UK HIGH SCHOOLS TO ENTER DEBATES League Enrolls State Schools for Coming Contests. BULLETIN NOW ON PRESS Championship to Be Decided in Eugene. Prospects for the Oregon High School Debate League this year promise the greatest contest of its kind ever held in the history of the University. In re sponse to the first announcement of the league sent out by John ('. Almaek, who succeeds Robert W. Prescott ns score : tar.v of the organization, fifteen schools have already registered. Much enthusi - asm is shown in the quick’ response of the schools now enrolled. It is expected that before the close of registration, lie eemher 1, more than 100 schools will lie listed, representing every part of Hi state. 7g jn Ljn(, Last year. Last year 70 high schools competed in the league, which is the largest reprosen tation so far recorded. The great in- ' crease over previous years was largely due to the plan put forward by Air : Prescott, at that time secretary of the | league, whereby the district winners were brought tj Eugene in order to determine the state champions. A much larger league will be in evidence this year as a I further result; of the plan worked out by i Mr. Prescott. The state question for coming debates will be, Resolved, That the federal go\ ernment should own and operate the rail roads. Questions fo.” district discussion | ; range in scope from a purely local in- i forest to questions of world importance Bulletin Nearly Ready. The Oregon High School Debate Pul- ■ letin is on the press now and will In j ready for distribution by the first of next ! week. The bulletin is mailed free to tic I high schools of the state. It contains I a list of questions for state and district J, discussion, lihrar.i notes, const it)iI kit I - and by-laws, and helpful suggestions for the various high schools. Bouts to Be Staged Between Campus Organizations. That the men students iif (he Driiver sity lire eager In learn Hu1 "iO slate ^Hin to e\-se,vi. nun. ae.irdiii); to j^Krlton Speneer. registrar. who lm Cao of the applications. _K'o loan ran he far over sioO ami the Boe of nuunritx is .lanuary. 1921. Then ^xdl be no second extension of this loan ■Heretofore they have been eranteil n Juiost eases, hut now that tile servve men liavo had time to adjust themselves ami lyotne lima' settled the he given. These loan t e (o he I he ol der o! i e. d |less there is md . iff revolving fund t t|> tension \vill ieutions im iftii'ient money in the I cover all loans, li ] Fhut ease they will he alternated between lOreston \::; i. nit ; 1 tv eg • and t IT ■eralty of Oregon. This lean tab from a revolving fund whi. h is e.iaa! i loans made to studious n o ' u!s n I ^luring the i. I , l . mi ■ ,|.. , l ■ ax Is soon t! s t he u; a: i x 1 , : ., j. this fund it is loaned out again. At the Oregana A new chef prepares the most up-to-date lunches and confectionery for YOU u u College Students GOT A DATE? Well, Shrimp and Peewe are throw ing another real jazz dance with some real features Friday night at Eagles’ Hall, just across from the Oregon Electric. SHRIMP & PEEWE. Are signs of good taste. Why not “doll-up” your house lor your first dance of the year? We specialize in things original. We never use the same tiling’s twice. We are Sign Painters as well as Decor ators. Kratz Sign Shop ^(Ki, iSlh West 4 Phone 135 ] And Save Mosey Eere Men's (iood Dress Shoes $8.50 to $12.50 1.tidies’ Shoes, Pumps end Oxfords $5 00 lo $10.50. Men’s Mackinaws XI 1.50 lo $10.50. Men's Suits $20.50 to 15.00. If You Value Money. Trade at the (i'!aa:(U Willamette Street * l LOST.—Small Elgin wrist watch, bo j | tween Rohm hall and 11th and Ferry streets. Marne on back, Fay Hendrick. i I’honc Rohm hall. Reward. University Barber Shop Service Our Aim. Next to the Oregana JX1 They’re Back THOSE WAFFLES — at — \ The Grotto 712 Willamette. FILLERS FOUNTAIN PENS we are co-operative. You get our Supplies almost at cost. Our profits just barely pay expenses—that’s all that is, necessary. Make the Co-Op your headquarters, because the greater the business the less you pay. CANDIES ’N EVERYTHING Women’s Full Boots| “Brogue” Oxfords and Party Pumps STYLE — QUALITY — VALUE — ECONOMY Out. 01 com-tosy to the young Indies of the University we are buv i i „n!,a,T °m !-lu‘ ‘MaPu»ft>r of 1:1,0 we are happy to ev 1,1 ‘d'Puuiation of the very generous patronage 3rou have h*HU llh, GRAHAM’S 828 Willamette St. “Where College Folks Buy Footwear.” \