Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 05, 1920, Page THREE, Image 3

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    Students Give Ear Unto Prophet
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Kezabam Uttereth Words of Wisdom
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Ancient Spirit of Oregon Prevaileth ]
Now there was a certain man of Ore
gon in those days, named Kezabam, who
dwelt over against the hills in the land
where the University had its beginning.
And Kezaham was one of such who
thirsted for knowledge, and he went
forth to go to the University, and to the
University he came.
Four years he served and studied dili
gently and went forth a man of wisdom,
well favored by the people in the coun
try round about.
And 'behold, the spirit of Kezabam
came mightily unto the students of Ore
gon and each went among his fellows, not
after the manner of the Pharisee who
treadetli with averted nose, but with the
joy of one who serveth his brethren ex
ceeding much. And the fame of the
University was noised through all the
Now each year it was the custom of
Kezabam to return to the University,
and each year he saw that the spirit of
Oregon was goodly withall.
But. in the fortieth year of the Uni
versity the anger of the king of the
tribes of (iermany was kindled against
America, of which Oregon is a part, and
he said, Let there be war.
And there was war, and the mighty
men of valor who were strong and apt
for battle went forth from the Uni
versity and waged war exceedingly
against the tribes of Germany and scat
tered them extensively hence with ar
tillery and divers slaughter weapons.
But when the thunder of the captains
and the shouting had died many of the
valiantest came again no more upon the
University. And a shadow was cast over
Oregon and men served not with great
spirit as was the custom beforetimes.
Now in the second year of peace in
the land, in the ninth month of the year,
the doors of the University were opened
yet again unto those who sought the
paths of light and wisdom.
And there came men from the east
country and the north country and from
the remote coasts of the earth, even
fi'om Castoria and Prineville came there
men, and the coining thereof was ex
ceedingly simultaneous.
And women from Bethmeow and Mis
gah and the country which lieth around
Portland came also, and their beauty
was as the radiance of the morning.
And Kezaibam came likewise, even un
to the l Diversity. and the years of
Kezabam were not numbered for multi
tude and his whiskers were as the tail
of the white horse which gocth forth to
But his heart was mighty within him.
and when he saw that the spirit of Ore- j
gon was low, he rent his mantle and
lifted up his voice and wailed with an
exceedingly loud and bitter wail.
And behold, the spirit of wisdom came
mightily unto him. and lie smote himself
upon the thigh and cried aloud, (Jo to.
the spirit of Oregon will return even to
the days of its youth.
And forthwith he made speech unto
every class, even unto the freshmen, ac
cording to the language thereof, saying.
Give ear. O ye chosen people, for this
day ye go forth in vain pursuits and
make the name of Oregon as nothing]
Is it that, the bride forgetteth her j
wedding garment? Rem embe rest not
the tomcat the alley which leadeth to his
home? Yet ye have forgotten the high
way of your fathers who were before
Behold. I am Tradition. Beforetimes
when I spake in council all /nen gave
heed to the voice of my words. There
fore, my (brethren, hearken to the plead
ings of my lips and serve ye one another
that the name of Oregon may be still
more honored in the land.
And when the students heal'd these
things they said, one unto another, Be
hold, the lips of >Keza<bam are filled with
wisdom and understanding. Therefore
we shall incline our ears attentively un
to him and give heed to his counsel so
that the name of Oregon shall prevail.
And it was so.
Women’s Houses
Pledge 98 Girls
(Continued from page one)
Grants Pass; Lula Davis, Nyssa; Emily
Lou Douglas, Marshfield.
Kappa Alpha Theta — Elizabeth Tor
rey, Henrietta Lawrence of Portland;
Marjorie Howard, Marshfield; Martha
Johnson, Cottage Grove; Asteria Narton.
New York; Katherine Bain, Poplar,
Mont.; Jane Campbell, Eugene; Marcella
Berry, La Grande.
Chi Omega — Marion Lay, The Dalles;
Andree Petero, Clair Ftoaronberry.
Agnes Kennedy, Carmel Sheasgreen.
Margaret Mat-Meson, Beatrice Shell, all
of Portland; Lillian Manerud, Eugene.
Delta. Gamma — Genevieve Castle.
Merced, Cal.; Maybelle Green, Leban
on; Anna Catherine Chapman, Mary Al
exander of Portland; Helen Dougherty.
San Jose. Cal.; Tollinling Hazt, Salem.
Delta, Psi — Billie Halvorseu, Seat
tle, Wash.; Gertrude Smythe, Jess
Gamble, Geraldine King, Portland; Be:*?e
('hntbii’i n. Marshfield; Elsie Llyal.
Prineville; Elba Gufhie, The Dalles:
Irene Glabey, Dufur; Ruth Lane..Eu
Gamma Phi Beta — Virginia West.
Thelma Hopkins, Georgia Shipley, Geor
gia Benson, Prances *ilanary, Dorothy
Schmet'. Katherine Wilcox. Margaret
Murphy, Portland; Helen Idleman, Pen
dleton; Doris lloefler. Astoria; A’.eta
'Littlejohn. Athena; Edith Dowd. River
side. Cal.; Elanor 'Earl. Oakland. Cal.
Alpha Delta Pi — Dorothy Fitchard.
Independence; Claudia Graton, Gertrude
McIntyre. Portland; Audrey Perkins, Ro
salia Keher. Mt. Angel,; Eulalia Pitas.
Delta Delta Delta — Teka. Haines,
Roseburg; Maude Adams. Los Angeles;
Elizabeth Pride. Boise, Idaho; Eloise
Harris, Eugene; $antha Smith. Albany.
Alpha Phi — Gladys Anderson. Eu
gene;Albei'ta Carson. Hood River; Edna
Bushman. Springfield; Bernice Butler.
Seattle; Winifred Danthit, The Dalles;
Phylis Walker, Salem; Jean Bailey, Bea
trice Gama. Margare.t Peterson. Rae
Peterson, Savilla Welk, Portland; Esther
Wilson, Rhode Island.
Sigma Delta Phi — Hilda Hensley.
North Bend; Mane Court, New York;
Truth Terry, Gladys Kenny, Portland;
Nita Howard, Eugene.
Former Star Varsity Tackle To Aid In
Instructing Frosft.
Basil “Baz” Williams is to help ‘'Ken"*
Bartlett handle the frosh aggregation
for the Test of the season. “Baz” wa»
slated for the job when the practice
opened, but as he had invested in a bak
ery -which took all of his time he was un
able to handle the work. He has ar
ranged to do it, however 'and was out u*«
Monday afternoon.
Bartlett is to handle the backfield, and
Williams will take charge of the line.
Both of these men are experienced; an-»
the frosh should have a well-coachen.
About fifty freshmen are now out for
positions. The men have all been work
ing hard, srnd prospects are good for roe
Registration has fallen 1512 short of
the first day of registration last year at
the University of Illinois.
Phone 141
City Messenger Service
39 E. 7th J. 0. GRANT, Mgr.
Delta Gamma Pin
Finder Please
Call 125
overcoat, S a t u r d a y
night from K. A. T.
porch, . Finder please
call Ed. Kanina at 1306
President Campbell, Miss Dinsdale, Mar
jorie Holaday Give Welcome
The Bungalow was filled Friday even
ing when the members of the Y. W. C.
A. gave an acquaintance party for the
new women of the University. Words of
greeting were given by Miss Tirza Dins
dale. secretary and Marjorie IToladay,
president of the college Y. W. ('. A.
President Campbell brought a message
from Mrs. Campbell who was unable to
be.present, and also welcomed the new
women to the campus on his own behalf.
The large number of girls attending
the University of Oregon from other
states and from Canada was revealed
when a game was played in which the
girls formed a large circle and every
one in her turn told her name, her home
town, her school address, and why she
came to Oregon. Other acquaintance
games were played after which the girls
sat around the fireplace and sang the
songs of Oregon and were served to ap
ples and doughnuts.
The extension division of the Univer
sity of California is offering courses in
Fraternities Add to Previous
Lists Announced.
Bachefordon Takes Four New Men; *,
T. 0.. S. A. E. and S-Maralda
Annex Two Each.
•Eight new pledges were announced to
ddy by ttjinpus fraternities. Previously
announced, Lloyd Li Loude, of Van
couver as pledged by Delta Tan Delta,
was pledged by the Owl ('lull.
Other pledges follow:
Bachelordon: — Walter W. Gilbert
Albany, Oregon; George .1. Willett. Ros».
i.v rg. Oregon; Squire S. Bozorth. Wood
land. Wash.; A1 Kelly. Portland. Oregon.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon:—Desmond Cun
diff of Baker, Oregon; Chillis Moore of
Moro, Oregon.
Alpha Tau Omega; — Alan Carncross
Long Bench, California; Leonard Jordan.
Enterprise. Oregon.
S-Marauda: — C 1 o y d Blackburn, o*
Portland; Carl E. Houston, of IToon
Reed college will participate in inter
collegiate athletics this year.
Will be given to a Limited Number by
President of Babcock & Peets
Interior Decorators, Portland
The course will include Drawing, Curtain Design in Color, how to
measure and estimate Drapery Work, Lessons in Tied and Dyed Work,
and Construction in Upholstering. Write for Prospectus and Terms.
,*>. Mr. Babcock, 421 Alder St.
College Dance
Friday, October 8th
In the newly decorated
The U. of 0.
is supplied to furnish the fraternity houses in the
line of guaranteed fresh and smoked meats. Compare
our prices and qualities with others.
Let’s Take Our Work to
Anderson’s Film Shop
Kodak Finishing—Picture Framing
Opposite Rex Theatre
Fall 1920
A finer assortment of 'brisk shapes and styles you
novel saw than these Fall Stetsons.
And such quality—bearing out our confidence in Stet
son standards.
We expect to sell the right Stetson hat to every one
of the Well-dresed men who consult us.
Wade Bros.
The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Stylish Clothes.
Desk Blotters
(One to each customer.)
at the
Peter* Pan
Come in and get yours.
Metjns to have your clothes taken care
of by us a:4 well as to buy your suits from us
Inspect our woolens, styles, workman
ship and prices.
For any information on tailoring call on
Scroggs Bros., Tailors
7(i() Willamette Street Up Stairs
■ r. - **
m . 1 -r 4 '
I\ S. We fit vou where others fail.
-—--mott m ■: m