Oregon Daily Emerald UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1920. —_ ___ __ VOLUME XXII, NO. 17. Gem Sttateers Going (in Mid Season Form Is Report of Spellman After Trip. “SHY” EXPECTS TO USE NEARLY ALL TACTICS Steers and Bill Rinehart Are Expected to Loom Up Strongly. The varsity will have their hands full in the Idaho game, Saturday, in the opinion of assistant coach “Bart” Spell man who witnessed the Idaho-Washing ton state game in Moscow last Friday, in which the Gcni state eleven lost to the Cougars by a 14 to 7 score. Idaho lias a speedy team this year and are al ready going in mid-season form accord « jug to Spellman. Their team work and fight in the game last week shows them to be a well coached aggregation. Neither Coach Huntington or any of his assistants^ are planning on an easy game and it will be a hard fought con test from the beginning to the end. “Shy” expects to use about everything he has against the invaders and it remains to he seen whether the team has become efficient enough in team work to stop the onslaughts of the fast Idaho backs. In Irving who holds down the right halfback position for Idaho, the visitors have one of the fastest and best ground gainers that will be seen in action on the Oregon gridiron this season, from all re ports. Irving played a bang-up game in the contest last week and was the most consistent* ground gainer on the field. Another man whom Oregon will be forced to watch during the game is Captain Plastino, who holds down the pivot job on the Idaho line. Plastino is a bulwark of strength in the Idaho first line de fense. AVliat he will be able “to accom plish against Oregon’s sorrel-topped cen ter, “Brick” Leslie will be better deter mined Saturday. “Brick” Looks Good. Leslie was regarded last year to be one of the niftiest snapper-backs in the conference and he is going even better than last season. ITis performance in the game against Harvard last season displayed his ability to handle the job even though outweighed some ”0 or 40 pounds by his opponents. “Brick” is the smallest man in the Oregon line. j Oregon’s line is not expected to leak very much in the Saturday’s game. The speed of the Tdaho eleven will probably mean they will resort a great deal to end runs and an open style of play. On, either side of “Brick” Leslie, at the guard positions will be “Fat” Mautz. who handled a guard job on Huntington’s eleven last year, and “Ed” Ward, who played with the second1 string last sea son. Two other men who will in all (Continued on page two) *---—..★ I Initiates of Sigma | Upsilon to Gurgle | From Library Step *--:— •Tingling jingles and racy rhymes, pro pounded with the aid of a rambling Royal, and delivered fresh to assembly-goers to day between ten o’clock classes and as sembly, will feature the initiation of Alex Brown and Jacob Jacobson into Ye Tabard Inn chapter of Sigma Upsilon. national literary fraternity. The two neophytes will appear on the campus early this morning in specially designed smocks of antedeluvian make, and will wear these throughout the day. Following the ten o’clock class hour, the two neophytes will perch themselves upon the library steps, where with-the aid of a pair of ticklish typewriters, they will en deavor to pound out a ; few oratorical masterpieces with a literary flavor which will be feasted upon by the innovent on lookers, such speeches to be limited to five minutes each. The two neophytes are divided in their political preference, and it has been feared by the active chapter of Sigma Upsilon that the orations mayTurn into a joint debate on the presidential candi dates. STETSON INVESTIGATES HIGH SCHOOL SPELLING List Made Including Second and Third Thousand Most Difficult Used Words. Professor F. L. Stetson of the school of education of the University of Oregon collaborated with Professor Earl Hudle son, University of West Virginia, and Miss Ella Woodyard, of the Carnegie Foundation, in conducting an extended investigation of high school spelling dur ing the last year. The work was done under the direction of Dr. T. H. Briggs, Columbia Teachers College, and Dr. T. D. Kelley of Leland Stanford University. Their report appears in the September issue of the Teachers College Record. Tt includes a list of the second and third thousand most frequently used words in the English language, together with frequency of occurrence and the relative difficulty of each, thus making an extension of the Ayer’s One Thou sand Word TJst published in 1915. In addition there are presented 16 standardized spelling scales of 20 words each, with instructions for use and with norms for each scale for each grade from the seventh to the twelfth. These scales make it possible 'to test twice without repetition of tests the spelling ability of each of the six classes in the junior and senior high school. More extended lists for study or test pur poses may be easily prepared from the two thousand words arranged according to difficulty. The study is based upon returns from 40.000 pupils in 181 high schools and S3 states, or a total of 1,380,500 spellings, and is the most ex tensive investigation so far made in this field. Sigma Delta Chi, men’s honorary .jour nalistic fraternity announces the election of Raymond E. Tester, Carlton K. Logan. John Dierdorff, Eugene Kelty and Harry Ellis. Chemist Promises “0” a Fullback; Roger Williams, Jr. for 1940 Team INTRODUCING ROGER ,T. WILL IAMS. , ^3 “He’s the most important part of our family. He’s going to be fullback on the varsity someday—he’s got the makings. Huskier than I am, though of course, he doesn’t weigh as yiucli. "That’s what “Daddy” Williams, other wise known as Roger J. Williams, as sistant professor of chemistry, says about Roger Jonathan, Junior, aged two, and the way he says it loaves no doubt that if is all true. Daddy” Williams was born way off l'u HMia, near Madras,) where his par ents were missionaries, but he came to America when lie was about two years old. Since that time he has lived first iu Kansas and then in California and | 'hen visa versa, so lie says. At the Uni 'ersity at Redlands, California, wTIere he fook undergraduate work, Dr. Williams was editor of the college paper, “The Spectrum,” and also, presidefST of the student body. Later he did graduate work at the University of California,* re ceiving a fellowship to the University of Chicago from the Fleischmann Yeast Company. There he made his doctor’s degree. v Leaving college, Dr. Williams did one year of research work with the Fleisch mann Co., and made a valuable discovery for them. He found that yeast, just as human beings, needs vitamines for its growth Although his salary with the Fleischmann Co. tWfs'Ohe hundred dol lars more than it is here, Dr. Williams felt that he wanted to teach so he cam< west again. “P. S.,” says Dr. Williams, “I neg lected to tell you that Mrs. Williams #as a classmate of mine all through col leg,. In fact, we graduated from higl school together, as well as from Univer sity. She is also a graduate of the Cal ifornia Polytechnic school and the Lo: Angeles Normal.” F. Q. Resolution Passed Forbidirig Throwing at Honorary Society Neophytes. MAXWELL IS NAMED TO SUCCEED TOM WATTERS Committee Is Appointed to Investigate Humorous Publication. The throwing of eggs and othrr missiles at neophytes of campus honor societies who appear in public pre-initiation per formances will be frowned upon iu the future, according to action taken at a meeting of the student council last night. A resolution was passed at the meeting opposing such action on the part of Uni versity students. Floyd Maxwell, sopho more member of the student council, was named by president Savage to succeed Tom Watters', who did uot return to school this year. A committee appointed by president Savage, consisting of Vivian Ch.l| idler Ruth Flegal, Nell Warwick and Wayne Akers, will consider the advisability of financing the women’s league luncheon, to be served at Homecoming, by some I means other than taxing the women stu dents of the University. It was thought that the tax usually levied on the women would not cover the luncheon this year, and the committee expects to make some arrangement whereby the men of. the University Will be made to contribute to the funds for the luncheon as well as the women. A committee consisting of Harry Smith, Floyd Maxwell and Ollie Stoltenberg will investigate the advisability of issuing an Oregon comic quarterly directly under the supervision of the student body. The student council was informed that a few men had been_making investigations con cerning such a magazine here, had sent out questionnaires to other colleges, and planned the issuance of such a magazine at Oregon should no objections be raised by the student council. Suggestions offered by various mem bers of the council favored having such a magazine under the direct supervision o; the Associated Students, believing that under this arrangement such a magazine would be more typical of Oregon. The committee wilt also investigate the fi nancing of such a magazine. University students have been asked to participate in the Armistice Hay parade, which is being sponsored by the Eugene post of the American Legion, and a com mittee consisting of Don Davis, Lyle Bartholomew and Nish Chapman was ap pointed to investigate. University partici pation in such a parade. The LTniversity K. O. T. 0. will march in the parade, and the American Legion is very anxious to have every other student participate. The Legion has adopted the Oregon fresliman-O. A. C. rook football game as part of the program for Armistice Day. The attendance of every student a,t to day’s assembly was urged by the coun cil last night, and also active^ participa tion in Friday night’s rally. Reports of standing committees occupied the re mainder of the meeting. TlieTTexf meet ing of the council will be held next Wed nesday evening. BAiSKEBALL TO BEGIN Cross-Country Work for Season Also tc Start Today. Doughnut basketball and cross-coun try work will start with a bang today, when each men’s organization on the University campus will send a represen tative to Bill Hayward’s office to out line plans for the year’s work. In past years doughnut basketball has taken a big place in student activities, and present indications point, toward a very lively season, according to Hayward Several teams are working out at pres ent. and as soon as the schedule is com pleted and some time allowed for prac tice the games will start. Phi Gamma Delta won the championship last yeai after a good season by defeating Friend ly hall, 6 to 4, in the finals. Student Body to Acknowledge Debt to Oregon People Today; Gov. Olcott Will Read Pledge Rev. Dr. W. S. Gilbert of Astoria Will Speak on Citizenship; Mme. McGrew and Glee Clubs to Sing. * THE OREGON PLEDGE. * * _ * * “As a student at the University * * which is maintained by the people of * * Oregon. 1 heartily acknowledge the * * obligation I owe. The opportunities * * open to me here for securing train- * * ing. ideals and vision for life I deep- * * ]y appreciate, and regard as a sacred * * trust, and do hereby pledge my honor * * that it shnll be my most cherished * purpose to render as bountiful a re- * * turn to the Oregon people and their * * posterity', in faithful and ardent de- * * votion to the common good, as will * * be in my power. It shall be the * * aim of my life to labor for the high- * * est good and glory of an ever great- ' * er commonwealth.” * t\t :Ji i’fi Sjt i',t * # :Js s>s $ 'PIONEER SCULPTOR PMISED IK MAGAZINE Scribner’s Writer Pays High Tribute to Proctor. The statue' of the “Pioneer,” modeled by A. Phimister Proctor, and presented to the University of Oregon by Joseph N. Teal, of Portland, in has re ceived high commendation in an article by Ernest Peixotto in the September num ber of Scribner’s Magazine. Proctor is classed by this author as one of the lead ing sculptors of the natural life of men and animals. “An old wolf trapper, with unkept whiskers, wearing a buckskin shirt, and leading his cayuses and bear dog, was the inspiration for the great piece of work,” .says Peixotto. “Proctor had seen the old trapper come in to Pendle ton where the sculptor was living at that time and, moved by the impulse to create a likeness of the western type so truly depicted, began his work.” “An ‘Indian’ figure is being modeled by Proctor for the Geyser Basin of Sar atoga State Park, at Saratoga, New York. It is that of an Indian bending over a stream from which he is dipping a handful of water. The model is Chief Beaver, a Blackfoot, whom Proctor brought to New York,” says Peixotto. “Proctor commands,” he continues,’ a large following among red-blooded.men, hunters, sportsmen, lovers of the out doors, who understand nothing of the superlative technical qualities of his ar but arc carried away by his reality. lie has contributed, to our public parks and highways, our zoological gardens, our natural history museums, as well as our art museums, living vital things, noble presentiments of our fast disappearing fauna and our vanishing western type.” CLASS BELLS TO RING AT PROPER INTERVALS Carl Onthank Says Summer School Schedule Still In Use But Prom ises Relief. What is the trouble with the bells? They ring at all times except that at which they are supposed to ring. In structors and students have been won dering since the beginning of the term, but no one appeared to understand what was wrong. An automatic device controls their ringing, and can be so sot that they will ring at any desired time. The men in charge of the ground's said that several had complained about the time at which they were ringing but that no orders had been given that would authorize them to make the necessary change. Mr. Onthank, tin? secretary to thf President, explained that the bells were still ringing on the summer school schedule. lie saiil that, beginning today they will ring at the proper time. The University of Oregon student body will for the tenth time in the history of the institution acknowledge its debt to the people of the state by taking the pledge offered by Governor Oleott, at the assembly today. The pledge day as sembly is an annual event at the Uni versity. “An Exalted Citizenship” will be the subject of a short talk by Reverend W. S. Gilbert of Astoria. Reverend Ur. Gilbert is well known at the University, as he formerly lived in this city. lie is a newly-appointed member of the board of regents. Governor Ren W. Oleott will make r short address to the student body, after which he will read the pledge. Madame Rose McGrow will sing, “Vis d’ Arte” from “Toscn.” The assembly program will be opened by the singing ol America. GIRL PUS TO TEACH IIHER HI Oil Frances Lee Prepares Herself to Help Countrymen “It is my one ambition to go back to Shanghai and help the poor girls there,” says Miss Frances Lee, a student in the education department and an honor grad uate of Lincoln high school, in Portland. “The Chinese girls have not the ad vantages we have. They have not the public schools even. I want to teach English and French and I am going to study Chinese grammar and teach it also Then T shall have a Sunday school class.” It is for this last that Miss Lee is tak ing work at the Bible University. “Am whore I am going,” she continued in her demure way, “it is wonderful. My cousin has conic from Shanghai and lie says it is lovely.” Miss Leo was born in Portland but her parents are both from Shanghai and she has a brother and a sister studying in the intermediate schools hi China. She plans to go to Wellesley as soon as she finishes at Oregon and then directly to China. Although of foreign parentage Miss Lee’s standards are thoroughly Ameri can and she is very much interested in campus life and activities and says ske enjoys living at Hendricks hall among eo many giris very much. STUDENT SLUMBERS THROUGH SPANISH Order of Recitations Not Governed By Seating Says Miss Thompson. Humor in a Spanish class is like a Frosh wearing corduroys sitting on the senior bench, but nevertheless a littld humor found its way into Miss Thomp son’s beginning Spanish class, and for a few moments disturbed the austerity of the unfortunate students in the front row. Sentence by sentence the students translated the Kspanol into Ingles, be ginning with the students whose names rank in the. remote end of the alphabet and working backward into the A’s. After a considerable period of time Air. Shive ly, seated in the back of the room, was requested to take up the translation where it had been left off by the A’s. Mr. Shively, suffering from momentary mental torpidity or a lapse of memory, began translating the wrong lesson. Sug gestive subdued merriment broke out in various parts of the study room. “Mr. Shively,” said Miss Thompson. “I think that you are on the wrong train.” “1 think lie is on (lie wrong sleeper,” said a front-rank student. STRAW VOTES TO BE CIST BY STUDENTS NEXT WEDNESDAY Daily Emerald to Conduct Presidential Preference Ballot Next "Week. CAMPUS POLITICAL ORGANIZATIONS ACTIVE Similar Contest Conducted by Campus Publication Four Years Ago. Harding or Cox? It will soon bo known just how the students and faculty of the University stand in regard to national political is sues and candidates, for the Emerald will put on an all-University straw-bal lot next Wednesday, October 27, Ballot boxes will be placed at the en trance to the library and every student and faculty member may vote once dur ing the day. The student votes will be kept separate from the faculty votes. The political organizations which are being formed on the campus are making a strong effort, not only to get speakers, but to get individuals interested in per sonal argument. The Harding club, which was organized Tuesday night will conduct a publicity campaign before the general election, and its members will be urged to get out and pull for Harding in the straw vote. A meeting of democrats will be held to night in Dr. Gilbert's room in the library to organize a, Cox club. There has been an unofficial committee busy on the cam pus for the past week working in the interest of the democratic campaign. They arranged for the speech which Senator Chamberlain gave to the students last Thursday night, and are organising the forces tonight. In the political campaign in 1916 a straw vote was held among the students. At that time both parties were organ ized on the campus and a great deal of interest was aroused. The straw ballot ing resulted in a victory for Wilson, al though the majority was small. The icpublieans have announced that flmy will, hold a big rally in conjunction with the Eugene committee on next Tues day night. No plans have yet been made i v tr.e Cox supporters for ^pe.fal ef fort to get (he students to express themselves by means of the straw ballot. Warren Kays, who is chairman of the“ campus republican publicity committee states that it will seek to have all stu dent republicans know the exact purpose of the University organization. Mike Har ris and Stanley Eisman act with Kays on the committee. Student interest in politics is becoming active in other colleges of'’Washington and Oregon. Clubs have been organ ized at nearly all of the institutions. The dotai s of the Emerald straw bal lot will be announced in an early issue of the Emerald. EXAMS FOR R.O.T.C. CADETS BEING HELD Vacancies Among Non-Commissioned ON ficers. To Be Filled By Sophomores. An examination was held yesterday for (lie sophomores in companies A and B of the 11. O. T. C. for the purpose of filling vacancies among the non-com missioned officers. Another examination will be given today to the sophomores in companies C and D. Major Arnold Koepke will conduct the examination, which will consist of ques tions on the “Privates and Non-commis sioned officers infantry drill regulations” up to and including the school of the company. About thirty sophomores are expected to take the examination. If not enough sophomores qualify to fill the vacancies selections will be made from among the more competent freshmen. In addition to his other duties, Cap tain Ernest J. Evans has been detailed as cadet instructor. Cadet Charles G. Robertson was ap- f pointed a First Lieutenant and assigned 1 to Company D on Tuesday.