Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 01, 1920, Image 1

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Oregon Daily Emerald
Men of ’24 Kiss Oregon Seal
With Reverence and
Little Persuasion
Yearlings Taught University
Traditions; Infants Drink
Much Milk.
What's. a littln rain, that it should in
terfere with a Frosh Pceradc?
The usual dpwnpour yesterday, ex
pected and traditional, discouraged the
Frosh as it might have done so many
ducks. The leaky clouds were the only
dark feature of the occasion.
The parade started off in the usual
manner with bare knees and coats turned
inside out, and the Frosh lockstepped
over to the seal where they were given
the privilege of kissing the spot “that is
as dean' to the University as the flag is
to the United States.” Here to the sur
prise of many the promise of'last year’s
Frosh class was lived nT> to and very
little paddling was noticed by the crowd
that had gathered along the cement
walk. On the way to town a number of
the freshmen were paddled, but on the
whole the clubs were conspicuous by
their absence.
Downtown the committee proved that
tilings could be done differently from
formerly. Although there were water
I lags n-nlent^jidjfr-yjjpfc .-aJjundaiftaj^
, shaking Frosh, the real feutiye was a
/fancy dive by a young man from ltan
don. He had appeared in a brilliant
bathing suit for the occasion but liud not
expected to take a swin in a big ice
cream tub.
Two freshmen from La iCfrumle and
Klamath Falls delighted the crowd with
a milk-drinking contest from baby bot
tles, but a well directed water bag forced
the contest to a close and it was not de
cided which town was victorious. Yells
and songs were also rendered from quiv
ering lips but those Sophomore water
bags were always more than welcome to
the performing Frosh for they allowed
him to make his escape.
Of course last night at the dinner
fables the Sophomore men and ''upper
class men told all aboilt how it had been
different when they were Freshmen, but
then that was expected and now Dean
Straub's “best Freshman Class in His
tory” is well on its way at the Univer
Rhodes Scholarship Granted
To Oregon Graduate
Philosophy Is Major Subject; Course
Will Mean Three Years
Study Abroad.
Kei-b.v Miller, Medford, graduate of
T Diversity of Oregon with the class of
1D-0, has been awarded the Rhodes
scholarship to Oxford University, 'Eng
land. Mr. Miller won his scholarship in
philosophy, his major subject. The
scholarship provides for three years
of study abroad.
Mr. Miller appeared before the board
of examiners in Portland about three
weeks ago just before he left for the
east to start work on a scholarship in
philosophy at Columbia, He is a son of
Mrs. J. K. Miller, of ‘Eugene, and a
brother of Miss (Dorothy Miller, a junior
'at the University.
Among Oregon men who have won
3diodes scholarships in the past few
years are Luton Aekcrson and Roscoe
Ibyaug. Mr. Ackerson’s studies were cut
short by the entrance of America into
the war. However, the scholarship was
h'dd open and it will be possible for him
fo complete liis work there later if he
Wishes to. Lyans is now an instructor at
die 1 niversity of Pittsburg.
dean fox to receive.
Miss Elizabeth Freeman Fox. dean of
women, will'receive Saturday afternoon.
ft-nm I! until fi o’clock at Hendricks
hall. All University women are asked
to come.
*-‘— -——>—*
| Senior Shatters
\ Portland-Eugene j
! Mileage Record I
.Tust ns tin- memories of the records of
the Olympic games arc f-.iding from our
minds, along comes a man who claims
the amateur world’s record for mileage
between Eugene and Portland1. A total
of 1 (i.St>2 miles is claimed for this event
by Carlton K. Logan, a senior in the
During the past, summer Logan assist
ed the Oregon Electric to smash baggage
on the Portland-Eugene run. With each
successive trip the miles mounted up un
til at the end of the season the total
looks like a statement of the distance
from here to the moon.
Logan’s travels have not been confined
to local expeditions. During tlie last
year and a. half lie lias crossed the At
lantic. gone across the United States,
and made numerous side trips. The total
distance traveled in this period is* esti
mated by him at about 110,000 miles and
,before the present year expires lie hopes
to raise it to .15.000. It is ‘rumored that
the bulk of this additional mileage will
be made on a Fairmount streetcar. *
Singer Was Army Friend of
John Stark Evans
Tilco Earle. noted tenor and rugged
ex-sendee man. will appear in concert at
the University on Friday night, October
nnvti'c, critics declare Earle. the
greatest of American concert tenors, ex
cepting'John McCormack. I’.v some the
exception is omitted. The Seattle tenor
\$il! lie at the time of the concert, on
his way to New York and other eastern
points, where he will sing extensively.
His Eugene concert, has been made by
a very special arrangement through his
personal friendship with Professor John
Stark Evans of the School of Music.
Then Ivarle has a high, very dear
tenor voice of unusual quality. Another
quality which makes his singing of such
high standing is that of liis clear and
distinct diction and enunciation. Tlieo
Earle is a largo man. tali in stature, and
has the personality of a big. snappy and
true- American. During war times, lie
served as sergeant at Camp Lewis, in
the same company with Mr. Evans and
through Mr. Evans’ testimony. Tlieo
Ivarle could “lick the whole company.”
Opportunity to hear the concert is to
he offered everyone as arrangements are
being made to hold it on the campus. Tt
is hoped, that it will he possible to se
cure the Women’s Building auditorium
for it. but definite arrangements will he
announced later. In the hope of a very
large patronage, prices have been kept
down to one dollar plus war tax. This
arrangement makes it a true campus
activity demanding entire campus sup
Then Earle's program lias not vet
been announced and will appear during
the next two weeks. Ticket 'arrange
ments will also lie made known through
the Emerald columns in the near future.
Botanist Spends Summer At Marine
Biological Station in Friday
Friday Harbor. f*0 miles north of Seat
tle. was where Dr. A. It. Sweetser. pro
fessor of botany taught that subjpet
in the (Marine biological station of the
University of 'Washington this summer.
Immediately upon the elose of the spring
term at the University of Oregon and
shortly before the commencement ex
ercises. accompanied hv his wife, he left
bv motor ear fo^ the north. Professor
Sweetser had charge of the botany de
partment for the six weeks summer ses
sion period. and upon the completion of
his work returned to Eugene by easy
Included among the attractions visited
while on the way home were Rainier
National Park and Rake Chelan, in east
ern Washington. Upon the return to Eu
gene lie spent another week in the field,
browsing around among neighboring bills
in search of ihotonical specimens, before
the opening of college for the fall term.
Huntington Puts on Program
of Hard Work for His
Football Squad
Season May be Opened With
Game Here Oct. 16, Says
Manager McClain
I hri'e full teams ran signals on the
field.last night, and light scrimmage was
the order of workout for the first time
this season, Itain fell throughout the
afternoon and made the field far from
suitable for ideal practice conditions, but
a stiff workout resulted nevertheless.
Coach Huntington and his staff arc not
losing any time on account of the rain,
and with only a baire three weeks be
tween now and the opening of the con
ference, every moment of practice counts.
“Tiny” Shields, the husky tackle on
I the frosh squad last year returned to
[the campus yesterday from the harvest
i fields of eastern Oregon and was out in
I a suit last night for the first time.
“Tiny” will no doubt, be a strong con
tender for a tackle position on the
varsity this fall. “Flop” Johnson, an
other membgr of the frosh eleven last
! year, turned out in a suit last night for
I the first .time. Johnson played a good
game for the frosh at center and will
| be an aspirant for that position on the
j -' Tjttlc Information is being given out
at training quarters so far nrt<T“Tmrd
work is the order of events on Hunting
ton’s program. Scrimmage will be car
ried on nightly from now on and a bet
ter line on the ability of this year’s
sqyad can be obtained within the next
week or two.
| According to Marion McClain, gradu
ate manager, a game will be scheduled
for October 16, as the opener of the
season although the conference does not
open here until October 23, when ildalio
plays in 'Eugene. It is not definitely
known who will play here ou October 10.
but an announcement will be made soon.
Physical Education Will Be
in New Quarters
The women’s physical education de
partment will be installed in its new
quarters in the Woman’s building by the
close of the sport season, according to
Miss (Mabel 4L. Cummings, head of that
department. There, more than four
times the present floor space now occu
pied will be available. The department
of physical education for women has for
the past several years been housed in
quarters which were considered too
small. This year, with prospects of a
larger enrollment, the equipment is much
more inadequate, said Miss Cummings.
The old outdoor gymnasium is undergo
ing a course of reconstruction at present.
When completed it will house several of
fices and ♦class rooms. However, in
spite of the limited space at first, the
members of the staff are greatly en
couraged by the sight of the new build
ing nearing completion, said Miss Cum
mings. and are looking forward to a very
profitable year.
The members of the staff this year in*
elude Miss Cummings, head of the de
partment, Miss Harriet Thompson, Miss
Catharine Winslow and Miss Emma
Waterman. Miss Laura McAllester, for
merly nf the Emma Willard School. Troy,
Xew York, is a now member of this
year’s staff.
Miss McAllester is a graduate of the
department of hygiene and physical edu
cation at Wellesley and has had gradu
ate work at Wellesley and in Boston
clinks. She will have charge of correc
tive and remedial exercises, orthopedic
work and individual hygiene. Her classes
will include Senior Major work in cor
rective and remedial exercises.
All Are Urged to Realize
New Obligations For
Service to State.
Villard Hall Is Filled to Lim
it in Initial Assembly
of This Year.
With Villard liall jammed to the doors
nt .vesterda.v morning's assembly. Presi
dent Campbell urrged the new students to
realise and appreciate fully the obliga
tions to themselves and to the state
'which their new position thrust upon
With over twenty-five new members
on the faculty and an extensive building
program in progress, President Campbell
stated, the University is spending a gryat
deal more money on education than
ever before. This has been possible
largely because of the student work 'on
the Millage Bill last spring, -when by
their actions the students promised a
larger return to the state and assumed a
greater responsibility. This obligation
the new students must realize in the full
est, in order that Oregon should amply
realize on her investment.
Knowledge for Use.
■“'What is education?” asked President
Campbell. “It is self-realization. Our;
purpose in attending college should not
be -merely to gain knowledge; the doc
trine of knowledge- kraiwlodgo mkm
has long been a dead letter. It is far
more important that we should learn to
use it wisely.”
One of the most valuable things to be
bad in college is the social contact on
the campus, said the president. It leads
to mutual understanding end co-opera
tion which lias been the Oasis of all civ
ilized progress. The athletic field is the
best moral laboratory in the world, it
develops character, manliness, and loy
alty. President Campbell urged thal
every student should make the most of
this opportunity to mix and make
Exactness Is Urged.
•Knowledge acquired at college was
made to work, the President concluded.
The motive for attending school on any
one’s part is partly personal and selfish,
partly social and altruistic. We should
enter upon our student life with earnest
ness and sincerity, in order that we
should finally acquire the most in self
realization, he emphasized.
Carlton Savage, president of the stu
dent body, in his address of welcome said
every freshman should know that Ore
gon was small hut mighty, mighty in
athletics, in forensics, in scholarship.
They should not foirgct that Oregon was
forever democratic and that with her the
campus “hello” was a tradition. “Last
ly, they must acquire the Oregon Spirit.
Four years at college are all too short,”
he concluded, saying that we should
make the most of them' by “starting
Madame Bose McGrow, of the school
of music, rendered two solos during the
morning. A quartette composed of Mine.
McGrow. Laura Band, George. Hopkins,
and Glen Morrow led the singing.
Invocation was pronounced by the
Bev. J. Bruce Griffin.
New Dean of Graduate School Here
for Committee Meeting.
Dr. George Itebec, director of the
Portland center of tin1 University of
Oregon, and newly elected dean of the
Graduate School, attended a committee
meeting of the graduate council on the
campus Wednesday evening.
Dr. Itebec in re-organizing the Ore
gon Graduate school states that every
precaution is being taken to preserve the
highest, possible standard of scholarship.
The doctor's degree will only be grant
ed to students showing exceptional crea
tive genius.
Every department iri tip* University,
said Dr. Itebec, is- being shaped to form
a more solid foundation for those who
will contimvc through the graduate
Villarri Hall To Be Scene of Revel;
Stunts and Eats On
Freshmen will set their first real taste
of University fellowship at the giant au
nunl stag mix at Vi)lard hall Friday.
Every man is expected to he there at 7
o’clock, and things will start at that
time with a hang.
“Johnnie” Houston is in charge of the
affair and promises some interesting
things in the way of a program and eats.
Cider and “do-nuts” will he served the
latter part, of the evening.
Older men are urged to come a little
early in order to welcome the new men
and help instill all the old Oregon spirit
possible. College yells, songs and n gen
eral pep meeting will follow a short
speaking program.
Organizations to be ' Divided
Into Two Sections
Because of the iuereas in the number
of women’s organizations on the campus
since last year the student council has
suggested a change in open house plans.
Under this plan representatives from
every men’s group will be able to visit
every women’s group at open house
which begins '.Saturday evening at 7:00
o’clock. The plan was endorsed by the
local I’anhdlenic.
It has been suggested by the council
that the head of every men’s organiza
tion divide the residents of his house iu
to two groups composed of representa
tives from each class, each group follow
ing one of the two planned routes. The
route mapped out includes Delta Zeta,
Chi Omega, Kappa Alpha Theta, Cham
bers Annex, Alpha Phi, Sigma Delta I*hi,
Alpha Delta. I*i, Thacher Cottage, Y. AV.
O. A.
In the second group arc Gamma Phi
Beta, Delta Gamma, Delta Delta Delta,
Zeta Elio Epsilon, kappa Kappa Gam
ma, Hendricks Hall, Haley Cottage, Pi
Beta Phi. When the members of the
men’s groups have finished their route,
it is suggested, tli?y visit any other so
rority which was not on their list pro
viding they have the time.
Ignorance of Regulations Is
No Longer Excuse.
The responsibility for observing all
University regulations now rests entirely
i upon the students, says Colin V. I)y
rnent, Dean of the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts. The new booklet
of University regulations which was
placed in the hands of each student
when he filed his registration card
gives him full information as to all re
quirements toward graduation and rules
to be observed1 during attendance at col
Heretofore, says Dean Dyuient, many
students who lmd not complied with some
of the regulations were aide to plead
ignorance of the rules. This hook, how
ever, gives in an organized definite form
the information which is needed, and
from now on, declares the Dean, it is
strictly the duty of the student to know
what is required of him and to plan his
college work to meet the requirements.
The pamphlet contains information re
lating solely to the academic side of
college life. A booklet of tbe constitution
and by-laws of the student body was is
sued separately. The pamphlet begins
with information concerning entrance re
quirements, Knglish requirements, ad
vanced and special standing, and amount
of work to lie carried. It explains the
post system, probation, and grade re
ports. A table of contents in the front
gives the subjects in the order they oc
cur in the hook, and there is an alpha
betical index in the back of the book.
Any point upon which a student is doubt
ful can be easily looked up and full and
authentic information obtained.
4(525 students have registered at the
University of Washington.
Missing U. 0. Student Found
In Ranks of Coast Ar
tillery Corps
Announces Purpose to Return
to Oregon and Finish
College Work
Deciding that practical lessons in the
great school of experience were of more
value than a college education, Ernest A.
Richter, a f resh man 'enrolled lost year in
the school of journalism, mysteriously
disappeared from the University campus
two weeks before the final examinations
in June. The evening he disappeared he
told friends he was going canoeing on
the race.
A note found by Richter’s room mate
several days after the disappearance
said he was goiug to visit Portland dur
ing the week-end via the blind baggage
route. Telegrams later received from
his' mother in Oak drove and a sister liv
ing in Portland inquired as to his where
abouts. A few days before the spring
term ended Richter’s mother came to
Eugene and packed her son’s scattered
belongings. Ernest A. Richter, as far
as the Registrar’s office, relatives and
friends were concerned, existed only in
And then one day to the ex-student’s
room mute working in the eastern Ore
gon harvest fields u#me a 'bulky letter
from Ernest Richter, Private, U. £. A.,
postmarked Cuinp Lewis, Washington.
Richter explained that he only intend
ed1 to visit Portland when he left Eu
gene that evening last June, but the call
of the rails enticed him to travel the iron
trail to the sunny southland. Once in
the wilds of northern California his blind
baggage traveling check was declared a.
g., but he reached San Fraucisoo on the
second section. In ’Frisco, he fried to
ship out on a merchantman, but couldn't
get a berth for two weeks. Financially
depressed and disgusted-with his first
wordly lesson, he enlisted for one year
in the Coast Artillery. , ;l
Richter declares that he will yet grad
uate with the class of ’23. With this ihr
tcutiou lie is preparing himself through
the army schools and extension work.
(Phi Delta Phi and Delta Theta
, Phi Open Houses.
For the first time in several years
professional fraternities are maintaining
a 'house at the University. Both 'Delta
Theta Phi and Phi Delta Phi, men’s law
fraternities, have rented or purchased
houses and are making preparations for
early occupancy.
Phi Delta Phi has purchased a herase
at 1,‘inO Emerald street, from Miss Alice
Capps. Preparations are being made to
house 12 men and are expected to he
completed in about a week. The house,
a seven room structure, will contain a
living room as well as study rooms for
the members. According to ouc of the
men, the latter will be furnished in
"Spartan simplicity
The house was bought after the dose
of the spring term of school and help in
furnishing it is being given by friends of
the fraternity. Pledges will be an
nounced in a short time.
Delta Theta Phi has rented the house
at 751 Twelfth avenue. It will be fully
furnished in about -a week or ten. days,
The house contains ten rooms and two
sleeping porches ami will accomodate
twenty men. Tn addition a dining room
is being fitted1 up and meals will b*e
served in the house.
In 1915 n chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon
maintained a house in the place now
owned by the S-MAralda Club.
Few students registered for military
credit at Columbia University.