Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 29, 1920, Page THREE, Image 3

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Organisation With Campus Y.
Back of Movement
^thar O’Hara, Rev. B. J.
-Griffen, Rabbi Wise to Speak
Religions organizations working un
der the auspices of the University Y. M.
C. A. will give special courses in relig
ious education, open to both men and
women students during the school year,
it is announced. They are substantial
courses given by men of ability andrscbol
astic training, and are nonsectarian. All
students are invited to attend these lec
tures regardless of church preference.
The first of these courses, “Christian
Ethics,” given by Rev. Edwin V. O’Hare,
LL. D., is a presentation and discus
sion of the fundamental principles of
ethics and their aplication to social prob
lems of the present day. The classes
will be held in the Y. M. C. A. Hut Tues
day and Thursday evenings at 7:30
throughout the full and, winter terms.
Thursday evening, September 30, Father
O’Hjgre wiR |Rr.e his first lecture, and
will meet students at the Y. M. C. A.
Hyt Monday and Tuesday afternoons
from 3 to 5 o’clock.
Religious Literature Theme.
“Masterpieces of Religiaus litera
ture,” is the title of a series of lectures
that will be conducted by Rev. Bruce
J. faiffen, M. A., B. D. This course is
an appreciation of the poets and pro
phet8 of the Old Testament and will be
givan twice a week during the winter
itqrin, The time when these classes
will meet \a not known as yet, but will
be announced later.
“Masterpieces of Religious Litera
ture,” (lb), a continuation of course la,
d^ftls with the great religious master
pieces of the Christian Era. CEtev. Gif
fen will offer these studies during the
spring term on Monday and Tuesday,
from 3 to 5 o’clock. He will meet with
students in the Y. M. C. A. Hut for
Rabbi Wise to Lecture.
Beginning in January, Rabbi Jonah
B. Wise, Dr, S. C. Kohs, and others will
offer a course in the History and Cul
ture pf the Hebrew People. This is a
study of the Civilization and culture of
the Jewish people from a historical point
of view.
Classes will meet once a week and
all of the courses will be so scheduled
as to avoid conflict with one another.
They will probably be given in the T. M.
Q. A. Hut and are open to students of
all creeds.
Former Oregon Track Star
Here on Leave from Army
Captain Walter McClure, ex-Univer
sity of Oregon track star and Olympic
athlete, is -visiting at the home of his
mother, Mrs. O. Bennett, two and a half
miles from Eugene on the River road.
He is on a leave of absence until
November 3 from his regiment, the 26th
infantry, of Camp Dix, New Jersey. He
is accompanied by his wife.
The captain, while at the University,
was a letter man for several years with
Hayward’s track squad. He set notable
records in the mile event. Best time is
4:24. On the strength of his record at
Oregon he . was sent to the Olympic
games at Stockholm, Sweden, with Hay
ward in 1912. He is a member of Alpha
Tau Omega fraternity.
Captain McClure served; during t$e en
tire war with the outfit he is now in, and
says that he expects to make army life
Ins permanent vocation. He holds his
commission in the regulars.
It was the 26th infantry that won. so
much favor for itself when it stepped,
aside at Sedan and allowed the French.
Mo were “aching” for a chance at the
Germans, to sweep on ahead of them and
to settle on that field an old score that,
dated from the time of the Franco-jprus
sian war.
(Continued on Page 4)
tion on the team in 1918, and “Pete'’
Jensen has not been in school foir several
Old Frosh Stars Out.
A number of last year’s frosh squad
are in suits every night, and from these
as well as the members of the 'scrub
eleven last year, Coach Huntington will
have to fill the gaps made by the loss of
hia letter men. “Rud” Brown. “Tiny”
Shields, Floyd Shields. Hugh Clerin and
Carl Vender Abe are all out for a line,
position, while the baekfield men, George
King, Frank Hill, ‘Ducky1* Holmes and
"Pete" Mead are all back in suits.
Dunsinore who played on the frosli
s(piad last year is also trying for a back
field berth. Ed Ward, "Scotty” stra.h
an. "Bart” Laughlin, "Si” Stair and Neil
Morfitt all of whom played a good game
for the second eleven are out for line
positions and "Bill” Reinhart who play
ed for the frosli eleven in 1010, is back
in school this year and is out for a
baekfield job.
Much New Material.
New men are turning out every even
ing since registration is over, and there
is a wealth of green material to work
on. The work for the last two weeks
which has been held for about a dozen
aspirants has consisted mostly of cornli
tioiling, the first signal practice being
pulled off last night.
•In addition to Head Coach ‘Shy’ Hunt
ington, "Bart” Spellman, who acted as
line coach last year, is back this fall in
the same capacity. ‘ Bill” Hayward also
is on till' job every night, ami l'Ken”
Bartlett of last year’s varsity eleven is
assisting in the work in addition to tak
ing charge of the frosh aspirants.
With the Italic gome but three weeks
off. Coach Huntington is expected to
begin whipping the team into shape from
now on., A practice game may tie ar
ranged for the week before the Idaho
game, which is scheduled for Oct.
■ Sophomore’s men’s meeting, today.
Watch bulletin hoard1 for place of meet
Place for a few more table- |
[ boarders—Excellent meals.
Phone 1077-R. |
We are better prepared to fill your wants than ever.
Wilson Football, Basketball and Tennis Goods.
Wilson, Roper Knit, Tom Weys, Sweaters and Coats.
Leather Vests and Coats.
Wool Puttees and Riding Trousers
Genuine U. S. Army Shoes.
Everready Flashlights and Batteries
Cutlery, Safety Razors and Blades
Wilson Gym Suits, Sure Grip and Mat
Yachting Bais, Gym Shoes
Outfitters to Athletes and Sportsmen
Musical Notes
Every Columbia Grafonola is scientifically de
signed and built up to round out every musical
note that the record carries. Every tone shade,
soft or brilliant, is picked up and carried to you
accurately by the
Columbia Grafonola
You get reproductions of exactly what the artists
themselves produced on the original wax.
The straight metal one-piece tone arm allows the
music to develop fully and naturally. Distorted
tones are im possible. Pure, clear, well-rounded music
comes to you with all its original harmony and tonal
And when the last musical notes fade away, then
and only then the Columbia Grafonola stops, for
the Non Set Automatic Stop found exclusively on the
Columbia Grafonola makes it stop. Never stops
before it should. Always stops at the very end.
Nothing to move or set or measure. Come in and
:et us demonstrate the stop that needs no setting.
The Love Nest
Chile Bean
Tell Me Little Gpy
A Young Man’s
You Tell ’Em
Applegate Furniture Co.
The Varsity
is glad to welcome you, students, and wish you
a successful year.
It’s good to see the familiar faces again.
We’d like to get acquainted with you new stu
dents, too, and make you feel at home here. ^
778 Willamette St. C. R. HAWLEY, Prop.
Popular Music and Ragtime
Piano Playing in
Learn to play Sacred, Standard, Popular and Semi-ClassieaL Mu
sic. If you care for rag, then learn ‘Real Rag.” We teach 06
different styles of bass and over 100 treble forms. From Feb.
1st to Aug. 1st this year 155 stu dents enrolled and 1,053 lessons
were given. This is proof of the success obtained by students
of this school. Special reduction this year on all lessons. Sound
proof practicing rooms for ren t. We have the best equipped
and most modern studios on the Pacific Coast.
917 Willamette St.
Established 1901
Phone 542
It is your store. You prifit by it. The ‘ ‘ OO-CXP ’5
was organized and incorporated by the students. It
it is managed under student direction. Students work
tionery—Sporting Goods—Candy—Used Books.
—Save Your Purchase Slip—
13th and Kincaid Opposite Law School