Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 08, 1920, Page TWO, Image 2

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Bryson.Associate Editor
C'toarles E. Cwitke.•. ..News Editor
(Assistant News Editors
l>oris Sikes Velum Rupert
Special Writers
>tarjr Loti Burton Frances Qulsenberry
Steurts fjditor .Floyd Maxwell
Pierre Meade, 33ugene Relty
Night Editors
.Stanley C. Eisman Carlton K. Logan
Editorial Writers
Phil Brogan Herbert Scheldt
Features .John Dierdorff
Exchanges . Jacob Jacobson
Itaj-okJ ilooio
Paulino Coad
Reuel Moore
flM1* King
Margaret Scott
News Staff
Harry Ellis
Eunice Zimmerman
Fred Guy on
Elizabeth Whitehouse
John Anderson
Gordon Avery
Owen Calloway
Kenneth Youel
Martha Westwood
.Tean Straeban
Advertising .Managers
WffosUr IRtble A1 Wortendyke
• Circulation Manager
Floyd Bowles
Charles Lamb George Mein tyre
Office Assistant
Marion Weiss
Official • publication of the Associated .Students of the University of Oregon,
Issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the college year.
Rptered 'n the post office at Eugene. Oregon, as second class matter. Sub
seEl/titm rates $2.^5 per year, liy term, 75c. Advertising rates upon application.
Campus office—053. Downtown office—11*00.
The question of student self-government and the honor sys
tem was again brought before the Associated Students
yesterday morning. President Campbell spoke at length on
the plan, urged the early adoption by the students of the self
government plan similar to that used by the students of many
of the larger institutions of the country,
Oregon will eventually try out self-government and the
honor system—that much is certain. But before the plan is
adopted, every student in the University of Oregon should
give the matter real serious thought,, realize the responsibili
ties the adoption of this movement would throw upon such in
dividual student, and make up their minds whether Oregon is
ready or not.
Belf-governmcnt, as the Emerald sees it, involves two
phases: Discipline and the honor system. The first phase
means that all matters of student discipline which now come
under the jurisdiction of the faculty committee in charge,
Would be handled by a student committee. The honor system
means that every student in the University pledges himself
wot to cheat in examinations.
Student self-government is based on the idea that students
must check up on each other. The American boy instinct of
hitting the “tattler,” has made the plans of self-government
go awry in many institutions. But it has been overcome in
Many more. Once that instinct is overcome, self-government
catinot fail to be a success.
* Just because student self-government lias been adopted in
priaotically every large institution in the country is no reason
the University of Oregon should blindly adopt the measure.
The question will undoubtedly be brought up at the next meet
ihif of the Associated Students. In the meantime avail your
self of every opportunity to study up on the matter.
The program of class meetings during the past few days
haa been rather strong. But no member of any class can af
ford to be on the outside of anything bis class is doing. Class
sfrjrit is second only to Oregon Spirit. New students wiho are
dot acquainted with this fact will likely have it brought home
tb them permanently sometime Saturday afternoon. Class
spirit is big. Get it! j
Open practice will be held on Kincaid field one night a
week—Wednesday, which means in plain English that on
lookers are not welcome at varsity practice at any other time j
during the week. Secret practice is necessary if Oregon is to
have a winning team this year. Don’t wait for the coaches to
a6k you to leave. Watch the team practice on Wednesdays. !
Tips •'I'” hut Tuesday received a new
contribution to its library in the form of
a book of essays and lectures by nev
er end James Jj. Hill, I). 1>., of Salem.
Mass. The volume, which is entitled
"The Worst Boy in Town” was present
ed by the author through the agency of
If, H. Bobbins of Eugene. Mr. Bobbins
and Rev. I>r. Hill were schoolmates back
in Oriauell, Iowa, about 1870. Hill is
the author of several other books on re
ligious and social subjects. The "V” but
library is open to all.
LOST. — At freshman class mooting,
“Manual of Good English." Name How
ard E. Hailey in front. I’loaso loavo at
"Y” hut.
LOST. — A diamond in onyx sotting
somowhoro between Library and Gamma
l'hi ISotn house. Reward given. Gall
at 772.
LOST — Overcoat with bolt during
open house. Rhone Et20- adv.
LOST—Rod and black model Water
man fountain pen between MoOluro and
the library. Gall 107. adv.
The Elkins Art and Gift Shop
Evis;chip, Oregon
Unique and bountiful gifts in Ait, Hooks and Pottery.
Wo also carry excellent lines of stationery, fountain
liens and Evers harp pencils.
* —-“-•-—-*
I The
j Oregon Calendar
★ ----—.—- -.—.— -★
Thursday, October 7—Assembly. Keg
•ulttr meeting A. S. U. 0. Vlllard.
II a. in.
Junior class meeting. 4 o’clock at
Y. M. C. A. Hut.
Friday, October 8.—Student body dance.
Armory. 8 p. m.
Iteception given by President and
Mrs. Campbell to the members of the
University faculty and their wives.
Hotel Osburn. b p m.
Saturday, October 9.-—Oregon vs. Mult
nomah Athletic Chib, Kincaid Field,
2:30 p. m.
Saturday, October 9. — Annual under
class mix. Kincaid field. 12:30 p. in.
Football, Oregon vs. Multnomah.
Kincaid field. 2:00 p. m.
Student Carnival. 8:00 p. m. Hay
ward hall.
Sunday, October 10. -— Special services
for students in all Eugene churches.
Monday, October II.—Tryouts for men’s
glee club at 4:30 at school of music.
★---; -:----★
*-— *
Oregon Club.—A special meeting of
the Oregon club to discuss Homecoming
plans will be held at the Y. M| hut Mon
day evening.
Campus Mail. — Mail is accumulating
so rapidly at the campus postoffice that
all students are asked to call for their
Sophomore Meeting. — A meeting of
the sophomore class has been called for
this afternoon at 4:15 in Guild hall. All
sophomores are urged to attend, as im
portant matters relating to the inter
class mix are to be discussed.
University Expenses. — This is to
notify all organizations and all students
of the University that the executive com
mittee of the Associated Students will
not he responsible or liable for any ex
penditure incurred either in their name
or the name of the Associated Students
unless such expenditures have been pre
viously sanctioned or approved by 1'ae
executive committee. Carlton Savage.
Lyle Bryson, John Houston. Marc Lath
am, Wilbur M. Carl,
Band Practice. — Band practice will
be held today in Villard hall at 5:00 p. m.
All men desiring a place on the band
should be out.
Men's Glee Club. — Tryouts for the
Men’s Glee Club will be held Monday,
October 11, at 4:30 in the mu,sic buna
Y. M.-Y. W. Mixer.—The mixer, sche
duled for Saturday night has been post
poned. Date to be announced later.
Alpha Delta Pi announces the pledg
ing of Lydia Beardemphl. of Tacoma.
Wash., and Helen Warner, of Kugene.
Sigma Delta Phi announce the pledg
ing of Frances Moore of Aberdeen,
Weakly Half-Wit
Two nickels for a dime.
Fairmont for College Crest.
Vice versa.
■He promised her that lie would show
her their future home after they were
married. The next night he led her out
Kincaid street and showed her the grave
Few boys over 16 to sell refreshments
in the graveyard Friday. Saturday and
Sunday evenings
■“Doe” Landsbury told us to set this
off our chest early, and while we are
close to the subject, we must let it out.
lie says they are building the new music
building where they can wake the dead.
E. Murchie.
Down among’st the millraee.
Him and her did stroll,
A dance was on at the armory,
But his was a thrifty sole.
ISyron Mike says: “Th’ best way t’
got a rank in the R. O. T. C. is t’ sign
up as a ‘major’ in th’ department.”
Now that the football season is well
under way, the University Infirmary has
announced that expansions will be made
in the near future. Perhaps a premoni
tion from the psychology department.
Kansas has honored its loafers with
a special room to loaf in. Here the
boys are not so particular where they
loaf and besides we need all our rooms
for classes.
“Now I can speak ray mind.”
“Sh! Even the trees ha>-’e ears.”
“Do I have to wait till the trees
This is a deep one. Better read it
twice. Dictated to the Phi Pelt grub
“What’s in a name,” said Bill
Steers, as he jumped into the rear
seat of the automobile.
Did that penetrate. This seems to be;
a nice way to kill time. Some guys are |
Lard, up,-however, and lost Saturday j
morning several of the boys journeyed I
over to Springfield to Investigate the!
manufacture of Springfield rifles. 15. O.!
T. C. line.
There is no excuse for students to
snore in class as long as clothes pins
-an be bought for ten cents a dozen.
Cushing Co-ed — "Throe of us girls
had such a wonderful time this summer.
We took a tramp through the Cascades.”
Cruel 'Man—“And did the tramp have a
rood time?”
A modest man shouldn’t go canoeing
on the race. If he capsized he' might
be too bashful to hug the shore.
Suits Cleained and Praised.
Quick Auto Service.
Osburn Cleaners and Dyers
Pheno 342
■f ¥ -\y
* ! ‘^*1 Ik,- <{ * V*r-.w «•.*•. - an
Fit Up Your Room
*, .• ,y W-1'% ,. M 'i MN:y; r it- i
with electrical fixtures. Now is the
time to get it ready for winter. Make
it nice and cosy—we’ll help you. Keep
your room warm with an electric heat
er. It is always ready when you need it.
Let us put some lighting fixtures in
your room.
Myers Electric Supply Co.
Phone 254
822 Park
—in our big annual woolen goods sale!
Also bath robes, woolen sox, woolen un
derwear, flannel shirts—and. in fact every
thing a man wears in woolens.
We have the largest specialty store in
woolen goods on the entire coast. It is
needless to say that you can find most any
article you want in any of olir five big
stores. '
Our MljU-to-Man methods, com
bined with our colossal purchasing
power, enable us to sell for much
less than the average retailer. .
Don’t fail to drop in during the
sale and give our stock the “once
over”—you’ll see.worth while val
Seventh and Willamette Streets.
Willard Standard of Service
^ V;,- ■: , - ! " ' . ' ^ .
First.—Mooting ovory customer more than half
way, being really glad to see him, and glad to help
Second.—Being properly equipped to help—
thoroughly trained and experienced in battery care,
construction and repair.
third.—Maintaining a real station in a good lo
cation. with space in which to do business properly
Fourth.—Showing the ear owner how to care for
his battery and how to avoid things that will injure
it and shorten its life.
Fifth—Being- businesslike, to base fair and just
charges on knowledge of actual costs, to give good
returns for every penny, and to carry an adequate
stock of new batteries, rental batteries and repair
Of course, we’re human, and we’re not all of us
100 .per cent all of the tipie; but we are honestly
and sincerely striving to live up to our standard.
We believe Willard Service is the most reliable bat
tery servieee in America and we’re making it better
every day.
We welcome your suggestions.
Eugene Storage Battery"
Willard Service Station
Phono 1272
Eugene, Oregon
S.2 Seventh Ave. East