Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 13, 1920, Image 1

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    TUNE UP!
Weekly yefl practice is
essential to Oregon’s success.
The band will be there. You
go there too!
Oregon Daily Emerald
Yeii practice will bo bold
on the new Hayward Field at
4:30 this afternoon. Gst
ready for Idaho!
Alumni Secretary Wishes List
of Old Members From All
j Organizations.
Special Effort to Be Made to
i Bring “Old Grads” Here
For Big Week-End.
Every organization on tlic campus will
lie visited sometime today, (Wednesday)
by a committee who will attempt to en
lighten all the students on the general
details for Homecoming week-end and
tell them of the plans that have been
arranged; special emphasis being placed
upon the students co-operating with the
committee to aid in putting over a “snap
py” week-end for the1 “old grads.” stated
the publicity manager for Homecoming
That the students have not come
through and used the Homecoming stick
ers on the backs of their letters like
they should has been determined through
the small number that has been sold and
it is the hope of this committee to get
the students enthused so that they will
support the ones who have been making
the plans and doing the work so far for
the week-end.
Miss Charlie Fenton, alumni secretary,
has been held up a great^deal in her part,
of the publicity work through the neglect
of the students in the various houses to
hand in to her a list of all their old
members so that she may make out her
complete list and be able to send infor
mation to these persons. As a special
request Miss Fenton urges that all the
students get these lists 6f old members
in to her as soon as possible so that
her publicity material may be sent to
them at once.
Letters to Be Sent.
The Advertising committee for Home
coming will be represented on the visit
ing committee, which is to make the
rounds today, by one person who plans to
suggest a scheme to the various houses
which will be very successful in getting
the old graduates and friends of the
college back. / This plan, which will be
explained during the visit of the commit
tee, is to send out a series of letters to
all the old members of each organization.
The first of these Tetters is to be a
general letter concerning Homecoming
and giving all the plans, etc. The second
of the series ia to be a personal appeal
from members of the house to come back
there at Homecoming time, and the third
and last of the series is to be a short
note or query ns to whether or not the
individual being written to, expects to re
(Continued on Fage 2)
| Deer Rival Hen’s \
| Teeth in Supply
| When Profs Hunt I
“But the only (leer they saw that day
Was some 800 yards away.”
Which,* poetically speaking, is the sad
but true story of Professors Hogan and
MeDougle who journeyed into the wilds
of the region west of Eugene in search
of that animal made famous by Hendricks
To be sure, the other members of the
party managed to bring down two bucks,
but that didn’t help our heroes in the
least as far as a bold, bad hunting yarn
was concerned. Even though it is recog
nized that truth is stranger, and decided
ly rarer, than fiction in hunting and fish
ing stories, the two men refused to re-_
sort to prevarication.
They did have a good time, however,
even if they did have to push a refractory
flivver up a hill some two miles long and
sleep in a barn when they finally arrived
at their destination. The barn was, they
said, copiously inhabited by cows and
each and every c$w adorned with a bell.
Each bell had a harmony all its own and
their united chorus would shame the
music building on a practice hour.
In spite of it all they insist that they
are going out again some day and this
time the deer will certainly suffer.
Eight Men Back From Last
Year’s Aggregation.
.-■ ♦ ■
Although- it id TWWpian of the School
Physic&l,Education.^,to make soccer one of
its branched of activity for the coming
year, no definite schedule has thus far
'been arranged nor has a field been pro
vided for practice.
Dean Colin V. Dyment who was a
member of the University of Toronto
soccer team when he attended college
there, has been asked to coach the sport
but has not definitely consented.; “I will
consider coaching soccer only whep a
suitable field has been produced,’* said
.Dean Dyment yesterday, “a good field
upon which to practice is in my opinion
an essential in the production of a good
team.” Although the time which Dean
Dyment would be able to spend- with the
team is limited by the estept of his
duties as head of the college of literature,
science and the arts, it is likely that he
will handle the coaching in case a favor
able field is provided.
With some labor spent upon it Kin
caid field could be put in fair shape for
soccer and it is likely that this will be
the place chosen when practice starts.
Several of the members df last year’s
aggregation beside several new men have
signed up for soccer in registration and
these men have for the present beep as
signed to the new intramural work. The
members of last year’s team in college
this year are Schmeer, Koerber, H. .Tac
obberger, Abies. Phillips, Tuerck, Bar
tliolomew and Buren.
Big Sister in France Chaperoned;
Miss Gouv Travels Alone in U. S.
ROUT, of Marseilles, France, exchange
student from the French government, and
instructor m French at the University of
According to Miss Gouy she does not
know where she got the wanderlust in
her blood which made her want to leave
her peaceful home life in France and
come across the water to America. “I
have a big sister,” said Miss Gouy, with
a little laugh, “hut she neVhr leaves her
fcome for any little trip unless my father
and mother go with her. It is not done
in France. She would be afraid, and I,
I go clear from Chicago to Colorado
Springs all by myself.”
One thing of unusual interest about
Miss Gouy is that she has felt at home
in America ever since she came here a
year ago this fall. She believes that if
a person goes into a country thoroughly
in sympathy with that country and its
People, he will never have any difficulty
in adapting himself.
Miss Gouy said that the United States
18 just as she had expected to find it.
Before she came to this country she
had heard a great many stories of Am
erican life from the Americal soldiers
who were entertained in her home in
France during the war, so bad an idea
of what to expect.
Miss Gouy has been particularly im
pressed with file famous Oregon spirit,
and is liking the University and Eugene
very lnuch. However, she says she can
not understand why they call the women
at the University freshmen instead of
Miss Gou.v has a great desire to be
come better acquainted with the United
States in order that she may take some
thing of this country home to France.
She expects to return to France at the
end of school next .Tune, and does not
know whether she will remain there or
Although Miss Gouy has lived in Mar
seilles nearly all her life and received her
education there, she was born in Algiers.
Her father was a captain in the French
army and was stationed in Africa at the
time for her birth. When Miss Gouy
was four years old she went to Marseilles
with her family.
om 11 to
First Meeting of Entire Staff
to Be Held Wednesday,
7 p. m. at Annex.
Wesley Frater, Appointed as
Circulation Manager,
Plans Drive.
“The Oregana work begins this week
for every member of the staff,” states
Wanna McKinney, editor of the Oregana
for this year, ‘‘and with all members
pulling together for a bigger, better book,
the Oregana, which comes out next Junior
Week-end, should be a peppy review of
each activity and victory of “Old Ore
Warren Kays, manager of the Ore
gana, says “It jp planned to make this
year’s book larger than ever and a suc
cess financially. Wesley Frater, newly
appointed circulation manager, has begun
already to formulate plans for a big cam
paign and several novel features to make
the campaign the liveliest in the history
of the University”.
Staff Meeting Tonight.
There will be a meeting of the entire
staff Wednesday evenii^; at 7:00 o’clock
in the Journalism annex. “It is neces
sary,” said Miss McKinney, “that every
members be there since it will be.the only,
one for iilt the stdff for some time, the
subsequent meetings will, be for the sev
eral divisions of the staff.”
The pictures for organizations and
classes must be taken at once and full
information concerning them will be given
out at this meeting.
The editorial staff as appointed by
Miss McKinney is as follows:
Associate editor—Harry Ellis. Ath
letics—Floyd Maxwell. Alexander Brown,
tlharles Gratke. Features—John Dier
dorf, Madge Calkins, &canland Collins.
Dramatics—Verne Fudge, Pauline Coad,
Doris Parker, Margaret Carter. Organ
izations—Eleanor Spall, Raymond Law
rence. University—Mary Lou Burton,
Guy Sacre. Administration—Betty Kes
si, Wayne Akers. Women’s Activities—
Dorris Sikes. Women’s Athletics—Mar
garet Russell, Florence .Tagger. Music—
Fern Murphy. Sororities—Mary Ellen
Btailey, Fraternities — Barton Sherk,
Forensics—Afliee Hamm, Remey1 ICtax.
Publications—Harry Smith.- Art and
Cartoon—Wilbur Hulin, David Baird,
Frances Habersham, Fern Travis, Ber
nice Butler. Special Events—Inez King.
Elizabeth Whitehouse. Special Features
—Irene Stewart. Military—Stanley Eis
man. Metical School—Richard Thomp
Kays Announces Staff.
Warren Kays, business manager of the
Oregana, has announced as his business
staff for 1020-1921 the following:
Assistant manager—Albert Worten
dyke. Assistants—Forrest Littlefield,
Ben Reed, Harold Brown, Ray Vester.
Circulation manager—Wesley Frater.
Assistants—Wilbur Hoyt, Wayne Akers.
State Divided Into 12 Districts; Final
Contest Here Next May.
Plans*for the work in the Oregon High
School Debating League have been com
pleted. The state question is “Resolved;
That the Federal Government should own
and operate the railroads”.
The district questions for debate have
been decided upon and the district direc
tors named. Thift year Oregon has been
divided, into twelve districts, Northern
Willamette, Southern Willamette, South
ern Oregon, Coos Bay, Lower Columbia,
Upper Columbia, Umatilla, Eastern Ore
gon, Southeastern rOegon. South Central
Oregon, West Side, and the city of Port
March 13 the final district contests
will be held, and March 20 district dir
ectors will report district champions to
the secretary of the league.
May 10, 11, 12, and 13, the final tour
nament between all district champions
will be held at the University of Oregon
for the State championship.
Squad Uses Vacant Lot Near
Hayward Field For
Multnomah Game Injuries Not
to Keep Any of Men
on Bench.
The hardest kind of work, including
some two hours of scrimmage, and secret
practice will form the schedule for
Coach Huntington’s football squad this
week, according to information given out
at training quarters last night. Coaches
Huntington and .Spellman were not
pleased with the work of the Varsity
eleven in the Saturday’s game against
Multnomah, and no doubt the players
will be well acquainted with this fact
before the end of the present week.
The squad moved over to the vacant
lot near Hayward field Monday after
noon, where they will be drilled from
now on. Coach Huntington is not anxious
for the students to be present during
practice and the only night hereafter
when spectators will be allowed to watch
the A7arsity workouts will be on Wed
nesday when yell practice will take place
on Hayward field. “Shy” announces that
there will be a snappy scrimmage work
out pulled off for the benefit of the root
■ers this afternoon during yell practice.
New Plays to Be Used.
New plays are now the chief topic
among the members of the coaching staff
and fi’om now on this will be the nature
of workouts, together with the drilling of
signals. Only six plays were used in the
Saturday’s game against Multnomah and
the majority of the players were not
familiar with the signals for these six
“Bill” Hayward, who looks after the
training of the squad Uas given Coach
Huntington instructions to show no mercy
in practice this week, and it will be Mon
day before there will be a let-up. This
will be in time to get the team whipped
“into shape for the Idaho game.
Injuries resulting from the Multnomah
game are not going to prove serious al
though the entire lemon-yellow backfield
suffered minor bruises, which will keep
them on the bench during the scrimmage
workouts this w’eek. Frank Hill is suffer
ing from a “eharley horse,” “Bill” Rine
hart and “Jake” Jacobberger are both
limping from the effects of some bad
leg bruises, and George King has a slight
ly sprained ankle. Ed Ward also sus
tained a bad shoulder bruise.
Dope on Game Uncertain.
Coach Huntington is not very talkative
over the Idaho game. Little is known
of the gem-staters squad this season,
and from the dope it appears that they
will have a. strong team in the field.
Oregon has never been defeated by Idaho,
and it is not the intention of the coach
ing staff to allow the Idaho eleven to
win the game. Idaho meets Washington
State in their initial game of the season
on Saturday. From the results of this
game it wall be possible to get a line
on the strength of the Idaho team this
Public Accountants of Oregon Hear
Commerce Professor.
Frof. T. J. Bolitho, who does extension
work in Portland for the School of f'oni
merce, remained over Monday evening to
address ihe Oregon State Society of Cer
tified Public Accountants. Dr. E. C.
Robbins, dean of the School of Com
merce, says it is a distinct honor to be
asked to address this society, which is
composed of the certified accountants of
the state. Accounting firms of Portland
and outlying towns were represented at
the meeting.
Professor Bolitho’s address was on
“Education in Accounting.” He traced
the growth of American schools of ac
counting from about 1800 when there
were very few', to the present when near
ly all live universities offer such courses.
Prof. Bolitho thinks there should lie close
co-operation between the State Society
, and the University.
Mary Ellen Bailey Thinks Work Too
Difficult to Be Undertaken
By Students.
Mary Ellen Bailey, who was elected
last spring by the student council to the
position of university historian, handed in
her resignation to the student council
last night. Miss Bailey stated that she
found the records in such a condition that
it was impossible for her to carry on her
work. She suggests that someone be
hired to devote all of her time to bringing
the records up to date. When this is
completed it will be possible for a student
to act as historian in connection with her
other student activities, she declares.
Miss Adelaide Lake, historian for the
101D-20 year, found that it was not prac
tical for a student to try to bring the
historical records up to date, so made
only a complete record of the past year.
Earl Ludford Sustains Neck
and Back Injuries.
Earl Ludlord, a sophomore in the uni
versity, had his neck severely eut and
his back wrenched when the blue Ford
bug in which he was riding with Edgar
Gurney and Howard Powell crashed into
the rear of a car driven by F. X. Shaef
ers, of the Ax Billy department store
yesterday noon at the corner of High and
Thirteenth streets.
Ludlord, who lives at the home of his
parents at 355 West Ninth street, Eu
gene; Powell, a freshman of 1128 Wash
ington street, and Gurney, 361 Madison
street, were going up Thirteenth street
toward the university when the car driv
en hy Mr. Shaefers emerged from High
street. The Ford hit the rear fender of
the other car and went spinning over the
wet pavement into the curb, throwing all
three of the occupants to the ground, and
injuring Ludford more severely than the
other two, who were merely bruised.
People who had heard the crash im
mediately carried the men into the Delta
Zeta house, in front of which the accident
had occurred. Dr. Berle G. Howard was
called nnd'Ludford was taken to the Eu
gene hospital, where it was stated that
his injuries werp not serious.
According to eyewitnesses, the Ford
car was traveling at a rapid rate of
speed at the time of the accident, and
the windshield was covered with rain
drops which obscured the vision. ~ It was
a one-seated car.
The Shaefers’ car was not damaged.
Gurney and Fowell were able to be about
the campus yesterday afternoon, and
Ludford is expected to be out of the hos
pital in a few days.
Local University Commerce
Club Granted Charter.
Gamma Beta Sigma, men’s national
honorary commerce fraternity, has grant
ed a charter to the local University Com
merce Club. The petition was sent in
last spring under the recommendation of
Dr. Morton, former head of the com
merce department, who recently advised
members of the club that the charter had
been granted and that steps are being
taken for immediate installation.
The University Commerce Club was
organized in 1915 with a membership of
seventy students. The requirements for
membership are grades of either S or 11
in the commerce department. During
the war the club became inactive, and
it was not until last spring that it was
re-established. Under the advice of Div
Morton juniors and seniors in the depart
ment, whose grades met the require
ments, drew tip tlie petition and sent it
in shortly before the close of the spring
Members of the University Commerce
club who will be initiated at the installa
tion of Gamma Beta Sigma are Jack
Benefeil, Don Davis, Franklin Miller,
Franklin Foults, Bill Balckaby, Carl
Miller, and Ross McKenna. Officers are
.Tack Benefeil, president, Ross McKenna
secretary, and Don Davis, treasurer.
Training For Quintet Starts
Before End of Present
Football Season.
Athletic Council to Require
Physical Examination
of Varsity Men.
George M. Boliler, of the faculty of the
school of physical education, was elected
coach of the Varsity basketball team for
this season at the special meeting of the
Athletic Council held Monday evening.
Boliler has a long record ns an athlete
during his college career. -He wag a three
year letterman with the Washington
State College basketball team and was
also a prominent member of the foot
ball and basketball teams.
Since Bohler’s graduation from W. 8.
C., in 1014, he has been handling physical
education in the East. He will in a)l
probability prove a valuable asset to the
lemon-yellow basketball quintet which ex
pects to begin work at once. Hough
nut basketball, together with intercom
pany and interclass schedules will be
drawn up within the next two weeks and
regular practice will begin.
It is the desire of the athletic council
to get a specialist in each line of gport*
to handle the varsity teams. “Shy” Hunt
ington was ftfrced to take over the coach
ing of the basketball five last season be
cause there were no coaches available
for this branch of sport. This work can
begin long before the ending the the foot
ball season and the team will be in
better shape for the opening of the
The athletic council also passed a reso
lution at its special meeting requiring
every student who participates ip any
Varsity athletic team to pass a physical
examination. “This action,” explains
Cartton Savuge, “was taken to prevent
any serious injuries to men with- yreak
hearts and others not in fit physical
Snappy Programs and Banquet
Will Be Features.
For the purpose of holding open house
for all University students the churches
of Eugene have united in plans for Fri
day night, October 15. The time is 0:30
and 7:45, and students will be welcomed
at any church in town.
All the churches are planning to throw
open their doors to the students, and
every effort is being made to provide
real live programs and special eats.
Each church reports that plans are
completed for a good time. The pro
grams promised are varied, but all are
planned for the enjoyment of the stud
ents. The invitation is issued to all who
are church members or who have any
church preference to go to the church
of their choice, where they will find a
cordial welcome.
The program of the evening follows:
6:30—Banquet and reception.
Baptist—Sth and Pearl—good eats and
great time.
Congregational—7th and Charnelton—
Supper and musical.
Episcopal—Chamber of Commerce—
Beal banquet.
Presbyterian—10th and Pearl—Instal
lation of Student Pastor.
7:45—.Special social program.
Cathodic—11th and Lawrence—Lire
Christian—11th and Oak—President
Campbell and eats.
Methodist—12th and Willamette—Pro
gram and extraordinary refreshments.
The Internationa] College at Smyrna
never closes its doors. Classes are held
all the wear round and there are no