Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 29, 1920, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Second Unit of Hendricks
Hall to Be Completed
By January 1.
Commerce Hall Under Way;
Women’s Building Gym
Is Nearly Finished
I With Init five months gone of the first
year in the University’s five-year ,$1,2.'>0
000 building program, made possible
through the passage of the Millage Hill,
construction activities on the campus are
Ibieing carried on with vim. Several
buildings are being rushed to completion
to accomodate the increased number of
Six'different pieces of work, in addi
tion to the Women’s building, are under
I'onstrmition; the second unit of the
women’s dormitory, a new commerce
building, new buildings for the School of
Education and University high school,
remodeling of the open air gymnasium to
I house a part of the School of Journal
ism, and a post office building just south
of Johnson Hall.
150 Men at Work.
• One hundred and fifty artisans arc en
gaged at present in the building work
on the campus, which has reached a
total value of $655,000. The new Wo
men’s Building will cost approximately
$285,000 of this amount.
The second unit of the women’s dor
mitory, it is planned, will he ready for
occupation by January 1. It is a three
story building of brick and mill con
struction, identical with the present Hen
dricks hall. One hundred and ten girls
may be housed in this second unit, the
same number as lodged in the present
With the foundation of the School of
Commerce completed, work is well under
way on this three-story structure be
tween the library and the School of Edu
cation. The building is to be a dupli
cate of Oregon Hall, 110 by 00 feet, and
is to cost $100,000. It will include 14
classrooms and 14 offices .and will prob
ably be completed by March.
New Education Group.
The new home of the School of Edu
cation and the University high school on
Kincaid street south of the campus are
each to be one-story frame structures,
brick veneered. The School of Educa
tion will he 130 feet by 50 feet with
an art room annex 24 by 40 feet. It
will include two classrooms, one lecture
loom, six instructors’ rooms, a semi
nar room, and the office of the dean.
The high school building is to be con
siderably larger, covering 240 by 80 feet,
with an aiucx for an auditorium, 54 by
30 feet, and an open air gymnasium 40
by 40 feet.
A newly organized holding company, j
composed of Eugene business men, is ar
ranging for the erection of a brick and
frame building south of the campus which
will be leased to the University for use
as a music building. It will cost about
$75,000. Present plans are that il be
ready for use by spring.
Outdoor Gymnasium Remodeling.
Remodeling of the open air gymnasium
to (relieve crowded conditions in the
School of Journalism is well under way.
Workmen are boarding up the sides aud
(Continued! on Page 4)
Since students automatically be- ♦
come subscribers to the Oregon ♦
Daily Emerald upon registration. ♦
it has been necessary to adopt a ♦
new system of distribution. ♦
All students residing in fraterai- ♦
ties, dormitories and annexes will ♦
have the Emerald delivered to their ♦
houses, while students residing in ♦
the city may obtain their copies of ♦
the Emerald at the Co-op store. ♦
Men and women who have the ♦
papers delivered are asked not to ♦
take one of the copies left at the ♦
■Co-op store, so that the right of ♦
the town students may not he in- ♦
fringed upon. • ♦
Manager. ♦
To University of Oregon Students:
Last year we all worked for a “Greater Oregon” through
increased financial resources, and the splendid new buildings
now rising on our campus and the great increase in the Uni
versity staff are evidence of our success and of the confidence
of the state in the University. This year we can justify the
increased responsibility placed upon us all by continuing to
work for “Greater Oregon” by maintaining the highest stand
ard of scholarship and of University ideals.
There are now twelve schools or major divisions in the Uni
versity. The enrollment this fall will certainly reach at least
two thousand. With this growth in size and diversity of work
there is danger that the University will lose the close com
munity spirit which lias always characterized it. By conscious
striving against this tendency to segregate into groups, 1 am
sure that this fine old friendly cooperation can be maintained.
This is the year, it seems to me, to carry forward the work
studied by student committees for several years, namely that
of student self-government. A self-government based on mu
tual confidence, mutual respect and mutual effort in achieving
the highest type of University life, and representing every fac
tor in the University community, student and faculty alike,
will round out splendidly the organization and life in the
Un iversity.
My greetings go to all Oregon students, new and old. This
will be the finest year in the history of the University and we
lire glad that you are to be a part of it.
“Ken” Bartlett to be Mentor
of Infant Football.
With the arrival of Coach ‘Ken’ Bart
lett 'Monday the freshman football can
didates started their fall workout. About
twenty-five men turned out for the
first practice, and more will be out later.
The freshmen seem to have a good turn
out of heavy men, and Bartlett is well
pleased \yith them, 'The’main work for
the first two weeks will be preliminary
practice, consisting of falling on the ball,
tackling the dummy and punting prac
tice. The regular scrimmage will not
start until the last part of next week.
During the first practice two of the
men were injured. While diving at the
ball “Tommy” D’Arana ml ,a John Day
product, received a broken collar bone,
ind Frink, a San Diego boy, strained bis
shoulder. These injuries were.due to the
hard field.
“Bas” Williams, a member of last
year s varsity team, who was to assist
Liartictt in tne coacbiug, is working with
Las brother in a bakery and will be unable
Lo take the wink. Efforts are ibeing
made to secure a man as an assistant.
Bartlett is at present trying to arrange
a number of games for the freshmau
squad. The team has prospects of
games witn the University of Washing
ton treshmen, diced college, and Chern
iwa. A game has already been scheduled
with the O. A. <J. rooks for November
sixth. *
It is too early iu the season to tell
nucli about the team but with the ma
terial out Bartlett expects to turn out a
good aggregation.
First Faculty Gathering to be Held Oct.
5; Doan Dyment and Dr. Wheeler
To Speak.
The history of the University of Ore
gon will be the theme of the address
which Dr. 11. D. .Sheldon, the Dean of
Education, will give at the first faculty
Colloquium of the year to ibe held the
night of October fifth in Johnson Hall.
Dr. Sheldon will also deal with present
and future problems confronting the
faculty. .
Professor Colin A'. Dyment, the new
dean of the College of Literature Sci
ence and the Arts, will speak on current
problems in the presence of reorganiza
tion of their body.
According to Dr. It. II. AV'heeler,
chairman of the Colloquium, the meeting
will be helpful to the old as well as the
new members of the faculty, who are
all expected to attend.
Ariel Dunn, a member of lust year's
sophomore class, will not return to the
University this year, having accepted a
position on the reportorial staff of the
Portland News. (Miss Dunn was a mem
ber of the Emerald staff during her reg
istration at Oregon.
Atlantic Coast, Middle Wes1
and South Represented
One of tlie most remarkable things
about the registration of students at the
I uiversify this year, according to Mrs.
George Pitch, of the registrar's office,
is the number of students enrolling from
other states in the union. New York,
Maine, Florida and other states from
the eastern coast are- represented. Afcci
Louisiana, in the south, and Iowa. Kan
sas, Nebraska, Mississippi, and tlllinob
in the middle west. Many arc enrolled
from the nearby states of Washington,
Idaho and California.
Approximately 100 students are com
ing to Oregon this year with advanced
standing from other colleges. This is «
gain of about 33 1-3 per cent over that
of last year, Mrs. Fitch states.
The registration for Tuesday up to
four o’clock numbered 083 people, this
being a gain of lOo over that of the sec
ond day o registration last year. Mon
day the registration was normal, only
330 turning in their cards compared to
the 331 of the first day of the fall term
last year.
It is expected by Mrs. Fitch that there
will be an enrollment of 3000 by the last
of October and of 3500 for the whole
In applying for admission, the fresh
man girls wet'c ahead of the boys, many
more of them sending in for literature,
hut more boys are registering than was
at first expected, according to Mrs.
Fitch. There were 058 freshman appli
cations for admission.
STUDENT officers
Leith Abbott, Kate Chatburn and Wanda
Brown to be Succeeded on Student
Council by New Members.
Leitli Abbott, Wanda Brown and Kate
Chatburn all senior members of the stu
dent council, will not put their names on
the University roster this term accord
ing to word received brj Carleton Savage,
president of the Associated -Students.
Their vacancies on the council will be
filled by Nell Warwick, Nish •Chapman
and Ollie Stoltenburg.
Miss Chatbu-ru will be married to Ben
Fisher of Marshfield early in January,
and in the meantime she is working in
the state capital at Salem. (Miss Brown
is working at Stay ton, Ore., and may re
turn next term. Leith Abbott is going
to continue his position as telegraph edi
tor of the Pendleton Tribune until at
least the first of the year.
A new member has been added to the
family of Mr. and Mrs. Erie W. Allen.
The sou arrived September 14. The boy
has been given an additional start in life
by being christened Eric William Allen
Student council meeting Wednesday
evening. 7:30 o’clock. Dr. tlilbert’s room
in the Library.
Student Body President Urges
Demonstration of Real
Old Time Spirit
New Members Selected for So
cial Affairs Committee and
Forensic Body
i/regon spirit, pep, and enthusiasm will
be the keynote of the new college year
according to Carlton 10. .Savage, presi
dent of the Associated Student body who
in a statement this morning intakes an
appeal to the old students to start the
year with a bang and show the newcom
ers the real meaning of the old Oregon
‘‘We must have college enthusiasm and
a display of campus pep immediately,”
declared President Savage. "Now is the
time to gain a. momentum that will carry
us through the entire year and arouse
and enthuse the new students with that
college spirit and loyalty that is an in
tegral part of every man and woman at
“IVe are at the threshold of what will
undoubtedly be the banner year of the
University. With the Miliage lull safely
passed and indications of the largest en
rollment in the history of the college, it
is now 'up to the student body and espe
cially the incoming class to take holdl and
show a spirit of co-operation with the
student body officers and endeavor to
make this a memorable year for student
body affairs at Oreglon.
"The old student^ must lead, set the
pace, now, at once, and give the new
class a demonstration of that well-known
Oregon spirit that we pride ourselves up
on, and set an example to the new stu
dents of what the University expects in
the way of loyalty, enthusiasm and! in
(Continued on Page 2)
Open Dates for Student Body and Fra
ternity Affairs Are Decided
By Deans.
A number of corrections in the social
calendar for the coming school year have
been announced by Elizabeth Pox, dean
jf women. In a number of places
throughout the schedule as given in the
students’ handbook, a new publication
this year, dates are given as being open
ior “student body dances.” This should
have read for “student organization af
fairs” rather than student dances. . The
lates are open for any parties which
my student organization may wish to
schedule land are not necessarily to be
student body dances, says Miss Fox.
The evening of Saturday, October 9
las been set aside for the annual Y. W.
J. A.—Y. M* C. A. mix. Church reeep
;ions for. the students of various denom
iiations will be given on Friday evening,
October 15. Ou Saturday evening, Oc
ober 10, the annual freshman acqunint
incc party will be staged.
Any student organization desiring to
lave any form of entertainment is ex
acted to make a formal application'one
veek before the date of the . party,
hrough the offices of the deans of men
md women, following the usual custom.
Friday afternoon, October 2, Dean
j'ox will be at home to all women stu
lents in the University at Hendricks
lall from three to five o’clock.
.ocal Lodge To Stage Affair for Mem
bers on Oregon Campus.
For all uiftnben's of the Order of Elks
ipou the University campus, the local
odge is entCTtainiug tonight at eight
'’clock. Arrangements have been made
vhcreby all Elks can secure automobiles
o call aud take them to the lodge
By calling 433, and leaving their names
cd addresses, campus Elks can make
rrangements to have a machine call for
hem. Boxing and entertainment of
arious sorts is ou the program.
Campus Piggers
Face New Rival
In “Eyron Mike”
* Hey there. you champion piggers
I here’s a fellow on the campus now wht
has kissed more co-eds in the past t\v<
days than there are bricks in the Wo
moil’s huilding.”
Startling as this statement may seem
it is the truth. Both the dean of wotnei
aud the dean of men are -awave of tin
fact but each evinces complete sanetioi
of this remarkable state of affairs. Eacl
hour his list of fair and friendly lips
grows longer. Each minute some mat
wishes he could get away with sucl
“democracy.” '
“Who is he?" Why he's Eyron Mike
a left-over from the class of 1920, prom
inent prohibitionist, member of Bubbh
Bubble Bubble, and a newly installec
member of the National Order o:
’Tween Class Meetings Places. He ar
rived on the campus during the smnmei
and is permanently located sit his pres
ent stand1 in front of the library steps.
When the class of ’20 wins on the vergi
of departure from the University, they
decided to leave behind them somethin?
which would be constantly in contae
with the students as a reminder of then
great and noble class. Unlike the class
of '10, they decided upon something that
could be used by frosh and senior alike
Mike was the logical one far the place
so he was chosen.
Whether or not his cooling touch wil
prove a successful counter-attraction foi
the library steps remains yet to be seen
bat, as Big Ben says, “Time will tell i
you listen to it.’’
Pi Beta Phi Second—Womei
Ahead in Scholarship.
Sigma Delta Phi and Pi Beta Phi hole
the same place at the head of the gradi
bulletin far the spring term of last yeai
that they held for the winter term. !Fiv<
of the six women’s fraternities that
headed the list of house grades for the
winter term retain that place.
Friendly Hall by holding its w’intei
average of 3.20 crowded the Alpha Deltt
Pi 'Ou t from among the ‘leading six.
A comparison of the house grades foi
the two terms does not, show many rad
ical changes. The general (relation oi
the grades is the ‘same. The biggesl
chanjfe for the better was made by the
(Continued on Page 3)
mm rmri
Coach Sees Need for Work to
Fill Places of Missing
Gridiron Stars
Old Faiitjhful Scrub Member!
Also Out; Students Urged -
to Support Team.
With two weeks of practice Mind
them and the possibility of seritttm&ge
, work the latter part of the week Coach
Huntington is beginning to get a. ffcb
line ou the material from which 'ha will
have to develop an eleven this fall. ‘Shy’
is not optimistic with the outlook <^t
present, neither is he dubious in spe&lt
ing of the grid prospects. “We have- i
lot of hard work ahead of u»,” he said
last night, “and a lot. of the work will
have to be done off the field.
must get behind the team.
have lost a lot of stars we are not going
to (become downhearted on tha£ aocptrnjt.
It only means that we will have to fight
’ harder.’’
t Big Star* Missing.
“Bill” (Steers, mighty quarterback :o|
last year’s eleven and this year captain'
; elect will not don a suit for the lemon
yellow this year according to the iafbr
' 'mation Coach Huntington gave out iait
night. In addition to the loss of Steers,
it is doubtful whether “Sheet” Manerud,
the midget speed demon who substituted
for Bill hist season, will be back.
“Skeet” is in Eugene but has decided not
to enter school this fall.
Other men who were lost to the>team
by graduation last June are ‘\Stan” An-*
. derson, “liven” Bartlett, *‘Holly”
1 ingtou, and “Baz” Williams. Anderson
held down a right end position, last year,
Bartlett played at tackle, Huntington 1 in
the backfield, and Williams at goatd.v.
Strong Lino Mon Back.
Four of last year’s letter men ifiU be
back for line positions this "fill* anti".
working with the squad every awfct.
These art “Spike” Leslie at ■ daekie,
“Brick” Leslie at center, Carl iMauts at
guard and “Mart”’Howard at lef^inid.
For the buck field positions there are al
so four letter men although not regulars;
these are “Nish” Chapman, Vince Jacdb
berger, Francis Jacobberget, and Everett
Brandenburg. Two letter men of fbrmer
years are out for -<& backfield position,
“Basher” Blake who held down a posi
(Continued on Page 3)
-—■ r:i
Shakespear Slipped Up on Adage
What’s in" a Name? Mo*n You’d* Think
® ® &
Hospitable Elmer Has Latest on It
Ma.vbe Shekespear was right iu his es
timate of the scant significance of names,
but an answer received to 11 letter of
welcome mailed to a prospective student
Usings doubt's. 1'VJIowing an ancient
cusltom of the university, :old timers
who arrived early obtained lists of stu
dents who had written inquiring about
entering. The following letter is typi
cal of those mailed, though the answer
is unique.
The letter was addressed to a “Mr.
Browning Purdin”:
Dear Purdin:
I understand that you are to come to
the University this fall, and I want to
know you. Maybe you’ll come here a
perfect stranger y.vut it doesn’t take
long to get acquainted. Everyone is
friendly and we want you to act on
that idea.
I live at Friendly Hall on the ground
floor. Come in via the window—it’s
nearest. We’ll manuge to supply you
with a dresser or table or maybe a
trunk to hang your feet from and we’ll
have a talk that will make you think
you're in your own back yard.
Possibly we wont like each other but
I promise not to kick you out the first
time anyhow. Climb in.
The answer was as follows:
Dear Pcndell:
Your letter i-eceivcd and I thank you
for your courtesy. I appreciate your
friendly spirit immensely and regret that,
two reasons prohibit my accepting your
hospitality; one being that I hare beep
forced to change my plans and will
lie unable to enter the University this
fall, and the other,-I believe that it is
not deemed proper by the authorities for
young ladies to call at the men’s dor mi -
tory and perch themselves upon trunks
or tobies and imbibe tin tuanly con
versation and much smoke. 1
Alas, ’tis not for us of the weaker
sex,-but what could be more thrilling.
I assure you again, that if it wore
possible I would surely accept your hos
My parents held no particular grudge,
just luu insane inspection prompted
them to handicap me through .life with
a name like mine. Think nothing of
your error; everyone makes the same
mistake and I regard it as a huge joke.
If you ever come south drop in at
the bank. While we have no trunks we
have plenty of tables and stools to sit
Wishing you a successful year at the
University and thanking you again for
your friendliness, I am ”1
Yours sincerely, '
MISS Browning Pur din.