Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 08, 1920, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
NO. 8.
Game With Winged “M”
Will Open 1921 Season on
Kincaid Grid.
Greatest Task to Stop Bucks
of Multnomah; Little Work
Done in Defensive.
If there nre any admirers of the Oil
more Dobie style of coaching which
proved so popular at the University of
Washington a few years ago, in Eugene
tomorrow, they will in all probability
have an opportunity to see this system
in operation against Coach Huntington’s
eleven. Coach Dorman, of the Multno
mah aggregation which comes here for
the opening game of the season tomor
row afternoon, has been drilling his squad
for the past two months and it is gener
ally understood that this will be Dor
man’s mode of offensive and defensive
attack in tomorrow’s game.
Coach Dorman was a former pupil of
Dohie’s when the latter was heading the
Washington squad, and he played a back
field position under Dobie’s tutelage. As
to just how much this style of playing
will avail against the lemon-yellow var
sity can be better determined after the
first few minutes of play tomorrow af
Oregon Backs Outweighed.
E(1 Strowbridge, former baekfield man
for Oregon, “Bill” Holden, big star for
the past several years on the Multno
mah aggregation, '‘Pudge” Brown and
“Gene” Murphy, both of whom have been
playing for the past several.years with
the winged “M”, will probably make up
the baekfield of the club team. If that
is the case the Oregon baekfield will be
outweighed some 20 or more pounds to
the man, and Oregon’s line will be taxed
to the utmost when big “Bill” Holden
starts his off-tackle bucks.
If Oregon wins tomorrow’s game it
will not be brawn that does the job,
but rather the superior speed of the Ore
gon eleven. Multnomah is known to have
a slow line and although big and plenti
fully supplied with beef, they lack the
pep and snap which always characterizes
Coach Spellman and Huntington’s line
men. “Stan” Anderson and Donaldsen
are slated to handle the end position for
the Multnomah eleven. The ability of
Anderson is well known to Oregon stu
dents on account of his previous perform
ance and Donaldsen has been playing
with the club team for the past several
“M” Ends Fast.
Oregon can expect no advantage over
the ends in the game. “Mart” Howard
who was Anderson’s running mate at end
last year on the lemon-yellow will prob
ably be in that capacity in the game, the
handling of the other end position will
fall to “Rud” Brown, “Hugh” Clerin, or
Neil Morfitt according to present dope.
Last night’s scrimmage workout was
the last for the week and tonight’s work
(Continued1 on Page 4)
Complete Set of Officers Are
Named at Meeting.
Claire Wallace, of Portland, was elect
ed president of the freshman class at a
meeting held in Villard hall yesterday
morning immediately following the A. S.
T-T. O. assembly. The other officers
elected to help guide the dfrosh’' through
their first year are as follows: Vice
President, Edna Bushman of Springfield;
secretary, Iantha Smith of Albany; and
treasurer, George Bronaugh of Portland.
President Campbell addressed the
class, administering a few tcling remarks
and bits of advice. lie urged upon the
students the necessity for a daily sche
dule of work, recreation and sleep. The
day should be divided into three eight
hour shifts, and the schedule lived up
to, according to President Campbell.
| Sigma Chi House
| Arnica-Scented j
Like Red Cross I
“I didn’t, know they had a recon
struction hospital for war wrecks in
Eugene,” observed a new student
the other day as he pass'd the Sigma
Chi house at a moment when all the
house crutches were being displayed
oh the front porch.
The S. X.’s home has, for a fact,
presented an appearance of hospital
ity, i. e., a la hospital, ever since
their permanent boarders began to
drift back to the family fireplace.
There are Ray Vester and Johnny
Palmer to form the background for
the setting and numerous minor in
juries such as Horace Brier’s black
eye to help keep up the surgical at
mosphere of the house.
Ray Vester came to grief as the
result of a fall. Ray says that it
was the sudden stop rather than the
fall that did the damage.
Johnny Palmer was also the victim
of a fall. In his case he was the
fallee rather than the fuller, how
ever. A lumber pile was the active
agent this time.
It is said that the Sigma Chi
h’ouse manager is trying to arrange
a trade with the infirmary whereby
the two would exchange houses.
Representatives ,to Gather
Saturday Morning.
That delegates from all organized
houses on the campus will meet on Sat
urday morning to indicate their prefer
ence in dates for dances for this year
was decided at a meeting of the social
affairs committee on Tuesday. Oct. 5.
The committee, consisting of Dean Fox,
chairman. Miss Perkins, Dean Straub,
Professor Milne, Professor Dunn, and
the following student members: Leta
Kiddle, Maud Barnes, Don Newbury and
Elmer Pendell, had as its guests at Tues
day’s meeting Dean Dyment, John Hous
ton. chairman of the social committee of
student council, and Clarlton Savage,
president of the A. S. U. O.
Dean Fox wishes to remind the stu
dents that the tentative engagement of
dates does not release them from filing
a formal petition in the offices of the
two deans.
Rules Explained in Booklet.
Emphasis was also' placed upon the
proper understanding of the ‘’Living. So
cial and Disciplinary Rules” which ap
pear on page 33 and following pages in
the booklet entitled “University Regula
tions.” Because of the explanations
given in this booklet, it was decided that
no student or organization has any le
gitimate reason for misunderstanding the
rules of the University.
The committee urges that Friday, Oct.
15, be kept free from any campus activi
ties, so that the churches may have one
uninterrupted evening for holding parties
for the students in the church rooms.
Johnny Houston will soon have a re
port of all student body dances for this
year with a list of the chaperones for
each one.
Next Meeting October 19.
A letter which will later be given pub
licity is being sent to the student council
from the social affairs committee inter
preting the University regulations which
concern dancing.
Tuesday, Oct. 10, was set for the next
meeting of the committee. At that time
a large number of guests will be present,
including all -the men and women who
were patrons and patronesses at dances
last year, house chaperones, representa
tives from organizations giving dances,
student council, and all interested stand- i
ing committees. The purpose of the so
cial affairs committee is to discuss fully
the social life at the University.
Thi Delta Phi, national honorary law
faternit.v, has announced the pledging of
Ogden Johnson, William Ralston, For
rest Littlefield, Harry Skyman and
Oeorge La Roche. Initiations will be
held on Hallowe’en night, it is announced.
The Chase Inn chapter of the Phi
Delta Thi was installed at Oregon last
April. There are fifteen active mem
bers in the organization, most of whom
stay at the new chapter house at 2.300
Emerald street.
Students Advised to Assume
More Responsibilities in
School Government.
Emerald Editor and Manager
to Receive Share of
Paper’s Earnings.
Appearing before the Associated Stu
dents of the University of Oregon at
the first business meeting of the college
year in Villard hall yesterday morning,
President P. L. Campbell urged the adop
tion of an honor system in student af
fairfs, and, further, urged the students
to assume more of the responsibilities of
governing the institution. An audience
that packed the hall to the doors gave
vent to enthusistic applause at the con
clusion of the address.
Because of the fact that Oregon is des
tined to become in ensuing years a much
greater state than it now is, said the
President, it will need a high standard of
citizenship; a citizenship that will be
alive too the public duties and responsi
bilities and one that will be able to han
dle them. As prospective leaders in the
affairs of the state in years to come, the
students were urged to learn all that they
could, while in college, of self-govern
ment of the higher type. This, the Presi
dent held—and he said that the rest of
the faculty agreed with him—could best
be attained by the introduction of an
honor system, and a deeper and more in
timate knowledge of self - government
among the students at the University.
System Will Work Here.
While he admitted the failure of the
plan in some of the eat tern institutions,
he said that it was his belief that the
system was generally sound and that it
should be able to work happily at Ore
gon. Some time next month President
Campbell expects to visit the so-called
fountain-head of the honor system, the
University of Virginia, and will make a
detailed investigation of affairs as they
are at that institution.
John Huston told of the preparations
being made for Homecoming week, No
vember 12, 13 and 13, and asked the stu
dent body to help in any and every way
possible to make the affair successful so
that it will be remembered as the best
ever held on the campus. Reports from
different committee chairman, Wayne
Akers, of the campus committee, Don
Davis, of the Friday night student body
committee, and from Remcy Cox, who is
handling collegiate debate, were given.
An amendment to the constitution of
the Associated Students that will pro
vide for a maximum of $400 to be given
each year to both the editor and busi
ness manager of the Oregon Daily Emer
od as a reward for extra effort in the
interests of the publication put forth,
providing that the earnings of the paper
will cover it, was introduced by Harris
Ellsworth, seconded by John Houston,
and passed without a dissenting vote.
Any amount above the $400 will be di
vided between the two executives and
the A. S. U. O. on a 50-50 basis.
Music from the combined Men’s and
Women’s Glee clubs, under the direction
of John Stark Evans, of the school of
music, was a feature of ihe meeting.
Byron Garrett, president of the Men’s
Oregon Club, appointed Carl Epping,
Wilbur Bolton and Roy Veatch, chair
man. on the constitutional committee
Tuesday. The committee named to ar
range for a smoker consists of Norton
Winnard, chairman, Emerald Slogan, and
Charles iGratke. The appointment of
Phil Brogan, chairman, Glen Walkley and
Virgil DeLap on the budget committee
was announced by Garrett. These com
mittees are to submit their reports to
the next meeting of the Oregon Club,
which will be held two weeks from last
Monday in the Y. M. hut at 7:15, accord
ing to the president.
Alpha Tau Omega announces the pledg
ing of Guenter Bickel, of Wasco. Ore
gon. S-Maralda announces that Herbert
T. Hacker has broken his pledge with
that organization.
Committees Completing Plans
For Large Attendance
of Alumni.
Night Clothes Parade Stunts
on Program for Friday
Before Game.
If pluis can be carried out as outlined,
by the van ms committees on Hom^coir - ■
ing, alu uni and fviends of the University
who will be here for the big events ..a
Friday and Saturday, November 12 and
in, will witness the largest Homecom
ing ever held at Oregon.
On Friday night proceeding the big
game with Washington there will be a big
rally down town in the nature of a ‘night
clothes’ parade. Then back to the cam
pus where there will be plenty of enthus
iastic speeches on how Oregon won the
games in the old days, from coaches
Hayward and Huntington as well as from
prominent members of the alumni. There
will also be a complete schedule of stunts
to add to the life of the occasion.
Homecoming Dance Friday Eve.
Saturday, November 13, is the big day.
The football game with the University of
Washington is of course the big event. In
the forenoon will be the alumni reunion
which has for many years been one of
the features of Homecoming looked for
ward to by former students and friends
of the University. In the evening the
big poynecoming dance is scheduled.
The committees op Homecoming have
already begun work. The advertising
committee, headed by Jack Benefiel with
Abe Rosenberg and Ray Vestey as co
workers, have outlined several plans for
letting the people of the state hear about
Homecoming at Oregon.
Homecoming will be advertised in the
papers throughout the state, and posters
will be sent otit to the alumni to be
placed in show windows of the various
Houses Write Old Men.
The publicity committee, with «T. Jac
obson as chairman and Curly Lowrencc,
Eugene Kelty, Guy Sacre, and Arthur
Rudd os assistants, are plauing on a very
effective way of handling all news re
garding Homecoming. According to plans,
efforts will be made to reach every town
in Oregon through the alumni secretary,
Charlie Fenton, to ascertain just who
will be back for the week-end.
The advertising committee is also
working on a novel scheme of having
every house on the campus carry on a
campaign to get as many of the old grad
uates back as possible. The plans is for
every house to write as many of the
old men as possible and tell them about
Homecoming, making every effort to
persuade them to come back.
Further, the committee on stickers
urges every student to get the stickers
at the Co-op store at once and put them
on every letter.
More Names Added to List of Married
Students of University.
When the list of benedicts and brides
from among the Tanks of the students
and faculty of the University was print
ed in the Emerald a few issues ago, a
few names were omitted owing, no doubt,
to the fact that cupid was so busy dur
ing the summer that he was unable to
keep his records up to date and is only
now getting the last names in.
George Alder of Eugene, a pre-medics
student in the University and Miss Ellen
Wible of Areata, California were married
on Sunday, August 29. . Mrs. Alder, who
is a gradute of the Humbolt Normal
School, plans to take a course in pipe
•organ in the school of music next term.
Ljast Saturday the Mallory Hotel ir
Portland was the scene of the wedding
of Miss Lucille Evans to Urban F. Dite
man, Jr. The bride was a Sophomore
here last year and was a member of the
Kappa Alpha Theta sorority.
William Skidmore, graduate fellow,
chemistry department, married Elta Dil
lard, Aug. 20. They are now living at
the Hull apartments.
Ex-Service Men Will Receive Awards
On Armistice Day Says Com
mander Dorris.
Official presentation of the Victory
Medals to ex-service men will constitute
a part of the Armistice Day program
now being prepared by the American
Legion, according to an announcement
made by Ben P. Dorris, commander of
the Lane County Post Xo. 3, of the
Legion. Commander Dorris is n member
of the class which graduated from the
University in 191i>. All ex-service men
in the University are urged by the com
mander to send for their medals so as to
co-operate with the Legion in the day’s
program. The announcement follows:
“The official presentation of Victory
Medals will constitute a part of the pro
gram now being prepared by the Ameri
can Legion for Armistice Day. Ex-ser
vice men are urged to send for their
medals immediately. This is done by
presenting the discharge at the recruit
ing office. The officer in charge will
thereupon send for the medai on behalf
of the applicant. After the medal is re
ceived by the ex-service man it should be
deposited with Harold Beytien at the
Bank of Commerce. On Armistice day
| the formal presentation will take place
and the medal will be returned to the
owner. The Legion hopes to have a con
siderable number of medals to present
at this time and urges the ex-service men
of the University to co-operate by send
ing for medals.”
Student Officers To Suggest
Men for Promotions.
Record of Members Last Year To Be
Important Consideration
in Selection.
For the purpose of making recom
mendations of R. O. T. C. members for
promotion an advisory board of cadet of
ficers was yesterday appointed ‘by Major
Raymond C. Baird, commandant. In the
drill work so far this year appointments
as non-commissioned officers have been
merely temporary. This board will ad
vise all fit the permanent appointments.
First Sergeant Robert M. Martin is a
member of the board in an advisory ca
pacity', and the other members are Major
Arnold H. Koepke, Captain Byron O.
Garrett, Captain William P. Allyn, Cap
tain John Gamble, Jr., and Captain Em
erald F. Sloan.
j As outlined by Sergeant Martin the
plan is to have the company officers smd
a list of men whose work has been es
pecially commendable to the advisory
board, who will conduct an examination
and make the recommendations for pro
motion. i
The record of the cadet for last year
will be tiie important factor 4n the se
lection of men •; be examined.
The plan has never been used here be
fore, ‘but the military instructors be
l'eve that it will promote greater effi
ciency in the selection of non-commis
S'oi’t’d officers.
There is a large increase in the num
ber of students enrolled in the R. O. T.
C. this year, and more interest is being
shown in the work by the cadets. The
Bolshevik attitude is not so evident
among the ranks as last year. Major
Baird plans to enlarge the scope of the
military department, placing the sopho
mores, who have had a year’s training,
in positions of instruction to the fresh
men. Among other things, more rifle
practice on the range is planned.
Major Murray Warner, Well Known En
gineer, Stricken at San Francisco.
'Major Murray Warner, father of .Sam
Bass Warner of the school of law, dieel
Saturday in San Francisco after he tad
been stricken with a sudden illness while
playing golf.
This sad news was contained in a tele
gram received by Professor Warner Sat
urday afternoon, and Mr. and Mrs. War
ner immediately left for the Bay City.
Major Warner, emergency officer ii
the United States engineer corps, was
well-known in the engineering world and
during the war had charge of the build
ing of Camp Dix, New York, one of the
largest cantonments in the United States.
Previous to his military work he was in
charge of large engineering projects in
First Game of Season to .be
Played With Multnomah
On Saturday, Oct. 9.
Conference Event May Come
Here During Junior Week
End if Possible
Six varsity football games, three of
which are to take place on the campus
grounds, will make up the 1920 football
season, according to the announcement
made yesterday afternoon by Graduate
Manager Marion McClain.
The first game is scheduled for this
coming Saturday when Oregon will meet
Multnomah club of Portland. On
October 29 the next game will be played
here with the University of Idaho.
October 90, the lemon-yellow will jour
ney to Palo Alto where they will meet
Stanford. On November 13 the home
coming game against the University of
Washington will be played here.
The Oregon-Aggie game will not be
played on Eugene ground. Oregon will
go to Corvallis November 20 to meet the
O. A. C. gridsters. The last game of the
season will be played on the historic
Tournament of Roses field at Pasa
dena, when Oregon battles with the Uni
versity of Southern California Thanks
giving Day.
Conference to Fix Games.
Basketball, baseball and track sche
dules arc not completed yet, according
to Manager McClain. These schedules
will be definitely arranged at the Pacific
Coast conference early in December di
rectly following the close of the football
season. At this conference, the winner
of the football conference will be an-i
nounced. Freshman football schedules
will be completed in a few days.
0. A. C. Track Meet Here.
i “We have every assurance," said Man
| ager McClain, “that the O. A. C.-Oregon
I track meet will be held in Eugene this
j year.” The track meet with the Uni
versity of Washington, will also be held
here is present plans materialize.
A special effort is being made to se»
cure the Pacific Coast Conference track
meet here during Junior Week-end. states
Manager McClain. During the past three
years it has been held successively at
the University of California, University
of Washington and Stanford. “We feel,”
said Mr. McClain, “that Oregon is next
in line and we will be fully prepared to
handle the meet.”
Faculty and Students Join in
Informal Meeting.
About fifty members of the faculty and
student body of the University were
present at the open house held by the
Architecture Club Wednesday evening in
the exhibit room of the Architecture
building, according to Llye Bartholomew,
president of the club. The affair was in
formal, the evening being spent in con
versation and in the inspection of the ex
hibition of work of the schools of fine
arts, architecture, and normal art.
During the evening Miss, Frederika
Schilke sang a soprano solo accompanied
by Leone Gregory; Mrs. Avard Fairbanks
gave two readings, and Madame George
Reed played two selections on the piano.
Among those present were Professor
and Madame Reed, Professor F. H.
Miles, Dean and Mrs. Ellis F. Lawrence,
Professor and Mrs. Percy Adams, Pro
fessor and Mrs. Avard Fairbanks. Pro
fessor H. M. King, Miss Helen Rhodes
and Miss Avakain. The invitations for
the gathering included all those students
and faculty who are interested in fine
arts or architecture.
No appropriations at Stanford for the
maintenance of a rowing crew has com
pelled the graduate manager’s office td
withdraw plans.