Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 26, 1920, Page THREE, Image 3

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    the patronesses of Alpljia Phi were
th(, infffMitto4tpa Flicfcy Bohr- H
.-, at the chapter house. The patrou
0$!,eS in the receiving line were Mrs. A.
q jtarker, Mrs. Colin V. Dyment, Mrs.
Ajton Hampton. Mrs. W. F. G. Tliacher,
John Straub, and AIiss Mary Per
. jl)S ;\jrs. T. A. Larremore and Miss
Dorothy Sanford poured.
Kappa Alpha Theta entertained the
members of Baeholordnn nt tea Sunday
from 1 to 0.
Sunday dinner guests at the Alpha
phi house were Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Kidd.
0f Portland. Mr .and Mrs. T. A. Larre
more. and Mrs. Garrison.
Miss I.ucille Ilutton, ex-’2P.. spent the
Weok end at the Alpha Phi house.
Charles AY right and Arthur Benedict,
of O. A. C.. spent the wpek end at; the
Sigma Chi house.
Janet Peters, of Portland, was the
week end guest of Dorothy McGuire at
the Theta house.
Mrs. Franklin I. Ball and Mrs. A\\ E.
Pearson visited their daughters for sev
eral days at the Pi Beta Phi house.
Marjorie Kay. ’-«■ is visiting at the
Oamma Phi Beta house.
Saturday afternoon tlie girls of Tre
Xu were hostesses for a tea honoring the
freshmen girls. Airs. A. It. Sweetser,
Miss Alary Watson and Jennie Maguire
were in the receiving line. About sixty
girls railed during the tea .hours.
Airs. C. D. ltohrev. Miss Mary AVatson.
Airs. Orville Waller, Miss Catherine
Howells, Airs. Carlton Slogan, and Mrs.
O. K. Stafford were dinner guests Wed
nesday evening at the Gamma Phi Beta
The under-classmen of Delta Zeta were
hostesses for a delightful dinner dance
Saturday evening. Pumpkin and au
tumn leaves were used as decorations
The patronesses were Airs. Johnston and
Airs. Shipp.
Airs. AV. E. Pearson and A'irginia Pear
son were guests at dinner at the Gamma
Phi Beta house Thursday evening.
■ Chi Omega announces the pledging of
Helen Strausser, of Portland.
The advisory board of the Y. A\T. C. A.
entertained Aliss Tirza Diusdalc at tea
from 3 to 5 Friday afternoon.
Phi Gamma Delta entertained with a
sister dinner Sunday. About ten guests
were present.
Alpha Delta Pi announce the pledg
ing of Eloiso MePherjjon.
Era Godfrey, Irene Bry.ev and Airs!
Huntley were week end visitors at the
Delta Gamma house.
(Continued from Page 1.)'
The prospectus says that in contrast
to the other schools comprising the Uni
versity, the School of Music is a going,
revenue-producing concern, and has al
ways been entirely self-supporting, the
fees from music students this year will
| reach at least $25,000, and part of this
annual revenue goes into a fund for the
purchase of additional equipment. Since
the School of Music in addition to work
of training students in piano, voice, violin,
orchestra, etc., serves the musical inter
ests of the state in many ways, the Uni
versity assists in its maintenance by pro
viding overhead expenses and certain
administration services.
Officers Business Men.
The officers of the University of Ore
sou Holding company expect to float
much of the bond issue in the city of Eu
gene. for in addition to being a sound
financial investment the city will benefit
to the extent that the entire amount sub
scribed will be retained in Eugene in the
form of a new building that will become
increasingly valuable both to the Uni
'wsity and the public. The bonds may
however, be offered on the Portland mar
bet also.
The officers of the University of Ore
Holding company are as follows
resident, F. L. Chambers, vice-presi
’kpt of the First National Bank of Eli
’•epe: Vice-President, Dean Walker, oi
the VV etkerbee-Walker Furniture com
Secretary-Treasurer, George W
Morran, of the McMorrau & Wash
company; Assistant Secretary
reasurer. A. J. Ingalls, of the Comp
hollers staff, University of Oregon; Di
tetters, C. D. Rorer, president of tin
Hank °f Commerce; W. W. Calkius. pres
p^nt the United States National Bank
■I.. Campbell, president of the Univer
't} of firegon; E. O. Iiuinel, member <>:
°tter, Foster & Immel, lawyers; W. A
Jjykendall, druggist; H. O. Bowen, man
.^r 01 the Eugene branch of Allen &
"ls- wholesale groeers.
.Mrs. Mary (’. Love Collins, of ’Ix'xing
tonS Kentucky, grand president of Cl»i
Omega, was a visitor here Thursday and
i i
| Pi Beta Phi entertained their brothers
at dinner Sunday.
| A number of Delta Tau Delta were
dinner guests at the Delta Gamma house
i The sophomores of Delta Delta Delta
gave a matinee danee for their new
pledges Friday.
.Members of Phi "Delta Tlieta gave their
informal danee Saturday evening amid a
! miniature forest with stuffed animals and
real highwaymen to carry out the novel
effect. Tlie patrons and patronesses
were Dr. and Mrs. John F. Bovard and
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hall.
I Inez, Proctor. Mary Bain. Margaret
Griffith ayul Helen Rose were dinner
guests at the Delta Delta Delta house
Hallowe'en decorations formed the
background Saturday evening for the
Beta Theta Pi informal dance. The chap
erons were Mr. and Mrs. A. H. McDon
ald. Mr. and Mrs. Herald White and Mr.
and Mrs. Percy Boatman.
* Miss Helen Rhodes, of the Art depart
ment, was a dinner gue$t at the Alpha
Delta Pi house Thursday.
im a jk, '%
|| Ctyea,Pcabody grCo Jiic.Il-gy &£
uu. <4»n.juMa^anna i-xMsacafcowtfcij v «a ■* i m'ft
Phone 141
City Messenger Service
39 E. 7tli J. C. GRANT, Mgr.!
982 Willamette
Roasted Peanuts
] Mother’s Ctlndy
Buttered Popcorn
856 Olive. Phone 638.
The Anchorage
Be Sure to Look in at
Before Arranging for your enter
Phone 30 On the Mill race
When in Doubt
00 TO
Tlie store that is owned, operated and made a suc
cess by the students themselves.
Students living out of organizations, get your
Emerald at The Co-Op.
The Best at the Bight. Price.
When Your Neighbors Dance
When you catch the swing of a waltz or the rhythmic
beat of a jazz over on your neighbor’s porch, that’s the
time you become convinced you must have a Columbia
It’s only natural Nearly everybody likes to dance;
and to hear your favorite dances, the latest hits, rollick
ing jazzes played on the Columbia Grafonoia, and
to dance, them all—that s enjoying lire.
Every Columbia Grafonola has -a Non
Set Automatic Stop built right into the motor.
Never stops before it should. Always
stops at the very end. Nothing to move
or set or measure.
No other phonograph has this device—
no other phonograph can get it. Don’t
fail to ask us to demonstrate the stop that
needs no setting.
Hear Art Hickman s Latest Records,
Applegate Furniture Company
• -‘'"-•■mswtJISfSfHB
Obak Cigar Store
The Home of the Student* Who
Use tlie Pool and Billiard Tables
8tli and Willamette AY. E. (Obak) AYallace
Hand Laundry
The Home of Personal Service
143 W. 7th Phone 252
What’s In a Name?
We mean to live up to Our name.
We cater to the students. The wav we*
do it is through SERVICE and SATIS
Music While You Eat
Is a policy and new adventure of the Peter Pan.
Make this your headquarters while you are down
Peter Pan Short Thick?
Isn’t it good? I’ll bet ours has a favorable contrast
to any other in town.
While you are waiting for the car, come in ant}
play the phonograph. Make yourself at home—that’s
the way we want you to feel.
The SHORT THICK isn’t our only specialty. We
specialize on everything. Everything we serve is
served with the idea and hope of genuine satisfaction
on the part of our customers.
The Peter Pan
WAL T HUMMELL, Proprietor.