Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 14, 1920, Image 2

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tjylo Bryson.
Charles E. G:.itke ...
Associate Editor
...News Editor
Assistant News falitors
Doris Sikes Velma Ihiprrt
Special Writers
Mary Lou Burton Frances Quisonberry
Sports fall tor .Floyd Maxwell
Assistants, Pierre Meade. fatfiflne Kelt.v
Night Editors
St unify Eisman Carlton K. Bogan
Editorial Writers
Phil Brogan Herbert Scheldt
John Dierdorff
Jacob Jacobson
Nows Stiiff
I taro Id Moore
Paulino Court
ItcW‘1 Moore
Ijm'Z Kinp
Margaret Scott
Harry Kills
Kunieo Zimim'rinon
hYed Guyon
Elizabeth WhitelmiiNo
John Anderson
' fOrdon AvM'jr
Owen Calloway
Kenneth Yoiiel
Martha Westwood
Jean Stiaeban
Advertising Managers
Webster Ruble Al Wortendyke
('irculation Manager
Floyd Bowles
Assisi tints
Charles Lamb Oeorge McIntyre
Office Assistant
Marion Weiss
Of (Vi* I publication of t be Associated Students of the I niversity of Oregon,
issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the college year.
Entered in the post office at Eugene. Oregon, as second class matter. Sub
scription rates .$2,25 per year. By term. 73c. Advertising rates upon application.
Camptfs office—033. _ Downtown office—1200.
Although Homecoming Day is yet a month away the con
certed work of Oregon students is urgently needed right now.
We must get in toueli with the great Oregon family, nearly
three thousand in number, and let them know that the Greater
Oregon is going to welcome Old Oregon home on November Id
with a reception that will revive the Oregon Spirit which
burned even back in the eighties.
A student committee headed by John Houston^ has the
plans for the greatest Homecoming all prepared. Every or
ganization on the campus has been instructed to urge its mem
bers to write personal letters to Oregon alumni. These letters
will be supplemented with follow-up letters and finally post
als. Homecoming stickers are on sale at the University Co
op store. No alumnus of Oregon should bo allowed to say that
be knew nothing about the greatest Homecoming.
Alumni, old students, and friends need not be told that
they are welcome back to the campus, but they must be noti
fied that a pajama parade, a gigantic Frosli bonfire, speeches,
stunts and a football game between the University of Wash
ington and Oregon will be staged especially for their edifica
Homecoming Day is the greatest get-together affair ever
■ngi'ncored by the Unversity. It is a family reunion for the
ulttmni and friends of Oregon. Possibly the college days of
many of the old alumni is far in the past, but on Homecoming
Day this year the spirit of Old Oregon will blend with the
spirit of New Oregoy, and for one joyful weekend everyone,is
Qfoing to be “at college” again.
Acquaint yourself with the program, then write and tell
Oregon alumni and friends of the University that Oregon
Spirit, is going to roam rampant on November 12 and 18, and
Hint every alumnus who visits the campus on those clays, and
sees their team play the University of Washington, will feel
ignin the thrills of .1015 when Oregon defeated the far-famed
Aggies, conquerors of Michigan, 20 to 0; of Homecoming Day
Hub when Oregon played the University of, Washington a
1 to 0 gabe; of 1017 when Oregon trampled on the Univer
sity of California 21 to 0; and of last fall when our football
warriors appropriately dedicated Hayward field when they
lowered the Aggie standard 0 to 0.
Oregon has never yet been scored on in a Homecoming
Day game. Write to your friends who are friends of Oregon
that they are wanted to help keep up this record and add an
other win to Oregon’s list.
I Communications I
* —.—--- — ■ ★
October lit.
I'o the Editor:
I have rend with great interest your
■ditorinl uf Wednesday, October litth
’.f.’O. "Give the hand an incentive” and
et me nsHure you that 1 tun ei)imlly in
erested in the formation of a good 1'ni
•e rally bund, liver since the (>. A.
'netball game last year l have looked
onvnt'd to the formation of a good band
hat would even excel the fine appear
mee made by the stmlent military hand
roin that school. 1 propose the follow
ng scheme which l believe will place the
>and on a sound basis and will give Fhe
University a hand they desire.
The 1!. tb T. Hand consists of It*
nemhers playing instruments furnished
)>■ the Government, total value of which
s about $200(1.00. 'Instruction is being
riven this band by Mr. Heritor* Hacker,
i student who lias had considerable ex
lerienee as a band instructor. Make this
nilitary band the nucleus for a Timer
<ity It,ind and by the addition of 'JO
in mhers from the student body at large
I am sure we will hate a hand which will
>c i credit to the Tuiversity. The Mili
lary !>epa tment stands ready to assist
ti every possible wily in the orgauisea
lion and training of this band.
Major, lufautry, T. S. A.
To the ICditor:
Tour editorial "Give the Band an In
centive" is must interesting.
It seems to me that your point is not
well taken. Band men do tint want or
need jin incentive in tile shape of pins on
sweaters. It is not n question of reword.
Tlu> luiiul musician holds his ideals higher
than that.
No amount of reward will induce the
bandsmen to turn mere noisemakcr. As
long its the hand is to have that for its
aim, you will necessarily find the hand
weak. In short, 1 am emphasising the
maintenance ot a high-class concert hand.
Take for example the ('allege Orches
tra. It has jt skilled leader, one who
chooses his scores mt fully, and sees
that they jut phtye.t artistically. To him
time and tune are of the utmost im
N»w take, on the other hand, the av
erage bund. Hie i lass of music played
is pitifully poor. Almost without ex
ception. no attention is put on the ex
ceedingly vital nutter of tuning. As
yoi may reali/.e. membership in such ;m
aggregation is a curse on an ambitious
play e:.
1 would suggest that your I’niversity
Kind he placed on the same scale as the
Orchestra, l.et the same emphasis he
placed on artistry. Insist upon its being
a high-standard musical organimuinn.
Through competitive tryouts select the
most proficient. Where instruments or
good music is lucking, purchase them.
It you will weigh these few points. 1
believe that you will see that it is posi
tively not a matter of a veward It is
solely a question of having a hand with
:t high enough standard, (food repute
will follow of its own accord. Then
don’t yon see that it will he an honor
to belong'. Not until these conditions arc
fulfilled, will von have what your editorial
| calls "it representative University Hand."
i lU lUI. CARTK.
! Oregon Calendar
Thursday. Oetobtr, 14. Assembly. Vil
la id ball; 11:00 a. in.
Senior class meeting—Prof, llowe's
room, 4:15 p. in.
"Women's league meeT-ig—Villa rtl. 5:00
p. in.
Meeting of all Homecoming commit
tees. Dean Straub's room: 7:30 p. in.
’ Friday. October 15.—Reception for stud
ents at all churches; 7:30 p. m.
Saturday. October 16.—Freshmen ac
quaintance party. Hayward hall; 8:00
p. in. ]
Last Date for Free Payment.—1The
Cashier issues warning that October IS
is the last date for payment of laboratory
fees. Any student making payment after
that date will be charged an extra fee
of one dollar. The cashier’s window, in
Johnson hall, is open week days from
X a. m. to .'! p. m.
Senior Class Meeting.—A meeting of
the class of 1921 will Ire held this
afternoon at 4:15 in 1'iofessor llowe’s
i-ooin. All members are urged to attend
as important plans for the coming year
will be discussed.
Campus Mail.—Students are asked to
call more frequently for their mail at the
campus postoffice, to avoid accumulation
and congestion of letters and papers.
SIGMA Upsrlon.—^A meeting of Ye
Tabard Inn chapter of Sigma Upsilon
will be held Finlay at 12:45 p. m. in
the "Shack.”
Service Men. — Campus service men
may receive their victory medals through
tlie Veterans of Foreign Wars by taking
their discharges to H. It. Taylor. 11th
and Alder.
Free Dance.—The Veterans of For
eign Wars extend an invitation to a free
dance for ex-service men at the Armory.
■S o’clock. Friday evening, October 15.
Come and be the guests of the V. F. IN
Extension Division Completes List of
Instructors’ Beading Circle
The lisr of the teacher’s reading circle,
hooks lias just boon completed, according
to J. ('. Almack of the extension division,
and the books will be in circulation the
first of November, which is the beginning
of the reading circle year.
I', very teacher in the state, except
those in the first class districts, is re
quired to read one of these books and
send a review of it to the extension de
partment, whereupon they are granted a
leading circle certificate. :!."00 of these
certificates have been issued in Oregon
up to date.
The list of books this years is as fol
Peters, Human Conduct: Brooks, Edu
cation for Democracy: Nutt, Supervision
of Instruction; Show alter. Handbook for
Rural School Directories; Briggs, The
Junior High School; Davis, Work of The
Teacher; Colvin, Introduction to High
School Teaching; Inglis. Principles of
Secondary Education: Parker. Methods in
Elementary Schools; Patri. School Mast
ers of The Hreat City; Andrews. Health
Education; Englemau. Moral Education, |
Sc hool and Hoiik ; Freeland, Modern
Elementary School Praetiee; Wilkinson.
Rural School Management; and Strayer
A Teacher at Woi k in American Schools.
Old Members Are Expected to Return
Next Term and Resume Activities.
Meetings and all activities of the I.aur
eah Literary society have been indefinite
ly postponed because of the absence of
old members from the campus this year.
This is the statement of Don Davis,
president of the organization for I'niver
sity men.
It is expected that by the beginning
of the winter term many of the members
will have returned, and the work of the
society can he resumed.
Due to the absence of Professor Pres
cott from the campus this year the so
ciety is without a faculty adviser for the
present. Professor Prescott was a prom
inent member of the society.
LOST.—Long double-gold chain with
fountain pen and locket, either in or near
cym. Monday. Leave at. Emerald office.
Kansas’ first magazfne. the Oread
Magazine, will (appear at the J>rake j
game. October 1<>.
Patronize Emerald advertisers |
TT’OK the student or prof.,
tlie 6uperb VENUS out
rivals all for perfect pencil
work. 17 black degrees and
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American Lead
Pencil Co.
Jm FlfthAve.
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/argeit lelllnt
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982 Willamette
Roasted Peanuts
Mother’s Candy
Buttered Popcorn
Miss Alice Capps
Announces the Opening; of a i
Shop for Sale of
-and other
On Friday, Oct. loth i
At Her Residence
1383 University St.
Honrs: 2 to fi
Lot’s (Jot Our Work' Done at
Kodak Finishing1 and Framing'. Opp. Rex Theatre.
For Serviee, Call
Phono idd
(>7 Ninth Avenue Fast
Tlio Shop of No Regrets
Between 7th and 8th on "Willamette
Tolman Studio
Satisfaction Our Aim.
Obak Cigar Store
' The Home <$f the Students Who
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Be Sure to Look in at
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Phone 30 On the Millrace
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Visit our Men’s Clothing Department
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Everything in the Tailoring Line
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44 Eighth Ave. West.
Phone 250.