Oregon Daily Emerald HARRY A. SMITH, Editor. Eyle Bryson .... Charles E. CJ-ratke RAYMOND E. VESTED, Manager. . . . Associate Editor .News Editor Assistant News Editors rxorris Sikes Velma Rupert Sports Editor .Floyd Maxwell Assistants, Pierre Meade, Eugene Kelty NTight Editors Stanley C. Eisuum Carlton K. Logan Features . Exchanges . . . .John Dierdorff . . . Jacob Jacobson Special Writers Mary Lou Burton, Frances Quisonberry, Anna May Bronougli, Elizabeth VV hiteliouse. News Staff Harold Moore Pauline C'oad Jteuel Moore ip.oy. King Margaret Scott Harry Ellis Eunice Zimmerman Fred Gnyon John Anderson Owen Calloway Kenneth Vonel -Martha Westwood Jean Ntiaohan Arthur Ituckl .Margaret, Carter I’hil P.rogau Florence Skinner Herbert Scheldt Kmily Houston Advertising Malingers Webster Rutile A1 Wort end yk< Circulation Manager Floyd Bowles Ogden Johnsoi Assistants ficorgc McIntyre Office Assistant Marion Weiss Jason MfKunc Honda] Jones Staff As sistants Eugene Miller Imogene Leteher Lyle Johnson Pcrrel Larson Official publication of the Associated Students ill” hits in a punch and there will he many a sore shoulder oil the Idaho eleven after they get through attempting to stop “Bill.** Captain Steers needs no introduction to the Idaho team as he has already completed two games against, them in the former years, and his line plunging and open field running as well as his educat 'd toe will he two of the strong factors in Oregon’s favor on the grid iron' today. “Frankie” Hill is one of the men in whom Coach Huntington has a great deal of faith for polling the ball through for yardage today. Hill is light | hut he twists and squirms like an del and for running back punts there has been few to equal him on the Oregon eleven in past years. George King, whose line plunging ability and fight has won him a plane on the varsity this season will handle (he fallback position. His work in the Multnomah game was all that could he expected find he may ho depended upon for a consistent ground gainer in the ! contest. Chapman. Mead and .Tacobberger will in r.'l probability get a chance at the game- in the hackfield today, and Coach Huntington will have . Straohan. Mor fitt. Yonder Aho. McKinney. F. Shields. Starr and O’Rourke to nso in the line position's ns utility men. Coach Kelley has Maggie. B. Brown. For. Goff, Parks and Patch for his sub linemen while Pearson will be called on in case of on accident to take a place in his backfiold. CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH l()th arid Pearl 11 A. M. "Our Enlarging Conception of God” is the theme to which Mr. Giffen, the student pastor, will address himself. 5 P. M. Organ recital hv Prof. Wheeler. Sermon by ihe pastor, Mr.'Case. rniversity folk will be welcome to the Church School which meets at 10 a. m. and to the Voting People’s meeting at 6 p. m., with the social hour following. fdomestlc Laundry The Home of Personal Service 143 W. 7th „ Phone 252 COACH KELLEY’S IDAHO WARRIORS HELD W. S. C. TO A 14 TO 7 SCORE LAST SATURDAY AND HAVE COME TO THE BIG END OF THE SCORE IN THE GAME 1 OLAi. /