Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 20, 1920, Image 1

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Reply to Terms and Question
on Way East; Decision
First Twelve Men to Enter
Final Contest Friday;
Six On Team.
Tin* University of Oregon will meet
Princeton in the field of debate during
the Christmas vacation in Portland if
the terms and the question proposed by
Oregon in a reply to Princeton’s chal
lenge arc accepted by the eastern uni
versity. Reraey Cox, debate manager,
replied Monday, accepting the challenge
and making necessary arrangements.
The preliminary tryouts for the team
will be held at 7:30 tonight in Villard
hall. Twelve men will be selected. Fri
day night at 7:30 in Guild hall the finals
will be held and six of these men chosen
for the team.
0. A. C. to Debate First.
Professor W. M. Michael, O. A. C.,
who takes Professor Prescott’s place as
debate coach, stated that a triangular
debate with O. A. C. and Iteed college,
would come the second week in Decem
ber. Oregon’s negative will go to Cor
vallis, O. A. C. to Reed, and Reed will
come to Eugene.
The same subject will be used in the
tryouts this .week ns was suggested to
Princeton, and will be used in the de
bates this season. It is; “Resolved, that
the aid given to American shipping ns
provided in Section 38 of the Jones bill
(The Merchant Marine act of 1920) is
to the best, interests of the United
Every member of last year’s team has
returned to college except Ernest Crock
att, although it was not announced that
all would try out. Any student of the
University who has been here one term
is eligible to try out, according to Pro
fessor Michael.
Tryouts Open to Public.
Roth the tryout tonight and the final
tryout Friday night are open to the pub
lice. In the preliminaries the speeches
will be four minutes long. The selection
of the twelve men will be made by Pro
fessor Michael.
Friday night the judges will be as
follows: Dean Dyment, .Dean Hale, Dr.
Gilbert, Professor Reddie ,and Profes
sor Michael. The tryout will be con
ducted as for three separate Rebates,
there being three affirmative and three
negative teams. The main speeches will
he five minutes in length and the re
bulla] three.
Mr. Cox is making arrangements for
a girl’s debate with O. A. C. this term.
Rally Planned For Tuesday; Will Co«
operate With Men of
The organization of a campus Hurtl
ing dub took place last night in Villard
hall when Jlemcy Cox was elected presi
dent, Vivian ('handler vice president, and
01 lie Ktoltenberg secretary.
I’lans for a republican rally on next
Tuesday were formulated. It is expect
ed that tin; club will be able to co-oper
ate with the Lane county and Eugene re
publican union in securing speakers and
music. It was announced that Chair
man Yoran of the downtown club had
promised the best, speaker in the state
for tin1 occasion.
Mike Harris acted as temporary chair
man of the meeting and outlined plans for
securing the maximum registered vote.
He stated that less effort would bo made
by the club to present campaign argu
ments than to arouse voters to the ne
cessity of attending the polls on elec
tion day.
Student speakers will be assigned to
every organization on tin; campus for the
first of next week, and it. is the plan to
have women speak at the men’s houses
and men speak at the women’s houses.
The list will be announced tomorrow or
tlie next day.
Hiking Party On Spencer Butte Finds
Six Rattlers Taking Sun Bath
On Rocks.
Snakes a half-dozen of ’em—
coiled in a mass oil the sunny side of a
rock caused the marathon stride of
Glen Wallde.v to suddenly cease in its
onward course several days ago when he
happened on a nest of that variety of
se'rpehts widen carry all alarm clock on
the end of their tails.
Glen was cruising around Spencer’s
butte, marvelling at the wonders of na
ture, and thinking how careifree this
mundane existence was—for the day was
Sunday and Glen wasn’t alone — when
some subconscious premonition warned
him that his pedal extremities were
treading on the ground of an ancient
Six of ’em lie counted, two big ones
and four others of smaller varying sizes.
Apparently they were indulging in a sun
hath, and their sluggish movements when
disturbed foretold the near JT.pproach of
their six-months hibernation, scientifical
ly explained Glen as he informed his lis
teners that something he had eaten
that morning suddenly made him sick im
mediately after nearly treading on the
To-Ko-Lo. the men’s sophomore hon
orary society, held a meeting on Wed
nesday of last week and elected new
members for the coming year. Another
meeting will be held in the near future
to arrange the details of the installa
tion. The names of the nyw members
will probably be announced this week.
R’s Not Lost by Prof. Cameron
Even If He Does Hail from South
Hi; isn’t a real southerner, for his
home is Maryland and he pronounces his
r’s like a rational human being, even as
you and I.
T-y the same token lie is not a New
Englander, even if he did J5. A. from
1’rineeton. M. A. from Harvard and al
most l’lid from the same institution.
1‘ossibly he contemplated becoming a
Roxtonian, which is neither east, west,
moth or south, but is—Boston. At any
rale he tarried there a year or so to
leueh economics in the Y. M. C. A.
night school, where they have 2000 grown
nuui students, and offer work from the
first grade of grammar school through
• our years of college. *,
Before deciding fully on his allegiance
• " (his city however, lie went to Hibben.
Minnesota, probably thinking he was
coining to the west. He taught m the
junior college there, and he has some
ideas of his own on the correlation of
high school and college work.
He is trying out the real west now.
teaching economic history and related
subjects at the U. of O. He says the
first thing he noticed on the campus was
the democratic spirit, and since he found
out about the tradition of Hello Lane lie
lias made it a special point to stroll
along there at least once daily,,and say
hello instead of the regulation “good
morning” or “how-do-you-do” expected
from a dignified college professor.
Indications point toward Mr. Came
ron’s becoming, a real Oregonian. He
likes it here. Mrs. Cameron likes it
here. And Miss Edith Cameron, aged
three and one-half years, has decided to
go to the University of Oregon.
M. L. B.
Rooters, Prepare for Conflict!
Final Workout This Afternoon
1669 SMUTS *
Men 893, Women 775; Frosh
In Lead With 523.
The tola! enrollment of tlie University
of Oregon to date is 1009, according to
Carlton Spencer, registrar. Of this
number 893 are men and 775 women.
The Freshmen lead the classes with
523 enrolled, the men leading with a
majority of one. having 202 to the 201
girls. The sophomores are next with
212 men and 210 women, making their
total number 458. The men in the junior
class number 177 and the women 137,
the total being 314. By the time the
seniors are reached the class enroll
ment has dwindled to 21G, the women
having 102 and the men 114.
There are 112 special students and 29 |
graduate students. Two women are tak
ing law and 15 men are listed under 'the
heading of “law.” There are of course
many more than this studying the sub
ject but this number includes those who
are making law their one and only line
or are special law students.
Registration will continue throughout
the term and the enrollment will prob
ably reach 1700. according to Mrs.
George Fitch, of the registration staff.
Seventeen Members of Local
Initiated As Omega.
Installation of the Oregon Omega
' Chapter of Delta Zeta, national women’s
fraternity, was held Friday and Saturday
'when Delta Psi, loeal women’s frater
nity. officially received the 27th chapter
granted by Delta Zeta. The ceremonies
began Friday when seventeen members
of the local organization were initiated.
A tea was given on Saturday from three
to five, at which the guests were faculty
members, house mothers and representa
tives, and visiting members of Delta
Zeta from other chapters. The program
ended with the installation banquet given
Saturday evening in the Japanese tea
room of the Osburn Hotel.
The chief installing officer was Mrs
Oertrude McElfrish of the Cornell Beta
Chapter, and National delegate to Pan
hellenic. Kub.v Long, grand vice presi
dent, was a visiting member from Cash
mere, Wash. Mary Curry, of the Seattle
Kappa chapter, was an installing officer.
Other guests from the Seattle chapter
were Molly Veasie and Marie Schafer.
Florence B'urnap, of the Portland Alumni
Chapter was also a guest. Other visiting
members who were present at the ban
quet were Dorothy Edwards, Winifred
Iiazen. Bernice Nelson, Myrtle Burnnp
Hazel Fulkerson, Ituth Rosenbraugh
Helen Moore. Ilulda Jane Faust and
Esther Gardner, all of the Chi Chapter
of Oregon Agricultural College.
Alys Sutton, who organized and was
head of Delta Psi, is grand parlimentar
ian of Delta Zeta. Those who were
initiated Friday are: Gladys Everett
Jean McEachern, Adelaide Parker. Mabel
Sutherland, all of Portland: Irene llage
bush. Gerturde Whitten. Helen Smith, of
Eugene; Bernice Shipp ^ Prineville;
Nadine Stevens. Genevieve Johnston, of
Dufur: Leona Marsters, Mildred Parks
of Roseburg; Thelma Iloefleiu of Yo
rpiina; Jeanette Hogan of Aberdeen
Wash.: Veda Patton of Elgin; Elaine
Todd of Tillamook, and Naomi Coffield
of Vancouver. Wash.
Stanford women are leading the fcmen
in scholarship. The average for the
women is 1.72 and the men, 1.20.
Crisis In Student Body
Support Must Be Met
Before Game On
Big Bally Scheduled
for Friday Night;
Pep Needed.
“It's mu- last chance tonight!
“By Friday afternoon it will all he
history, and the story of our success or
failure will be indelibly engraved in the
annals of the University.
“And what's more, it depends on you!”
This is the way Claire Keeney, Yell King,
characterizes the crisis that exists in the
support of the varsity which meets the
University of Idaho Saturday in the,first
conference game of the season.
And the last chance to which Keeney
refers is the yell practice tonight on
Kincaid field at 4:15 o’clock. This
year’s yelling, says Keeney, has been
ragged in the extreme, and unless it is
improved there will not; be enough Ore
gon Spirit Friday night to even spur
the varsity on to a decent showing in
Saturday’s conflict.
New Yells Ready.
A number of new yells are ready to
be man-handled and Keeney promises
that the band will be on the job to aid
both tonight’s and Friday’s preform
ance. It will be the last yell practice be
fore the game and the only chance the
varsity yell sjfaff will have to get pep
enough generated ti. make a success of
the big rally before the Idaho game Fri
A scrimmage featuring the freshman
team will be staged for the benefit and
inspiration of the rooters this afternoon.
The jazz rally is to be held just before
the student carnival Friday evening. At
7 o’clock the parade starts from the
library, with a time honored)serpentine
that will go careening down town, lei
off excess steam in the form of yells
and songs, and then come back to the
campus for the carnival.
Old clothes, flannel shirts and “hay
wire” attire are to grace the parade as
well as the line of march. Keeney warns
the tyros to leave their silk shirts and
broadcloth pants at home. But at the
same time lie warns them to stick their
dancing pumps in their hip pockets ioi
future use, because there will, in all
probaility, as he puts it, be dancing at
the close of the carnival.
The pajama feature of the parade lias
been abandoned this time, and will be
staged in the rally that is to proceed the
University of Washington game here dur -
ing the homecoming. Special costumes
i will also be omited Friday night, but the
yell staff guarantee that what is lack
ing in dress will be.supplied in vocal cal
Competition Between Groups Growing;
Large Enrollment Encourages
Interclass Meet.
Considerable interest is being shown
in girls’ swimming this term, says
Frances Moore, head of swimming in
the Women’s Athletic Association. She
| appeals to all girls who are interested in
| swimming and who have ability to turn
j out for practice as there is a possibility
of interclass meets again this year.
The last year’s meet was won by the
present sophomore class. Frances Moore
and Valiere Coffey, both members of
last year’s team against O. A. C., Kmily
Veazie and others are practicing for the
sophomores. Among the juniors work
ing now are Winifred ITopson and Helen
Nelson, both participants in the O. A. C.
Miss Moore states that there are- a
number of good swimmers among this
year’s freshman class and that the sopho
mores will have to work hard to defend
the championship a second time.
Stunts, Confetti, Costumes, to
be Features.
Tin* committees working on the ear
nival to lie held in the Armory after the
rally Friday night will meet at the Y. W.
C. A. bungalow tonight at 7:M0. Each
committee member is asked to he pres
ent and to he on time in order that the
meeting may not. he delayed, says Bee
Wotherbeo, general chairman of the
carnival committees.
'Flic members of. the various committees
are: Advertising. John Dierdorff, post
ers* Frances Habersham, Wilbur Hulin;
Armory. 1 till Purdy; food. Wayne Akers;
police. Don Newbury; stunts, Hob Earl;
side shows, Dorothy Wootton, Wes Fra
ter; admission managers, Bib Carl,
Johnny Houston; yell leader, Claire
Keeney; official speaker, Vivian Chand
ler; collector, Madge Calkins. All of the
persons named in this list arc supposed
to he present at the meeting tonight.
There will he a general discussion of
plans and preparations and reports from
the various committees on what they
have done and what yet remains to he
Costumes To Be Rule.
The carnival will begin immediately
after the rally for the idalio game on
Friday evening, which will terminate at
.the Aripory. Costumes arc to, he tke
order of the affair and everyone is ex
pected to he in some sort of a costume.
All faculty members are invited and ex
pected to be present in costume as well
as tiie students, according to Bee Wetli
erboe. The townspeople who wish to
witness the affair will he able to view it
from tlic balcony or, if they wish, from
the floor.
A number of stunts are to be pulled
(Continued on Page 4)
Smiths and Johnsons Lead In
Race for Popularity.
Compilers of grade sheets and roll
call reports have met their Waterloo iu
the duplication and similarity of names
which exists at the University. Accord
ing to Mrs. George Fiteli, of the regis
tration office staff, Smiths lead off
with 1N. Johnsons are a dose second
with II. There are 'll Moores and 19
Millers to worry the professors, and
Wilsons and Hills are running a close
race with eight each.
To add to the joy which this causes is
the exact duplication and similarity of
names. For instance there are two Hath
A. Tucks;'an Arthur W. Johnson and an
Arthur II. Johnson; a Harold V. Simpson
and Harold E. Simpson; two Dorothy
Dixons and a Dorothy Dickey to make
life more pleasant for the hard-working
bookkeepers. Two Hazel Whites are en
rolled as are an Elaine Cooper and an
Elaine Couper; two Hen Heeds and
two lean .Mackenzies sometimes cause
lost time in the registration office. Ed
die Evans and Edward Evans sometime*
cause worried professors to throw' theii
hands, up in dismay. The three Hein
Kings will probably get. their grade*
mixed up when grading time comes an<
J. Allen Smith and Allen It. Smith may
find themselves in much the same predi
cament. The men who finds a solutioi
for the name mixing problem should bf
awarded a science fellowship.
University officials ask that those will:
names which may be confused use the
middle' initial at all times in signing pa
pers or sign their name in some special
form in order that they may be identi
Oregon Rises On Observers’
Horizon; California Is
Still Favorite.
Gem Staters Best In Years;
Contest WiU Shed Light
on W.S.C. Struggle.
Football dope is beginning to experi
ence its annual upsetting period, and as
usual at this time of the season, the
predictions as to who will cop the coast
honors from their showing so far is be
ing made. The return of big “Bill”.
Steers to the Oregon varsity appears to
have put Oregon back on an equal foot
ing again in the minds of a number of
coast sport writers, although the uni
versal opinion among the writers is that
the California “boars” are leading the
procession from their record so far.
California beat St. Mary’s College by
a score of 127 to 0, defeated the Nary
team by a score of 88 to 0 and handed
out. a 7!) to 7 defeat to Nevada last Sat
urday. But, it can be remembered that
the University of Washington eleven de
feated Whitman by a score of 125 to 0
last season and yet lost to Oregon. What
California lias done in the south can
hardly be taken as a eriterian of what
she can do against the northern teams.
Montana Beats U. of W.
The University of Washington team
lost their first big game to Moiyfana last
Saturday by a seorevof 18. to J4. Mon
tana has a strong team this year, but
Washington has so far failed to play up
to last year’s form. Whitman scored
two touchdowns against the Washington
team the week before and Washington
only defeated them by the score of 33 to
14. It is evident that either Washing
ton does not have a great deal on the ball
this year, or else Coach “Stub”. Allison
Is holding his team back. However, it is
an unusual thing for a coach to hold his
team back so far that they will lose the
game, and in the opinion of a number of
eye witnesses of the Saturday’s game.
Washington is not showing up to her old
"Heck” Dorman, coach of the Mult
nomah club football eleven, who played a
scoreless game against the Aggies at Cor
vallis last Saturday, states that the Uni
versity of Oregon football machine is
just about twice as strong as Coach
Ttuthcrford’s squad this season. Mult,
loinali went into the game against the
Aggies with a team considerably lighter
and weaker than the one sent against
he < b egun eleven the week before. O.
A. C. failed to score on the clubmen and
made yardage but once during the game.
Since “Heck” Dorman saw the Oregon
machine in action, Captain “Bill”
Steers has joined the squad.
Idaho Has Strong Eleven.
Washington State is playing up to
about her old standards according to in
formation from Pullman way. The Cou
gars defeated Idaho by a score of 14 to
7 at Moscow, Friday afternoon. Because
this was a hard fought game is not at
tributed to any weakness on the part of
the Cougars but is blamed to the un
usual strength of the Idaho eleven, this
season. In the opinion of a number of
witnesses of the Idaho game Friday, the
(lent state aggregation is a better coach
ed and smoother machine this year than
they have been for several seasons paBt.
The game this week between the Idaho
eleven and the University of Oregon
team will be the authority for the dope
on Washington State and Oregon. The
Washington-O. A. C. game will also be
the elimination game for one of these con
tenders in coast, honors.
Coach Huntington is not overly opti
(Continued oil Page 3.)
| * »;t sit ;Jt * * * # « «
* Ye Tabard Inn Chapter of Sigma *
* Upsilon announces the election of *
* Alexander Brown and Jacob Jacob* *
* son. •
| *!« a * * *
* *i