J5UI4um> TO MEET TOtftXJHT IN BUNGALOW - Literary Society to Outline Year’s Work; Meeting Nights May Be Changed, Says President. The Eutaxian Literary society, which is the only active literary society in the University, will hold a meeting today in the Y. TV. C. A. bungalow for the pm j>0se of making plans for the ensuing year's work. Miss Helen Carson, president of the society stated that the regular meeting nights would probably be changed to the first and third instead of the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month as for merly. because the Y. W. O. A. bunga low, where the meetings will be held, has already been engaged on those even ings for the use of tlfe French club. Any woman is admitted to member ship in this society who is found eligible by a committee of investigation consist ing of three members of the organization. The society takes up the study of pres ent day eVeuts. contemporary writers and other sitliilar topics. One of the most interesting features oi last year’s work was a discussion of the presiden tial candidates, their ideas and ideals. Records in the historical department of the Fniversity library show this so ciety to have been organized in October, 1883. Five amendments have been made to the original constitution and four to the by-laws. In 1S80 the Eutaxian and Laurean societies, the latter a similar organization foi' men. were incorporated but later separate organizations were again maintained. FROSH FEEL AT HOME SINCE DANCE SATURDAY <1 ' ""-, Gel-Acquainted Party Banishes Blues and Gives Babes Oregon Spirit of Friendliness. The Freshmen now feel very much at home since the ‘get acquainted” party of Saturday night. Everything came off on schedule through the efforts of the class president, Claire Wallace, who kept the ball rolling, and Dean .John Straub and Deap Elizabeth Fox. The program was opened by a greet ing from President Campbell, impressing the students with their responsibilities without burdening them, talks were given by Dean Fox and Dean Straub. The audience, was then entertained with ap interpretive dance by Mildred I.eCompte. A massive circle was formed of the women present, and the regular Introduction proceedings were then in order. Dancing filled the program for the remainder of the evening. TWO DELEGATES TO BE SENT TO CONFERENCE ■ !j | ; --5 Y. M, C, A, Party in Charge of Hal Don nelly and Roy Veatch Will Leave Fnday for ro:2burQ. Two delegates to the Older Roys Con-; ferenee at Roseburg will be chosen today by ^he Y. M. C. A. executive cabinet. Several other students of the University and the local high school are .planning to attend. The boys, in charge of Hal Donnelly and Roy Veaeh, will leave Friday after noon and return early Monday moruiug. They expect to receive some interesting instruction and a royal good time while on the trip. One of the big features of the confer ence will be Mrs. Jean Morris Ellis, vo cational adviser,, of nation-wide repute. -Airs. Ellis was engaged in government work during the war. and since then has been connected with the Y. M. C. A. She has attended several boys conferences in the last two years, and all who have had the privilege of an interview with her agree that she is wonderful. CASWELL WILL LECTURE Science Club to Hear Paper on Theory, of Time, Space and Gravitation. Dr. A. E. Caswell, professor of physics will read an illustrated paper this even-, ing, on Einstein’s 'theory of Time. Space and Gravitation, before the mem bers of the Science club and their guests. The meeting will open at. eight o'clock, in room 24, of Deadv hull. Grad uate students and teaching fellows are especially invited. Os well as anyone else who is interested in science. These meet ings occur on the third Tuesday even ing of each month. > AljtMY AIRMEN AID SCHOOLS Army airmen art scattering through out California literature favorable to the higher education millnge tax amendment. SEARCHLIGHT AIDS CORNELL. Hugo searchlights have been installed at Ithaca to aid the Cornell team in late evening practice. SHORT THICKS SUNDAES! PHOSPHATES! ’N EVERYTHING! They say the