to voters 4 4 beginning at 8 o’clock today. All 4 4 ballots must be placed in the boxes 4 4 before 3 o’clock this afternoon, or 4 4 they will not be counted. Ballots 4 4 will be issued each voter, or they 4 4 may be clipped from this issue of 4 4 the Emerald. A member of the 4 4 Emerald staff will be on hand 4 4 throughout the day to furnish infor- 4 4 mation to voters, and to pass out 4 4 ballots. 4 4 A committee consisting of Hope 4 4 McKenzie, secretary of the Cox- 4 4 Roosevelt club, Ollie Stoltenborg, 4 4 secretary of the Harding club, Pro- 4 4 fessor George Turnbull, faculty 4 4 member, and Ken Youel, a member 4 4 of the Emerald staff, will count the 4 4 votes. No information will be given 4 4 out concerning the results of the 4 4 vote during the day, but will appear 4 4 in tomorrow morning’s Emerald. 4 4 4 44444444444444444 Dr. Bagley, Teachers’ College, Is Able Speaker. The Thursday assembly will be ad dressed by Ur. W. C. Barley, of the fae ult.v of Columbia Teachers’ College. I)r. Bagley is the author of several of the most popular books oil education, says Dr. Sheldon, among which are “Hu man Behavior,” and “Craftmanship in Education.” He studied under Titchener at Cornell, where he earned his i'll. I). degree. He spent some time as head of Montana State Normal school at Dillon, Montana. In 11110, he left this position to become dean of the school of educa tion at the University of Illinois, where he remained until 1018, when he joined the Columbia Teachers’ College faculty. Dr. Bagley is making an extended trip through the Northwest, speaking at most of tin* universities and colleges. His topics have not been announced, hut he will probably speak on a phase of his work, says Dr. Sheldon. Phi Kappa Delta and the Women’s Educational Club will entertain Dr. Bag ley at dinner at the Hotel Osbnrn on Wednesday evening. , (1ml enthusiastic members of the Cox Uoosevelt club responded to the call for a Democratic rally last night. The Re publican rally resulted in a large turn out of Harding supporters the same evening. “The league of nations, (lie inefficien cy of the present administration, and the protective tariff are the three big reasons why the Democratic candidates should not be elected,’ ’stated ex-Seuatpr ,1. .1. C'rossely, of Iowa, at the Republican rally in the V. M. C. A. hut. He is making a tour of the Northwest in the interest of the Republican candi dates and was secured for last night’s meeting by the campus Harding club. The speaker scored the Versailles covenant because he said it surrendered the freedom of the seas, freedom of dip lomatic intercourse, and further declared that “if the United States senate never did anything good in its existence, it did a service to humanity when it refused to ratify the league of nations’covenant as it stood.” Mr. (Vosscly, who was a member of the Rainbow division during the war in France, emphatically stated that he fa vored any form of a league in which we would not lose our sovereignty, but that he was unalterably opposed to the cove nant as it now stands. Citing the situation in Poland, he de clared that if the senate had ratified the league when President AVilson asked, our soldiers would now be fighting in Europe. If Harding and Coolidgc are elected and have the backing of a Republican congress the Panama canal tolls will be repealed, water transportation rates from the Pacific Northwest will be re duced and the critical condition of our lumber and wool industries will be rem edied, said Mr. Crossely. He also emphasized the importance of the election of Robert N. Stanfield to the senate from Oregon. A (puirtet composed of Laura Rand, Marvel Skeels, Arthur Johnson, and Har ris Ellsworth led the meeting in the sing iug of patriotic songs. CLUB MEMBERS WANTED Committee Starts Drive Among Men Not in Organizations. At ii special meeting of the Men’s Oregon Chib held in the Y hut last night, it was decided that the membership drive should begin immediately. The member ship committee composed of I’hil Brogan, Roy Veateh and Charles Evans, was in creased by twelve assistants. It Is estimated that about 400 men on the campus are not affiliated with any housing organizations. These men scat tered throughout the city of Eugene, are taking little part in recreational or com petitive work. According to Barney Garrett, presi dent, it is the purpose* of tin* club to unite the men living outside of campus organizations into an intimate group, with representation in intramural contests and forensic activities. Ill IMIS Will SEE BEGINNING OF URGE Blue PH Home-coming1 Visitors to View Structures Under Way , to Cost $700,000. CONSTRUCTION PLAN TO COVER FIVE YEARS Completion to Plade Oregon on Equal Basis With Other Institutions j 'I’liu alumni, former students and friends of the University of Oregon who are coming back for the week-end on November 13, when the varsity will dash with the “Kundodgers” from Washington, will see $700,000 worth of bnildings un der construction on the campus, the first installment of a five-year building pro gram. The five-year building program as outlined calls for $1,250,000 to be spent; in new buildings, repairs of old ones, and otherwise putting the buildings and grounds in the best of condition so that the University of Oregon will meas ure up with any of the colleges of the Pacific slope for beauty, modern grounds and buildings. More money is being spent this year in putting up new buildings and installing modern equipment than has been spent since the University was first founded. The immense step toward a permanent building program is the result of the mill age bill in which the citizens of Oregon showed their faith in Oregon’s education al system. This year $700,000 worth of new buildings are under construction, $100,000- oi which is to he carried over — into nest year on buildings which have been started this fall. Traditions Recalled. The buildings on the campus for which every Oregon man and woman has a ten der spot in their hearts will have to take a lesser place when these modern build ings are completed. Deady hall, which at one time housed the entire University, ionly cost the citizens of Oregon $50,000. Villard hall, now one of the most beau tiful buildings on the campus, with its ivy towers, cost the state only $30,000. McClure hall, which now houses the psy chology, chemistry and a part of the de partment of journalism, cost the state at the time of construction, about $25, 000. The new women’s building, which will he completed about the first of January, will cost in round numbers about $325, 000. This is one of the most modern and imposing buildings on the Oregon campus. It was designed by the school of architecture and is being built under instructions from that department. uommerco Building Planned. All of the buildings now under con struction arc furnishing the school of ar chitecture with first-hand aud practical problems. The new commerce building, which will house the school of commerce early in the beginning of next term, is estimated to cost $110,000 completed. This build ing is a brick structure and forms a part of the quadrangle on the corner of Kin caid and Thirteenth avenue. Recently the University purchased what is known as the Gale Tract, which is a strip of land between the cemetery and Alder street. There are about three and a half acres in this property. The new home of the school of music is to be built on that tract. It is estimated that about $75,000 will be spent in erecting the new buildings and paying for the property, which cost the University $0000. The women’s open air gymnasium is being remodeled into offices for the jour nalism department and for the use of other departments which have been with out suitable headquarters for some time. A new boiler is being installed in the engine room to heat these new buildings. The campus this fall has the appear ance of a permanent city being built in a day. The sound of hammers is heard on every angle. The home-comers who will lie here for the game and program on November 115 will be taken around on a tour of inspection of these buildings, which are putting historic Villard and Dcndy in the background.