Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 09, 1920, Image 1

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    Underclass Mix
12:30 P. M.
Kincaid Field
Oregon Daily Emerald
Of-egon vs. Multnomah
2:00 P. M.
Kincaid Field
NO. 9.
Frosh-Sophomore Contest To
Be Square, Insists the
Flag Rush Big Feature of the
Day; Women To Vie In
Song Fest.
“Lay off the dress suits,” says Charles
Huggins, chairman of the underclass mix
that will be held at 12:‘>0 o’clock today
noon on historic Kincaid field. “The bird
that steps on the battle-ground today
with a white collar on, a “shine” on his
shoes, or a crease in the legs of his
trousers, is going to be sadly out of luck.
It makes no difference whether or not
his hair is parted in the middle, a la
lounge lizard—‘-that will all be changed
wdien action starts—but things are gonna
happen to any who come prepared for
a dance or an afternoon reception.’’
Huggins ,and the rest of the commit
tee, promise that today's will prove one
of the liyest mixes ever held on, the
campus. It will also be the squarest one
ever “pulled.” they say, and in their pro
gram have secured choice quotations
from prominent faculty members to up
hold their point.
Huskies in Flag Rush.
Fifty huskies from each of the two
underclasses are to participate in the
main event of the day: the flag rush.
Some of the other contests will be lim
ited to 20 men each, per team, tat in
others the number will be unlimited.
This is particularly true of the yelling
contest for the men and the singing con
test for the women.
The program, preceeded by the senior
parade,’is «s follows:
Attendance and singing—by women.. 5
Yell contest—by men— . 3
Tie-up contest .i .13
Cane Rush .10
Sand Bag Scrap . 10
Flag rush . -35
Stands Not To Be Decorated.
The usual custom of decorating the
stands was given up by the committee, it
is announced, on account of the expense.
Homecoming week, they say, will demand
all the funds that might have been spent
on the mix.
The sombreroed seniors, as tradition
demands, will hold positions as official
“cops.” The captain of that gallant
crew will be appointed by the class pres
Several Vacancies in Old Filled, and
New Committees Are Con
At the last meeting of the faculty a
number of appointments to various com
mittees were announced. Vacancies on
the old standing committees were filled
as follows: Athletics, Dr. J. F. Bovard;
Probations, Deans E. C. Bobbins, C. \ .
D. vment and W. E. Hale; Religious and
Moral Activities. Dr. A. E. Caswell and
J. S. Evans; Student Advisory, Dean
Hyment; 'Research, Dr. E. D. Packard;
Colloquium, Dr. R. II. Wheeler, Prof. T.
A. Larremore, and Karl Onthank. A
new regular committee was created on
Pre-engineering, the appointments being
as follows: Dr. A. E. Caswell. Prof.
E. H. McAlister, Prof. E. E. DeCou.
Hr. F. L. Shinn and Dr. E. L. Packard.
The following appointments to new spe
cial committees were announced: Col
lege Credit for Student Activities, Deans
H. V. D.vment, ,T. J. Landsbur.v, E. W.
Allen, J. F. Bovard and Prof. A. E. Red
dle: Faculty Club, Prof. W. F. G. Thach
er. Dr. J. H. Gilbert. Dr. A. E. Caswell,
Hr. J. D. Barnett, Prof. S. B. Warner
and Dr. II. B. Toirrey; Day .and Hour if
Faculty Meetings, Dr. .W. T. Boynton,
Hean John Straiuib and Earl Kilpatrick.
U. of W. Outlook Blue.
Varsity outlook is discouraging, states
Poaeh Allison of Washington, after the
scrimmages of last week-end.
Varsity Eleven to Get Initial
Tryout of the Season Against
Multnomah This Afternoon
Chances of Victory Slim, Says Coach “Shy”
Huntington; Bill Reinhart to Pilot
Squad; Lineup Announced.
Oregon's chances of winning this af
ternoon’s gridiron struggle against Mult
nomah are very slim, in the opinion of
the coaching staff of the lemon-yellow
eleven. Coaches “Shy” Huntington and
“Bart” Spellman are not contemplating
Ion winning the game with the clubmen,
according to the information they gave
out at training quarters last night.
“We are using this game in an effoVt
to find out more about what each indi
vidual player can do when put to a real
test, rather than to see what the team
collectively may he able to do,” Coach
Huntington said last night. "The team
is not in shape to go up against a hard
game such as this will he foir they have
not been completely 'organized as yet.”
The selection of a team has been a
problem which is even yet not solved by
the coaching staff this season, and the
material of the sort that there has been
very little difference shown in the play
ing ability of the men who are competing
for positions. There are a variety of
combinations which the coaching staff
have up their sleeve and which will be
tried out in the Saturday’s game but as
to just which of these is going to prove
the strongest against the winged “M”
eleven will be better determined after
the game starts this afternoon.
Positions Still Uncertain.
The battle for positions has been go
ing on steadily for the past three weeks
and yet there seems to be little ctfirage
in the status of the players when it
comes to landing a berth on the first
squad regularly. This is especially true
of tre •1'nemen, some aspirants for a
line position have been working at end,
guard and tackle and are showing inp
equally well in any of the positions until
it has almost become a matter of a toss
up to see who will land the place. Among
the men who have been playing the vari
ous positions, are “Rud” Brown, Carl
Vondeir Ahe and “Hugh’’ Clerin.
Other linenien have been worked al
ternately at guard and at tackle in an ef
fort to get ^hem in the best position.
These are Shields, Strachan. Ward and
Starr. For the backfield the combina
tion which has been working more stead
ily than any other is made up of “Bill”
Rinehart at quarter, “.Take” Jacobberger
and “Frankie” Hill at halves and George
King at full. On the second string and
alternating with the first string men on
the job are Mead and Hoisington at half
and "Busher” Blake at full, while (Lath
am, Durno and Boyer have also been
making good in the backfield.
Everett Br.nndenberg will be unable to
get into the game today on account of his
ankle not being sufficiently well to al
low his using it. Mautz, the husky line
man will also only be good for a .short
heat today as he has only been out with
the squad for about a week.
The game with Multnomah was ar
ranged on short notice and has not al
lowed for secret signal practice and fin
fact the various combinations which
Coach Huntington will use have been
switched about so much that they are
hardly familiar with the plays and sig
nals which they will use. In the words
of Coach Huntington, “the game will be
a game for the men to make good and
1 expect to get a line on just What each
man has in him.”
Men To Be Watched.
Head Coach “Shy” Huntington an
nounces that the line-up at the start of
today’s game will be as follows:
“Brick” Leslie, center; ,“S” Starr,
right guard. “Ed’’ Ward, left guard,
“Scotty” Strachan, right tackle, “Spike”
Leslie, left tackle; “Hugh” Clerin, right
Howard, left end. In
the backfiefd Coach Huntington will
start “Bill” Rinehart- at quarter;
“Frankie” Hill and “Jake” .Tacobberger
at halves and George King at full.
This will by no means be the line-up
which will play the entire game today os
the coaches will give every man who has
been showing up well in practice a try
in his position. “Bart” Laughlin and
“Ducky” Holmes will each get a whirl
at center; “Fat’’ Mautz, Vonder Ahe.
“Rud” Brown and “Tiny” Shields will
work at guard; Brown, Vonder Ahe and
Shields will also be sent in at tackle
during the game and Brown, Vonder
Ahe and Morfltt will be given a: chance
to work at end. In the backfiekl. “Busti
er” Blake will be sent in at full during
(Continued on page four)
liill HMD
New Staff Will Direct Yells
At Today’s Game.
Leslie Nunn and Dean Ireland are the
two men chosen to assist Claire Keeney
in leading the yells on the campus for
the coming year. The appointments have
been made by Keeney and consented to
;by the student council. Both Nunn and
Ireland are members of the class of
2H, and both have been prominent in
gchool activities since entering the Uni
The new assistants will make their
first appearance at the Multnomah club
-Oregon game this afternoon, as will al
so the University band, and it is hoped
by Yell King Keeney that the first game
of the year will develop a sufficient
amount of pep among the college men to
start the season off with a bang.
According to Keeney, it is the object of
each cheer leader to adopt the same
method of leading the yells as the oth
ers. in order that there should be no dif
ficulty in keeping the rooters in unision.
At present it is planned to hold yell
practice at least once a week on Kin
caid field. Keeney urges that all men
come out to these practices and show,
their interest in the team as well to
learn new yells and practice old ones.
As guests of Ollie Stollenberg. senior
member of the student council, the mem
bers of that body were entertained at
dinner last evening at Hendricks hall. 1
Oregon Represented at First
Scientific Conference
“I may not be fortunate enough to at
tend such a meeting again jn my life
time,” says Dr. Warren D. Smith, head
of the department of geology, in a let
ter to Dr. E. L. Packard concerning the
First Scientific Conference under the
auspices of the Pan Pacific Union. Dr.
Smith was the representative of the Uni
versity of Oregon at this important con
ference which was held at Honolulu,
August 2 to 20. The conference was
called to assist in co-ordinating the
work of various bureaus and organiza
tions for scientific study and research in
countries bordering the Pacific. It was
Hinder the direction of the Bishop
Museum, to which Dr. C. II. Ermondson
is attached since he resigned his posi
tion with the University of Oregon.
The program of the conference in
volved various trips planned for differ
ent groups of scientists, some of espe
cial interest to botanists, some particu
larly for geologists and so forth. Dr.
Smith writes that he visited the volcanic
laboratory of Kilauea while there.
The conference is one of the outstand-#
ing conferences of the year, and was at
tended by delegates from all parts of j
the world. Many universities of the
United States were represented, as well
as many scientific bureaus of research.
Dr. Smith stopped at the conference on
his way to the Philippines where he is to
spend a year, being on leave of absence
from the University.
Paper Will Be Sent To All
Former Students and
Week-End Program and Sport
Gossip To Fill Four
Page Edition.
Xewshounds and Oregon enthusiasts
on the job, and the “Winnagen,’’ tha
paper which was published last year pre
vious to Homecomiug week-end and sent
out all over the state to all old Oregon
ians and which, according to many of
said old students, “did the work” when i^
came to bringing them back to the cam
pus at that particular time, is about to
he published again this year, with Lyle
Bryson, chosen from the editing class,
as its editor.
This publication, which is strictly for
Oregonians, is to be printed on yellow
paper with green ink, as was done last
year, and is to be running over with
mirth and fun from beginning to end.
According to Miss Bryson, the paper is
to be full of pep, humorous items about
all old graduates and students it is pos
sible to get the dope on, and also there
will be cuts, cartoons and jokes as well,
Will Get “The Dope.’1
“We are going to get the dope on as
many different people in as many dif
ferent classes as is possible,” said Miss
Bryson, “and humorous write-ups will be
featured! prominently. John Dierdorff
will handle all the humorous articles and
the rest of the staff for the paper will
be chosen from members of the editing
“The Winnagen” is to be sent out all
over the state to every person who has
over had any connection with the Uni
versity, and will appear in about two
weeks, previous to the Oregon vs. Uni
versity of Washington game of Novem
ber 13. Upon its pages will be found all
the Homecoming w’eek-end plans, the
program for the entire week-end, the
dope about the football team and about
the game to be played between Oregon
and Washington, two old rival institu
Big Hit Last Year. ,
According to Miss Charlie Fenton, j
alumni secretary, who lias received many
letters from old Oregon people since last
Homecoming week-end, the “Winnagen”
made a big hit last year and many per
sons have urged that such a publication
be put out again this year before Home
coming. It has been proved that this is
a very successful means of bringing back
the Oregonians, it was announced by the
editor, so work has commenced already.
Members of the editing class from
which the staff for the paper will be
chosen are: Mary Ellen Bailey, Charles
IGlratke, Harold Moore, Lyle Bryson, Rob
ert Bettieher, Eugene Ivelty, Harry
Smith, Frances Qudsenber'i y, Jacob
Jacobson, Carlton Logan, Jennie Perkins
and Stanley Eisman.
Preliminary Tryouts Will Be Held Sat
urday, Trials Next Week; Alto
Voices Few.
The fifteen vacancies in the Girls’
Glee Club will be filled from the final
tryouts next. week. It- is expected that
30 or 40 names will he posted at the
first of the week for the finals. The last
of the preliminary tryouts will be held
Saturday morning from 9:30 to 11.
Forty-six persons have tried out so
the preliminaries, said Professor Coon,
of the school of music, director of the
dub. About 70 will probably try omt in
the preliminaries, saod Professor Coon.
This was the number that tried out last
year, but there are seven less vacancies!
to be filled this year than there were
last. | '
The Glee Club is especially anxious to
get alto voices, Professor Coon said.
Only two or three altos of the desired
range have tried out as yet. for voices
of this type are comparatively rare.
California is now putting over a mill
age campaign for the universities.
| Street Car Signs
] “All Greek;” Two
Girls Draw Gun
Yesterday afternoon, two senior
girls, whose names are withheld be
cause they are both Delta On minus,
were down town on a shopping sur
vey. They had walked down and
were tirqd by the time their pur
chases were completed.
“Bet's ride home on the can',” said
"All right,” assented the second
So they hailed the next car and
climbed aboard. 'All went well until
the ear came to Eleventh avenue. In
stead of tnurning in the accustomed
direction it kept straight on up Will
amette. The girls smelled a rat.
The conductor was called upon to
“Yes. this was a College Crest car,
hadn’t they seen the sign on it?”
But the seniors didn’t stop to "talk.
They demanded transfers to the
Fairmount line and to be let off at
And the conductor was not the
only one who grinned.
M. H. Douglass Suggests More
Study in Afternoon.
Arrangements have been made for
three extra stiudy rooms to supplement
the library reading rooms. These are
to be open Monday, Tuesday, Wednes
day and Thursday evenings. Economic
history students will find their 'reserve
books in room .10 of the library building
from (1:30 to 10 on those evenings, alfd
Room 1 will be open from 7 to 10 p. m.
for those who are not using library
books, and students who cannot find
chairs in the main reading room. Room
1 of Johnson ball also is open from (1:30
to 10 for students of mathematics.
Mrs. M. F. 'McClain, reference librar
ian, states that at present there are about
three times as many students on the
campus as the library can well accom
modate. It has been overcrowded for
some time but it is busier than ever this
yean*, she says. The evening hours are
worse, for then long lines are formed at
the circulation desk, which makes it
something of a task to obtain reserve
According to M. IT. Douglass, librar
ian, there is no remedy for present con
ditions save the supplementary reading
rooms until a new library can be erect
ed or more rooms secured in other build
ings. “As long as there are students us
ing reserve and reference books, read
ing magazines and studying their own
books, all in one reading room, there
will be congestion,” said Mr. Douglass.
He suggests that students use the re
serve rooms freely and if possible study
in the afternoon and in this way help to
improve matters.
Misses Nelson, Hopson, Coffey, and
Moore Honored by Athletic Coun
cil Thursday.
At the first meeting of the college
year held Thursday evening, the athletic
coitiincil of the A. S. TJ. O. officially
awarded sweaters to the women who
earned their letters in the swimming
meet with O. A. C. during Junior Week
end last spring. Those (receiving the
rewards were Francis Moore, Valerie
Coffey, Wipifred Hopson and Helen Nel
The football schedule was approved,
and the engagement of Kenneth Bart
lett and Buz Williams as freshman foot
ball coaches, was officially sanctioned
for the first time.
Arrangements were completed for the
frosh-rook game on Armistice day, which
with the Homecoming game is expected
to make a “big” week end. O. A. C.
promises to bring a special train filll of
rooters, and also n band, to hack their
This action put an end to the proposed
freshman game with the University of
Washington first year class on November
13, but negotiations are under way to
arrange for a game with the northern
freshman at Seattle on either October HO
or November 0.
Head of Department Reports
64 Women Enroll For
Work Thus Far.
! Graduates In Last Year's
Classes All Reported In
Good Positions.
Miss Mabel L| Cummings, head of the
department of hygiene and physical edu
cation for women, is particulaly happy
over the fact that sixty-four girls have
thus far registered as majors in the de
partment. This exceeds by about 30 per
cent the number registered in the past
Miss Cummings stated that during the
spring and summer she had calls for
many more girls to fill positions os in
structors or directors of physical educa
tion and that, she was able to provide.
With increased enrollment she can not
only fill more positions, but can choose
from a greater number the girls best
suited to each particular type of work.
Choice Hard To Make.
“It is difficult to recommend from a
small number of girls,’' she said, “jHst
the person who will be satisfactory. With
a larger number, I shall be able to rec
ommend girls best suited to different po
With the exception of Helene Reed,
who intended to take up health work in
other forms than teaching, all of the
major girls who graduated last spring
have secured positions as instructors in
physical education. Eva Hansen has
charge of the physical training work at
Pendleton. Miss Cummings states that
she has heard glowing accounts of her
work already and also that Ruth Susman.
teaching at Ontario, has taken hold of
her work in a very satisfactory way.
Jeannette Moss, honor graduate from
the department, is in the large Union
high school at Livingston, Montana.
Others Well placed.
Era Godfrey is instructor of physical
training in the Salem high school. Mary
MeCornnck has been ehosen a member
of the staff here, but is at present in the
Good Samaritan hospital in Portland,
after an operation. She will not be able
to take up her duties here, states Miss
Cummings, until the opening of the
spring term.
Miss Cummings is receiving many calls
to give lectures and demonstrations on
physical education methods to the teach
ers throughout the state, but is com
pelled to decline. Last week-end she
was in Portland attending a meeting of
health and physical education committee
of the State Teachers Association, of
which she is chairman.
Boxing, Stunts, Smokes, Doughnuts and
Cider Are To Be On
Smokes, lots of them, with plenty of
eider ami doughnuts, are promised by
the men of Friendly hall for their smok
er, tonight, beginning promptly at nine
A good lively program has been ar
ranged for. and will consist of boxing,
special feature stunts by flrosh members
(by request,) with a possibility of a
good wrestling match.
One representative from each of the
men’s organizations of the campus has
been invited to attend the smoker. The
committee in charge of affairs consists
of B. A. Van Loan, chairman; Merle
Snyder, Clyde Davis and Leo Hertline.
* Opening the season’s dances, 275 *
* couples gathered at the Armory last *
* night for the first of the Student *
** Body dances. Though this was the *
* first dance to be given by any cam- *
* pus organization, the crowd was far *
? lighter than expected. These stu- *
* dent body affairs are to be given *
* from time to tyne during the school *
* year. *
**** *******