Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 07, 1920, Image 1

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    UJL-i •» t vl SL.- '*• V
Oregon Daily Emerald
NO. 7.
Coaches Dissatisfied With
Recent Showing of En
‘ tire Squad.
Kincaid Field Again To Be
Scene of Annual Battle
[j With Winged M.
“Spike” Leslie, “Jake” Jaoobberger and
“Bill’’ Reinhart, will in all probability
(be called upon to do the kicking for
Coach Huntington's eleven in the game
against Multnomah chib, Saturday. The
loss of both “Bill” Steel's and Manerud
means that the lemon-yellow team will
be without the support of a dropkicker.
but Coach Huntington has been drilling
both Reinhart and Jaeobberger in place
kicking for the last, week and appears,
fairly well pleased with the results.
“Spike” or “Jake” will do the punting.
They have been averaging about 50 yard#
in practice, for the past several days
and upon one'or both of them will prob-!
ably fall the task of booting the ball in
the Saturday game.
Coaches Huntington and Spellman still
retain a sphinx-like silence in regard to
the line-up for the Saturday’s game al
though “Shy” stated this afterneen that
he had no fewer than a half dozen com
binations which he will use against the
“winged M’ team. Just who will start
the game will not be announced until
Saturday, morning.
Coaching Staff Displeased.
An hour of scrimmage formed the pro
gram for tftc varsity workout Tuesday
and the coaching staff was far from
pleased over the results obtained. “The
team’s work was marked by sluggish
ness.” Huntington said, “and at the rate
they were going last night, they would be
unable to put up a decent game against
a high school aggregation.” Spellman
also characterized the workout as “rot
ten.’* Last night and tonight will end
the scrimmage work for the week, and
signal practice will he the order until
Saturday’s game.
“The team should be going good
against Multnomah,” Coach Huntington
said last night, “and although T do not
know what the club men may have up
their sleeve, we will give them a hard
battle.” Multnomah always produces a
first class aggregation and a good game
is expected on Kincaid field Saturday af
ternoon, although it may be a little slow
as most early season games usually are.
“Chuck” Robinson Injured.
“Chuck” Robinson, who played a back
position on the frosh team last season
and who has been headed straight for a
line berth on the varsity this year, re
ceived injuries in scrimmage last night
which will probably put him out for the
rest of the season. “Chuck” had the
muscles in his leg badly wrenched and
it will be some time before they will be
gin to mend, according to the reports
from training quarters. Tom D Ar
mand, who was injured in frosh foot
ball practice a week ago, is still out of
the frosh practice and had a slight sur
gical operation performed on his shoulder
last night, which will probably put him
out for the rest of the season. These
are the only two serious injuries which
have befallen the squads this year, al
though minor bruises and black eyes aie
Competition for Line Strong.
Another aspirant for a line position
turned out last night in the person of
‘Tat” O’Rourke. “Tat” played a good
game on the squad in 1918 at tackle and
has returned to school this year. Ibis
means another battle for the line posi
tions, where no one is on the certain
list as yet. “Hugh” Clerin, “Scotty
Strachan, “Spike” Leslie, Karl Yonder
Ahe and “Si” Star are all battling for a
tackle berth, and the addition of
O’Rourke to this combination makes a
still harder problem, providing O'Rourke
plays up to the old time form bo dis
played in 1918.
The selections for the line positions
are getting a little harder each day for
the coaching staff. For guard. "Ed
Ward, “Fat” Mautz, “Ducky” Holmes,
and Stiachan, Starr and Voder Ahe are
all taking a whirl at it. The center posi
(Continued on Page 8.)
Vocal Cords Strain in Praise
of Oregon at Big Yell Fest
First Rooters’ Practice of Year Held on Old Kin
caid Field; Assistants Try Out For
Berths, As Leaders.
(By O. BEGAN.)
Memories of battle cries that spurred
Oregon’s warriors on to victories in the
past, visions of conflicts that shook the
very sod revived yesterday to the old
timers ns the historic grandstand of
Kincaid field swayed in cadence to the
rhythmic shouts of hundreds of students,
inoculated with the Oregon Spirit. It
was the first yell practice of the year.
“Spell it!” commanded Claire Keeney,
yell king. As a man, the crowd arose
and in vocal pyrotechnics emblazoned, the
letters of their alma mater. Undis
turbed by the promise of rain in the
lowering clouds, freshmen, sophomores.
Juniors iand seniors alike turned out to
unlimber their larynxes in preparation
for the Multnomah club game next Sat
urday. Green caps formed a verdant
oasis near the center of the stand, which
swelled periodically as some straggler
fell victim to tlA1 cry of “Go get ’im,
Fine Try-out.
Five candidates for positions as as
sistant yell leaders combined their pep
generating efforts to the delight of the
assembled multitude. Roy Veateh, Dean
Ireland, Leslie Nunn. George Pasto and
'Kenneth Watters, the last a freshman,
tohl the crowd that they were pepless
and petrified, and proceeded to show
them how it’s done.
j A new yell, si product of the summer,
made its dehut. A combination of a
standard yell and the Oregon “Oskee,”
it. promises to be an effective medium
for the display of full-throated energy.
“The Team! Ray, Ray. Ray! The
“Oh-o-o-o-o Oregon!”
Thus it goes, with a promise that Ore
gon gridsters will uphold their fame.
Practice Every Wednesday.
Yell practice, according to Keeney,
will be held every Wednesday afternoon.
Arrangements have been made for an
open football workout at that time.
New yells, new songs and new med
iums for the use of an abundance of
Oregon pep, are needed Keeney. de
clares. He asks campus versifiers to
get busy and produce.
The selection of the two assistant yell
lenders is to be made by the student
council in time for them to get their first
official action at the contest with 'Mult
nomah on Saturday.
Local Y. W. Will Conduct
Campaign on National Basis
The Y. W. C. A. is to conduct a mem
bership campaign beginning Wednesday
of next week. According to Miss Tirza
Dinsdale, secretary of the Campus Y. W.
the campaign will follow new plans, on
a nationally-adopted basis.
At the first National Conference of the
lr. W. C. A. in five years, held at Cleve
land last May, Miss Dinsdale explains,
it was decided to conduct the campaign
on a personal basis. Formerly there has
been a registration table where each girl
/paid her dues and registered as a mem
ber, but this year she will be met more
personally and be shown the expense
budget for the campus work. She will
be told about the association and pay
what she feels that she can.
Friday afternoon at the bungalow, Viv
ian Chandler will meet her committee
representing each house to discuss plans
for the campaign and the purposes of the
The campaign this year will take a
longer time than usual, but it is hoped it
will be in closer touch with all the
Mailing Department To Use New Addi
tion to Johnson Halt.
The annex to Johnson hall which is
under construction at the present time is
rapidly nearing completion. The build
ing is" situated back of the Administra
tion building, and consists of one large
room which is to be occupied by the
mailing and multigraph departments now
located in Johnson hall.
The mailing department will handle ex
press and conduct a general post office
when they are installed in this building.
W. K. Newell of the construction de
partment will take possession of the
room in Johnson hall now occupied by the
post office. Miss Charlie Fent.n, the
ahimni secretary will occupy the multi
graph room and Prof. Colin Dyment will
occupy Miss Fenton’s office.
*.** * * * * * * *
* Due to an error on the Emerald *
* copy-desk, the date for the first stu- *
* dent body dance was given as Sat- *
* urday, October 9, in a story which *
* appeared on the first page of yes- *
* terday morning’s Emerald. The *
* dance will be held at the Armory, *
* at the corner of Seventh and Oak *
* streets, Friday, October 8, and will
* begin promptly at eight.
****** *
* * *
H. G. Moulton Oregon Gradu
ate Tells of Other Days.
Grouse hunting from the front win- J
dows of the men’s dorm was not an un
common sport in the under-graduate days
of II. G. Mouton, of the class of 1905,
now of New York City, who, with Airs.
Moulton, visited the campus for a. few
hours Tuesday, afternoon. It was the
first time he had visited the campus in
fifteen years.
Mir. Moulton and his wife, who was
Alice Merriman and attended the Uni
versity in 1906, are tonring the country
in their new car. After leaving New
York they crossed the continent and
have recently hoen traveling in southern
Oregon and California. They have al
ready covered 6,700 miles.
In New York Twelve Years.
Since graduation Mr. Moulton has been
a consulting mining engineer and has
been located in New York for twelve
years. He was one of the only two men
who completed the University course in
mining engineering. A large part of his
work in New York City has been con
nected with siubway and construction ex
He entered the University in 1900, reg-!
istered from Baker, and during his time j
at college lived’at the men’s dormitory.
Describing one of the first football
games on Kincaid field he said that it
was so muddy that when one of the Ore
gon players braced himself to catch a
punt his feet became firmly fixed to the
ground and he was unable to move until
tackled by opponents. Straw was Intel
scattered on the field, he said.
Old Experiences Told.
Mr. Moulton spent some time Tues
day looking around Friendly hall and de-1
scribing to the younger generation some
of the old experiences. Every room had
a story of broken doors ,of midnight
raids, and of icy tubbings.
At that time it was the pride of each
class to see their own flag flauntering de
fiance to all others from the roof of the
dorm. Mr. Moulton related the tale of a
siege in which he and Henry McKinney,
now a regent of the University, carried
provisions to the roof and remained there
I for two days in the defence of their flag.
Mr. and Mrs. Moulton left for Cottage
Grove Tuesday evening.
Either for better or for worse the
co-eds at Chicago are refusing to follow
the lead in women’s footwear o.V Uc:r.g
high heeled shoes. This revolt against
expensive, uncomfortable shoes is a great
blow to the leading shoe merchants of
I the city who have laid in a large supply
of fancy shoes.
Brother Jesse and Wife Held
Behind Snow Barrier
During Storm.
Huckleberries Save Lives;
Indians Tell of Location;
No Harm Suffered.
With his brother and sister-in-law
caught in the Caseade mountains behind
an impassable barrier of snow for
twenty-two days. Art Turk, former Ore
gon student and Antwerp javelin hurler.
was forced to turn back after he and
other searchers had penetrated to the
Mt. Jefferson huckleberry patches in an
attempt to rescue the imprisoned couple.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Tuck. Art’s brother
and his wife, were snowbound in a de
serted ranger station near the summit of
the Cascades where they had gone on!
September 10 to pick huckleberries.
When the unexpected storms hit the1
mountains. Mr. and Mirs. Tuck were cut
off from civilization. They took refuge
in a deserted and dilapidated forest rang
er station on Minto mountain, and when
their food supply had been used up they
lived for two days entirely on huckleber
ries. Fearing starvation. Tuck chanced
a dash over the snow-bound trail. Ho
reached the camp of two Russian sheep
herders who gave him a small supply of
food, enough to last him until he was
able to break a trail through the deep
Vi'O .v when the storm abated.
Telegrams from Detroit, located on the
w« st slope of the Cascades, informed
^Tohn Tuck, father of the imprisoned
man, that the couple could not be reach
ed from that side of the mountain. Hear
ing this, the searchers from Redmond
renewed their attempts to reach Tuck.
On the Minto mountain trail they met
Indians making their wav mat who in
formed them that Tuck and his wife were
following. Tuck had been forced to go
down the Willamette slope to Indepen
dence and then back into eastern Ore
gon by a trail which crossed the snow
corered divide at a lower altitude. They
reached civilization fatigued, but none
the worse for their experience.
The search for Tuck and his wife at
tracted attention in central Oregon be
cause two rescue parties organized at
Redmond and along tjie Metolius weire
unable to reach them on account of the
fierce antumnal blizzard and deep snow’.
Art Tuck w’ns in the first rescue party
to leave Redmond.
o. men school opens
New Principal and 7 Teachers
Compose Faculty.
With an enrollment of 161 students,
the University high school, the existence
of which is known to but few college
students, has opened for the regular fall
term of scholastic work. Rollien P. Dick
erson, former principal of the Roseburg
high school, has been secured to act in
the same capacity at the campus institu
tion, taking the place of Giles M. Ruch,
who has a scholarship this year at Le
land Stanford University.
Other new instructors include Thora
Smith. A. P.., history; Ethel Wakefield,
A. B., English and commerce; Leo Goss
man, A. B., science, all of the University
of Oregon; and Anna Vogel, of Washing
ton Normal, who cdmes from the Mc
Minnville schools to instruct in mathe
Among the other faculty members are
Margaret B. Goodall. A. B., University
| of Oregon, English; and Peter L.
Spence, mathematics, and Edith Baker
Patter, who teaches French and Latin.
The school, which offers grade work
from the seventh to the twelfth, inclu
sive, is under the general direction of
Professor H. R. Douglass, of the school
of education. Glasses are limited to .°.0
students each.
Tall Texan Sets |
New Records In |
Silk Sock Set !
Thi> individual silk sock record of
the North American continent is
now being claimed by a freshman
who hails from the longhorn state of
Texas. He bases his claim on the
fact that he is the possessor of 78
feet of the silky luxuries.
This method of measuring socks is
declared by the frosh in question to
be mathematical, even if it is not
customary. He has 99 pairs in his
warkrobe and figuring two feet to
the pair the total mounts up impos
ingly. Logical as this may sound,
campus statisticians declare the
method is really an underestimation
for they say that the average length
of the masculine sock varies from
14'A inches to 17% inches.
The explanation given by “Texas”
for the super-abundance of hosiery
is that when he graduated from high
school last spring each and every
friend and relative decided upon
socks os a. present. The assort
ment includes many whites, blacks,
browns, blues, purple and greens,
and plaids.
“Texas” brought a handsome som
brero from H:s home state with him
but as he had wisdom enough not
to wear it after school started and
it is too big for his senior room
mate it now rests among moth
Artist Wants More Time To
Devote To Own Work.
A. II. Schroff. professor of fine arts
in the school of architecture, is fitting up
a private studio on Eleventh avenue
across from Villard hall. There will he
no classes held in the ne wstudio but it
is to be for the professor’s exclusive
The studio, according to Professor
.Schroff is to cost about $2000 and it is
his desire to make it ns artistic as pos
sible. At present the work is only well
begun and Professor Schroff can give no
statement as to when it will be com
According to Mr. Schroff he has given
all of bis time for four years to the Uni
versity and unless he has some time
apart from his school work which he
can devote to himself his life ns an artist
will be short.
When the new studio is finished Pro
fessor SchVoff will entertain guests of
the art department and hold ireeeptions
for his students there. The old studio in
the Architecture building has been dis
manteled. and will be used for a class
room for Professor Schroll’s classes.
The furniture for the studio which was
ordered from the east has already ar
Circuit Judge Francis V. Galloway, ’08)
Elected President; Keen In
terest Shown.
F. L. Stetson, professor of education,
who has returned from a two - days
speaking engagement at the county in
stitute at The Dalles, reports the form
ing of an alumni association at that
place, at a luncheon on Oct. 5. Circuit
Judge Francis V. Galloway, ’08, was
(elected president, and plans were made
for meetings through the year.
I ce following graduates or former stu
dents of the University were present:
| Elizabeth P. Lewis, ’13, assistant prin
cipal of The Dalles High School; Ter
rcssa Cox, ’19; Mrs. Ethelind Brad
shaw, nee Ethelind Itisley, ’14; Margaret
B. Roberts, nee Margaret Belat, ex-’lO;
Mary Murdock, ’19; Lurline Brown, ’18;
Ilallie Hart, ’19; Cornelia Hees, ’18;
Elliot P. Roberts, ex-’14; Win. F. Beck,
ex-’02; Bonita Kirk, ex-’23; John Fliun,
’21; C. B. Weigel, ’21; Vesta Holt, ’13;
Helen Burke, ’20; Supt. R. L. Kirk;
Francis V. Galloway, ’08.
Professor Stetson states that tlie Ore
gon Alumni at The Dalles are keenly
interested in the development of the Uni
versity, and many are planning to be
present at the next homecoming exer
Parade of Uppercla&Laen Is
First On Program; Usual
Stunts Scheduled.
Huggins. Collins. Merton, Lie
be, Michels and Cameron
Make Up Committee.
That annual bloodless battle, the his
toric 'underclass mix, will be staged on
Kincaid field at 12:30 Saturday noon,
shortly before the University of Oregon
Multnomah club football game, accord
ipg to “Chuck” Huggins, chairman of
the junior committee which will over
see the affair.
■Stunts Ih-plenty will be given by each
class, say members of the committee, and
the rest of the program, which will in
clude a parade of upper-classmen, yell
ing and singing contests, and various
other competitive affrays between the
sophomores and freshmen, should make
the day one that will live forever in the
memories of those who wear this year
the green and verdant headgear.
Events Not Yot Arranged.
After the upper-classmen parade be
fore the gaily decorated grandstand,
which is the initial event on the program,
"ill come the singing contest for fresh
men end sophomore women, the yelling
contest for men ,the flag rush, the
of",var, the sang-bag scrap, the cane
iriish, and the tie-up battle, although none
of the latter have been set for anybpar
titular place on the day’s log-book as
yot. The detailed order of affairs will
be fixed within the next day or so, ac
cording to Elston Ireland and Howard
Stauib; - who comprise the program com
Thint the mix will be absolutely square
is the promise made by the j>iuiior com
mittee. No favorites will be played, they
say, and the tide of incoming frosh who
will take part have been assured of as
fair and impartial decisions in the con
tests as have been rendered by any
other board of -judges in .previous con
tests. Bill Heyward, “Shy” Hunting
ton, Bart Sp-5Liman and Physical Direct
or Q. M. Bolilor are to officiate aa
Seniors to Preserve Order.
The junior committee is composed of
the following: Charles Huggins, chair
man; Wesley Shattuek, Melvin Merton,
Carl Liebe, William Collins, Nicholas
Michels and Virgil Cameron.
No announcement has been made by
the seniors as to who is to captain the
senior police force, which will preserve
order during the afternoon, but it is said
that a capable man and a capable force
of assistant cops will be stationed at
stragetic points about Kincaid field • to
quell any disturbances that may arise
during the heat of battle.
Nearly 1500 men will engage in ath
letics at the University of Stanford this
* * * * * • * * * *
* _ * a
* To be held in Villard Hall. *
* Begins promptly at 11 a. m. *
* Lasts but fifty minutes. *
* Carlton Savage, A. 8. U. 0. presi* *
* dent, presiding. *
* Reports of following committees *
* to be read: *
* Greater Ordgon committee. *
* Homecoming committee. *
* Campus committee. *
* Condolence committee. *
* Amendment to paragraph 3, ef *
* section 4, of article II of by-laws *
* of A. S. U. 0. constitution to be of- *
* ferad, and decided by rising vote. *
* Review of gthletic situation to ha *
* given by Marion McClain, graduate *
* manager A. S. U. 0. 1
* Singing of Oregon songs under dl- *
* rection of John Stark Evans and til# *
* combined men’s and girl’s, glee clubs. *
* Freshman meeting in Villard Im- *
* mediately followinng assembly. *
* * * * * * *•**