Oregon Daily Emerald VOLUME XXII. UNIVERSITY OF, OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1920. NO. 10. LETTERS TO GRADS TELL OF PLANS FOR Charlie Fenton, f Secretary of f Alumni, Sends Circular Note to Old-Timers RESIDENT STUDENTS TO INFORM FRIENDS Oregon-Washington Football Game Is Big Attraction < of the Occasion Circular letters aini sheets of general information concerning the largest Home coming week-end in the history of the University- of Oregon are being printed und sent out to alumni and former stud etns of this institution, under the direc tion of Mjss Charlie Fenton, alumni secretary, and the Homecoming week-end committee, to inform everyone of the dates—November 12, 13 and 14—which has been set for Homecoming, and to urge everyone possible to return to the campus for a visit at that time. A regu lar campaign is under way by the students to get many friends and old students of the University back fob the affair. Through students in the various houses, Miss Fenton is securing the name and address of many former stud dents expected back, and general infor mation telling of the plans for a week end will be sent to them at once. Every student on the campus is ex pected to write one personal letter, pud as many more as possible to old friends, telling the news of the football game (between Oregon and Washington on No vember 13, and of the desire to have as many “alums” back as can come. A section of seats will be reserved for these guests in the grand stand. In the circular letter which Miss Fen ton has already prepared to send out, she states that November 13 is the one “big” day on the campus, and of all days it is one on which all should plan to be here to see Oregon meet her old rival, the University of Washington. “Surely every loyal son and daughter of old Ore gon,” she writes, “will want to be on hand to cheer the iboys with an •OskicV The calendar is as follows: Friday evening, freshman bonfire and rally; Saturday morning, inspection of University buildings, luncheon “n la cafe teria,” served free by the women of the University in the men’s gym. the game in the afternoon, and the reception and dance in the evening at the armory. Every person is asked by the Home: coming committee to appoint themselves a committee of one to get every Oregon student in their home towns back for this occasion. It is up to everyone to "talk il up”'and to sec that every last one of them are planning to come back, they (Continued on page three) *---* Sleeping Mabel Makes Bashful Plumbers Blush * a.-----* Two plumbers cnnu* to Hendricks ball the 'Other day to repair some plumbing in the basement of .Mary Spiller hull. They were told where the work was to be done and left to find the way themselves. . A few minutes later two red-faced and greatly embarrassed plumbers returned to the door and the spokes man said; “You must have made a mistake about that being the room. There's a girl asleep in the room we went , to.” "Why. there’s no one living down there,” ho was told. "There sure is, ma’am. I guess I saw her there myself,” reiterated the plumber. Whereupon an expedition was dis patched to investigate the mystery. They found “.Mabel,” the model used by the nursing classes, resting peace fully in bed. oblivious of the stir she bad occasioned. Then the plumbers blushed another blush, deep and dark, and set to work on the pipes. Water Transportation Growth Congress Topic. A new field will be open to the college trained business man, if the program of the Rivers and Harbors Congress which was held in Portland hist week is carried out. is the"word brought by Dean E. C. ltobbins, of the school of Commerce who was one of the representatives of the university. Professor A. L. Lomax of the foreign trade and exporting depart ment of the school, and Earl Kilpatrick of the Extension division also attended. The congress was called by the state chamber of commerce to discuss the ex tension of water transportation from this const to eastern portiC which on account of the recent increase in freight rates is considered extremely feasible. There were representatives from nearly every port on the Pacific coast ihom San Francisco to the Canadian boundary, and a number of the college schools of Com merce were represented. Regarding the attitude toward the uni versity school of commerce Dean Rob bins said. “Business men from all over the Northwest showed a great interest, and were of the opinion that there would be many opportunities of the trained man in commerce.” The congress adopted a resolution <*u taining favorable mention of collegiate corremsial schools, and the university school was given especial commendation. The meetings were held October -1 and 5. J G. V. D. Didn't Take That Farm; Ambition Called, and He’s Here I XT ROD UCINC COLIN A'. DYMENT. who at the time our story opens was down in the turnip patch with his father. He is now Dean of the College of Litera ture, Science anil the Arts in the Uni versity of Oregon, but at the beginning ot omr story he was in the turnip patch. His father straightened up from his task and pointed a finger across at a neighbor ing farm. *‘Colin, if you won’t go to the uni versity, I’ll give you that farm.” Colin looked at the farm. He looked at hjs father, a Seotcli-Cauadian -who had hewed this farm and several others out "f the forests of Canada. He thought f his four older brothers all farmers nearby. Then he thought of his Am bition, and declined the offer. His Ambition was to teach the classics in an American university. He therefore graduated himself from both high school and the University of Toronto with hon ors in classics.. Having prepared himself to he a college Professor, he became a newspaper re porter. He picked out Spokane, Wash ington at random, landed there one Sat urday night in November. 1900. and went in work the following Monday as a re porter on the Spokesman Review. He lost sightj for a time, of the turnip 1> a tell nucl tut* prontssur ol classics me... ami for' thirteen years busied himself with being reporter, staff correspondent, city editor, news editor, magazine editor, telegraph editor, Northwestern editor, and other miscellaneous kinds of editor, on different papers in the Northwest. Then Erie Allen came along and in vited him up to the 1’. of O. to help teach journalism, which differs in some points from tin* classics, and at last his career as a college professor was begun. Now lie has another ambition, or per haps it is an enlargement of the dream of his early youth. lie thought of it first while an instructor here in journal ism. It continued during his year’s stay at the University of Washington. It sur vived his war experiences in Washington. D. c. and France. It was very much in his mind while he was directing the pub licity for the recent millage campaign for our university. The thing in which Dean Colin V. Dyment is most interested is. The quality of the Bachelor of Arts degree offered by the University of Ore gon. (This is the first of a series of articles upon members of the University of Ore gon faculty. Personal glimpses of new instructors will appear daily in the Em 1 erald.—Editor.) 'SQUARE MIX' WON BY SOPHOMORES; B7 TO 32 SCORE MADE Frosh “Boys” Fail in Contest With Second-Year Men on Kincaid Field. CANE RUSH TURNS OUT TO BE BATTLE ROYA^ Whole Affair Is Fine, Pepful Outpouring of Spirit of Underclassmen. ‘’This is tho squarest mix.” So said tile program of the underclass mix which was put oil, or rather torn off, on Kin caid field Saturday afternoon. Those also are the words of Chief of Senio> Cops “Slim’’ Crandall, who has been here long enough to know something of mixes. In fact everyone says it was square. The mix began with what was termed on the program “First Ambulance Call,” but which meant the attendance and sing ing contests, the events in which the girls figured. Chief “Slim” had called his forces to attention and after a prelimin ary oration had marched them to the front of the grandstand where they could count all who stood up when each class was called for. As a result of their count the five points attendance award was given to the Freshman.. Girls Forget to Clap. |In the singing the Sophomore girls were a little forgetful as to the use of their hands. The Frosh clapped their hands lustily and as a result won that decision, raising their score to 15 points. The yelling- contest between the “fresh man lm.vs and the sophomore men’’, as “Chief Sliai” expressed it. came next. The Frosh yell leader worked, hard in this even to make his little bunch of rooters sound like a thousand but was unsuccessful, and when Carl dipping drew an “Oskie” from the rough throats of the Sophomores, the Sophs scored 10 points. “Stretcher Call" was what the program called the event following. It was the tug of war. This was an easy victory for the rapper class. No sooner had the starting gun been fired than the Sopho mores began dragging their opponents down the ladder. The Sophomores score was now 25. Tie-Up Is Tie. In the tie-up contest 20 men on each side were unsuccessful in their efforts to manacle their opponents. The thir tieth. however, on each side secured his man, with the result that each side was awarded seven and one-half points. As the tie-up contest was going on the field the sophomore stunt was coming off. A Ting had bepn roped off in front of the stand and there a terrific battle was being fought between the sophomore (Continued on Page 4) Oregon Graduates to Aid the Lemon-Yellow in Battle The University of Oregon Alumni as sociation through its secretary, Charlie Fenton, is sending letters to all Univer sity of Oregon alumni, who reside in California, urging them to attend the Orcgon-Stonford game which is to be, played at Palo Alto on October '50. It is the desire of the Association to get a lot of Oregon support out for the game, and the letters will tell of the game and give instructions as to where tickets may lie purchased in advance. Arrangements are to be made with <5rad uate-Manager Edward Martin of Stanford to have a section reserved in one part of the grand-stand for the. Oregon alum ni. Ernie Vosper, who left school in lOiii and is now teaching in the public schools at Oakland, California, has been asked to lead the Oregon yells for the Palo Alto game. Vosper was yell leader in the University while he was here. Donald 15. Itiee of the'class of 1014 and Lloyd P. Barm* of the class of 101" are also connected • with the Oakland schools, Barzeo is secretary and busi ness manager of the public schools. OREGON VICTORIOUS IN FIRST GOME. 7-0; PRETTY PUY WINS ♦ - ♦ Long Forward Pass in Final Quarter Beats Multnomah; Two Teams Used. VISITORS COMPELLED TO PUNT MANY TIMES “Shy” Gets Line on Material; Student Crowd of 2000 Lends Support. A forward pass from Jacobberger to Howard, which Howard converted into a touchdown was responsible for the 7 tv. 0 defeat which Oregon handed out to the Multnomah club eleven on Kincaid field! Saturday afternoon. With the ball on Oregon’s 30-yard line, a carefully cal culated pass coupled with the fast work of Howard in outdistancing the backs and ends of the visitors made the play one of the prettiest ever seen on an Oregon gridiron. The pass was for 20 yards and Howard raced across the goal line with out being tackled. Jacobherger converted the try for goal into the additional one point. Thus did Coach Huntington's Lemon Yellow warriors win their first game of the 11120 football season by outgeneraling the clubmen. The game was anybody’s until the fatal pass, when with five minutes of the last quarter yet to be played, a blocked punt attempted 'by Hiatt, big fullback for the winged M eleven, was recovered by Oregon. The winning play followed. The game for the most part was loosely played and was naturally slow on account of the great number of substitutions made by both teams, and few sensational plays were made by either side. g Army of Subs Used. Both Oregon and Multnomah used two teams during the game and only two men of the Oregon lineup stayed through the entire game. These two were George King, fullback, and “Spike” Leslie, left tackle. Multnomah weakened after the first half and Coach Dorman rased prac tically his entire utility squad m sin at tempt to stop the 0'i'egou onslaught. Oregon made first downs four times dur ing the first half to five times for tliej visitors. In the second half of the game. Oregon succeeded in making yardage for first downs, seven times while the club men made their yardage but once. Mult nomah appeared to be troubled with the lack of condition and although they were going strong at the outset of the game, the pace soon began to tell on them and in the last half they were fighting des perately to hold their own. Multnomah Punts Often. Multuoyiah was forced to 'resort to punting during the last half to keep the hall out of danger, and used this method of defense seven times during the last period. Hiatt, fullback for the visitors, was their most consistent ground gainer and tore off more yardage through the Oregon line than any of the other backs of the Multnomah eleven. Hiatt played a baekfield position for Syracuse last year and is a vqluablc asset to the Mult nomah team. Weight* right half for the clubmen, also played a good game and, was second to Hiatt in making yardage. Strowbridge. formerly of the Oregon squad, was unable to fool bis former teammates to any great extent ami was usually dragged down without a groat deal of gain. Tie is a fighter though, and worked hard throughout the game. Welch Diluted the Multnomah team very capably. Anderson Performs Well. “Stan’’ Anderson, who held down the right end position for the visitors, of course played a good game, well up to his usual standard and mussed a number of plays which Oregon might have put across! had not “Stan” been in the game “Stan” was at an advantage as well as a disadvantage in the game. He knew Oregon’s style of plnv. but Ids opponents i„ the line,' “Spike” Leslie and “Mart” Howard, were familiar with Ids style of play. h'or Oregon it would be hard to pics a star. The entire team was substituted at various periods in the game and it was impossible for team work to bring out the work of any stars. Hill. Hinehart and .Ta cobber gar tore off yardage through the visitors line almost at will during tin last half of the game, while King. Mead (Continued on Page f!) Mystery Veils Carnival; Farm Dress to Rule j A mystery carnival, is bring pro muted on the campus. It. is to be held on the night of October im mediately after the rally 'before the Idaho game, but outside of the when and a little of the what the affair is wrapped in. shrouds as dark as the shades of Cerberus. Where will it be? Tile ‘•wise’’ ones won’t tell. What will it be? They just hint that costumes and stunts will be 'paramount features. Farmer and farmerette costumes will be greatly in vogue, it is said, which leads toward the belief that the affair is a parody on our rival institution. Iu any event it is likely that it will l»> good policy for students to wear out all their old clothes so they will have something to wear to this soeial affair of the season. Any curious icinded individual nmy he able to tease some more information out of I>ee 'Wether-bee. who is general chair man of tin carnival committee, or Dorothy Woou m, who is arranging for the stunts. That’s all we know. There isn't any more! ADDS 3310 CLUD Altos Scarce; Two Trips to Be Planned Thirty-throe now members have been added to (lie Girls’ iG;lee Club as a result •of the tryourts which were hold Saturday (afternoon. This, with the seven old members who arc back, brings the num ber to 40. f Owing to the unusual number of good voices, the (3lee Club will, if possible, carry a few substitutes this year. There i is some very good material on the Glee Club, especially among the soprnnoes, ac cording to Professor Coon. Alto voices are scarce, he says,, and it is hoped that more can be added. Schedules for trips have not yet been completed. A short trip is being planned to take place during the Christmas holi days, and a longer one in the spring. The result of the tryout is as follows: First Soprnnoes—Cavilla Welke, Esth er Wilson, Vashta Hoskins, Doris lloef ler, Kathleen Kern, Frederikoi Schilke. Thyra Allen, Kloise. Harris, Mauri lit* Welch. Nell Gaylord, Dolores Catlow Ethyln Forrest, Gladys Keeney. Second Soprano—Aliys Anderson, Alice Baker-, Gladys Emison, Estella Muir, Jean Mackenzie, Constance Miller, Leah Zink, Marion Taylor, Naomi Wilson, Marion Lind. First Alto—Belle Cbntburu, Eloise Mc Pherson, Vera Shaver, Elizabeth Pride. Dorothy Castellan, Muriel Meyers. Second Alto—A1 Carson, Irene Hugh. IJella Kcsse, Katherine Baker. CHANGES AUTHORIZED IN SOCIAL SCHEDULE Student Council Makes Plans Co-incide. Various changes in the social schedule for the year, in order to more practically conform it with campus dates, were made at a meeting of the Student council Sat urday evening. Thc| social affairs committee lias authorized the following changes: Y. M. ('. A.-Y. \V. ('. A. mix on Friday, October 22. Sororities parties—Friday, Nov. lit. Student body dance—-January 7. Student body dance—Friday, Feb. 18. Fraternity parties—Saturday, Feb. 19. Fraternity parties—Friday, March 4. Student body dance -April 2!>4 Fraternity parties—Saturday, April 110 Student body dance—May 117. Sorority parties—May 28. Matinee dames may be held from four o’clock until nine on Friday, and from three to nine on Saturday. No single party may he of more than three hours’ length. Lansing Van Houten will captain the 1921 crew for Columbia. EXECUTIVE CUCIL ' OF y. PUNS DRIVE FOR NEW HERS Bib Carl, to Be Chairman; Committee Named to Handle Campaign. EVERY MAN WANTED ON ASSOCIATION LIST Friendship Council Soon to Be Reorganized; Church Work Will Be Aided. At tln> first meeting of the Y. M. C. A. executive council, plans were laid for the coining membership drive, of which Bib Tai'l will 'be chairman, and the various prospects for the year discussed. The drive will be launched tomorrow, October 13. Carl urges all ment to re spond. In speaking of the work of the "Y”, President Campbell said, “The en tire student body is indebted to the Y. M. C. A. for its many contributions to the welfare of the University. It is doing much to build up democracy upon the campus, and to keep alive the famous “Oregon Spirit.” The purpose of the membership drive is to get all the men in the University interested in the “Y” and its program, and actively supporting it. As President Savage has said, the Association is an all-campus organization, working for the best interests of all the men of Oregon. Personnel of Committee. The campus committee is Wesley Frat er, Bib Carl, Joe Ingram, Harry Smiths aud Norton Wiunard. The various or ganization representatives arc as follows: Beta Theta Pi, Wayne Akers; Sigma Chi, Bill Holden; Sigma Nu, Carl Newbery; Alpha Tau Omega, John Hopkins; Friendly Hall, Carlton Savage; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, F. Wade; Owl Club, Hon Davis; Bachelordon, Lyle Bartholomew; Kappa Sigma, Nelson Ireland; S-MIural da, Harold Lee; Phi Delta Theta, John Gambles; Delta Tan Delta. Elmo Mad den; Phi Gamma Delta, John Houston; Oregon Club. Boy Veatch. The first work of the Association this year was to help the new man get ad justed to college life. Personal letters were written to all these men before the opening of the University, welcoming them to Oregon. Another valuable part of the organization’s work is shown by the amount of work provided by the “Y’’’ during the first ten days of this term. Work amounting to $814.30 was fur nished through the agency of tie “Y”. Student Welfare Planned. Grout interest was shown by the cab inet in discussing plans to co-operate with the churches of Eugene in their programs for student welfare. Wayne Akers is iu charge of this 'branch of the work of the "X” and is preparing for an extensive campaign. Talks were made on extension work, and at present efforts are to be centered on student leadership in boys’ work iu the city. Hal Conuely, Secretary of the “X”, outliued the Chris tian Citizenship Training Program, which aims st^the all-around development of the boy. Several volunteered to lead boys’ clubs, and it was voted to hold another meeting, to which all men on the campus who are interested iu this type of work are invited. The meeting will be held next Friday, October 15, at four-thirty. The Friendship Council will be re-or ganized soon. This is the legislative body of the “Y”, composed of represen tatives from each men’s group on the campus. Team to Go to Conference. An organization of all college men who have attended boys’ conferences was suggested, and also it was decided to send a team of three men to the conference at Iloseburg, October 22-24. They will tell the boys about Oregon, and urge them to come here for their college edu cation. The 'officers of the Y. AI. C. A. this vear are Roy Vcateh, president; Norton Wiunard, secretary; Elston (Ireland, treasurer. The cabinet members are Bib Carl, 'Lyle Bartholomew, John Houston, Wes Frnter, Bill Coleman, Wayne Akers Francis Wade, Carlton Savage, John Gamble. Ray Osborne, Harris Ellsworth and Don Davis. STUDENTS WORK WAY. Thirty-two percent of the students at the University of Montana tiro working their way through college.