Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 22, 1920, Image 2

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    1^—^■ II . I ■
Oregon Daily Emerald!
i*yle Bryson.
Charles E. Oratke
.... Associate Editor
.News Editor
Assistant News Editors
ftorfis fjlkes Velma Itupert
Hj>orts Editor.Floyd Maxwell
Pierre Meade. Engine Kelty
Night Editors
Stanley C. Eisinan Carlton K. Logan
John Dierdorfi
Jacob Jacobson
■ ; Special Writers
Mary'Lou Burton, Frances Quisenberry. Anna May Bronougli,
Elizabeth Wliitehouse.
Harold Moor*
J-’tiullnv (L'ofld
jteriel Moore
fjw>z King
’Margaret Scott
Jtgrry Kills
J’.unke Zimmerman
News Staff
Fred Guy on
John Anderson
Owen Calloway
Kenneth You el
Martha Westwood
Jean St,radian
Arthur Rudd
Margaret Carter
I’hil Brogan
Florence K [firmer
Herbert Scheldt
Kmil.v Houston
Advertising Managers
Rrnble' At Wortondyko
C^railatUm .VLinagor
F^j'd.PfwlM Ogden Johnson
(ioorgo McIntyre
Office Assistant
Marion Weiss
.I&eoti McKuno
Ujmdal Jpnc.s
Staff Assistants
Kugene Miller
Imo{f«“iie Letcher
Lyle Johnson
Derrel Larson
phbhontion of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon
lapned daily excerpt Sunday and Monday, during the college year.
fartered in the post office at lihigene, Oregon, as second class matter. Sub
Orjrifgfci) rates $2.25 per year. It.v term. 75c. Advertising rates upon application
Downtown office—1200
Oregon spirit demands the presence of every Oregon man
im tonight's rally. It is the- first albUniversity rally to be
held this year, proceeding the first conference football game
Of the season. Every man will be out.
* University women, as a rule loyal to the University, have
for this once, slipped up. Two women’s organizations have
j^theduied matinee dances for this afternoon, which are plan
hjHf to continue from some early hour in the afternoon until
mne,tonight. Some thirty or forty men will thus be deprived
Of attending the rally.
Oregon spirit has slipped up in this instance. No dances
were allowed to be scheduled for tonight, but these two or
ganizations were -giyen permission to arrange matinee
d$hees. Presumably, the members of the organizations did
pot realize that a rally woidd be held tonight, and arranged
to continue their dance until as late as University regulations
But it is not, top late for these organizations to still re
deem themselves They would probably find that their guests
would, be better pleased if they were allowed to leave the
diuice in time to don old clothes so that they might participate
iii the rally, which leaves the library at seven sharp The girls
taemselves would bo able to follow the rally and imbibe a lit
tlft Oregon spirit themselves Indeed, it would be a true ex
ninble of Oregon spirit if the two women’s organizations
agree to end their dances at an early hour so that every
n&4pi iu the University would he able jto take part in the rally.
No Oregon man has ever failed to turn out to a football
tally if it was at all possible for him to he there. A live rally
before a football game is one of Oregon’s traditions. Tonight
the rally will end. at the Armory, where a night of enjoyment
Is promised hv the campus Christian organizations!
Remember: It starts from the library at seven sharp.
Attendance at assembly yesterday morning was truly rep
lasentative of the University of Oregon. The citizens of this
commonwealtli cannot fail to be impressed with the fact that
the students of this institution realize their responsibility to
the state of Oregon. Oregon prepares men and women to take
thjjBir place in active and helpful community life. Attendance
at Pledge day assembly shows that Oregon students realize
All men either entirely nr partially
self-snupporting. are requested to meet
at the “Y” hut Tuesday at 4:.‘i0 to or
ganize a flub for the men working their
way through school.
University Orchestra.—Members with
their instruments are requested to be nt
Guild hall at 1 o’clock sharp Saturday. A
picture of the Orchestra is to be. taken.
It is important that everyone be there.
Oregon Club.—The following member
ship committee has been appointed: Phil.
Brogan, chairman. Roy Veateh and E. .T. |
American Spirit Is
Reborn During War
(Continued from Page 1)
shoulders the American spirit of citizen
ship staggered on in a condition that was
tragic to behold, he went on, and at the
beginning of the^var the effects of such
a condition became noticeable. Men who
were of other countries, and who had
come to the United States to better their
fortunes, began quietly to stop the pro
cesses of their naturalization so that
they would bn able to evade the draft.
All, according to Dr. Gilbert, because of
the failure to grasp the principals of true
War Arouses Spirit.
It was then that the true American*
spirit was aroused. Men who had sons
in the fighting lines in France, people
who had friends in the service—all be
came united in their efforts to bring the
war to a hasty conclusion. In those ef
forts arose that consciousness of the
exalted spirit, of citizenship that Rev
erend Gilbert says courses * strong
through the heart of the great mass of
Americans today. For those who, by
their own inactivity and by their attempts
to escape public duties, worked towards
the defeat of the measures outlined by
the war department towards bringing
the struggle to a hasty conclusion, the
prisons of the country began to open, j
People in general, who were keenly alive j
to the need of silencing such obstruction- j
ists, then began to take heart and soon!
last themselves in the performance of
the labors demanded of them. It was
this teamwork that brought to America j
again, according to Dr. Gilbert, that;
spirit of citizenship that had been lost
for many years.
Spirit Should Remain.
Never again, he continued, should this
spirit be lost, the young people of the
country, the state, and of the Univer
sity should hold fast to that which was
rescued during the time of battle, and
should keep it alive and burning for all
time. The pledge that was given the
people of the state, to return good meas
ure for all the advantages of collegiate !
training received, was a part, of the alleg
iance that is expected from all. “To
pledge anew our nlleganeo is easy if you.
and I, and all of us, have it in us to die
for our country.” he concluded.
At the end of the address he was given
a most enthusiastic applause.
Governor Reads Pledge.
Governor Ben W. Olcott, who was in- j
trodneed by President I’. I.. Campbell
after a short history of the conception
of the pledge nud the pledge day services,
read that promise aloud while the student
body stood to receive it.
Particularly positive was the governor
that the students of Oregon would ever
do as they promised the state. The many j
manifestations of Oregon spirit on the I
fields of athletic prowress, in the class
rooms, on the campus and among the
graduates, went to show, lie said, that
the students believed in the University.
That, he acknowledged, answered the I
Idaho Men Arrive
In Eugene Today
(Continued from Page D
probably do the punting when “P>ill” is
not in the line-up.
Howard’s Shoulder Injured.
“Mart" Howard, last year letterman
and left end on the varsity this year has
a badly injured shoulder received in
practice and may not be able to last the
game according to information from the
training quarters. Big “Spike” Leslie
also'has'a badly injured hand which will
probably interfere with his playing to
morrow und he may uot be k pt in dur
iug the entire game. With the exceptions
of these two injuries the team will be in
the pink of condition to go against the
President Campbell today offered a
prigs' of ten dollars to the* writer of the
bt#t Hendricks hall song. The songs are
to be handed in at. the beginning of the
third term and judges will be announced
—r-T-—- ..... -■*
Phone 141
City Messenger Service!
39 E. 7tli J. C. UK ANT, Mgr. I
mwmmmmi immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmt mi .... .....
Roses, (’lirysantheimims, Violets
Phone <m4 99.1 I Lilyard Street
It Is Not Necessary to Go to Town
We have a complete line of
Powder, Puffs, Cold Cream, Hair Nets, etc.
as wall as all kinds of
Classroom Supplies.
University Book Store
lltli and Alder Eugene, Ore.
question. “You believ,- ;n (he Univer
sity. The University believes in you!”
Governor Oleott took advantage of the
opportunity of addressing the students to
bring to them a. request that they aid in
the movement for saving the trees along
the highways of Oregon.
The singing of “America” b.v the as
sembled students and a prayer by the
Reverend D. H. Leach, of the First
Methodist church of Flugeno. opened the
services. Madame Rose MeOrew, of the
school of music, contributed two well
received vocal solos.
U. of 0.—Maxwell
1: ' ,/■ ...
Real Service
Got Onr V/ork Done at
Kodak Finishing and Framing'. Opp. Rex Theatre.
O where &0fifty Brand (Elothes are sold
A young1 man came into our store the other
day and said ‘‘I want to be completely
outfitted — in evening wear”—.-we fitted
idm out in less than an hour.
Whatever you want in clothing and hab
erdashery, remember we are a real supply
Our fall showing of Society Brand Clothes
is in line with our policy of completeness
—and also our policy of offering the best
values, obtainable.
Selling the right underwear at the right
price has brought customers back time
alter time for furnishings and moye un
derwear. Exclusive weaves — all grades.
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